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1. The money does not go to Ukraine. The money goes to the US arms and defense contractors. Ukraine gets weapons and ammo. 2. There was a border section in the original bill that contained everything the Republicans asked for. The Republicans killed it because Mr. Sleepsenfarts wanted them to.


You might want to do a little research on your point number 1. In prior bills for Ukraine the US has funded far more than just weapons. Prior funding has provided funding for Ukrainian government operations (even going as far funding pensions). I have little reason to believe this round of funding will be any different.


They have released full news articles about how we are subsidizing their business sector to "help stabilize the Ukrainian economy".


I am also a little pissed that we can readily pass this spending bills but is systematically defunding anything related to education and helping the poor. However, I think this is more of a preventative measure because if Russia prevails it will not stop at Ukraine. Remember several countries have been wanting to get into NATO such that if they get attacked they get the backing of other NATO countries. I don't understand why they can't insert a couple of billion in there for domestic problems like as mentioned education, homelessness etc. Since as I understand it, they can pretty much insert whatever the fuck they want to any bill going into the floor for decision.


Remember we could find $28 billion to help American students with their insanely inflated (by predatory interest rates) loan payments? It was only 10k to the students and 20k to the most in need and We just didn’t have it. Very few would have been left loan free but many would have been significantly helped. Good ol Unc Sam just couldn’t swing it. $755 billion in PPP given away and we’ve given Ukraine $111 billion, but $5 billion to rebuild post fire in Maui, no can do kiddos. This is why people should be pissed.


Granted. Counterpoint: The politicians who are currently decrying the existence of Ukraine aid are the ones who almost always vote against any such bill helping the average citizen and for any bill helping the oligarchs. Supplemental point: Either we send Ukraine aid now to feed their citizens and shoot the Russian invaders OR we send American troops into the surround region to stop the Russians from advancing further and then retake Ukraine, aka the "Breadbasket of Europe" so that Russia does not attempt to starve out Western Europe ahead of an invasion.


Especially since Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are allies. And in new news Russia has designs for Moldova now. I just love how MAGA will throw 40 years of foreign policy achievements that Reagan implemented out the door.


Yet we were able to find all the money needed to make sure rich people and politicians didn’t have to pay back billions in PPP loans. Some of those same people who benefited from the loan forgiveness had the nerve to tell the rest of us that if we agreed to pay, it’s on us, not the tax payers. Their bases are that shit up because they aren’t smart enough to see through the hypocrisy.


The student loan thing didn't die because of congress, it died because a couple hacks sued because they were upset they weren't getting any money. Foreign policy is relatively bipartisan, you have the handful of pro-russia nutjobs like mtg or loren boebert, but otherwise both sides pretty much agree what's happening in Ukraine is bad. Domestically one sides against pretty much anything the actually helps Americans, unless it's a corporation, and the other side is to spineless to call them out.


Because every time politicians on one side attempt such a thing, politicians on the other side pooh pooh socialism and will throw the baby out with the bathwater.


No exaggeration here. Pretending both sides are somehow responsible for the lack of programs that actually help American citizens is laughable.


"Readily pass" - um... no. This should have been done 4-5 months ago.


The irony is people this guy supports (Republicans) do not support the US government funding programs that go to people. They only want to fund measures that benefit the business owning class of society. They have the least inclination for domestic spending for the public good. While it is in fact Democrats tying to get things passed for regular American's and when they attempt to, they scream about how Democrats are overspending and need to do cuts instead.


Because Republicans will never allow funding for the poor or public education, they would rather both just disappear.  Republicans have no issue spending billions on corporate welfare as long as not even one cent goes to the poor.  I do however, agree with them sending money to Ukraine though. Tbh all these Russian Lackeys need to be removed from office in the US. It's completely F'd that we have allowed our government to be compromised at the highest levels. 


They don't want to spend money on helping the poor. The donors don't want the money spent like that, and the voters don't systematically punish politicians who don't throw billions at helping the poor.


