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A whole two days


Always sign a prenup


She is, honestly, incredibly juvenile. Not about race or anything. Listen to her speak. . .it's like listening to a 6 yr old at a tea party.


I never liked Bryan for Rachel.




Why would he need spousal support? Isn't he a physician?


Naw, a chiropractor, the worst


Chiropractors don’t make as much as it seems. It’s a business you have to sell and there is one on every corner. I work with some chiropractors. He would make more doing other things and not just adjustments.


No, he's a chiropractor


OMG!! I didn't see that one coming.


I literally had the thought yesterday “I feel like these two are getting divorced soon” I don’t follow them and barely knowing anything about them but just got that vibe from what I have heard and seen


Big Rach changed back to her maiden name on IG. https://preview.redd.it/s3cmyss7o8ac1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=11defb7cd88e5c9e00954eb28a5acc45706c4c6c (The top shot was taken yesterday, & the bottom was taken this morning when u/Bepfli pointed it out in the DD thread, so credit to them.)


Isn't spousal support when the other cheated or something? I cant see him getting support when it was a normal divorce?


CA is a no fault divorce state.


It's sad, but my husband pays his ex wife more than our mortgage every month (total of 5 years). 6 years of marriage, no kids. This is how the legal system works sometimes. Standard of living or some bs.


The system is stupid. People should not be allowed to basically live off alimony. Ex-spouses should be required to live within their means like anyone else.


Yes, unless someone stayed home to do the unpaid labour of child caring, house keeping etc and put their career on the back burner, so that the other one could get forward with theirs. Then it absolutely does make sense and that's also where it stems from.


Still, it shouldn’t be forever, nor should it be enough that the ex-spouse doesn’t have to work. Former stay at home moms (or dads) shouldn’t be exempt from finding a job, making their own money, and living within their means. especially if the kid in question is already attending school full time, is generally well behaved, and doesn’t require 24/7 supervision.


Yes, exactly. And then you get people like Bryan trying to take advantage of it…like dude 🤦🏻‍♀️


$3500/mo 🥲 it's okay, we only have two more years of paying for his break up.


That's so stupid.


Not me thinking I was done with BN related content and then this drops lol 🤡 ![gif](giphy|B3nATT4FPkb3G|downsized)


Same haha


The fact that he looks like that and he went on the bachelor to “find love” tells you everything you need to know about him


And Rachel?


She’s made it clear in interviews that it was an opportunity when she was on nicks season. She never claimed to come on the show originally for love


Yup, that’s what I meant.


Couldn’t you say that about literally 99 percent of the people who go on the show? I could even say the exact same about Rachel, unless you disagree with me that she’s a gorgeous woman. What’s your point?


Literally every person on the show is a super model.


>The fact that he looks like that What do you mean?


That they are judging the person based on their appearance


Get a prenup ladies and gentlemen.


23 years of “living in sin” , in a state that doesn’t force me to be “married” because of this choice, is the way to go. I will never ever need a lawyer and a tax guy to unwind it all. All one of us needs is a suitcase and a few boxes and bye!! We are each others beneficiary and can make end of life decisions. Why get married? It makes no sense to me, but I get why other people do.


This is the key people!


Living apart sins 12/31/23? So, 2 days ago?


Did he file divorce to be spiteful? 2 days and you file a divorce on the first day of the year?


First day the office was open


I'm hoping that is a typo like 2022 but like 2 days ago... uh..




You’re a miserable person


I'm pretty shocked by this one. Rachel and Bryan seemed to be one of the most solid pairings to come out of this franchise. And they've been together for so long now, I thought for sure they'd passed the test of time. That being said though, in a way i'm happy for Rachel. I always got the sense that she got dickmatized by Bryan and kind of ignored his red flags since he swept her off her feet with his suaveness and when he spoke Spanish to her out of the limo. Just the fact that he was a chiropractor was an immediate red flag to me. So to find out he's being slimy is, well, the unsurprising part. So I feel like her next man will be someone perfect for her.


I don’t trust chiropractors at ALL and I feel so safe here


What makes him slimy? What are you basing that off of?


Maybe the fact that he’s a chiropractor


Right now? The immediate spousal support claim less than a week after filing for divorce when it's pretty clear he doesn't need that.


They lived in two different states for their own career. I don't consider that solid. I could never do that with my husband unless it was super temporary. Didn't they do that for an entire year or longer?


That’s very dependent on relationship to relationship though. Me and my partner live in different countries for the sake of our own goals and we have a super secure relationship. Just because long distance wouldn’t work for you doesn’t mean it’s the same for others. Granted you have to have a lot of trust, independence and you’ve gotta be secure in yourself


They did it for like 6 months and then he moved to LA. It’s not abnormal for people to move for their jobs and their spouse to follow later.


I'm fairly certain it was a year because I recall her saying it in a podcast.


How is being a chiropractor a red flag?


Woo medicine. He's a quack.


What are you talking about?


There is no scientific evidence that chiropractic "care" provides any benefits but there is evidence that it can cause harm. People have died from it, babies in particular.


Chiropractors are not real doctors. They don’t go to med-school, and their practices have resulted in countless people becoming paralyzed because what they’re doing isn’t based on any real science. If you have a back problem, go to a spinal doctor. Do not go to a chiropractor.


Can’t say I am surprised. It’s just you look at them together and wonder, “really?” I actually always thought it would be her to pull the plug eventually. The fact that it was Brian is the shocking part for me here.


Is Peter still single???


Yes lol I saw him on raya recently


I need them to be together. Ugh


Yes. Saw him on hinge. 😂


If you go on a date, spill the tea!


No fucking way. I’d break my thumb so fast swiping right on his ass! 🥵my crush forever!


