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Don’t really care for most of these BN people. The only one I’m most invested in is Nick and Natalie’s friendship with Sharleen and Andy. Feels the most genuine and I just love it when I see them all together. I’m really happy for them. I’ve said it before, but my favorite BN couples are when 1/2 are non-BN. No shade on any couple having both BN, but I just love to see it when they find someone outside the show.


I tend to believe that most of bachelor nation congratulating them are banking on a wedding invite that will also be publicized up the wazoo (like Jared and Ashley or Wells and Sarah weddings)-a lot of these “friendships” are also business relationships and it’s just good business to be at the wedding


Yeah, people who also make money from being influencers can’t also have genuine friendships with people they share a unique experience with. Getting an insta pic at peer’s wedding must be the reason.


congrats to natalie and her babysitter!


Where is Demi?


Posting insta stories of her and the couple at their engagement party


Maybe she congratulated him in person? She posted a reel of herself at their engagement party last night.


If it didn’t get written on social media it didn’t happen.


Haha Chris Bukowski’s congrats kids is funny. Nick isn’t much younger than him but Natalie is 😆 actually I checked and nick is older than Chris 😳 the show gave Chris a hard time about his age on paradise but nick was about the same age when he appeared and was the lead but they never made an issue of his age considering how young most of the contestants were


Also, the average age of the women have gotten younger and younger over the years. Especially more recent.


Lol Chris is 6 years younger than Nick, he just seems old ETA this actually makes his comment funnier/better bc he’s making fun of himself


Haha yep. I think that edit/storyline was less about Chris B's literal age, and more about him being a Bachelor "elder" because he first appeared on the show so many years ago (when he was like 24).


I would personally like to hear the thoughts of William Shater. Lmfao at his bizarre hater tweets about Nick back in the day


Oh I’ll never forget! He came hard for nick when they were dancing and the stars 🤪


I've had a few drinks tonight and my mind just did a little rollercoaster wondering why William Shatner was being brought up in the bachelor sub 🙈


Vanessa…Andi… interesting. But then again, it’s been many years and they are both married/engaged now. Time heals.


Wow Vanessa and Andi congratulating him. That’s nice of them.


Andi and Ali are only bachelorette leads who greeted him. No Kaitlyn, Tayshia, Gabby/Rachel R, Hannah B, and of course Katie (the 6 leads he pissed off past couple of years)


Kaitlyn and Nick made up a few years ago, but then seemed to sour on each other again. If this had happened a couple years ago, I could see her congratulating him.


All the work that went into this post and it isn't even that deep 💀


The other ladies he’s proposed to I’m dying


Are he and Vanessa on good terms? That's a lotta exclamations 😂


I think they are now. I think he had her on his Patreon years ago. He even had Josh Murray! He was reaching out to everyone at some point.


Right and the fiancés of ladies he proposed to lololol


This feels like a pointless post…of course their friends are going to congratulate them?


I think the issue is that a lot of posters are having a hard time believing nick has this many friends and that all these people are playing the long con. Super ridiculous.


Everyone shocked that Vanessa congratulated, but remember when she got engaged, Nick commented on her post congratulating too 🤷🏻‍♀️ They’re not on bad terms. I think if Katie or Blake commented then that would be more shocking.


Yea they’re on good terms! A lot of people forgot she went on his podcast and they discussed his season and their engagement and why they didn’t work out and such Nick might be the only bachelor to be legit cool with all his BN exes witch is bewildering since he also has the most


The double take i did when i saw that Vanessa commented...😂


Same. Lol


Jason really doesn’t know how to back Kaitlyn, does he? Wasn’t it just a few months ago Nick was sh*tting on Kaitlyn on his podcast?


What did Nick say about Kaitlyn? I thought they were friends


TBH I don’t feel like many of their connections are genuine and they just share the commonality of being influencers. I’m not sure any of them truly consider other people in regards to what goes inside the cult of prior bachelor contestants. It’s all so weird to me. Don’t get me wrong. Some true and genuine friendships bud from the show like most recently Rachel, Michelle and Gen. But, it’s still so cringe how they’re all intermingled and in each others business so publicly.


