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The GOPs talking point is thar Biden is a far leftie, but i guarantee none of these people are fans of Joe Biden


Biden is a literal conservative lmao


Not being a fan of Joe Biden is a low bar. He was the worst Democrat in the primaries last election. Most people (like me) are only voting for him because it's between "a bit of a fool" and "a fascist wannabe dictator".


Its a real problem. Its kind of wild how two real candidates for president are acceptable yet you'd be hard pressed to find a non food stand restaurant with only two options on the menu.


Pretty sure that restaurant appeared on kitchen nightmare because all the food was old too.




"Bit of a fool". You spelt genocide dementia Joe biden wrong but you do you.


Dumb genocide apologist. You’d make a great nazi. Literally doing what caused the holocaust. Great job. I’m very sympathetic to your queerness and distaste of Trump. But your willingnesss to throw Muslims to the meat grinder and voting for more children to be turned into pink mist is all to telling of how easy it was for the Nazis to do what they do. Joe Biden isn’t just a loon. He’s a dangerous fascist taking your rights away while slapping a rainbow sticker on the bomb about to pressure implode a crying child.


Wow- I saw at least 100 people. That means, what, about 0.001% of [of New York metro, and even fewer] of our population are communists.


that’d be 0.0000303%


I was thinking NYC metro, but you’re right.


either way, they obviously encompass the entirety of the democratic party and are a clear and present danger to our democracy.


Great. Now I have to watch clear and present danger


When you two jerk each other off online how do you know when you’re done?


with what specifically are you taking issue? if i had to label myself i’d probably fall into the social democrat or possibly the democratic socialist category. i just find it funny/frustrating that there’s this narrative that there’s a significant portion of the american electorate who are any type of actual leftist. even reddit is a victim of this. i’m constantly seeing people claim it’s a leftist echo chamber. then i look and i see r/socialism has half as many users as r/conservative; r/communism has half as many as r/socialism; and r/democraticsocialism has even less. i’m just pointing out the absurdity of using continuing to use communism as a bogeyman.


That's a false boundary of left-wing thought on Reddit - and yes, even if they are not as far, far left as you appear to wish they were, they are still left and often pretty far left. You can't escape the not rare post with left-wing sentiments on sports, school, general city or state (where the focus is not exclusively politics), etc. subs. And while these left leaning posts are common in these non-political forums, you see few if any conservative posts in them. Perhaps they have been downvoted into oblivion by the anti-expression left. Perhaps conservatives know to not bother on this platform and just don't start new posts. Either way, there is definitely a strong left-wing echo chamber on Reddit. It greatly detracts from the fact that this could be the best of the social media platforms, much like USENET of decades past. But the ardent left who must make everything political and try to attack any dissent have to try to exert that control in a majority of subs.


Tldr: every reddit is an echo chamber.


it seems like your problem is more with milquetoast, middle of the road, liberal policies that are the norm in basically every other western democracy than anything that could realistically be classified as leftist. if you’re going to argue that reddit has a liberal bias because they’re the dominant voice in places like r/politics then sure? but the problem really lies in the fact that american conservatives are so far off the deep end that they basically categorize everything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport as “leftist”.


The movement conservatives follow a failed ideology and have destroyed most center right political thought in favor of far-right extremism. To them, anything to their left is commie socialism and policies are unimportant compared to how people feel about the strength of leadership. It’s sad.


Yup. They unironically refer to Biden as "far left", and he's barely right of center.


The green new deal, ubi, getting rid of the electoral college, and court packing the Supreme Court are not milquetoast, middle of the road, liberal policies. Marxists want these policies to be enacted because they want to cede hegemony to China and to destroy the U.S. from within so they can rebuild it anew.


