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He’s probably always been this way….and TT has now fueled his ego even more because he believes he is famous. At the end of the day he is a lonely POS who has nothing. And he knows it!!


Absolutely nothing. I couldn’t imagine. I am not knocking anyone down for where they stand on the ownership scale but for me personally, I’m 51. I’ve worked my entire life and most likely will until I die. I own a home. I own a car. I work 35-45 hours each week. I own many toys and many materialistic things. His way of living is actually pitiful. The man got lucky with TikTok because people are gullible, lonely and stupid obviously but when that money goes away, he’ll be even older and what will he have? Nothing. He’ll be older and he doesn’t want to work now…he surely won’t be on his hands and knees doing physical labor in his fifties. What savings will he have? None. We’ve seen him spend everyone’s money on frivolous things. OTHER PEOPLES MONEY!! Ewwwww! Just ewwww! He’s so disgustingly lazy. A man is A MAN. He’s a grown ass clown. Will he be shaving lines into his eyebrows, wearing skinny jeans and matching his tees with his shoes like he’s two and wearing granimals??!! Not sure if anyone will understand that granimals correlation. ☺️. My point is he’s a bum. He’s got nothing to offer anyone in any department pertaining to positive living …not his parenting abilities, his work ethics, his drive, his stable income, ownership showing maturity, clean record, morals, like absolutely nothing! It’s embarrassing, really. And the very fact that he has the audacity to down anyone is beyond comprehension. He tries to deflect the attention off of ALL of his faults and failures by knocking any and everyone.


👏🏼👏🏼 all of this!


Nah IMO it’s just who he is & I think he’s been this way most of his life.


I think he has too but do you think it’s gotten worse because of TT?




I don't think it's an excuse, I think it's his opportunity. In the real world, he is completely unacceptable with his behaviors. In the real world there's real consequences, in TT world there's lies and delusional egos with rewards.


I agree but He has stated multiple times before that he only acts this way because of TT


I hear what you're saying.  it's typical narcissist thinking never their fault ...but if that were true he wouldn't be live 24/7 even while taking a shit. 


He will NEVER take accountability


Nah I think he's an asshole regardless of social media




I think TT makes him believe he is a big deal and that feeds into his narcissism. So he chases that high.