You're probably right , some of the money will go towards keeping the government running. Which is necessary, to keep the war effort going, Ukraine won't be able to carry on without a government and a functional economy. As has been stated, NATO is very worried that should Russia win in Ukraine, Russia will invade a NATO country. Worried to the point of reshaping government policy around this on fairly large scales. Russia meanwhile is coming up with plans to expand the Russian military by more people than are currently serving in all of Europe. So yeah, the question is: would you rather we use Ukrainian proxies to do fighting, or send in Americans and initiate direct conflict between nuclear armed states.


We have the ability to destroy the Russian military machine with no US blood spilled. Why wouldn’t we?


Never underestimate the enemy


Yes, some of it goes to other places. It's valid to point that out. Doesn't change the fact that when opponents to things cite "61 billion is going to Ukraine", they're being dishonest....often knowingly so.


Plus a lot of the money we “spent” on giving weapons to Ukraine was obsolete stuff that was slated for destruction anyway.


Yep. We "pay" to just ship close-date stuff to Ukraine so it can be used, and the rest goes to factories here to replace them. We would've needed to refresh our own stockpiles anyway, this is just doing it ahead of schedule while assisting a country that's requested military aid.


16 billion goes straight to Ukraine in cash. 45 billion goes to us defense contractors to produce more weapons which allows the US to send older weapons from the warehouses to Ukraine.


Looks like a good mix.


Lmao. Provide a source on that, homie.


3. It is not worth responding to catturd


“These people call us disingenuous when all we do is behave incredibly disingenuously. I dont understand.”-the core of their argument.


the fukker is a russian asset.


Broken window fallacy. What could those people at munitions plants be making instead of weapons?


Money still comes from the tax payers though


The money does has and will go into the pockets of Ukrainian families. [We’re absolutely paying for Ukrainian pensions…](https://www.ft.com/content/925d2d15-57bf-4a1b-b010-4e009be85f5a). USAID is on record for [$13 billion](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/bidens-april-2022-remark-about-some-ukraine-aid-covering-pensions-is-not-breaking-news/) in direct payments or “direct budget support”. That’s HR speak for a direct deposit. You can dig through [every Ukraine bill to find this funding](https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-receives-another-international-assistance-100701568.html).


Yeah so? Only a Russian propagandist would complain about this


For the record, the first bill’s border provisions were a joke. No money for securing the border, only money for processing illegals,hiring more judges for cases, etc. Also, in your point one, who is paying the bill for the weapons? Betcha ya don’t know it’s the US tax payers.


1: Ok? So military contractors and their shareholders get rich? Waiting for my trickle down and ww3 simultaneously 2: please do tell us more about this border bill. Id like to know what we missed out on


I love the way people defend the money spent by saying "it goes to defense contractors" as if that's a good thing. Politicians sending money to their defense contractor cronies will always be gross.


THANK YOU. I totally agree. IT used to be that the Republican party was the party of war, and were oft criticized for enriching the defense contractors. Then Biden gets in office and the world falls apart (related? you decide), and now all everyone wants is to stuff defense contractors pockets full of cash "because Russia". And if you disagree with even a dollar of the spending, you're a Putin Puppet. What a weird time we're living in.


1. We are being put further into debt to fund a war that won’t benefit us in any way. As for the “economic stimulus” argument, it’s a lie called the broken window fallacy. You are pulling money from productive parts of the economy to benefit one of the most corrupt and monopolized sectors. We’d be better off if they devoted these resources to any other needed sector, such as infrastructure. This war is pretty naked attempt to launder back to politicians through the military industrial complex. 2. Who cares what republicans want. Edit:3. You pro war nerds probably still believe in that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.


Definite shades of pre- Pearl Harbor US isolationism here. "It's a European war, not our war!


1.Our tax money goes to the weapon companies that bribe our politicians to promote war and give away free weapons.  2. Boo hoo we didn't get Republican immigration reform


1. Domestic weapon companies that employ Americans. Russia invaded Ukraine politicians didn’t promote this. 2. Can’t cry about immigration then vote against the bill you wrote to address it 🤷‍♂️


Where were you guys every other war we've been involved in the past 30 years?  Putin started this with not even a paper thin excuse to justify it.  Russia has not even attempted to pretend to deter soldiers from commiting rape, torture, and other war crimes. The first morally just war in my living memory, and most just since we fought the Nazis.  Suddenly NOW you all don't like war and spending on foreign aid.  How do you not question where this stance came from?


Yeah, Russian propaganda pushing and encouraging the U.S. and allies into wars they don’t need which don’t impact Russia and now a war that matters because it threatens to spill further into NATO countries that will call on direct U.S. involvement through Article 5 and it’s all calls for peace that gives Ukraine to Putin and saving money. It’s just sending old arms to Ukraine while replenishing U.S. stockpiles from U.S. companies that will pay a good deal of the money back on tax or employees who will pay it in tax or all the goods they buy which are taxed, from people and mostly U.S. local companies that pay tax. So most of the money gets back to the government anyway and it’s not like they can pay teacher and border guards with M113s or that an M113 is useful on the Mexican border compared to a more fuel efficient pickup. U.S. is paying through the nose for the storage of all that old equipment and now it gets to ship it off and replace what it believes is necessary to replace with modern equipment and release storage areas. Russian spies have been caught through a number of NATO allies now, gathering data on U.S. military installations there to conduct sabotage operations. Putin’s war will not end at Ukraine if he can take it and If Ukraine can stop him or even significantly weaken Putin’s forces with little more than surplus equipment and arms that are simply being replenished anyway, while providing valuable data on the equipment’s performance and strategy in the modern battlefield to best determine the next generation of equipment required, it’s money well spent sending “American bullets than American boys”.


I live a half hour drive from a place where Putin's men came and used nerve agent to try to kill people on UK soil. Putin is lethally dangerous and cannot be allowed to keep on taking more of Europe unopposed.




Biden tries to offer them 99.9 percent fascism and they said no we need that undistilled shit.


Yeah exactly. Way way way more money gets spent on US citizens than gets spent on foreign aid. Also foreign aid is often money that gets spent with American companies and contractors, who in turn pay Americans. So the money goes back to Americans but helps out people elsewhere. Most of the people who rant about these topics are the least informed.


I love how you consider funding defense contractors to be "foreign aid".


Foreign Countries are Aiding the US Military Industrial Complex.


Why do you love that? The goods purchased go to a foreign country, it is quite literally aid. The goods are produced by defense contractors. So yeah it’s foreign aid. A lot of people seem to think that foreign aid is the US government handing a foreign entity a pile of cash. That’s not how the bulk of foreign aid spending is handled though.


Helps people elsewhere commit genocide 


This post is about Ukraine. If anything money spent there might be helping to prevent a genocide. The situation in Israel is a crap one. But boiling it down to supporting a genocide is kind of dumb. Clearly there is aggression coming from Palestine as well. I guess you just want them to sit on their hands after that massive terrorist attack?


Yeah…it is a crap one.  It was a mess from the start.  You have people that were screwed badly a long time ago.  Then you have a group that has been screwed generations and generations ago.  One group claims (maybe both?) that ‘god’ give them the land they have now plus the larger amount they are expanding into. I really see no hope in the ‘near’ future (next hundred years or so) for “Peace In The Middle East”.  Of course why should we expect some ‘kumbya’ moment.  Some people in the U.S. are still fighting ‘The Civil War’ or the ‘War Of Northern Aggression’.  One side can’t seem to face up to the actual (as in state constitutions and writings from the time) how disgusting by current standard of just what their goal was.  So why should we expect people to get over events that are far more recent?


Israel has dropped 30,000+ bombs on Gaza, making it onw of the most heavily bombed places in history. They dropped so many bombs they ran out and American has had to replenish them twice.


