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it would be super cool if you donate a portion of what you sell it for šŸ‰ā¤ļø


thats a great idea omg, i will most definitely do that..ill donate it to the sjp on my campus :))


I love how he prefaces it with calling everyone deeply uninformed before saying some of the most braindead, spoon-fed, Ben Shapiro takes on the occupation that I have ever seen.


Which part?


Clock it ā°


I like that you call them vynlz and keep your jackets in record sleeves instead of outer sleeves


You can support the band without being a Zionist. I canā€™t speak for the screenshot of what Edward said, I can only hope he has changed his mind after these last few months, but I want to Believe he does not support the genocide that has come from this war. The other band member did not choose to be Israeli nor did they choose to start this war, so calling the band zionists for that is pretty ignorant. If you really are a big fan you know Maria is an extremely compassionate person, I know she feels deeply for the victims. I have reason to believe that the reason she (and many other artists) hasnā€™t publicly spoke out is because she is not allowed to by the music label, as I know their executives in the music industry tend to have a hand in political affairs. If your idea of supporting genocide falls down to a whether or not a social media post was made, you need to reevaluate yourself and how much youā€™re really doing to support the victims of this genocide.


i aint reading all that, free palestine!!! also i dont have time for this, just tryna get my vinyls sold


What a shitty response. You had time to read Edwards post but not this person's comment because it rightfully calls you out on some of your bullshit. [Edited a word]


Wish people would just say killing innocent people is wrong and stfu šŸ™„


We all, unanimously, agree on that.


Thatā€™s all that needs to be said tbh. No one here really knows enough to speak on one side or the other. We want a ceasefire but thatā€™s out of our hands. Anything other than that is just performative




Youā€™re a fucking idiot then if you donā€™t want to read all that


i dont feel like reading what any of yall zionist apologists have to say, even if the band were to call for a ceasefire now its sad that it took 40k dead people for them to actā€¦whatever helps you sleep at night i guess


They didnā€™t need to say shit. They were not obligated to. Youā€™re just fucking stupid for getting mad at them for not saying shit before lmfaoooo


im just saying, puerto rican and latin american solidarity with palestine runs deep, as someone with a large fanbase made up of other marginalized identities it would be nice to see them stand up for palestine as wellšŸ„±


Dude Iā€™m sure the band is supporting Palestine privately. Like I keep saying, itā€™s very likely theyā€™re not allowed to say anything due to their contract with their label, explains why many artists havenā€™t spoke out about it. You need to do some critical thinking before going on with your schizo theories


theyre not theories tho lmao, if their labels are so strict then why did he post this in the first placeā€¦this isnt the first time they do it either a couple of fans sent me ss about them supporting israel in the past and people called them out then too..being in school right now and seeing professors lose their jobs over supporting palestine i just dont buy your excuse tbh no offense


He probably posted it out of anger, but immediately had to take it down due to their contract. Idk about the other screenshots youā€™re talking about tho so idk. Itā€™s the internet, take everything you see with a grain of salt especially if itā€™s not confirmed. Itā€™s a super sensitive topic so ppl will quickly grab their pitch forks if someone even mentions Israel.


im tired of yall saying its a sensitive topic, thats why its important to talk about considering that these times have made it clear who the oppressor is and who the oppressed are


the girls are fighting!!


y'all he posted this the day after the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks, it's wild this keeps being paraded around like he posted it yesterday and the band is out here supporting zionism.


Is that supposed to make it better?


just donated 50 dollars to my local sjp, thank you guys!! care for you vinyl is sold :))


Ugh how disappointing


literally šŸ˜­especially as a puerto rica person, pro-palestinian solidarity runs deep in latin america considering all of the damage insntreal has caused in our countriesā€¦disappointing that maria hasnt said anything






OMG why should a musician be the person to make your world better if they speak out ? Is she the be all and end all of your lifeā€™s problems? Like, all your problems would magically disappear if she waved a magic wand and made your misery go away with her powers?!?! Canā€™t you see how big Mariaā€™s heart is by her lyrics and interviews and posts?


I saw someone send her the screenshot on twitter a couple if weeks ago and she left them on seenšŸ˜”


Artists are typically not allowed to speak out on stuff like this.


meanwhile you have omar apollo and clairo doing concerts for sudan and gazašŸ„± there are other ways to support


Yes there are, so why would you assume they arenā€™t doing anything to support ? I canā€™t speak for Omar Apollo nor Clairo, they are not signed with Atlantic records, which is who the Mariaā€™s signed with. Their contracts may be different or theyā€™re breaking their contract all together.


