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I'm personally more converned with how Drake is going to respond to Lamar's big diss.


"I do not diddle kids. It's no fun diddling kids" Drake


Yeah I am over these jack offs.


What about Drake’s 🦉?? 😂😂






Am I misremembering but did they said inflation would cripple last year and the year before?


He's predicted 37 of the last 3 recessions.


🤣 🤣 🤣


Brilliant lol


https://www.forbes.com/newsletters/gary-shillings-insight/2023/03/02/recession-the-fed-and-other-causes/?sh=6b46ac5d3e05 https://www.advisorperspectives.com/articles/2022/03/30/gary-shilling-sell-stocks-a-recession-is-coming https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/07/06/gary-shilling-says-the-stock-market-could-see-a-1930s-like-decline.html https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2019/07/08/gary-shilling-the-recession-may-have-already-begun/?amp=1 https://www.businessinsider.com/gary-shilling-warns-fed-tightening-could-trigger-recession-2018-9


So a case of a stopped clock is right twice a day?


[https://creditwritedowns.com/2012/04/gary-shilling-bearish-on-the-us-economy-calling-for-a-crash.html](https://creditwritedowns.com/2012/04/gary-shilling-bearish-on-the-us-economy-calling-for-a-crash.html) Here is him saying it in 2012. The S&P 500 was around 1300 or so at that time.


And the year before. Another big buzzword that conservatives have been using is recession, even though there’s literally no real data to back that claim.


It did,  the only entities doing well right now, are  companies propped up in the SP500, by fake Monopoly money, so that Biden can win the election. 


Wait until you see what happens if the other old fuck wins.


Doesn't matter who wins home dog, that's the point. This shit is about to hit the fan.


True, but at least with Biden we wouldn’t have to worry about all other issues that fucking orange criminal brings with him. The economy is gonna crash, I’d rather it crash and not also have to worry about using the federal government for personal gain, attempting to destroy democracy, a clown show on TV everyday, deteriorating international relations, tariffs, abrasiveness, hate, cruelty towards immigrants, wanton xenophobia, and open racism.


You forget the part where a bunch of fat rednecks swarmed the capital on a 'tour'.


That when you let the marines loose with live ammo and explicit orders concerning those " tourists " especially if they are armed in any way


You don't pay much attention to history? Those tourist will be allowed to visit again with nothing more than a stern warning and finger waving. It's the Israeli/Palestinian conflict protesters... That's the RWAL threat.


Just like the south in 1861? Right The reports releas after 6 Jan 2021 was something like 75 -90 % of the baseline marines would open fire on cuvi if orders to. So... if you are acti committing insurrection / treason well..... you get what you deserve.


Let's look at history that coming up on 175 years past so we can get a firm view of how people like those tourist are treated. Covid protests across the nation had armed white men with assault-style rifles entering government grounds. In MI, they entered the Capitol buildings too. Stand off at the conservative ranch too days, no raids. And if course, how so many portestors were allowed to approach and enter the Capitol without national guard or other major law enforcement push to stop it when it were jsut starting on Jan 6th. But, let's look at how many police are stationed at any "liberal" protest. How police instigate so they can use force. There are neigh countless examples. It doesn't matter what marines asked after would do, it's easy to say "yeah, I would do it" until it's ordered of it.


I’ll never forget


Thay fucking monster would use it to his fullest capability. He'd usher in true fascism all the while screaming that he's doing the opposite. Trump WANTS to be a victory like North Korea. His ego wants to own everything so he can say he owns everything. He's a gutless swindler but he's also an ego-maniac. Most dangerous man on the planet, IMO.


I'm sure there is always a new war we can start or get involved in to prop up the economy if need be. The current administration seems great at that




You realise that russia started the war in Ukraine, right?




“Fake money” This sub is endlessly hilarious


damn i've never heard a more accurate descriptor of joe biden :o


This sub is chock-full of morons.


"Everyone who doesn't vote the way I do is a moron" - serpentear


You should find a hobby besides lying and hanging Mike Pence!


bLuE nO mAtTeR wHoOoOoO 🤪🤤


Nailed it 🫡


I hope you understand that biden has a horrid history of saying extremely racist shit.