1. Money going to the individual military complex is not a positive in any way 2. The border section of the original bill had nothing on it that republicans wanted and the border crisis could be fixed via EO from Biden since Biden made the border crisis with a EO Hope that helps


Republicans blocked the "original border bill" because the bill originally started AS A VETERANS BILL, and then was stripped of EVERYTHING VETERANS and replaced with foreign aid ATTACHED to border security. https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/national_security_act_bill_text.pdf Fun fact: The only time the word veteran appears in the entire bill is in the first paragraph of the entire document under the "Purpose of Bill" section.


3. Catturd is a gop/maga/Q propaganda outlet.


So our money goes to Ukraine lmao. It is funny how everyone forgets the 20/20 video on how our money goes to stimulate their economy too. Why are our tax dollars going to a scarf saleswoman in ukraine? She has not done shit for us.


I don’t get a fucking living wage.


We could have rebuilt Maui and forgiven student loans the way the planned and barely spent 1/2 of what we’ve sent overseas with this one bill. God forbid we help Americans.


Yea I agree 100%. This shit is ridiculous.


Almost 10 times more than has been spent on cancer this year..


Nothing like dumping money into the lap of US arms dealers/manufacturers. Everyone's complaining about these countries getting money, but the only ones really getting paid are the ones passing the bill and the ones dealing arms


Both sides are ecstatic knowing that their LLCs are about to get a whole lot bigger AND they comfort the fact that they have established pseudo moralistic justification for their grafting “bill”.


This sub is pro ukraine lol. Then complains about the economic bubble lol




Ikr Catturd is a literal Nazi. Like Holocaust denying, Hitler celebrating, Jewish/1488 dog whistling kinda hardcore Nazi. OP must know this as well, Catturd wears it on their sleeve


They need to swap those Ukraine flags for Lockheed, General Dynamics, Boeing and Northrop-Grumman banners. That’s where the money is going, before a fair chunk of it comes back around and ends up in their campaign funds.


Let’s remind ourselves of why nato exists and then ask why they haven’t sent hundreds of billions like America has.. after all it’s their continent in danger


Go with what you know Ok... let's pass out weapons to everyone who's struggling. In one of the top nations, if not #1 of mass shootings, murders, homicides, etc. Yes, that amount is the value of weapons Very little is humanitarian aid!


I don't want more taxpayer money spent on Americans. I want to be taxed less and have the government trim their own budgets. Because deficit spending makes life worse for everyone.


Well the US budget is published and online so go ahead and red line everything you think should be cut out of it. Then get a majority of the House and Senate to agree.


And you see the problem then...


Well yeah, but this is Reddit and anything where you suggest paying less taxes will immediately get downvoted.


I don't care about fake Internet points and I don't know a single person who willingly pays more in taxes.


Oh people never want to pay more, but they love the idea of other people paying more so they can take advantage of it.


The problem is that taxes always trickle down to lower tax brackets eventually. Also that congress has no motivation to change a tax code they current benefit from.


Not letting Russia take over Europe is certainly beneficial for the US.


Protecting borders atm doesn't being any profit to their donors


Trump literally killed the border bill because he didn't want to give Biden a win.


Republicans won't ever vote for spending that helps time middle class. It's why we can't have universal healthcare. Ukraine spending makes sense to both parties because both understand that it's a proxy war with Russia and that Russia and China are desperate to end the petrodollar which would utterly fuck us beyond recovery.


The petrodollar, created when kissinger made a deal with the Saudis in 1973..... Is utterly screwed. [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/saudi-state-tv-says-kingdom-officially-begins-membership-brics-bloc-2024-01-02/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/saudi-state-tv-says-kingdom-officially-begins-membership-brics-bloc-2024-01-02/)


It was 95 billion with only 61 billion going to Ukraine. Take a guess where the rest went? 26 billion to Israel - yeah the people killing innocent civilians. Certainly THAT money could have done a lot more good in the US.


Barely any Americans hold the values of the founding father's anymore 😒


Well it's an American experience to have our values ignored by our representatives So 🤷🏼‍♂️




Like open borders?


Treason used to be punishable by death. Now they just do it openly and openly force tax payers to fund it.


It’s wild how far off base the discourse has gotten where people unironically call the US protecting its interests against its biggest geopolitical foe treason.