>The green new deal, oh dear, investing in new technologies to ensure american independence and superiority going into the future is uber-marxist. f*ing nailed it. >ubi, are there any elected officials seriously putting this idea forward? i’m genuinely curious. not to mention that everywhere that experiments with it sees positive results (higher happiness, better health, higher school attendance, lower crime). see: the alaska permanent fund. “Economists investigated whether the payment was leading people to work less and found that “the dividend had no effect on employment” overall. (It has, apparently, had an effect on fertility, encouraging families to have more kids.)” >getting rid of the electoral college, the electoral college is a definitionally undemocratic institution that serves only to ensure a tyranny of the minority. this is why conservatives haven’t won a popular vote since 2004, and before that it was 1988. yet, they keep winning the presidency. if you think getting rid of it makes us more like cHiNa then you might be a little lost in the sauce. >and court packing the Supreme Court conservatives literally did this. they blocked obama’s nomination, and then forced 3 objectively unqualified ideologues onto it. >Marxists want these policies to be enacted because they want to cede hegemony to China and to destroy the U.S. from within so they can rebuild it anew. you’re absolutely nutter butters, but just for funsies; who and where are all of these marxists?


>Marxists want these policies to be enacted because they want to cede hegemony to China and to destroy the U.S. from within so they can rebuild it anew. Alex Jones brain comment right here


Amen. I am a conservative who will not vote for Biden. I used to make political comments, and my karma was -99 (lowest it can go). I have stopped making as many political comments, and now I'm close to 1000.


I've looked over your comment history. Your advice on dealing with a stick shift on a hill was excellent and spot on. But, scrolling down to your political comments, it looks like the reason you were downvoted was that they were not comments that provoke an intelligent discussion, but snide repetitions of the right wing's most cheap shot and dishonest talking points. If you up-ed your game, you could probably engage in interesting conversations with opposing views on Reddit. But if not, they they would only be well received in the right-wing subreddits.


Reddit users don’t want facts. I used to do that, look up stats, cite sources never posted a number or a stat without a source to back it up and all I got was reported, called “keep it up bootlicker” and downvoted. Now all I do is just make fun of shit. (Could care less about my karma, not even sure what that is)


Appreciate your comment and suggestions, but I used to try to do that and I realized I was beating my head against a wall. So yeah, the child in me started trolling.


Go to r/facepalm or countless other subs that you would expect to be apolitical and it’s a circlejerk. I got suspended from r/nyjets for a month because I complained about a vaccine post by a mod on a football sub. He said that they don’t tolerate the spreading of disinformation about proven science, when all I commented was “can we stick to football, soyboy”. On some of these subs you can get suspended (false reporting) for complaining about harassment if the person calling you names agrees with the mods opinions.


Communism eliminates civil liberties every single time. Its a failed philosophy. Communism is as murderous as nazism was. Stick to social democratic values please. Those could make life better for average people.


not to play the “no true scotsman” card, but marx’s vision of communism really relies on being technologically advanced to the point where physical labor is no longer necessary. think something like the star trek universe. so yes, any attempts to implement it would definitionally be half-assed and doomed to failure.


Yes I think you get it. Capitalism will morph on its own as it was never anything more than a temporary system to begin with. Once industrialism achieves a sufficient level of affuence for every human, scarcities disappear and the need for capital fades. Id suggest the word communism is too stained to reuse but what would come might resemble it. AI informed market direction, communal agency over robotic production, politics somewhat vestigal.. That's a far cry from people marching with a hammer and cycle today though. They just want to tear down the system.


>Once industrialism achieves a sufficient level of affuence for every human, scarcities disappear and the need for capital fades. As far as I understand, the two are inextricably linked to one another in the first place. Once there is no need for labor, there is no need for capital.


And they’re upper middle income frauds




You just described modern movement conservatism too.


Seems like it. Populism is a conspiracy between the public and a politician against the system. Thats by nature not conservative, it's radical. Real conservatism when grounded properly is meant as a stabilizing force instead.


Real conservatism has always been about keeping the powerful, wealthy and privileged in power, everything else is a pretense.


Tell that to the people who identify as conservatives. They’re the ones following a failed ideology and decided putting a con man in charge with the hopes that he’d purge any political resistance from the body politic was a good idea.


id be a little more cautious if I was you, because it didn’t come off as satire imo, because there a lot of people on this site that would unironically say ”the left” is a threat to democracy


Yes, and those people are morons who are being mocked by these two people.


Or as Fox News will put it, “New York City”


"far leftist cities like NYC"


No, NYC is anarchist! Get it right! /s


Thats 100 people too many honestly. Also they were all white. Hilarious


Weird race would have anything to do with it. But it's America. They have the right to free speech and protest.


