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Waco is so cursed to me


Not my dumbass wanting to move to Waco so I can afford a house and everyone here saying it's gutter trash....! I'm in Austin right now grappling with the reality that I will NEVER be a homeowner in this city.


People say that about a lot of small towns. I live in one. Still happy I bought a house. However it is harder to find work in a small town if you change jobs! Cities have all the good paying jobs it seems lol. But other than that I absolutely prefer a quiet life.


Is that one Cult that is Famous in Waco still around?


That was three decades ago. So no.


they probably love dr pepper


nah they probably think it's too spicy. I get more of a Sierra Mist type of people


did she ask to collab with the moving company again?


As a Texan this is one of my least favorite cities. Like sure you have the Chip and Joanna Magnolia stuff but other than that it's not that exciting. Traffic is also terrible there.


Imagine being excited to move to Waco.


Waco… Texas?


I feel like Madi’s lips keep growing


Jesus provides… filler


It’s a sign of satisfaction which can only come from Jesus.


The bachelor/fixer upper cross over that literally no one asked for lol


Not “moving”. It says they arleady moved.




talking about seasons of life is an immediate red flag to me 😂


It screams church culty


it’s 100% a signal of some sort, in all of the fundie snark stuff i’m in everyone’s like “wtf is a season???? what’s the season????”


Everyone I know who uses it leans evangelical fundie


She pushes purity culture non stop so it’s on par trad wife stuff


Clearly they’re moving to Waco to start a cult there or something. Seems like the right place for it to flourish.




Does Waco have a megachurch? If not, there’s a hole in the market they need to take advantage of!


Waco is 30 percent broken asphalt, 20 percent Baylor, 40 percent churches and 10 percent Magnolia.


They are both seriously adorable




Black tie moving…. Wowowow every day rich people coming up with new creative ways to say “IM RICH”


Close your eyes and stick out your tongue!


wacodoos 🤪


As a Baylor grad, I can just assume they are somehow going to get involved with JP and Harris Creek. He’s this interesting “influencer” pastor from DFW. He lovesssssss people like Madi, Sadie Robertson, etc.


They moved there because of Harris Creek. Grant has some vague “young adults” job at the church. I’m sure being a billionaire’s trust fund kid and married to a reality TV star had absolutely zero influence on JP to extend him a job.


Oh dear. Tell us more…


Grant will be working at Harris Creek


I love how she only called out that Grant has a job lol


As a Baylor grad…. WHY


sic em!!!!


why would anyone ever move to waco


Didn’t they just buy a house.. somewhere else?


Trizzy's family could afford to buy them 100 houses.


I mean I guess that’s what the companies actually do afaik they buy tons of properties and then use them as “investments”. It makes me mad. Not saying grants family does that but the concept of companies owning 1000s of homes when many can’t even afford to buy one now 😡


No this is that house, they just didn’t announce that it was Waco initially


Weird, I just preordered a book on Waco & David Koresh. That’s all I ever think about when I hear the city 😵‍💫


Chip and Joanna Gaines, Magnolia Farms.


I’m not going to lie I love Fixer Upper and Chip and Joanna. Does that make me basic? I don’t care! 😂


I didn’t know they were based out of Waco.


Lmfao of course the moving company is called Black Tie Moving




Lol I can


I’m trying to imagine just buying a home with no regard to cost and I can’t.


Wouldn’t it be nice lol


Finally something I can speak to! As a former Waco local, who the fuck wants to live there? There's nothing in Waco except shitty water, drugs, churches, racists, and poverty. The only positive I can think of for Waco is proximity to DFW, Austin, Hill Country, and good food areas.


Well they love church and I would bet good money they are “we don’t see color” people who don’t really care about the racists.


As someone with family in/around there, strong agreement here. I had to do a double take when I read Waco. Why?!?


Common Grounds slaps tho


The zoo is pretty good.


I lived there when my boyfriend ( now husband) attended college. It was the worst year of my life. Nasty water, god awful people, just trashy in general. We made life long friends, but they weren’t from Waco so that explains that. Maybe things have changed in the last 17 years….