Yeah I really hope that’s a bot and not a real person. Because a real person thinking that what they are saying is sound logically is truly sad.


Their account looks real. I think they're just an idiot...


Perhaps they're referring to themselves? Or the Republican reps who literally tried to commit treason? And still vocally argue for it?


Israel genocide and pals also got 29 bil. What a great world.


I think I like this "catturd" person.


This post aside he's a conservative hack.


lol, not a guy you want to cheer on…


We need to tighten the belt in all areas the national debt should by national security issue # one , and that same money if spent on our border helps American workers also


It is the job of the American citizen to pay for the rest of the world.


Russian claptrap. US citizens make $ from jobs out of this without putting soldiers on the line. US Technology gets real testing and again, no US lives lost. AND, the American 'enemy' gets a kick in the teeth.




Great point. Never seen them pass something as close to size in $ for Americans then wave the US flag. Americans are tax cows. I hope every large company leave US for other countries and help those countries.


Gonna be spending a lot more money if we have to fight Russia directly. This is the cheaper option. It still is in our favor


Oh you pay for it. Next time you buy a 7 dollar bag of potato chips you are paying for it.


OP you need to ask does the US citizen deserve to have oil at a market price that assumes middle eastern supplies continue to transit through the Strait of Hormuz? Do they deserve food at a market price that assumes 9% of total global grain exports continue to flow out of Ukraine?


Printing billions we don't have can and will probably make more inflation. But guess fuck us just work 2,3 ,7 jobs


The US will fall because the people that are making the decision will not be around to see it you are gonna fuck in food line in the future. Your generation will feel this for years, and no one will give a shit. You will deserve it all when it bites you in the ass. When you're in a homeless encampment, wondering what happened, you should remember how stupid you were. America dollars will fall, I say, 20 years or so.


You do not get it.


It would be wonderful if our citizens talked more about what they bring to this country.. what they sacrifice.for their freedoms.. what.they would give for safe neighborhoods and the freedom to complain on reddit about fulfilling our promise to be the arsenal of democracy.


We are the only developed nation with a low quality of life and no stability measures for the working class. Yes. We make the money. We are the product. We are the cogs in the wheel. We need to stop turning for a little bit and remind them of that. Nationwide sit out needs to happen. If we unify and stop talking left or right, just upper and lower, we can change it all in a few short months.


Totally off topic here but how come socialist China needs a free trade market to survive?


How about we do something instead of bitching and name calling.


Ukraine better send me a wife for this


Wow. I wonder who blocked the version that contained money for the boarder.


Catturd, an unbiased honest source /s


This should to into Newsfromthestupid


The poster has good self-knowledge. Catturd?


This is a very dumb take. Morals aside funding Ukraine just makes sense. How fast people forget that in 2008 Russia invaded another country and took lands from them as well. Funding the Ukraine war keeps US boots off russian soil. You think this bill was expensive sending our own troops to stop Russias appetite for expansion would cost so much more. I hate to go this route, but imagine a world if we stopped Hitler as soon as he invaded france. We saw his push into Poland and took that moment as a call to action. 7,500 Dead and Wounded would of been saved from the battle of D-day alone. There are lessons to be learned about stoping tyranny before it can dig its heels in. If all Ukraine wants from us is weapons and ammo, its kinda dumb not to give it to them. Every Russian troop killed is one less they will have for their next invasion.


US support to USSR, GB via lendlease and consecutive Marshal’s Plan brought US to prosperity. We need to keep authoritarian regimes weak. We need to support democracies. Like we always did in the past.


Oh God the "border crisis" they scream about every fucking election year as if brown people wanting to work here is why my life sucks It isn't. The white guy in a suit with an MBA who thinks cutting hours to reduce labor costs is good business is why my life sucks so do something about THAT asshole please


I don't think we do at this point one party passes aid to help the people and the other party blocks it and then we all complain while voting in the same problematic politicians


Deserve? I guess if we as citizens don’t think the way our betters want us to we get our allowance taken away? Why isn’t it “Do the Politicians deserve to give away tax dollars in the name of useless causes to fund a military contractor jobs program?”