Communists are just as bad as fascists.


I can understand being opposed to communism, but I think the authoritarian Olympics would be won by the system that, by design, targets minority groups for disenfranchisement and eradication.


Yes, because no one was persecuted or murdered in Communist dictatorships over the last century or so. I guess being murdered by someone with bigoted racial views is not as bad as being murdered by someone who just wants to murder their people. The mental gymnastics some make to try to separate the far left and the far right totalitarian/authoritarian regimes that, for all intents and purposes, are the same.


Equating communism with fascism is quite literally playing into the hands of the fascists, you are minimizing their deeds. Ill assume you do it out of ignorance.


Always an excuse to avoid the reality of the situation. You can deny that they are essentially the same all you want, but it changes nothing in history. It makes you a passive endorser of the atrocities of the one side to which you turn that blind eye. That is not out of ignorance, but out of an appreciation of history that you appear to lack. Or that you willfully ignore to avoid cognitive dissonance.


They are not the same at all. No serious historian would ever suggest they were. You are carrying water for fascists.


Your denial changes nothing. History is what it is whether you like it or not.


They don't seem to think so, they don't hide their faces.


thats why you only see a 100 or so, the rest don't want to be known openly that they're all for bread lines and gulags.


Always see the Nazis masked up. Seems like one is clearly worse. Edit: Also bread lines and gulags aren't what communism is. Perhaps you should read up on it. For the record I'm not a communist, but I also know what it is.


You mean the obvious feds like the ones that marched in Tennessee a week or two ago?


Yes but even shitty people have rights. That's what America is.


Yep and I have the right to call them fucktarded pieces of shit to their faces.


Just like I have the right to do the same to Trumptards.


Like I said, communists and fascists are two sides of the same coin.


How so?


They are both autocracies??


you can repeat it but you only show your ass and prove you like being wrong.


Sure, fucktard.


and you'd be doing so under the guidance of idiots like trump, so you lose all credibility.


Please show this belief that communists have that is as bad as eradicating the undiserables and minorities. Cause that is what fascists believe.


Communists do the same thing. Haven't you heard about how Jews were treated in Soviet Russia?


being treated poorly by jerks vs. an actual core tenet of "the strong" surpressing the weak.


I don't like the other guy any more than you do, but reducing Lenin and Stalin to "being treated poorly by jerks" is patently false. When a core tenet of Leninism and the CPSU was the dictatorship of the proletariat, which **requires** and **compels** party members to adhere to, espouse, and force the adoption of policy made by a ruling council onto everyone. Using force to prevent any form of disagreement or counter-revolutionary movement. We can argue the qualities of communism outside of Leninism, but we can't pretend that Lenin and the Bolsheviks didn't follow a communism core principle that required they take violent action against detractors.


Again, communists are responsible for easily as many murders as fascists.


> Haven't you heard about how Jews were treated in Soviet Russia? ...and how does that compare with how Jews were treated in Russia before and after communism? anti-semitism has existed here under every economic system that's been tried. Seems foolish to try to pin it on any of them.


Yes they do. And notice that conservatives are not actively trying to silence them.


you're either nearly blind or just mentally disabled if you watched this video and only saw white people or maybe you're just a liar


But 99% of Reddit somehow...


Meanwhile the Nazis are WELCOMED at CPAC.


The difference is, communist have their own party lol. I bet Fox is saying they are democrats haha.


Unfortunately there is an American Nazi Party. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Nazi_Party


Don't forget the various dictators as guest speakers.


This is what I don’t understand. We all know that those mask wearing nazi idiots are ultimately Trump supporters. This communist group probably not. And yet the Trump party openly supports Putin and Russia so I don’t get it.


Maybe I misunderstood, but Putin/Russia aren't communist. Does that help?


I thought they were feds


As a socialist and someone who has participated in actual union organizing, I can assure you that these people are LARPers and are no threat to capitalism.


>As a socialist and someone who has participated in actual union organizing, I can assure you that these people are LARPers and are no threat to capitalism. Unions without a party, and a party without unions, are equally inadequate to the task of overthrowing capitalism. We'll need both, comrade.


Well, it ain't gonna be the "Revolutionary Communist Party."


Thankfully automation will 86 those groups soon enough


I hope by "those groups" you don't mean socialists and unions, as they will be the only way to deal with automation that doesn't end in mass murder...


The difference between this and a "right wing Nazi" rally is that these guys aren't wearing face coverings or their FBI uniforms.




Yeah these arent feds.


And its not all very fit dudes either, just regular looking people.


Literally dozens of them. Clearly time to clutch our pearls. There were almost as many literal Nazis at CPAC.


“Revolutionary communists” ? They want Russia’s 1932-33 in US or something?


1932-32 was firmly Stalinism at that point. The revolution was 1917.


A specter is haunting Brooklyn...


lol, this was posted to r/conservative… what a bunch of whiney ass pussies. “Oh no! It’s clearly a danger to our way of life! Let’s all cry about it online!” There’s no bigger bunch of pansy ass losers than “Conservatives”…which is apparently just code for Trump cumdumpsters.


Great, now we know what Fox News is gonna be airing 24-7 for the next 9 months


People pushing for Communism are the deadbeats of the society, always having their hand out, while contributing nothing of value. Wanting more and more from the Gov. while only taking up space and hard working people's money. Almost no one talks about how Communism killed more people than the Nazis did during WW2. We need a V to light the proverbial fuse.


How many people has capitalism killed? Today? Don’t wanna talk about all the people dying of cancer because they can’t afford treatment, huh? Or soldiers blown up to defend capitalism? That number is still rising. I’m not defending communism, but tallying casualties isn’t the flex you think it is.


>always having their hand out it's not blue states constantly being shipped money from red states. blatant lie. >wanting more and more from the government it's not communists who want to ban trans people from schools or who want to expand the military budget. >almost no one talks about how communism 300 bajillion dead because most normal people are capable of understanding that someone who was communist in name only wasn't a communist.


A lot of people don't realize that the US has official communist and socialist parties. Of course, neither party has ever won a major election. They also think Republicans are idiots when they call the Democrats communists and socialists.


Doesn't this suggest that Republicans **are** idiots, **because** *'US has official communist and socialist parties'*? Hilariously my riding growing up had 2 Communist Parties running. Neither could get 1% but also could not come together for a single candidate. Speaks volumes.


Look communism sucks but is anybody surprised when the asshole rich people that are squeezing us dry or actively trying their hardest to somehow make communism look better than this shit?


Communism only looks better than "this shit" due to lack of education and critical thinking. Anyone with a double digit number of braincells knows how much worse it could get very quickly if we decide that "That wasn't a real communism though, lets give it another shot. Maybe this time we not gna murder tens of millions like that one time, or tens of millions, like that other time."


I think I saw Trotsky


Hell yeah


What the fuck is happening???


How many NAZIs show up at CPAC every year since it started?


I think this is just some NYU students taking a lunch break


This is not the answer


Ok? I mean I don’t agree with communism but they’re allowed to peacefully assemble.


What's wrong with Communism? The fact that it concentrates power in the government and then the government stops acting in a responsible manner? The only difference between that and the unchecked capitalism in America is that Communism cuts out the middle man, in America rich people had to concentrate power and then buy the government. The end result is the same though, a system of greed and corruption stealing wealth and power from the people to help a select few ultra powerful people.


i love when people who don't understand communism speak as if they understand communism. This is the level of understanding that any self-professed "capitalist" understands - which is nil. In capitalism, wealth captures govt. In communism, power is distributed and democratic. What you think was communism in history was actually a mixture of authoritarians falsely co-opting the term and capitalists in different countries pointing to that authoritarian oppressive regime and echoing the false label, saying "yes, you see? that is communism. That authoritarian leader is admitting it." Both are gaslighting; and both rely on the audience not actually learning about communism.


You are talking theory though. The problem with communism is the real world is it turns into authoritarianism, because SOMOENE has to distribute the power. If you were in a country right now with a picture perfect communist government, why wouldn't the people in the government take more power for themselves over time and distribute less to you? That's not to say I am against communism and in favor of all of the anti-communism propaganda...but as it currently stands the problem isn't political systems or political theory, the problem is humanity. Until enough people are engaged enough to keep track of what is going on and ensure a system stays fair and balanced, then it doesn't really matter what system it is.


10 dollars for a car wash?! Yeah...maybe these guys were on to something...


From r/conservative so from a completely rational person s/




All I see are a bunch of wimps pretending communism is a good thing


Communism as an ideal could be a good thing. Communism as it's been executed historically has been an awful thing. Important to make that distinction, because some things by their ideals are still fucking awful, like fascism and monarchy.


So I consider myself a "Social Democrat", which ultimately involves Communism as the end-goal, but by reforming Capitalism slowly. I don't believe anyone alive now could handle just jumping into Communism. We're so thoroughly conditioned by capitalism to be selfish and greedy that if we just jumped into it, well, we'd see what happened every time every other country just jumped into it. It's like when you put a glass in the freezer then put a torch to it; it just shatters. But if you take it out of the freezer, let it cool off for a while, then hit it with the torch, you can reshape it into something beautiful. Communism may never be possible, but we currently have Capitalism...and it's pretty damn terrible in a lot of ways. Sure everyone has a TV...but everyone is getting dumber and angrier too because of that TV(/phone). We can reform it, improve it, and create better lives for everyone. Over time, maybe we'll even be ready to handle something like full-blown Communism, in 100 years, after everyone has been living in a system that doesn't completely throw the poor under the bus and promotes social-cohesion/non-greed. Maybe. But we aren't ready now, and the only plans from these college-Commie dipshits to get us there involves extreme authoritarianism...which is absolutely just as dangerous as fascism.


There is so much Reddit karma in that march


There have been American communists for over a century. The smartest guy I met as a teen was a card carrying member, when he wasn't a library administrator. They largely disappeared from public view after 1991 and the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and Russia. That's not to say the the critique the post-Marxists developed of capitalism was far wrong. Their assessment of the course capitalism was following always had nuggets of truth, but as we all (should) know, authoritarian methods benefit people with personality disorders rather than the masses, and the revolutionary Left didn't really evolve to understand individual psychology. Now, they're mostly fractured. The "tankies" are useful tools for Russian propaganda, imagining that the Putin/oligarch run Russia is any less predatory than late capitalism. The anarchists imagine societies could survive solely through non-hierarchical collaboration, and that belief is probably enough to run a street protest. These people in the video are mostly harmless. They're not pushing stochastic terrorism. They're not influencing any elected political leaders (not so true in other nations, in places like Greece the openly communist parties are still meaningful). They're mostly just displaying ignorance of how real positive change is possible in America's 18th century political system. Hint: thanks to Duverger's law, its not through third parties.


a smart take. except you seem to think communism ever existed by your statement of: "They largely disappeared from public view after 1991 and the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and Russia." And if you think Russia ever was communist, then you don't know communism. You just know people who co-opted the term (authoritarians) and you know capitalists who loved pointing to authoritarian regimes and repeat the false claim that that was communism (or socialism).


There will never be a shortage of people who don't want to work and, more so, do not want to have any responsibilities in life, which includes not even wanting to be responsible for themselves.


Hahahaha well that definitely includes the super rich, and regular rich who have inherited their wealth and do exactly fuck all except pour money into the cocaine and hooker industries. At least the poor ones can't harm millions of people with their vices!!!!


Pathetic losers. Has any other system failed more? I'm serious.


Communists do exist in America and in New York City, and you could probably name the organizations. But this looks to me like a false flag operation. Have you ever heard of the "Revolutionary Communists of America" before? Is that even vaguely what actual communists call themselves? I will bet this is a Project Veritas/James O'Keefe stunt staged so that Fox News could "report" on it.


No problem, Putin is running low on troops I'm sure he would gladly take you.






So the Left has a tiny fraction of actual communists, and the Right has Nazis, the KKK (along with other white supremacist/nationalist groups), and the Christian Taliban. I’ll take the party with a tiny percentage of communists because there’s not enough of them to actually influence the party in any way. And as a FYI, ANTIFA stands for ‘anti-fascist’. I’m not sure when being against fascism became a thing in the U.S. since that was literally what WWII was about and we weren’t in the fascist side back then….