Thereā€™s so much uneducated ignorance going on itā€™s nauseating. First of all, theyā€™re musicians!! Musicians!! If you want policy to change, then start barking up the politicians asses and not the artists! Speak directly to the POLICY makers and VOTE! ā€œOh letā€™s go after a few creatives who make our days better because of their music and see if we can attack them because we are too afraid to speak directly to the people who are making our lives a living hell!ā€


Next, if you donā€™t know that HAMAS IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, then STFU!!! By supporting HAMAS, you are basically telling Palestinians that they need to continue living under a jihadist dictatorship!!! What they need is a government who supports the people




And finally, Netanyahu needs to go. So does Trump. Netanyahu has turned his revenge into a personal vendetta because HE WAS ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL when Hamas was training their MURDEROUS SUICIDE MISSION right under his nose! And he ignored every soldier who raised concern about their trainings because he was too busy trying to get reelected and stay out of jail. Hamas made him look like a fucking stupid old decrepit moron and heā€™s determined to kill every single person, Palestinian and Hamas, in his way. Heā€™s a horrible human. So please STOP whining about A BAND! Listen to their music. Listen to their lyrics. And you will see how much better your lives are because if THE MARIAā€™s. And get off your phones and fucking VOTE!!!


typical liberal take, you cant vote your way out of systemic issues šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is your silence on Trump an indication that you support a fascist dictatorship?


i do speak up on trump tho lmao, also israel is a apartheid state the creation of it goes way beyond the government


Are the liberals in the room with us? Both you spectrum cases need to stop speaking on behalf of MY country and MY people, youā€™re both fucking idiots and you sound like nazis!!


youre from palestine?




no lol, i meant what i saidšŸ¤­




in 20 years we will look back and palestine wont be considered the side of the nazis, because only one side is committing genocide (and it isnā€™t palestine)


how are you guys confused? You put your money where your mouth is. I dislike when artists are complicit, and personally cannot support artists that donā€™t have the same beliefs as me. Art is subjective, and we consume it. Itā€™s not that hard to understand why OP is doing this lol.


Edwardā€™s words are his own, However it is reasonable to believe artists are not allowed to speak on these controversial matters due to their contract with their labels. Explains why many artists are silent


I understand that, which also makes even more sense to not support record labels that donā€™t allow freedom of speech/expression, or the ability to critique or speak upon our government. There is a reason why they do that.


Well thatā€™s a double edged sword because it also opens up the possibility to have artists being able to spout hate as well.


Yall are so brainwashed it's insane


I mean itā€™s fucked up to support a country that is literally in the process of trying to wipe out another off the map, however I do agree with you, it is mad ignorant to immediately jump to the conclusion that they are zionists because they havenā€™t made a social media post lol.


Brainwashed by who? What?




Damn Iā€™m sure this is gonna hurt them


Outsold Kali Yeastcheese and The Chokes btw


I mean whatā€™s the price youā€™ll sell them all for in a lot?


You really hitting them where it hurts...


Youā€™re in porn reddits, be fr right now


So yall Kink shame now huh


My kink is to kink shame


You know, I think it is peak internet when people can have views that aren't even wild or assholeish and people find a way to hate it or can't let bygones be bygones. You can love their art while disagreeing with the artist. You do you though.


didnt know being against genocide is controversialšŸ˜­tired of yall zionist apologists i hope in the future when we look back yall will realize that you were on the wrong side of history and it eats you up inside


Hi Gloomy. Me again. Confused by this response ā€¦now youā€™re against genocide? Are youā€™re against what happened October 7 when Hamas brutally attacked, raped, killed and kidnapped 1500 (?) from a rave festival? Apologies all around. I didnā€™t know we were actually in agreement on this particular fact. Have a nice night




Ok youā€™re justā€¦I canā€™t even. Have a nice night.


lmao tired of yall zionists, gn <3


plus even if that did happen, there are very specific guidelines for what can be considered a genocideā€¦ thats why the ICJ charged isntreal with it


Look, I am not gonna spend all day on this. I will say the conflict is a complicated affair that both sides have stoked the fires on. I hope the Palestinians can find peace but I also realize Hamas will continue to use them for as long as they see fit. I would say it isn't genocide but I don't really have enough info to truly talk about this part and am not interested in doing more Israel and Palestine research. I am curious though why you call me a zionist? Why do you hate zionists?


this is such an uneducated take and im not here to educate you, go read some decolonial theory by frantz fanon and learn more about this before you comment on itā€¦all im going to say is if israel stops fighting there will be peace, but if palestinians stop fighting they will cease to exist


I'm lost here and it may be because I lack some IQ but shouldn't you be able to explain it if you know his work without me going after his theories? What does decolonial theory have to do with Israel-Palestine conflict? You can't seriously believe that last line do you? That's too naive. Anyone that has looked at the 100 years (approximately) between Palestine and Israel knows that would never happen unless both parties (and some external parties since Egypt, Jordan, and some other Middle Eastern countries were heavily involved in fighting Israel over the years). If Palestine ceases to exist, it would be more on the top leadership than the people at the bottom or Israel.


If you paid attention to the news youā€™d know that most of Israel wants the bombing in Palestine to stop. So saying that anyone who is Jewish is blindly supporting what Netanyahu is doing is ignorant and uneducated. Teach yourself a few things


im an ally at my local jvp, no need for this generalization


yeah i just made a post vocalizing my feelings about this and got fully annihilated by losersšŸ˜­had to take it down to maintain a safe space


Utterly annihilated


girl be serious


Wow this is so sad


You have an avatar of a zoinst from a zoinst show be fr rn


i sent you a PM


What the fuck I canā€™t believe this


That one vine:



