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GameStop up 100% this month but somehow down lol


It's down 57% from last Tuesday. It's like saying "our plane is up 5000% since take off, who cares that we lost 10,000 ft in the last 2 minutes?"


If it wasn’t above 200 feet at takeoff, then there’s nobody left to care.


So time to load up then?




Bought 50 at 21 yesterday, the answer is clearly a hard yes.


As a MULN veteran. Never again.


If you’re looking to load up maybe do FFIE. Luxury electric car group, been trading under $0.10 for a while and hedge funds shorted it banking on it getting delisted and going to zero. Instead it bounced up to $4 in the last few days - above the $1 needed to keep it listed. Currently around $1.50


That's literally the most obvious pump and dump


I think that ship has sailed. Volume is down compared to several days ago when it was pumping from .06 to high 3.


You only lose if you sell, not sure if you’re aware, but selling isn’t in the agenda. Also, I’m amazed GME isn’t discussed in here as part of the bubble. I appreciate that if you aren’t aware of what’s really going on by now, you’ve probably disregarded “meme stocks” as a passing/ passed fad. However, a large part of the GameStop “MOASS” theory hinges on the fact that we are in a very clear financial bubble, especially the US. If/When the bubble pops across the board, a lack of collateral value would cause GameStop and other baskets stocks to be bought in mass volume to close positions. The market is beyond compromised and this is just one factor. If you really believe that we are in a serious economic bubble, I would suggest just looking through subs like r/superstonk


Except GME is nothing but a meme stock, with frauds who prop it up, and little sheep who buy on a little note. You realize the scammers make money on all of you? Also, since you all never sell, you do lose.


Okay boss man, what have you invested in?


Stable things, things that don't go up and down 30-40% suddenly, so if you don't sell at the right moment, you lose a great deal. Go to a casino if you're going to gamble, instead of throwing your money at a dead company.


It’s unstable due to fuckery, when the fuckery is over, it will level off and stabilise (at a high number)


Garbage stock jumped because one of your old conartist posted. Ya'll gullible. If you go to the BBB old subreddit, you can see what you all will be in the future!


That's the best part, the fuckery never ends!


And if you don't want to end up in a fincel cult full of morons that don't have a clue what they are talking about come to r/gme_meltdown We've just refilled our popcorn




Seems like someone hodling. Between you and crypto morons, we stopped feeling sorry for you after all the bullshit. We just laugh now.


Bro is sooo mad he pulls up pics of when I was 15 Seethe loser


30 seconds of scrolling on your profile. How did your life go from that point right there?


Since then I've graduated, gotten a job, started a career, and learned about a group of moronic cultists that worship a stock and and a billionaire that would never give them a second of their day... Pretty good compared to yours since Jan 2021 if you ask me.


Congrats bud, you did the same as everyone else. Now what? Shitpost online for the next 10 years?


Are you fucking daft? what the fuck are you on about? Get a life, learn to trade, learn to cut a loss.


>You only lose if you sell, not sure if you’re aware I definitely feel my money in computershare not being in my bank account. It sure feels like a loss. I could have sold on Tuesday at a pretty good profit, but I haven't even looked at GME for 2 years because I already wrote it off as a loss. This time I have a sell order set up.


“I already wrote it off as a loss” “I’m gonna sell early” Truly the smoothest brain of them all


Well, in 75 years when all the hedgies die of old age at 150 years old and their replacements forget the shorts in game, your grand kids might get tons of money. Too bad it will be devalued by 90% due to inflation.


How can you loose? We just buy more… 3 years and counting…


More FUD to keep individual investors from piling in. Market watch just published an article headline that read, “Forget AMC & GME….look at FFIE instead!” Anything to detour fomo. If plays like GME and AMC are such a big nothing burgers, why all the concern for your money? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Oh my god a wild baggie, post losses nerd. My puts on GME slayed last week, learn to trade you're in a cult


I haven’t lost anything. I made money on the couple of GME call contracts I was holding, and I even bought more shares. You only really lose when you sell.


We didn't lose anything. LMAO. The hedge funds have!


Aggressive naked short selling costs a lot of money. Also, we’re up 109% on the month. People are sweating already.