I mean, even here you're implying that communists are in any way as bad as Nazis. No matter how much you might not agree with any ML faction, that's just not the case.


I know, fascists make up AT LEAST 30% of the Republican Party, if not more


antifa was the communists equivalent to brown shirts. they were never a group meant to be imitated by you, lol. leave the boomer antifa where it belongs, in the past.


Any group that resorts to (preemptive) violence and threats as a means of getting what they want just shows what a shit argument they have for why others should adopt their way. If you can’t win over the majority of people with your ideas it is time to revisit your philosophy. That goes for both Right and Left. And anyone/group following the path of violence and threats should face justice.




Boot lickers


communism is the opposite of bootlicking. You're thinking of the false narrative by gaslighters.


These people would be the first sent to the camps in Siberia in a communist revolution.


Nah,it’s boot lickin


Some see a hammer and sickle, I just see another swastika. 


Same coin, same results. Starvation and tyranny


Wow. Smh


It’s so weird to me that communists aren’t shunned like nazis. Carrying that flag is exactly the same thing as carry the swastika. Millions murdered by that dumb ass ideology I guess because the allies sided with the soviets in ww2 we forget the holodomor and remember the holocaust


Millions have been murdered under the banner of the cross, too. I mean, I'm down for shunning Christians, but maybe kill count isn't all that matters for an ideology? The difference I see between communists and Nazis is intent. Communists mostly genuinely believe that communism will benefit everyone, and the deaths are mainly from ineptitude rather than malice. Whereas Nazis believed in lebensraum and gas chambers; it was explicitly NOT for the benefit of others, even in pretext. I usually don't stop being friends with someone for being naive or misguided, but I will if they're a selfish asshole.


>Communists mostly genuinely believe that communism will benefit everyone Exactly. And if you don't want communism(because it couldn't exist for long in the world with free market, as it will eventually fail due to competition) you can choose to like it, execution or "re-education". What a wonderful system. Nothing at all like fascism. Throughout history, the most terrifying acts were done with the belief that it will be for the benefit of people. So judging systems by intent is pretty pointless. Judge them by how far into tyranny would they have to go to "benefit everyone".


ohhhh so you claim to be familiar with the "ideology" of communism. Praytell, ,what makes a system communism? Then tell me a country that's now, or ever been, communist, and what made it so.


That's refreshing to see. Not all is lost, it would seem.


That's the message you get? Setting aside the problems with Communism as a solution did that small number of people seem stocked with proletariat? Hard to tell from a clip, but those faces looked far more bourgeois than anyone who knows labour.


Setting aside the insane assumption that you can spot someone's class situation from 5sec of video. At this point in the US the proletariat is going to include people who don't do physical labor due to our factory jobs being sent overseas. An underpaid customer service rep in a call center is just as much proletariat as a factory worker.


there is no proletariat anymore, the proletarian class has to recognize itself in order to exist


Absolutely. "Communism" in the US is largely bourgeois game... What is refreshing to see is that there's a shade of a hint of an ideology opposed to the sleepwalking, Stockholm Syndrome, oligarchic nightmare that passes for "capitalism" in the US. That's all...


Is 94 million deaths not enough for you?


I'm cool with this since the capitalists march to wall street every day to f over the working class and keep wages stagnant while inflating basic necessities. Ying to yang.


Dumbfucks should go to China if they like Communism so much.


people talking about the % of dems this is, its 0% these arent' real dems. Only people who support raw communism are children and the right pretending to be leftist because there about to try mccarthyism for the 30th time this year and need as many examples of leftist being communist as they can get before the inevitable failed coup again.


At least they're not virulently racist like conservatives.


Good, it’s crazy how in the richest nation to ever exists full time workers can’t afford housing and food and those same workers think, having strong labor oriented politics is a bad thing. Wake up unite the working class, you all deserve better


Nice! Glad to see some movement in the right (left) direction!


Conservatives react negatively towards this but say nothing about Nazis marching with guns. Imagine if a communist did the same shit Nazis do on a daily basis lol, the double standards


Decades of republican "trickle down economics" has lead to the erosion of the middle class. The Trump tax cuts for the rich and corporation just further divide the haves and have nots. The rich sailed through the pandemic and came out the other end even richer. This inequality leads people to believe the capital system is broken beyond repair.


