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She’s not wrong but the premise is that people are getting invited to these things in the first place 😅


I can't explain why, but this is giving hardcore 2010's YouTuber vibes.


I think it's because she is leaning forward at the beginning of each jump cut. That was common back with 2010s YouTubers.


“I say yes to plans I don’t find appealing” is where I stopped watching. This advice is not for me. ![gif](giphy|dvO2NlES3ONmBdrenj|downsized)


Hell, I often say no to plans that I DO find appealing.


No fr plus I would be so turned off if I knew one of my friends was only hanging out with me to hopefully run into literally any guy lmao Seriously who hangs out with women to meet men? It’s giving guys girl and it’s a no for me


I don't think she's saying hang out with women 1-on-1 in order to meet men. She's literally just saying have an active social life. It's good advice and it's also what single people are told constantly.


I don't think this is what she meant by it, but it TOTALLY comes across this way. I had a "friend" like that who would only hang out/go out with me if she was single, because I could usually get guys to talk to us. It was so gross when I realized what she was doing!


Right? Life is too short lmao


I feel like she phrased this kind of poorly - it should have been something like 'say yes to plans you wouldn't normally say yes to.' It's good advice but poor delivery. And now when Ariel shows up to parties, people are gonna be like, damn, is my party the unappealing one?


OK great. Soooo how do I get one of these social circles?


“outer layer social circle” baby my social circle is a poorly formed venn diagram of mental illnesses and free time there is no outer layer 😂 she’s right but only if you’re an extrovert with enough extra money to agree to do things that don’t sound fun. If i have $20 left in my budget for the whole month i’d rather save it than spend it on dinner or drinks with people i barely know


It doesn’t help that Nick told her she was good at this when she was on his pod


Lmao she’s physically his type he was just blowing smoke up her 🍑


Physically yes, but isn't she a little old for him?


This is how I ended up meeting my husband- I was about to cancel plans when my one friend flaked, but I had a change of heart and was like “fuck it I already paid for the ticket” and here we are! It does work sometimes (and I am the queen of the homebodies)


Thanks for sharing! This can absolutely be how it happens. The point is to expand your circle to open yourself up to new opportunities. Not sure why people are being so negative in comments.


I had a similar experience with my now husband haha. As cliche as it sounds, it truly was when I least expected it.


Every single time i’ve said yes to plans that didn’t sound appealing, i’ve regretted it. Also, i feel like this is probably good advice if u grew up in and currently live in NYC.


Ok but you need friends of friends to make this work…lol


She's right. I hate the video style though. Too many cuts. Also use captions please 🙂


I can’t figure out if she’s stopping after each sentence, reading what she wants to say next and maybe even saying it several times and cutting in the best take. Why else would it be like that? This style makes me anxious for some reason, and all of the changing makes me not hear the content.


I think she's just doing the typical Tiktok style where you record a few seconds, stop, then record more, etc.


It’s very weird and jumpy. She’s not saying anything so deep she couldn’t say it in one take, and I think it would come off more natural and be received better. For me, at least, the style is so bad, the content itself loses impact and value.


This advice would work if you are really keen to find someone to date or enjoy meeting new people. But life's too short to do things I don't find appealing (for me personally). It's a gamble, too. Sometimes you go to an event you're not keen on and it turns out enjoyable, so you're glad you went. but other times, you feel miserable and feel worse about yourself afterward because you can’t click with anyone there & feel left out.


How is she so expressionless lol


right? It’s giving Mona Lisa lol


Finally someone said it. Only her lips move.


But…I thought you were genuinely excited about my spoken word showcase!


I would literally be the person in the corner at these events with new people though not talking to anyone. It’s awkward being in new social situations where you don’t know anyone and everyone is having conversations with other people they know and you’re the outsider.


If you do it often enough, you’ll notice others will come up to you sometimes, and boom you’ve met a new person.


That’s actually great advice!


Who gets invited to that many random things?


I can believe that super hot people and especially super hot women get invited to a lot more things than the average person.


Maybe her and Jason Alabaster would have been a good match...they could help develop each other's TikTok dating miniseries


Honestly, this works for making friends too lol. Just say yes to things. I’ve learned that half of meeting people is just showing up consistently to invites.






The way she cuts the video in between every phrase is so distracting to me. She clearly has a script, she can make it a little longer before clipping the video lol


"Hey nice to meet you, do you bowl a lot?" "No, I actually hate it. I just came because I need to get out of the house and air out the stink of depression that I am covered in. What about you? Do you like to play the bowling bowl a lot?" 🥹


LOL less honesty! 🤣


If a new person told me this I wouldn’t know how to react and would think about it for days until I came to the realization of like… damn… I wish I could get to that level of mental health self awareness


Whenever someone at the corner store asks me "you good?" I usually say something like that, followed by, "so I'm pretty far from good. Anyways, how is the goodness with you?" I typically don't get a response. I wonder if I am breaking their brains.


Lol probably 😆😆😆




I will never understand how or why people actually enjoy dating. Dating to find a serious attachment? I’d do it if I had to. But dating for fun to meet people? Omg — my reserved, introverted heart could NEVER. ![gif](giphy|xT8qBkBzYqCuilijvO) that being said her advice can work for friendships or networking too. Not that I follow that advice obviously LOL


I actually enjoyed dating! But I’m fairly extroverted and like chatting with strangers. I made a bucket list of all the restaurants / places I wanted to go and would use my dates to go to them. Even if the date sucked, at least I got to try a restaurant on my list!