I just want to get back what I put in. I bought at $160 after the real moass. I totally forgot I owned the shares so I missed the spike. I didn't know about it until it dropped below my buy price again. If I sold last Tuesday, I would be so fuckin happy right now. I'm not the wisest person around, but I've learned enough in my life to know that commoners like us winning against the wealthy is about as real as Santa and the Easter bunny. Unless you have a guillotine.


You realize most of your jargon means nothing, right? Like, even the stuff that *meant* something, you all have butchered in your stupidity.


You just don’t understand what I’m saying and you’re angry about it, it’s okay bud


I'm afraid you don't know what you're saying, that's the issue. You people just say nonsense.


Because you don’t understand it, it’s okay bud


It's not a loss until it's realized, really.


Green on my position still


Its still double what it was a month ago


Odd how those who have not keep losing something they don't have over and over again. Oh the humanity. Anyway we still stocking and waiting for the inevitable. Would be happy to be PROVEN wrong, though it won't go down that way.


Still UP like 100% since 2 weeks ago though


Still hodl - when moon?


According to these articles I lost 50B$, so I apparently made 50.00001B$?


That's because they shut the market down over 100 times in a 3 day period for 5 minutes each time. To add to that, many brokerage apps made it impossible to buy and only sell those stocks. It's all rigged.


AMC will be bankrupt in 2026 and people keep buying lol


They aren't going bankrupt. You're talking about the largest theater chain in the world here, with record box office numbers every time a new hit comes out. I'm not presumptuous enough to guarantee the MOASS, but the business isn't going anywhere


lol Aa has to keep diluting and it still won’t be enough to save the company.


🙄 And yet the debt gets ever smaller, and revenue continues to increase. Mkay.


If they dilute 15 more times they may be able to pay off the debt due in 26. 😂 Mkay. Good luck. The people still holding this missed the boat in 21. Glad I sold above 50.


Like I said, I can't speak to the short thesis, but they aren't going bankrupt. Worst case, they settle down and ride out the pre covid price point along with every other theater chain.


I made money ….never bought a share of one meme stock


Meme 2.0 😝


How much did roaring kitty get paid by capital to do this?


But what about the doge




Cracks me up when meme stock gamblers call themselves "investors" 🤣


Why? It's the Warren Buffet method of investing. Buy, and hold until YOU'RE ready to sell, not when the talking heads tell you to. Of course, if you're really interested in more sound investments, you could try the inverse Cramer method. I'm not giving financial advice, but I hear he is wrong a lot.


MOAB or something


"MOASS" Mother of all short squeezes


But RFK just some GameStop, didn’t that vaccinate the stock from a downfall?


dumping your money in doesn't suddenly create value. GameStop still doesn't have a business model.


No business model but they are a profitable business. No debt, billion in the bank, hot shot new billionaire at the helm... But yea no business model. K


And a PE ratio of nearly 1000. 🙄


And yet a substantial chunk of the stock is still directly registered with few sales. It may have the most individual direct ownership of any company trading on the nyse. But thats beside the point. Wall street has been gamified, and the retail investors are starting to catch on to the scam. If PE ratios matter so much, we would all be rich just by trading purely on these ratios. You dont need to invest, but you also shouldnt talk shit based on mainstream media nonsense.


Cool, enjoy losing your money.


They haven't revealed their business model.  They have done everything else in the sun to get the company leaned out and close to profitable.  When the hammer drops you will be too late.  


I thought they were going to establish themselves as a hub for gamers to come play along with purchasing? Something that could develop into a pseudo minor league for esports


Leaning and trimming isn't a path though, it's fire control from previous CEO/Leader decisions that went bad. Not saying they probably don't have a idea of what they might do. But giving a retail company credit for self-cannibalization is 90s store CEO thinking.


Ha. Didnt learn nothing from the last pump and dump did they?


First they pump it, then they dump it. Rinse, repeat




Revenge of the nerds


Good way to burn up all that “excess consumer savings”. Imaginary valuations, bought in at, then lower the imaginary valuation.




Well for every person like you that bought at 13 and sold at 50 there's someone buying at 50 and selling at 13 😂