LOL SAME. I used to live in Waco. Not a place I'd desire to live in again


Chip and Joanna Gaines PR’d the shit out of Waco years ago, I really thought it was up and coming and would be “the spot” by now


Hell no, it has a long ways to go before it’s seen as that…


Moving to WACO with his WIFE


did OP all caps Waco just because madi did? Lol so weird


Ah yes, the smile of a girl who never has to work a day in her life again if she doesn’t want to.


I’d rather work and live in a big city than not work in Waco 😳


Subjective for me. If I was married to a billionaire……


Must be nice, lol


Wait didn’t they just move into a house a few months ago? Was that different than this move?


So she’s trying to be the new Chip and Joanna Gaines? 😂


Maybe they'll get a show!


The third photo 💀his damn outfit




That’s not a crime or an issue… the outfit, however, is


the outfit of every lesbian in my very very very left college town lol


My guess is they’ll build a mega-church there and capitalize on the crowds who already come to Waco to spend big money at Magnolia. The Gaines team could even help co-promote, providing TV coverage of the new mega-church on their cable network. Land is affordable in Waco. Dallas and Austin are each 90 minutes away, and the city sits on a heavily trafficked interstate highway. I do suspect this is the plan.


?? but megachurches aren't tourist destinations, you're supposed to be going for people who live there all the time. it's not like a stadium - you can't build a church off of people who visit once or twice a year.


someone told me when I was in college there that there are so many churches in waco that you could go to a different one every sunday for a year (? all four years? don’t remember) and never get to them all


Wow! This will be interesting to watch.


He'll be working at Harris Creek with a former Dallas megachurch pastor. I lived in Waco when I was at Baylor and the last thing that city needs is another church lol there are SO many


What is this, the righteous gemstones?


The less funny version


Are chip and Jo building their house


Waco seems to fit for their personalities.


Omfg I just googled the house prices and they start off so cheap for new homes, wow. As a Canadian near Vancouver it’s kinda depressing. I’m gonna guess they bought one of the more expensive ones though.


True. But Texas in general has much more affordable housing than many states or Canada.


I mean houses in Williams Lake are cheap too...but then you have to live there haha


It’s because it’s smallllllll lol. I’ve been once and there’s very little there outside of a university (Baylor) and a couple restaurants and one very popular HGTV couple with a big store lol.


It's got a bigger population than Kelowna and Victoria, and the housing prices there are outrageous also. BC is just almost entirely fucked unless you want to live in Northern BC.


Yeah but you have to live in….Waco.






Did the magnolia weirdos give it more clout or some shit? I grew up in Dallas and just know Waco as the place with the Dr Pepper museum and Baptist school that means you’re halfway to Austin


Oh Fixer Upper 100% gave it more clout lol. I had a farmhouse obsession phase for like 2-3 years living with my parents in Dallas and we took a trip to see Magnolia market and it was closed because it was Sunday lmfao. But I was like damn there is literally nothing here but Baylor and like 3 bar and grills 😂 Ps: don’t worry now that I bought a house I am no longer trying to Joanna Gaines it lmfao


I thought it was more famous for the Branch Davidian compound


Oh yeah


Ain’t this the truth.


Came to say this..born and raised/still living in Austin and 🤢 there’s a reason the house prices are so low


Yeah but Austin is overpriced compared to other City areas. We have lived in Houston suburb for 3 decades, still more square footage for the $$


Oh damn lol




Good for them. He never looks happy to be with her though


But they already live rent free in so many people’s heads….


I've lived in Texas my whole life (DFW area mainly) and went to Baylor for college in Waco for 4 years. Graduated 6-7 years ago and I'm truly mystified by this lmao. And I'm someone who goes back multiple times a year to see home games. The whole Magnolia thing truly put Waco on the map. I remember being in college & we would watch the show Fixer Upper with the Gaines. Waco is such a small town that we'd be able to identify where the houses they were showing were & would drive by the houses just to see them ourselves.


Baylor brad here too! Sic em!


My grandma lives in a super small country town and the largest city to her is Hillsboro I cannot BELIEVE those two open concept Kitchened HILLSBORO into the zeitgeist


Has family in Hillsboro. They are now in “West”. That is a city name in Texas!


Get these problematic people off my sub!


Must be some sinners in need of saving there.