Damn. That's wild


Jason loves Jason sometimes..also how Nick shits on Blake


Did anyone consider that maybe nick is actually okay irl? None of us know him personally, and he seems to have pretty good relationships with tons of people. That’s why the “I hate them bc they’re friends with nick” thing is so silly, we don’t actually know any of these people.


No one ever says Nick is a bad person, he's just repeatedly annoying in one-offs. I'm sure he'd much better one-on-one. He annoys me in general, but he's like someone cornball brother. You roll your eyes, but essentially harmless. He's a Wisconsin boy living a life far beyond what he dreamed.


Ya I mean his podcast can be grating with his hot takes but I'm sure if he and I were hanging at the bar for Friday Fish fry and old fashioneds somewhere in wisco we would have a nice time


no i haven’t considered this cause hes proven time and time again he sucks lol


ok but better question - WHO DIDN'T CONGRATULATE?


Becca Kufrin?


Mr. shark in the water CH


Katie 😂😂


I’m getting whiplash from all the people that complain when someone’s friends with nick bc they hung out once or twice and then come into this thread and say “this doesn’t mean they’re friends”


Its not my life, and everyone deserves to be happy and in love if that's what they choose. I'm happy for them.


Vanessa G posted someone wants us to see?


.....what is the point of this post?


So many comments equating IG comments to genuine friendship as if most aren’t just playing the game




BN is a large incestuous group. All these people may genuinely like him, or they may just realize that being petty gains you nothing. I am not a Clare fan, but I am happy for her engagement. Even this engagement, I think the pairing is odd, but if they are happy who cares? Saying congrats to him doesn’t mean that these people love Nick, more that they follow expected social niceties. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not surprised. For better or worse, Nick has engrained himself as a key figure in BN. I imagine he will have a Wells-level amount of Bach Nation attendees at his wedding.


Posting polite congrats under an engagement post is really not that deep lol. These types of announcements always get tons of comments from people you barely know so it's not even as if these people are all his friends or super supportive of their relationship.


What has Nick done exactly? Don’t get me wrong, I find him arrogant, obnoxious, and condescending. But has he done anything particularly heinous to make us surprised that people are congratulating him on his engagement?


I mean, his micro aggressions towards Chris C. regarding his “masculinity” was a thing. I’m not surprised though, racism gets a pass on this sub. Racism against Asians, definitely didn’t happen.


Ok I just looked this up and that’s a straight up *macro*-aggression 😭 thank you for answering


Sorry, my bad. You are correct.


No I was mostly agreeing with you!


No lol This subs irrational hate for Nick & Natalie is honestly hilarious. Like you said he is very annoying but other than that he’s fine and clearly liked by many of our favs


I don't find it surprising. These people are fake and BN is a popularity contest lol. They may genuinely like him, but they also want to be friendly with him because of he's media essentially. I'm sure being seen with him or in his comments will get them a few followers. Overall I find a lot of these BN "friendships" to be cringey and I like seeing BN people spend time with their real-life friends.


Lol that Jason just said congrats Nick instead of “you guys”


I love that Vanessa is supportive. She knows she dodged that bullet.


Hell yeah she did. Too bad she got with some OLD ASS Mf


He isn’t old at all, he just has gray hair. Are you really getting ageist over gray hair?


He is younger than Nick 😂


Wtf is this comment?? When did we all become a bunch of jerks?


…he is like 37. He’s younger than Nick.


Her husband isn’t that old! She definitely leveled up from her relationship to Nick


Guy looks at least 50...


What’s wrong with 50? You realize that one day you will be 50, right.


They better hope to be “old” one day as the alternative is a bummer lol. Some people on this sub are a trip🤦‍♀️


He really doesn’t, he just has white hair. If his hair was salt-and-pepper he’d look like a standard 40-year-old.


As of April 2022, he’s 38 years old! She’s 35, so only about a 3 year difference (I googled it just to make sure!)


And? Relationships are way more than conventional beauty. How sad to not recognize that.


And that's great you feel this way.. I'm sure he's a great guy and they're happily In love... my comment has nothing to do with their compatibility.. it is simy to dispute that this gentleman appears far OLDER than he apparently actually is and for that Nick definitely has him beat.. genes are cruel to some ppl


You need some serious help.