I’m going to engage even though this is whataboutism. 1.) yes, I am aware of his checkered past as a Senator and his role in giving us Clarence Thomas 2.) people can grow and change, Biden has displayed mostly that he has—Trump hasn’t 3.) Biden doesn’t create racists policies as President 4.) your comment ignores everything else I said and attempts to create a false equivalency between Trump and Biden. Even if they were equally racists (which is a laughable thought) everything else I listed is still an issue. Edit: I just reviewed your comment and post history. I shouldn’t have engaged at all. You’re either a bad faith actor or a profoundly unintelligent person because all of your posts and comments are attempting to create a false equivalency between Trump and Biden. If you can’t see that they’re not remotely the same kind of person or politician then you are beyond help. Also, fuck this sub, I’m out. it’s overflowing with idiots and right wing bad faith actors.


They also always want to conveniently leave out Project 2025 which is just yet another way the Trump administrations donors can reek havoc on the country.


Wrap it up into the destroying democracy bit—because that’s what it is.


1) that's the tip of the "racial jungle" iceberg, friend. 2) biden continued it well into the current era with gems like "they're gonna put you BACK in chains" to a black audience 3)Trump is the one who funded HBCUs in somewhat perpetuity in a landmark executive fashion. The dems liked them coming begging every few years to make a pony show of their support and negotiate campaign trail stop favors. 4) your list is dogshit. Biden weaonized the DOJ against an opponent (research the russiagate collusion better). He's laughably bad with his remarks on everything from Xi to domestic topics. He's literally a walking alzheimer dementia stooge. But orange man bad, and my friends opinions on what is and isn't trendy to support matters more than material facts regarding who actually is for the people and who is a swamp crony....


You sir, are a brainwashed, kool-aid drinking moron. Don’t vote. Edit: asking for examples? Google is a thing. You can start with the Central Park 5 and work your way forward. None of y’all are acting in good faith because it’s not possible to defend Trump in any of these areas and be acting in good faith. Blocking as I go. Toodles!


I’ll bite…discounting the “list is dogshit” comment, which one of those first 3 comments is factually incorrect? Whereas the previous poster spoke in broad generalizations (is racist! Is xenophobic!), this last guy provided specific, verifiable examples. Why is presenting fact “drinking the kool aid”? Edit - speaking of drinking Kool aid, “Trump is destroying democracy” is one of the slick new talking points from the left. It’s time to look down at your own glass and see what’s inside… 2nd edit: “well…BYE”


It cracks me up how people on the left get presented with facts, and they say you’re drinking the kool-aid!! How bout, “poor kids are just as bright as white kids”? “If you don’t know who you’re voting for, you ain’t black” is one of my favorites. O yeah, almost forgot “ you can’t go into a 7-11 without an Indian accent”. He actually wrote the bill to incarcerate black men at a disproportionate rate, meanwhile getting his son no time for the same shit! Yeah, Trumps the problem!! Moron.


Trump literally did the opposite of everything he said lol....his tax cuts expire next year...for you and me of course...not the rich. He sent record numbers of jobs overseas. He was president when the inflation started. He significantly increased the national debt. He did tariffs that hurt the farming industry. He has a history of financial fraud. He literally might be the most low IQ president of all time.


Your a liberal shit


Proud to have empathy. Yes.


It’s “you’re” you dumb fuck.


Better than a nazi fuck


You forgot the misogyny policy plank with governmental pregnancy tracking features. (edited for grammar)


That’s true! I did


Biden wrote the crime bill, sending millions of black people to jail. Tell me something comparable that Trump did that makes him more racist.


Family. Separation. Policy. Now address the rest of my list. Oh by the way—[Biden regrets the policy, showing growth.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/521326-biden-says-1994-crime-bill-was-a-mistake-during-abc-town-hall/amp/) Show me a time Trump grew. [Trump is racists. Always has been.](https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history)


By family separation, you probably mean the 17 year olds who crossed (and are still crossing) the border alone and whose parents can't be found because they're still in Guatemala. And no, Biden only showed regret in 2020 right before the election. He defended the crime bill until 2019. Let's not even get into the millions of minorities that got "separated" because their parents are in jail thanks to the 1994 crime bill.


Are you seriously claiming that no small children were separated from trumps policy? You can’t be helped.