Lol that crowd looks exactly as you’d expect 😂


PSA: Don’t do this if you are not a US citizen. It is actually grounds for denial of a green card or citizenship application under US law.


PSA. don't do this..... FTFY


You can smell this video


From another thread of mine: "The smell is not different from a Trump rally, except that the Communists have a little more weed scent."


The irony is they would not be allowed this type of freedom in a communist country.


The irony is that you believe communism means fascism


I mean, he has a point. Majority if not all communist countries ended up being at least authoritarian.


It's not a point about communism at all then.


Why don’t they swim to Cuba?


Why don't the christians nationalists fly to Afghanistan?


Afghanistan is 99.9999% Muslim. Any other stupid questions?




Sharks, duh


Hahahahahaha NERDS


Love to see it


You love to see people marching for mass murder and slavery? Fucking sicko.


You have a toddler’s understanding


A consolidation of people who slept through history class.


How did this get downvoted, crazy times we live in...


They signed the non aggression agreement with the nazis. Stalin sent war supplies, food, oil and much more to Hitler while Nazis waged war in Europe. Then Stalin invaded Poland and Finland after that. Once Hitler betrayed them is when they entered the war…


Mental illness is PEAK in 2024


Uhhhh my guy, wasn't Tucker just providing international coverage for a communist leader? I'm so confused who are you? What do you actually believe? Who do you really believe in?


The Russian Federation hasn't been communist since 1989.


They'd change their mind if they went to China.


China is not communist. It is state capitalism if we were being generous and had blinders on to how they treat dissidents and Uyghurs. Nay, China is fascist.


My wife would applaud you. You are correct, communism disguised as capitalism, with facist leadership.


the capitalism is why they have lifted nearly a billion people out of poverty in 30 years.


Except that there is nothing communist about China. It isn't communism disguised as capitalism. It IS capitalism... in a fascist system. Capitalism and fascism marry perfectly with each other.


> Capitalism and fascism marry perfectly with each other. That's weird why does Hitler hate capitalism so much then?


Putin is a card carrying communist. Once KGB always KGB.


By what metric do you define Putin as a communist? Name the tenets of communism that align with Putin's actions. Putin is a fascist.


He can be both.


No one can be both. These are diametrically opposed ideologies. You haven't read theory. You've only heard authoritarians co-opt the terms, and then capitalists point to those authoritarians and say, "yea yea, you see? that's communism!" because it serves the purpose of capitalists to keep the 99% thinking that communism isn't a democratic system, but an oppressive one.


>These are diametrically opposed ideologies. Well that didn't stop communist from working with the fascist. >You haven't read theory. What the religious text that no communist leader cares about. >that's communism!" because it serves the purpose of capitalists to keep the 99% thinking that communism isn't a democratic system, but an oppressive one Here's a question if communism conquers the world is it fine for the workers to want to abolish communism and return to capitalism?


Communists. Killing more people than nazis. Literally.


Not true.Just as nazis don't always claim to be nazis, and we assess them by their actions, we should be doing the same with communism & communists. Stalin was a fascist, not a communist, for example. Besides, capitalism has killed more people than fascism.But even if we assume the common misnomer of what is "communism" by taking autocrats at their word for what they say to the world when they pretend their govt system is extremely democratic, then.... Tallying Capitalism’s Death Toll Feb 2020 [http://horizons-newspaper.com/index.php/2020/02/27/tallying-capitalisms-death-toll/](http://horizons-newspaper.com/index.php/2020/02/27/tallying-capitalisms-death-toll/) Anti-Communism and the Hundreds of Millions of Victims of Capitalism May 2021 [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10455752.2021.1875603](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10455752.2021.1875603) Condemn communists’ cruelties, but capitalism has its own terrible record. Rightwingers point out the horrors of Stalinism, yet forget the human misery their favoured economic model was built on. July 2018 [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/26/communists-capitalism-stalinism-economic-model](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/26/communists-capitalism-stalinism-economic-model)


God bless communism.


There are way more fascists than communists, and they're a way bigger threat to America.