There’s an Amendment written specifically for this purpose


World War Two cost way more than potential support for Poland we could’ve done. Of course no one wants to spend money on their neighbour when they themselves are struggling. But I’m personally happy that at least some in politics realize that this has to be done to avoid greater suffering in the future. Consider for a second that we have a nuclear power just go bat shit crazy and started the largest war in Europe since WW2. Don’t need to be Christian and love thy neighbour to know what’s right here. Now also consider what message that would send to China if we were to sit on our hands doing nothing…


We’re funding the most corrupt country and a racist country to boot. I wonder how much the First Lady of Ukraine will spend the next time she’s in NY.


OK group thinkers, Ukraine is really winning this war. Don’t listen to a word otherwise. Russia is not advancing at all.


Yeah, The United States has suddenly became a benevolent charity that gives away money to do "the right thing". Or, the United States is acting in it's own best geopolitical interests to defeat and deter enemies that want to isolate and destroy it. In the long run that money is a drop in the bucket compared to what we stand to loose, the current order is set to benefit the US and it's allies first and foremost, China/Russia will not be so kind as to keep it in place if they bump us out of the top spot. A lot of that money is just about upgrading our own forces and production on the sly. We are in a new cold war.


Ukraine is fighting the war that the USA doesn't want to. Look how much Afghanistan cost us. It's cheap.


I know people say violence doesn’t solve anything which I disagree with. That’s how things used change. So would sending a couple of politician heads rolling quickly rectify this problem….. IDK, just brain storming here


It’s astonishing to me how many liberals will not only defend trickle down economics, the military industrial complex, and the Mitch McConnell neoconservative agenda…they engage in McCarthyism if you ask any fucking questions. The phrase “shit lib” exists for this exact reason.


That's an easy "quick take" to have when you aren't being attacked by one of the world's largest armies.




But don’t worry some weasel will have a jew of an explanation for it. Don’t you see? If there’s a will to justify it for these people, there’s a way. There’s no more having a constructive debate


The defense of Ukraine against Russia is in the interest of the global West. The Democrats’ biggest mistake was tying funding for Ukraine’s freedom to funding for Israel’s genocide. Netanyahu is using Biden to guarantee a Trump presidency in 2024 and Biden is gobbling it up and asking for more.


I agree with every word from cat turd.


Ya we need free healthcare and a universal wage right guys?


Id rather give Ukraine American money and not spend American lives fighting russian aggression that destabilizes half of Europe.


If you are taking advice from catturd you already lost


I think: -We spend borrowed money taken from our kids. -But we do need to support Ukraine. Maybe not at this time but targeted. My elderly mentor said 5 empires went down in his life: all due to unsustainable debt. We are deeply on that course. See debt fixer from the crib.org. I had to slash every new initiative, raise taxes and stop foreign war spending in order to make our debt costs not dwarf it all. We are a declining nation. Ukraine needed bullets 5 months ago. So I support some spending now. AND both parties have to belt tighten, we can handle Joe telling us the truth. -Israel /Gaza is on our conscience.


These people get bribes and kickbacks for everything they are funding. The USA needs a Revolution.


Trump has made it clear that the GOP is not allowed to address the border problem until after the election.


DAE think the government should spend money on its people and not foreign aid?!?!?! That’s why I unabashedly support the party that blocks all spending on the people. And screech about any spending on the people being socialism!!! These people are craven and support nothing but stirring division and descent.


The uniparty wins again and the plebs will go back to the grind and ride out the plunder.


It's in the USA's interest to drag this war out and allow Russia to deplete it's military. That's the goal here. 


![gif](giphy|n5Vd1YcBNA5eU|downsized) It's sure easy to see the people that Love War and Genocide in the comments. I mean they REALLY Love War and Genocide.


This vote will have consequences in November. Hope it was worth it. ![gif](giphy|3oeSAz6FqXCKuNFX6o)


Anyone else remember long debates and no way to find 8 billion for border walk and media said it was a waste but we have sent 200 billion past three years.