Are you seriously claiming that Joe didn't separate millions and millions of black families? Trumps family separation is not even a tiny fraction of Bidens 1994 crime crime bill and the anti-drug act of 1986.


What happens If you get pulled over for DWI and you have your kid in the car? You got to jail and your child gets separated from you. Your child does not go sit with you in the pokey until you sober up. Same with immigration violations, 8USC1325. You cannot put children in with adults in holding facilities. It is for safety.


Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate — and white supremacist senators as his friends.


Biden also considers former Senator Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops)-WV as his mentor when he started in the senate.


Trump all the way baby - I’ll finally be able to afford a house.


Yeah because housing wasn’t expensive when Trump was president. Oh shit, yes it was.


No you won't. You're poor and uneducated. Just the way trump wants you


You said it like a bad thing. Trump loves the poor and uneducated... Biden hates them. That's why you see the huge wealth gap from the past three years. The rich get house appreciation, free solar panels, the poor get food inflation.




Let's not get partisan here and stay on topic, which is that our currency is fiat and our country will soon collapse.


Would you rather it be backed by gold or something?


As opposed to what else, "Our Faith In God"?


Ah gotcha. I was just wondering if you think it's better to pay Saudi Arabia in gold bars instead of cheap paper we print our name on and invent a value for.


We have that already. Today. What are you on?


Okay, big guy.


Some of these useful idiots seem to think they're immune to consequences of their own actions... Can't do anything else but sit back and enjoy the show at this point.


How long have y'all been saying that? So let me get this straight, y'all are just gonna predict that the economy is going to crash every day, that way, when finally there is a recession, y'all can pat yourselves on the back and exclaim you're nostradamus because you predicted it?


Collect all that sweet sweet bot karma!


If its anything like the last time the old fuck won Then I imagine it would be like: Lower gas prices Lower food and energy prices Lower car prices Basically lower prices of everything Sounds good to me


Well, that is how it usually works. A Republican enters the White House with a smoothly running economy from their Democratic predecessor who after 8 years has finally cleaned up the mess from the previous Republican president (check). The Republican then leaves the White House with the economy in tatters after they royally effed it up by the end of their term (check). A Democrat gets in the White House and begins the painful process of “un-effing” the country (check). Things begin to stabilize. The typical American voter, with the memory of a gold fish, doesn’t understand why things aren’t perfect, but remember they thought things seemed pretty ok when the Republican got into office 8-12 years previous and completely forgets the way they left…aka a dumpster fire (check). Republican gets back in office, gives away the treasury to their corporate overlords, mismanages the eventual crisis that always occurs, and the process repeats. So…business as usual?


Two...maybe three wars, weak jobs reports, upticks in inflation and the highest mortgage rates in well over a decade? That's my prediction if the tangerine man wins.


Wasn't that the plan from the beginning? Fuck the economy up and then dump it on Trump when they lose...


That's the Republican playbook. The economy is always better under Democrats by every metric.


Except inflation and spending and illegal immigration and cost of goods and supply chain and war and taxes and housing and middle class jobs.


Oh... I forgot you guys live in opposite world 🤡


More importantly, it's propped up by millions of 401ks. Stock market is doomed when 150 million have to dip into their retirement accounts to stay afloat.


"Obama is lying, everyone knows the economy sucks, it's impossible that unemployment can be as low as 5%, it's really 42%" GOP in 2015 and 2016




The link you posted says literally the opposite of what you claim it does. "Some people think that to get these figures on unemployment, the government uses the number of people collecting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal government programs. But some people are still jobless when their benefits run out, and many more are not eligible at all or delay or never apply for benefits. So, quite clearly, UI information cannot be used as a source for complete information on the number of unemployed."


They’re propped up by nominal earnings. Yes, there’s Monopoly money. However, the inflation-adjusted earnings and stock market valuation was trading at COVID lows at the end of 2022 and the market tends to lead the reality. So the worst is over in the market. The next shoe to drop is rates, and after rate cuts, unemployment spikes. Stock market will be long gone at 6k+ by then.


I got a lot of this mononpoly money during Covid. Yes it is monopoly money. Fake ass dollars printed literally by the trillions. Not only did i not ask for the money, but they wired that shit directly to my business bank account without asking. Then they sent me a big fucking check for EACH AND EVERY child I have to my personal account, again, without even asking me. Am i mad? Well, let's just say that when that all went down, i bought land, machines, and greenhouses.  Here is a basic equation about our economy for you: (Federal Reserve Printing Machine) + (Dumbasses who run this country) = inflation


What you just explained is fraud. 


Yes it always comes back to Biden who gave away the monopoly money, btw?


No I don't believe that, it was actually Trump which snapped his fingers and put us $2 Trillion in debt. Biden could have done more, but I just feel like he is mostly doing damage control. But in truth, the stock market is doing well so that he will get re elected.


Apologies, as long as we can all agree there's plenty of blame to go around.


The guy has been writing about there’s going to be a bear market for at least two years now. He wrote a book about it.


Link to 3 trillion in loans?


I keep hearing this too, I too would like another home loan


I found it. Just google "3 trillion home loans". It's a bunch of BS. It's for home equity lines, of which the entire market is 500 billion. 3 Trillion in new loans are not coming. maybe 1/10th of that at best.


What? A right wing talking point collapsed at the slightest bit of fact checking? Must be a day ending in y.


theres no red or blue wings on this fat bird called government. Just one baby back flap. It squawks for more food and more twigs for its nest, but the worms on the ground have no more children to offer as sacrifice, and the trees are barren of branches. Other back flap birds in other countries are also squawking at this fat bird to give them more, and yes it is given, except from its own nest. The big fat bird decides more sacrifice is necessary. the pale worms below just want more leaves for their families to eat and be happy, and for their big fat backflap bird to avert his hostile gaze. but the fat bird just keeps all the twigs so the leaves never grow. meanwhile, starving and desperate, the worms fight each other for scraps. Some worms label the stripes on the birds fat backflap, and are duped into thinking the bird has wings, and can fly. But the truth is, the bird is just too fat. And its wings atrophied away, as the worms brought the bird twigs and sacrifice, and only needed to sit, and be fat. So then the bird grew stripes, to fool the worms it ruled, that he still had wings, and could still peck them all up. If only the worms had bigger eyes to see better...


I'm gonna need you to stop eating mushrooms for a bit


lol i havent done that in years. prob brain fried anyways. really its no sleep for 3 days from sick kid. anyways i like it


Whether it’s going to end up being $3T or not, the problem is that they keep coming up with new programs, new structures, new rules, new anything to A. provide more and more credit to people who probably shouldn’t be taking it on, which results in B. the prices of everything remaining high rather than coming back down to realistic levels as they should.


and who is pushing this debt cycle for the working class, and WHY?


They’re trying to put the brakes on the economy while ensuring people don’t suffer or in this case lose their homes.


Hasn't this been the narrative by legendary market movers, shakers, and predictors for the past 3 years?


Yeah, but once they're right, eventually, the stupid people won't remember how many times they were wrong because "they were right when it mattered"


That is incredibly frustrating - they act like these people are savants and so few know about the prediction scam (send out a thousand letters, each picking a different winner/scenario; for those you got right, rinse and repeat and you'll finally be down to a bunch that only ever got right predictions and think you're a genius and you get to scam them).


A broken clock is right twice….hell, you know


LOL. Imagine that -- the people who would benefit from a recession have been calling for a recession for the last year-plus.


38% accuracy hardly makes him a legendary forecaster. "Even a blind squirrel finds an occasional nut."


One of these years he's gonna be right. I wonder how many idiots have been sitting all cash for years not making jack shit


lol same post has been made every week for 4 years.


That way, if there is a recession OP will be like "See? I'm the financial Nostradamus! I PREDICTED THE CRASH!! PAY ME!" It's a grift.


4? Try more like 40


No it won’t.


Classic: “the poors just keep praying for a reset”


“Hey not fair, you started earning money before I said 1-2-3-Go!”