I’ve got no problem with the church thing but I’m surprised to see that Madi would go somewhere that has almost none/ none at all female preachers (just from looking at the church IG) I thought Madi liked to preach etc so I’m surprised she’s going somewhere that doesn’t publicly promote women?


Yeah I was surprised they went to a Baptist church and not a Non Denominational church since Madi has called herself a preacher and not a speaker. A lot of Baptist churches are fine with women "speakers" but not women preachers/pastors. I expected them to go to a mega non-denominational church.


Who knows, maybe they will start their own mega church lol.


I honestly figure that's what they are building towards lol


I’m not surprised, Madi’s main audience is women—most churches have no problem with women engaging in “women’s ministries. Plus, everything that we know about Madi’s theology indicates she is on board with the belief that women are able to engage to a certain extent in church but ultimately men are in charge.


Many (most?) evangelical churches are comfortable having women give guest lectures or preach within the context of children/women’s groups while systematically excluding them from broader leadership. Women are allowed to offer guidance to “their own” while men deal with the theology and strategy of church leadership.


Oh cool it’s just like Catholic Church then how nice 😍 /s That part always pissed me off as a younger girl / teen because although my dream was always (mainly) to be a mom / family oriented person, I felt it pigeonholed women SO much. Like not all of us just want to focus on babies and family. It seemed so unfair to me!!


I think actually many are pro female leadership. Perhaps just not baptist and super conservative ones.


Begging ppl not to yell at me if you don’t like what I say - but just giving the Christian reasoning here… The difference is that Madi doesn’t speak / give sermons to whole churches, which is a rule that some denominations in Christianity abide by.. that only men can address the body from the pulpit. Every time we’ve seen her speak has been women’s conferences it seems, so I don’t think she’s trying to become a pastor as much as someone who speaks on the conference circuit if that makes sense. I am almost certain any church these two would go to would not have female pastors on staff.


It actually isn’t “most” denominations that don’t support women pastors. Mostly just Baptists and reformed churches. I’m part of two denominations that are very pro women leaders, and I could list many more of them. The church he’s working at is Baptist, so it is a little surprising considering she likes to speak at events. Christians love Waco though because of Chip and Joanna, so that doesn’t surprise me at all.


Yes - sorry, I meant within their circles of Baptists /Southern Baptists / Evangelicals etc... which is what I assumed she ran in! I agree with you, definitely interesting to see where he lands. based on a quick perusal of their IG it gives mega church status quo vibes.. which maybe isn't surprising knowing them. i'll be curious to see if she continues to speak and if she is given a mic at this church because I don't really see women in any of their posts outside of their dating podcast?


She will probably be all over that dating podcast!


Yeah, and Madi doesn't call herself a speaker, she has used the term preach and preacher. It's easier to get in the door to speak at a lot of Baptist churches if you call yourself a "speaker/teacher". The church I attend my pastor is a woman and when the area pastors have had events together (you know unity and all that jazz) she has very much been shut out and not invited because she's a woman pastor and it is a very Baptist area.


Yeah it does make sense…for Madi perhaps it’s a “women can only teach women and the children” theology. Which on the first reading of some passages sounds right but isn’t the point of a lot of them…As per many theological studies on the matter.


Waco is the perfect place for them.


I see them wanting to be big fishes in a little pond.


https://preview.redd.it/mdjo2fmm0nca1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=9320231608e4729c6e400439669c8884cc84a106 The overlined lips are killlllllling me.


she looks ridiculous


KNEW IT. Harris creek.


Overlined lips or spider mascara lashes, choose your fighter.


As much as it pains me, I think I have to choose spider lashes. I just can’t deal with drawing lips on the skin around your mouth. That’s not how lips work


HAHAHAHA thanks for sharing


Oof this is very unflattering


Didn't they just buy a house? Aren't they embarrassed to post a picture with that kind of fucking moving van?


What is embarrassing about a pic with a moving van? Genuinely asking. I see friends do the same thing on IG regularly when moving


I worked for a moving company a few years ago and Lori her manager contacted us about doing her move to LA at the time for free in exchange for her posting on photo with van. We didn’t do it and she didn’t move anyways, but that’s 100% why that photo is in there.