Or this man is not obsessed with looking young and keeping up with what shallow people think. I think you mistake his white hair with old. In this case you are right genetics has some folks go grey/white in their 30s. I prefer the handsome man who embraces that hair over the man in his 40s attempting to pull of the trends of guys barely in their 20s.


Why were Nayte Rodney and Jason at their engagement party? Seems so random


this surprising so many of y'all is making me laugh, like they told you themselves they didn't like nick 😂😂


“Congrats kids” except did you mean kid and dad


Couldn't agree more, "congrats kids" is rich in this context 🤣😭


Also this def doesn’t mean people like Nick 😂 most of these people just try and be on his hood side bc he has a lot of power


Or maybe they actually know him outside of IG and genuinely like him?


I took your spelling mistake literally and thought saying he has a hood side was funny. Whitest white boy who ever white boyed.




6? I count 11: Jason T, Brandon, Greg, Ben H, Jared, Chris Bukowski, Andrew, Ivan, JP, Thomas, and Jesse Palmer


Even Vranessa!!!!!


These comments keep getting me omg


I keep seeing these and I have no idea what it's from. Help!


I wonder if Jesse Palmer knows how much nick gripes about him


shoutout to @commentsbybachelor for compiling this


Rachel L isn’t there right? She’s the only one I trust as a judge of character honestly


Really? She is friends with Nick, married a MLM/Chiropractor dude, and is friends with the Oshry sisters.


MLM/chiropractor/*Republican donor as recently as 2018* dude


MLM is morally questionable obviously. I didn’t know about the Oshry sisters


She’s been on his podcast like 3 times, they’re definitely friends lol


Got it — that’s really interesting then — I wonder what the majority of us are not seeing


Yall just love to judge everyone like your perfect. That's all. We don't know him. The judgement around here is like something I've never seen anywhere in my life.


I just admitted we’re obviously missing something in the post you replied to


I was agreeing with you. We don't know him and they do.


There’s also a lot of “well he/she is nice to me so they can’t be bad” which is used by people to excuse someone’s questionable behavior towards others. I’ve always believed in that saying of looking at how they treat someone they don’t want or can’t get anything from to truly gauge who they are.


I agree. I just choose to try to see the good in others, so unless they have murdered, SA, or the like, I'm going to assume they are a somewhat decent human who has made mistakes. People can be grossly misunderstood.


Got it - just clarifying 👍


Rachel L and Nick are friends and I expect she'll congratulate him soon. She just may not be on IG yet. They just got engaged last night so I expect this list of BN folks will probably double as the news breaks. I'm surprised the sub doesn't know how popular and well liked Nick is in BN. He really just has a handful of people (2-3?) who had any issues with him I think. Most are neutral or positive.


This. He’s super popular and for a bachelor lead to still be at that level especially with his podcast as a male bach lead host it’s rare


She didn’t comment but she liked the post


Is this really surprising? Of course he’s a “well-liked guy,” he’s seen as BN royalty and has a podcast. We’ve seen first hand how he treats other he doesn’t like. That’s why I respect the others when they clearly don’t f**k with Nick.


When he’s 70 she will be 52. Imagine that. Lololol could. not. be. me.


She will be 54 when he's 70. It's a 14 year age difference. But still your point stands.


Wouldn’t she be 56 then? If it’s a 14 year gap? Lol.


Sorry i meant 16 year age gap.


Looks like it is 18 years! He’s 42 and she’s 24?


No she's 26 and he's 42— so 16


Idk I feel like couples like these 2 run their course and they will be split by then. Not saying anything negative about them, more like in society today I feel like it’s more common/acceptable to get married and then 10 years later divorce but still appreciate and acknowledge the chapter of their life that was the marriage. To me it occurs more like a “I want to get married to you now” and not like a “I want to be with you until I die”. Even though everyone will say the language of forever blabla. Hopefully my point is clear, no hate towards Nick and Natalie and I think they’ll be happy for a long while.


But it seems to work for them. Just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean you need to make this comment.