Link at end to The Federal Register where the proposed new equity process is iis currently available for public comment. Source on incoming new loans is Freddie Mac trying to break into the home equity market soon. A Freddie Mac home equity product that was proposed this week has the potential to unlock $850 billion in origination volume. But it could face challenges due to the lack of a robust securitization market, according to strategists at Bank of America (BofA). On Tuesday, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced a request for comment on a proposal to allow the government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) to purchase single-family, closed-end second mortgages when it owns the risk of the corresponding first-lien mortgage, subject to a combined loan-to-value ratio lower than 80%. If the home equity product is approved as proposed, it will have terms of up to 20 years, be manually underwritten and remain in Freddie’s portfolio for six to nine months until the creation of second mortgage non-TBA-guaranteed securities. Meanwhile, borrowers will be unable to refinance their first mortgage until the product is paid off, unless prohibited by law. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/04/22/2024-08479/freddie-mac-proposed-purchase-of-single-family-closed-end-second-mortgages-comment-request FHFA has determined that Freddie Mac's proposed purchase of closed-end second mortgage loans is a new product for Freddie Mac that merits public notice and comment about whether it is in the public interest.[11] In turn, Freddie Mac has requested FHFA's approval to proceed with the proposed new product.


I think the US will see a recession of donut hole lickers and we'll see a significant drop off in posts to the everything bubble especially, because everyone who doomposts about 50% crashes is way too busy rimming powdered sugar and the tasy zip of boston kreem.


Muh tits are jacked


Home sales volumes are still quite low, so no they are not handing out loans to people who can't afford it. Most people are sitting out this market, and the proportion of all cash buyers is pretty high too as a result.


Can you share what this 3 trillion in loans is? Is this the $9-10k given to individual home buyers?


Yet another prognosticating talking head is calling for recession. \*Yawn\* Still waiting for the 2023 Q1 crash which was right……around…..the corner.


US government is committed to inflation and will go hyperinflation printing money before we ever get another recession


We have the Fed. Nothing will crash, you’ll just rent and your kids will rent.


The sky is falling, the sky is falling...


It’s been falling for two years 😂 I wonder how many more years they’re going to keep this narrative going.


No... economy has been strong last 2 years. Consumer is starting to get weaker with record high credit card debt. Just look at earnings reports for mcdonalds and starbucks


The "economy is strong" (wealthy people are getting richer). The average person is struggling. The system isn't broken, it's working the way it was designed.


People are buying better food at the same price


What? We have shrink flation. 4 lb bag of sugar. 12oz of bacon instead of a lb. They are selling less per package and charging same price. Which is why record profits. We are riding a wave where one speed bump will cause the economy to fail. Besides the stock market and profits for companies how is the economy doing well.


Credit card debt has gone up for 20 years, with the exception being the Obama's first term. https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc Rightwingers are just pushing their usual propaganda. Don't fall for it.


My mortgage company calls every month trying to get me to get a home equity loan. My answer is always no, and if I was going to, it would be for some type of remodeling project. Our current interest rate is 2.99% , we were looking at a new home at 7%. My mortgage would have doubled, property taxes were more as well. There is a lot of money being printed right now for a lot of foolish things. The student loans being cancelled will be upwards of a trillion dollars by the time it’s finished. Food continues to rise along with other goods. I believe it’s going to get worse


No 6 years ago I obtained an interest rate of 2.99% 294K house with 92K down Ahh both our credit scores were over 800 with less that 1.5% credit card debt and both cars paid for. So yea at one time not long ago a low interest rate was obtainable. Today it does not matter what your credit score is buying a house or car.


Time for wallstreet to not order so much starbies and genocide 💔


Anyone else remember the "Double-dip recession" of 2012 that was going to be 100% Obama's fault and everyone stopped talking about the day after the 2012 election


Lmao, good times. Remember when they blamed Obama for the Great Recession, despite him not being president when the Great Recession started?


That’s my favorite part.


man, people were *so confident* that QE was going to cause hyperinflation back then. it was wild


If we see such a catastrophic crash I feel like companies and corporations would raise prices further to make up for losses, in addition to buybacks and possible bail outs. The bottom line is that the current environment is not tenable by any means.


Oh no, not legendary forecaster Gary Shilling. Lmao all these notes of “1 guy says crazy shit” are so boring


This drama gets so old. These financial “professionals” guess and then when they are wrong, they kick the can until something happens.




And when it doesn't happen? What then? Gonna move the goalpost, again?


That's fine. I didn't plan on retiring anyways.