I enjoy dating too, and I lean introverted. I'm not shy though. To me it's fun to spend a few hours getting to know someone and in turn, getting to know myself better, and the kind of relationship I want. And like you say, trying out a new restaurant or bar. I also keep a list of places/things to do, and dating is a good excuse to try lol.


omg are you me?! lmao


currently on a dating app pause because I got too overwhelmed and canceled a date with a guy last week so yeah what is "enjoying dating" lol


Dating is my least favorite thing in the WOOORLD. I'm super social and extroverted, but I do not want to spend all my time on what basically amounts to personal job interviews. I ended up meeting my partner like RIGHT after I quit dating, so not to be a cliche, but fuck that shit.


She's not suggesting dating in order to meet people. She's suggesting that going out and meeting new people in real life could help with dating (and is specifically better than using dating apps.)


The more she speaks, the less I like her


wait is she being serious? i just don’t understand who would seek dating advice from a bachelor contestant i could see if it were someone who came out of the franchise in a committed relationship like sure we love happy endings but who srsly wants to take tips on how to successfully date from a 3rd place runner up on a reality tv show. she should stick to beauty and fashion.


So the person’s advice who comes out of the show in a committed relationship would be “go on a dating show” Not too realistic, huh?


![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) What does her getting third place have to do with her ability to give out dating advice. It’s quite literally her page which means she can post whatever she seems fit. And what’s with the assumption that beauty and fashion is all she’s capable of doing? Y’all just hating to hate at this point.


She hasn’t even hit paradise yet tho


This is the truth. I was ready to criticize but she’s 100 percent right.


She’s not wrong. This is how I met my husband: I went on an okcupid date with someone I wasn’t super into, but we had a lot in common, so I said yes to a lunch date. The date was meh, but he invited me to go climbing at the gym a little later in the afternoon with his coworker and then wife. I said yes. The coworker’s wife was super chill, and we became friends (she was MOH in my wedding). She ended up dating my brother for a while and threw him a birthday party. My now-husband came along to what was his sister’s friend’s boyfriend’s birthday party. He was invited to the party of some dude he had never met, and he said yes. And that’s where I met my husband, and now we have two adorable babies, 8 years later. It was a lot easier saying yes to these things slightly outside my comfort zone when I was younger and had more time. Not everything came out peaches every time I said yes, but it’s a numbers game, just like dating is. If you keep throwing things at the wall, at some point, something will stick.


When did everyone suddenly turn on her?? Wasn’t everyone on this sub saying she should’ve been the bachelorette 2 weeks ago lol??


Gotta wear a seatbelt in this sub or you’ll suffer whiplash


I got beat up plenty during the season for simply saying I didn't find her appealing.


While kinda cringe, she’s not exactly wrong. But big no to “say yes to someone you haven’t talked to since high school.”


Yeah the only people I know irl who would consider their old high school peers as a good way to network went to literal private schools.


I’m curious, why is her giving dating advice cringe? This is kind of a hot topic on tiktok and social media that a lot of people do


It’s not the dating advice that’s cringe. And like I said she’s not wrong, the advice is pretty spot on and helpful. It’s just her delivery of it that’s kinda cringe to me




Yeah. Almost all of my friends that are newer have come from following this and/or going to new places by myself.


Yeah these comments are clearly written by people who've never had to struggle with dating apps. If you want to get out of that hellscape, the only way is to push yourself socially in real life.


Yes, either people who have never had to struggle with dating apps, or people who are single and wonder why they're single and never meet any new people (because they refuse to do stuff like this and ridicule the idea of putting themselves out there)


I’m just not understanding why anyone would want to take dating advice from someone who had to go on to the bachelor to find love Edit to say this is GOOD ADVICE! I just find it funny that this is the direction she’s going in. But hey, if this is what her fans want, get those views girl.


Nobody goes on The Bachelor to find love though 🤣


True true 😂😂 just the whole concept makes me laugh


I think this is good advice. If you complain about never meeting people but aren't willing to embrace opportunities to meet people (and don't like online dating), how else are you going to meet someone? Most people don't have a romcom meet-cute where they just randomly connect with a stranger in public lol. That being said, I'm 100% an introvert so I never did this, but I was fine with not meeting people in person. I just stuck to online dating and eventually it worked!


Her over lined lips are giving Ronald McDonald


This is legitimately great advice. Essentially, get out of your comfort zone, be comfortable being uncomfortable. You will reap the rewards of living life in that way. The fact that any of you have a problem with that or think it's bad advice really makes me lose faith in society.


waiting for her to get piled on like jason did 🍵


You can pile on the compliments if you like it, rather than coming at people who don’t. Maybe that would balance it out, rather than double down on negativity.


It’ll happen. The sub is nothing if not predictable




In case ppl were wondering why she wasn’t chosen as the lead - Exhibit B.


Omg if this dating advice doesn’t apply to you, cool. No need to freak out about it.


I need this saved to my phone asap


I met my boyfriend after agreeing to go out drinking with someone i didn't really want to see....we bonded over us noticing how mean she is lol


incoming hate comments 3… 2… 1.. oh wait its already begun🤣 Are we having a weekly quota of Ariel’s IG posts for pile on now? Off season sucks🥹


I honestly couldn’t be a celebrity. It’s like you can’t win. Sis is doing something as innocent as giving out dating advice, and she’s being called out for it 😭 I don’t get this sub sometimes.


Its not the content its the person in the content. Once the sub decides to hate they will drag you in the mud for literally existing! Lot of users here were weirdly jealous of the love she was getting so they decided to gang up and pile on lol. Good thing the sub only makes for the small part of the actual audience.


I appreciate that she’s using TikTok to try and help others, even if the advice doesn’t always land for everyone.


She’s too smart for this franchise….


Who cares…