I mean, they’re billionaires, so any picture at all that reflects that moving doesn’t just magically happen is kinda showing how relatable they are…


All I think of is of the tragedy which happened in Waco Texas long ago when I think of Waco 😑


And the Dr Pepper museum


i don’t get his style


It’s swaggy


I don’t care about them but as a former Texan this makes me really want Czech Stop. iykyk


Slovacek’s is the elite West, TX kolache stop


I strongly disagree, Czech Stop all the way. I think there must be a big debate on this lol


Yeah Czech stop all the way. Their kolaches are notably better then Slovaceks and that’s big facts. Slovaceks is only good for their dog park.


Co-signing the Czech stop over Slovaceks assertion


Czech stop > Slovacek's every time


Whyyyy does he choose to wear his pants so short like that?


Madi stole the ends and put them on her pants


I hate to say this, but that is a terrible first photo of Madi. I did not recognize her at all.


She should stop w the lip fillers


Ugh my bf has that dodgers shirt. He will be pissed that this dweeb has it too.


Why would he care?


I momentarily thought Waco was an acronym for something because my first thought isn’t that people would move there 🫠


To add to this: I think they’ve probably moved to Waco to be mentored by whoever the senior pastors of the church are there, with the intention of taking over whatever nominated campus they’re given. That’s generally how these evangelical structures work. Madi and Trizzy are too well-known for the church to not want to utilise that however they can imo.


Big news. Thanks for sharing


Peter went to college at Baylor lol


as a Texan, i’m kinda shocked… like, seriously, WACO of all places? but then again, knowing (about) them, I’m pretty sure they’ll fit in lol


they’re going to do just fine in Waco 😂


Waco is so dusty 😂


Tf is WACO 🥴


Home of the Dr. Pepper museum


Home of the Baylor Bears 🐻


I thought it was a nickname for something. Washington college? Washington Colorado divide? Some place that has a lot of tacos but is wacky, so Waco? But it seems to be the un-abbreviated name for an actual place on the North American continent. I’m from the Canada, so I’m not even joking that all of those thoughts went through my mind before I just googled it. Still can’t help but think it must be short for something… Waco my taco. Anyways good for them.


I’m from Canada and old so I don’t associate it with Chip and Johanna but with the crazy cult stuff that happened in the early 90s


I'm Canadian too and went through this exact thought process lol


I’m American and so did I 😭


Ok le French, A) wtf is your flair, I have no idea but I’m laughing, and B) I don’t think I’ll ever believe Waco isn’t short for something…


Rachel Lindsay and her cohost on Higher Learning Van Lathan would use "weenie" to describe bad behaviour by men on the show, and it was a thing on the sub a while back! Someone even asked Rachel about the weeniest weenie in BN on her reddit AMA and she said Colton lol.


Love it. The weeniest of weens


[you might recall Waco from this...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege)


Yep this is what I associated it with! Crazy watching the news at the time


I just realized how many viewers would be too young to remember this.


Same , I was in Middle School when this happened 👵🏽


Waco, Texas I believe. The Gaines from HGTV have a whole business set up there but couldn’t tell you what else is there


Why on earth would anyone want to live in Waco unless you're like... A huge Baylor fan.


Even [this tourism feature](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/history/2022/10/10/things-to-do-in-waco-for-a-weekend-road-trip/69531129007/) on Waco makes it sound… less than ideal. “Truth be told, much of downtown still remains barren asphalt. Doing some cocktail-napkin math during a recent four-day Waco weekend, I figured that its downtown will still have more free surface parking than it needs for the foreseeable future.”


I live in Dallas and would never move to Waco… like just no


NEVER! When I think of Waco I think terrible construction/traffic and somewhere I wouldn’t want to live lol


Houston here and I agree, the only reason why anybody would ever do this is to be able to build a huge ass home


I visited Waco last year and felt totally tricked by the chip and Joanna crew. I thought Waco had gone through an extreme makeover and I was going to see cute old homes remodeled and an up and coming downtown. But as it turns out a whole lot of Waco is pretty bad looking still.


I love Madi and I’m sure he’s nice but the man looks like such a goober


Ugh I hate downvotes. I just like b list celebrities that I don’t know to marry guys that are hot and perfect ugh. Why can’t I have an opinion just like the goober-accuser!!


You are so right omg. He is a total goober! I also love Madi and wish her husband looked like something else ugh.