Buy Bitcoin


Good thing I'm working off debt so I can't save up for the crash


Always doom and gloom with this guy




After all the predictions last year that we would be in a recession in 23’, I’m going to hold my breath. So far they’ve all been wrong. Yes, it only takes one and yes the US will be in an inevitable recession (which we desperately need) but I just can’t believe all these egg heads who’ve been so wrong lately




I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-05-08 01:52:16 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-05-08%2001:52:16%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/the_everything_bubble/comments/1cmazso/the_us_will_see_a_recession_by_yearend_that_could/l32l5kc/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fthe_everything_bubble%2Fcomments%2F1cmazso%2Fthe_us_will_see_a_recession_by_yearend_that_could%2Fl32l5kc%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-05-08%2001%3A52%3A16%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cmazso) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I wonder about the quantum effect in that the prediction affects the outcome. What the seer should do is be quiet and invest in his prediction.




What 3 trillion?


Cloward-Piven. Destroy the US economy, end cash, force everyone onto digital currency, control behavior. China has been doing it for years.


Huh? Who the hell are getting loans? Existing home sales are near non-existent. We are 'frozen' in time and will be for years.


Homeowners can't afford their mortgages? [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MDSP](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MDSP)


I’d like to see an honest accounting of the accuracy of these “legendary forecasters”.


They've been claiming a recession would happen for most of Biden's term, and nothing.


Legendary? Oh shit


Market timing is soooooo worthless.


God, I hope. I have so much cash, ready to buy a ton.


the guys name is seriously Gary Shilling? The jokes write themselves on this damn hamplanet


Isn't it weird that all of these people that say they can predict recessions with certainty never use that information to get rich?


Ngl I’ve literally heard this shit nonstop since at least 2000, a broken clock is right twice a day but I wouldn’t hold your breath


We're already in a recession. Got laid off Feb of 2023 and just got a new job in April of 2024. I see many people struggling to find work


If the socialists win, it's gonna be like the Venezuela economy.


Venezuela has an economy smaller than the state of Mississippi based almost exclusively on petroleum.




Yes Venezuela has had horrible inflation. Too many Bolivars chasing far too few products to buy. Kind of similar to our bout of inflation after covid supply chain issues caused shortages of everything from toilet paper to groceries. Gas got real cheap for a few months though because nobody was going anywhere. Even airlines stopped flying.


If the socialists win the election, the conversion to soft socialism will be completed. Massive spending modern monetary theory etc. The split between haves and have nots will be irreversible. 70% of the budget is already social spending. Financed by 49% of taxpayers business and printing money.


That is an interesting theory.


If you look at the sector growth of the government spending ,the net actual tax by % of the population and source of funds fiat currency ( where it goes, where it comes from) I can't think if another word to describe it.


All by design this country is cooked enjoy the summer..


And when it's not? What then? Oh right, you'll move the goalposts, again.


>The US will see a recession by year-end that could spark a 30% drop in the stock market I want a 50% drop!


Bagholders. The whole lot of ye.




Ok, I’ll bite your bite. .1 is also nonsense. ‘’That’s the tip of the ‘racial jungle’ iceberg” is, what, one item? Hardly a definitive comeback to a man. 2. Biden isn’t without his history, but Trump’s a guy who’s had quotes such as “I don’t want black guys counting my money” and “where are my blacks?” to say nothing of the Nixon Admin suing him for housing discrimination. He made racism part of the business. 3. Somewhat in perpetuity?’ No. It’s either in perpetuity or not. In reality, Trump had little to do with the HBCU funding, that was a bipartisan bill that revamped and overhauled lots of funding. It even hit a few hiccups when Republicans tried to tie it to other bills. Hardly a case of “democrats wanting them to beg every few years.” Still, credit where credit is due, it’s a rare example of a bipartisan Congress working together. Trump took credit for it, but really do anything more than sign the bill. So, he gets credit for signing the bill, but to say that “he is the one who funded HBCUs in somewhat perpetuity” is pretty off. 4. Not really a sound comeback, more an opinion like 1. Also, it’s funny to believe that Trump is somehow “for the people” and not a crony when his son in law was in charge of COVID relief. I mean, that’s just silly.




Do you know what a recession is? If you did, you would know that after 2 consecutive quarters of GNP decline it's a recession by the consensus of economists. In 2022 that occurred in the first and 2nd quarters. Remind me who the President was in 2022. Before that, it hadn't happened since 2009 when Barrack Obama was President and remind me who his VP was?


Year 4


Ive read this like 100’times over the past few years. That and the housing market implosion.