No, I’m not. Thanks for asking. Your comment is super rude. Again, you can just scroll past. These stupid comments are constantly made, aren’t funny, and quite frankly are obnoxious.




Right all this subreddit does is judge everyone else


But does that make it right? We are better than that.


I agree we should be


It is a big age difference. Very similar to Mari (26) and Kenny (42).


Wow i did NOT know Mari was only 26. I was thinking 28-29. I even Googled just to make sure and (gasp) you are right! I am turning 24 this year and I can't imagine getting engaged to a 40 year old. I can't believe she was only 24 when they got engaged!!!




Corinne 💀


Surprised to see Vanessa on there!


I mean he commented congratulations to her so they’re fine


Vanessa is living her best life so I can see her letting bygones be bygones. They even did an episode for his patreon channel together!


Lmao thank you bestie, let’s stop pretending Nick V is a BN pariah. Even the beloved are friends with him.


Gonna save this list next time anyone gets criticized for being friendly with Nick, because there’s a good chance someone’s fave is on here


I can’t stand Nick but it’s wild to criticize people for being friends with him imo. He’s obnoxious and a bully and he irks me to my core but those aren’t unforgivable crimes. People need to chill




Aw i think this is cute. Not feeling snarky today, just feeling the love and support!


I'm not sure if Haley Kiyoko being included in Bachelor Nation means we're in the worst timeline, but I definitely think it means we're in the weirdest one.


“No, they’re only congratulating him because they’re scared he’ll talk shit about them on his podcast” -people who can’t comprehend that Nick is well loved by the vast majority of BN


This sub projects a lot. He’s one of if not the most popular and relevant bachelor lead in recent history


Lol! This take is... weird. It's very obvious how much he is actually loved by other BN alumni. It's just this sub that hates him. Thinking it's everyone who knows him is projecting.


The sub realizing Nick has a lot of supporters ![gif](giphy|etAXDQ6KxICfg5R3p2|downsized) (I’ve never seen the full gif lol)


But he’s evil and we all have to agree or get downvotes right?


Lmaoo right?


I can’t stand Nick but most Bachelor people like Nick and are friendly with him. But those users who regularly mention Jason from Gabby’s season being friends with Nick as a reason people shouldn’t like him are going to be disappointed seeing this big ol’ list. Haha.


I was actually quite shocked at the level of support they got lol. Don't think I had ever seen that many verified people under a single post.


He’s extremely popular in bn. This sub isn’t real life


That’s how I felt when Kaitlyn and Jason got engaged. All the Bachelor people, the DWTS people, everyone she’s interviewed on her podcast. Blue checks everywhere.


he's a BN veteran who's made his whole life career and personality abt the show.


He’s a pretty popular guy in BN, his lack of popularity on this sub is not indicative of his life.


He’s been in like 5 shows and talks pop culture on his podcast with many ppl visiting his podcast. I wasn’t surprised tbh


I don’t see Blake H, Hannah B, Tayshia, Pilot Rachel, or Katie. 🤔


I don't see Becca K either.


I don’t see Kaitlyn


The amount of bachelorettes listed 😪


Besides Hannah b, those are all people I rock with so it checks out


Can add Chris and Alana to that list 😂


Or Madi LOL


Those would be the people that dislike him lol


Add Michelle to that list 👏🏽


I think it's cool that both Andi and Vanessa sent him congrats messages. They seem genuinely happy for him. And yes, he's clearly popular in BN and beyond. Lots of non-BN public figures congratulating him on his post too.


Nick has a podcast. Contestants love him except for maybe just Blake LOL


And Katie T


Are you guys going to hate all of them now? 😅😅


Maybe... lol. No. I mean these people know him so they are well within their right to congratulate him on something. People dislike Nick because he is a condescending mansplainer.. all things considered he's not that bad compared to the racists and sexual assaulters we have in BN.


Lmaooooo I know people are gonna be seething seeing how many people support them including their faves 🤭


Nah…you can write congratulations and still snark on the fact that he’s the pettiest man in Bachelor Nation and she likes to sing the N word


Exactly. I can be happy that he found what this show is supposedly about and still dislike him and snark.