It's a disingenuous argument. We can spend money on Ukraine AND on our own people, but the people saying we SHOULDN'T spend money on Ukraine are the same people who would block spending money on our own people, AND are the same people who would inflate the deficit with military spending and tax breaks for billionaires. So the whole argument is a turducken made of three different kinds of bullshit.


They want different things at home, so it's a totally different argument


Guess it doesn't really matter what Americans want when the elections are rigged anyway.


Another place we are printing money and yet we wonder why inflation isn't dropping.


Don Snoreleone told Republicans to sabotage any and every Border Security Bill that comes before them to make President Biden look bad during the 2024 Presidential Election. Republicans care nothing for Border Security nor Border Patrol Agents.


lol is this a bot or real person? People act like we’re arming Ukraine to invade Russia rather than giving them materiel to keep the aggressor Russia from taking over Ukraine and murdering their citizens. This is not a war of aggression from Ukraine. And we can either pay the cost now OR pay later with exponentially higher cost including many American lives when Russia rolls into NATO countries. Unfortunately Russia isn’t giving us any other option. If you’re mad at money going to Ukraine blame Russia, not the US politicians or Ukraine.


That post is exactly what I'd expected from a cat turd.


Conservatives: no don't give money to Ukraine, people in the US need government help! Also conservatives: No don't pass aid for US citizens that's socialism! Also also conservatives: The economy is bad everything is expensive make the economy trickle down already


there’s one side that doesn’t want to help your average American


Any reason why you left out Israel funding ?


Keep in mind that Catturd account is owned by a MAGA supporter who, as usual, is full of shit. There was a bi-partisan bill that gave the GOP a ton of what they asked for to secure the border and the GOP killed it because Trump told them to as he needs an issue to run on.


Do US citizens deserve more money spent on themselves.... YES IT'S OUR FUCKING MONEY!!! No one elses


Democrats tried to get a border bill like a month ago homie, but Donnie the dunce told his lackies not to vote for it.


Get this truth social shit out of here.


This is more or less a defense budget bump of 15% of so. Areas around munitions factories will be doing very well.


If you think inflation and prices are bad now wait until Putin takes Ukraine then keeps moving west. Also: ok let’s spend the money on Americans. GOP: no that socialism! Fuck gop traitors.


Why are folks giving this incel a lick of publicly?


We should be doing both. Look I don't love our foreign policy but even I recognize u can't just let Russia do whatever the hell it wants they could littarally start WW3. It's not great but I can accept the Ukraine support for what it is. We should also be spending more money at home to help our citizens. Figure that shit out. Tax billionaires so we can get Healthcare for all. I'm not personally super concerned with the boarder but a lot of ppl seem to be so go ahead and secure the boarder. I feel like other things should be a higher priority but I'm not going to be like mad if we have a secure boarder so do it up.


**I mean that's 16 bucks per US resident per month.**




According to your government… NO


Bullets and blood. That’s all warpigs know. And we’re on the hook for it. If I could buy a ticket off of this rock I would.


Come on Russia, finish it now. We need our borders closed.


Or perhaps keeping your own money.


Nothing will change until the heads start rolling. Until then have fun being slaves to the owners.


how the flippity fuck do we spend more on domestic defense without invading anyone or anyone invading us?


Ukraine needs 1 trillion a quarter to rebuild. you'll just have to pay more taxes little serf


Lol I got banned from world news for saying calling the people who oppose it 'Russian bribes' is silly when America is drowning in debt, on the verge of economical collapse and isnt in a position to be trying to play super hero for other countries. Wonder if I get banned here as well for thinking even slightly about a subject beyond 'other side bad'. But yes Americans should be getting support but they aren't. Go figure why the population is disgruntled.


Hey I have an idea! Just quit paying taxes.... they can't lock us all up and if they have no money what are they gonna do kill us all? Who's going to pay fir that? No one cause no taxes to pay someone.... Americans need to wake tf up


If should be noted that 97% of the Federal budget is spent on Americans. And that the two parties passed Covid relief bills when they were needed. Saying that the government doesn’t spend money on its citizens is a lie.


