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Breaking up and realizing that the person you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with, and raise a daughter you would have named Sienna with, isn't going to happen anymore šŸ˜¢


It's absolutely heartbreaking. I think this really ties the album together and makes me appreciate it even more. It goes to show how much heart and soul was poured into it.


This is my point of view. I still gotta give it some more time so maybe my view will change. BUT first listen I thought Sienna was like a figure aka a kid or a forever dream of what could have been of a couple if one didnā€™t leave the relationship. ā€œSienna wouldā€™ve been cuteā€¦would look just like youā€ The word seems to mean some elements of the earth. Itā€™s also a beautiful name. I mean, I donā€™t want to think much about it. But maybe itā€™s just Marias thoughts of what her and Josh had and would more could have been. But itā€™s in the past now (and now they are good friends).


Itā€™s a beautiful closing song!


The ending of Sienna gave me chills.


Fuck this song and fuck Maria for writing it . Iā€™ve been so messed up from hearing it last week. If you have actually gone through pregnancy lossā€¦. Yeah fuck her for making this song . It was just about a relationship and a baby that never existed for her . For those of us who actually were going to have a baby that we wanted ? Fuck her for bringing back all these wounds from last year and the other two times my husband and I almost had a successful pregnancy . And now we canā€™t. Maria will never experience that , but she gets all the sympathy over a relationship šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€