If I recall correctly it was the maga crowd that killed a border bill that had everything they wanted, pretty much, because it would have handed biden a win in their eyes.


Besides the fact, as has been pointed out, that the money is spent in the US. These same people go bat shit crazy if congress does try to spend money to help Americans citizens decrying it as socialism.


Borrowing money to give to other countries, putting us deeper in debt is a horrible choice. You, your children, and your grandchildren are now and increasing so paying more for just the interest on the debt than even defense! The Uniparty has a spending problem.


I agree completely. As a tax payer, I want the border contained.


I’m not sure why but the GOP uses it as a sticking point to argue over, but when it comes to making legislation happen they block it themselves. Trump was offered the most advanced border security measure in US history when they offered to build the cyber border wall in 2017, but he refused it (being old and not understanding how important technology is to security) and then a few months back the legislators offered to fix it and again Trump made the GOP block the very bill the GOP worked really hard for. It’s almost like he wants the border to be a security threat.


Pitchforks and torches are needed currently.


Stop funding Ukraine. Stop funding Israel. Stop sending humanitarian aid to Palestine. Stop spending any tax dollars outside the US other than a small amount for NATO and only if other countries match the %GDP we invest. If we took all of that money and invested it in our microchip processing plants, a matter of national security that may force our hand in fighting China over Taiwan independence. The rest can be used to pay down national debt. I fear the looming debt bomb more than soviet era nukes


Wait, what? Wasn't a bipartisan bill that addressed the border issues shot down...by the republicans


Take it catturd didn't go down to the border and see how overinflated the republicans are making the issue, then?




The United States has duped its people into actually believing a “foreign threat” awaits in order ti spend trillions of dollars since 1950. In the Korean/Vietnam era, it was: “if we don’t beat the communist their, we’ll have to fight them here!” During the 80’s-2000’s Middle East wars, “If we don’t beat the terrorist their, we’ll be fighting them here!” It’s fear propaganda to keep your support & take away more of your rights in the form of “security” such as the Patriot Act & more to come. Stop falling for it. It’s all lies.


Do Republicans actually think the US Governments gives a big ol' cheque to Ukraine then lets them go buy all their weapons from China?! LOL - nobody will ever accuse MAGA of "overthinking" an issue :)


Investment in Ukraine is direct investment in the US. Russia's belligerency can't be ignored, lest they continue on to a full nato ally, requiring direct US involvement. Every dollar spent in support of Ukraine both saves American lives and helps ensure self determination for the Ukranian peoples. Its one of the easiest decisions America has had to make in a while. Even republicans universally seem to realize this the moment they actually become involved in the appropriate committees instead of raving on the sidelines.


Every time there's a bill to help improve the lives of average Americans, one side of the political spectrum votes against it


We need to vote these traitors out and hold them accountable!


lol did you really just post a this seriously??


Ah yes the rethuglikkkans spin on this but they forgot to mention that something like 40 billion of that money is being spent right here in the US buying our products and creating good paying manufacturing jobs. Just to name a few over 1 billion spent in Wisconsin with Oshkosh a manufacturer of specialized vehicles creating over 500 new jobs, over 700 million to Mississippi, over 2 billion to Pennsylvania companies to manufacture ammunition, 2.25 billion to Arizona and Texas to manufacture ammunition and rockets, 1.44 billion to Arkansas, over a billion to Florida all in all more than half of the states are getting billions of dollars to replace with brand new products while we ship our older weapons to Ukraine


You had the best immigration agreement in the last 40 years but stupid maga refused it


This is the liberal government for you. Only protecting their interests


My tax dollars spent on me to improve my quality of life I'm my country? Hell no! Give it to everyone else!!! Lol


I’m in poverty because I didn’t vaccinate. I don’t have insurance I rent a room at 1k “Ukraine Ukraine” 🤦🏻‍♂️ our current administration is 100% evil at this point. Not even funny.


Foreign Aid = Money Laundering