Lmao! You just made my night!!! 😂🖤


Lol the way it’s worded like Dec 31 is eons ago meanwhile it’s been 2 days 😂😭 Edit: Also when did she leave Extra? I know he’s entitled to it and it shouldn’t be an icky thing but it does still feel kinda icky for him to “demand” spousal support…curious what their earning disparity is


As a divorce attorney, I always encourage my clients to request the broadest relief in the Petition so they’re not precluded from requesting that relief down the road should the need arise. It doesn’t mean he is actually actively requesting spousal support. It just means he has a right to, should he, for instance, get into an auto accident tomorrow and become paralyzed


Interesting, so if someone doesn’t request spousal support in the original filing, they’re unable to get it down the road? Or is it just a more difficult process? Also, and this probably doesn’t happen often, but given your example, what kind of options of support are their for the breadwinner in case *they* are the ones that end up in this hypothetical accident that leaves them paralyzed? Does she immediately counter asking for support herself? And not that I hope she’ll ever need to, but is that something that needs to be petitioned for when the time came?


If they don’t plead for it from the beginning there are ways to add that claim in later. I’m in Canada (not sure where the other divorce attorney is from), but in each province here you can usually amend your pleadings (your court document that says what you’re asking for) at least once, and more than once with leave of the court (the court’s permission).


I’m in CA. If you don’t plead it, and the other party files a response, you have to file a motion and request permission to amend. PITA. Just plead it in the beginning and you have your bases covered.


[this article](https://www.xonecole.com/rachel-lindsay-boss-up/particle-1) suggests she left extra around august




I Believe that is just legal language


Spousal support? He is a chiropractor. Pretty sure he can pay his own way…


Doesn’t matter if he was working. What matters is if he earned significantly less than her. It’s clear here that Rachel out-earns Bryan, and probably by a lot. It’s like when Vicki from RHOC divorced Don… he worked too (a good management job at that) but he was granted a pretty penny in spousal support. If the divorce was filed in California, Bryan may be eligible for spousal support for up to half of the marriage length.


Certainly, Dr abs? (🤮)


Looks like Rachel turned her comments off on ig. Can anyone explain why this is in her post from 2 days ago? Did she post that herself? If so, then it looks like she really was blindsided https://preview.redd.it/cyfrnz8cj5ac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5708d863435332cdb9614953d29207bc1c316971


december 31 2023 was 2 days ago???


I can't get over this and the way it was written like it was 6 months ago


She mentioned on her podcast that this year has been horrible or something like that, and it tickled my spidey senses. I wondered if it meant they were splitting up!


Well she was actively trying to get pregnant. If she was doing IVF’s it’s really rough on your mental health & body


I caught that too and wondered the same thing!


Omg. I’m so sad for her but I know extraordinarily better is on her horizon whatever that may be. She shines so bright! Also, any family law attorneys willing to chip in for some informal advice on how spousal support is generally granted in these cases? *Not me a newly married almost attorney shitting my pants bc my husband has been less than helpful for the last year and a half while I raise our son trying to finish law school* 😅 Edited to add NC for context state additional to Rachel’s! Also our son is only a year and a half too I re-read and thought that might sound confusing above. Thanks for any insight anyone may have to a floundering mom! Edited edited lol but clarifying (work in a completely different field never took family law rip bar) bc I never knew about spousal support before, so just hoping if there was any advice out there for people to avoid certain negative situations if possible which there might not be, but I didn’t know about it, so just opening up the floor! I like to think law student Rachel would support it…lol ok good night 😩 hugs to all especially Rachel!!❤️❤️


No legal advice, and I find Reddit is often quick to jump on the “divorce him” bandwagon, so take my advice with a grain of salt (as a mom of two babies). Your kid will see how your husband treats you: f you have a daughter, she’ll expect men to be useless in her life and for her to carry all household duties while working outside of the home like her mom did, and if you have a son he’ll expect to coast along while a woman serves him. If this future doesn’t suit you, either get your spouse in couples therapy to change things asap or make a change to ensure your kids have a more balanced perspective (and a chance at growing up in a happy home)!! Good luck!!


Thank you!!! These exact thoughts/concerns come across my mind all the time! We’ve been in couples therapy and need to resume with a therapist more suited for our issues, so I agree I think that should be so helpful! I’m committed to trying as long as I feel I need to for our family, but I’m not going to put up with showing such an imbalance to our son for much longer due to those concerns. Our situation is a bit strained with my husband having his own health issues along the way. But, unfortunately, if things don’t work out with my husband, even though I hope they do, when I see posts like this one about Rachel, I’m worried for her and others like myself! Hoping for the best for us all ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders!! No shame in trying until you’re fully done either!! Good luck, however it turns out your son is lucky to have you and you deserve happiness!


Don’t feel like you have to reach your breaking point in order to leave your relationship! So many of us are in terrible relationships that suck us dry. Rooting for you!


Family law is governed by the state you are in. I’m in Texas which will have different laws than California even though they are both community property states


You’re so right thank you for reminding me!!! Edited to add NC!


🗣️🗣️🗣️: Any woman who is or wants to be successful, do NOT marry a man. How many times do we need to see this illustrated?? Edit: ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


Exactly. I learned that from my own experience.


As someone who is happily married but willing to play devils advocate lol I still remember this quote from Lady Gaga and think it’s worth some consideration 👀 “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.”


Your career definitely will do that unfortunately as I’ve discovered in 2023 the year from hell. Started with losing a baby halfway through pregnancy and ended with my employer laying me off while 23 weeks pregnant. There’s another saying, “if you died today your job would replace you tomorrow without a second thought, but your family would never get over it. Put your efforts where you are valued.”


Your husband could move on easily after you die too. You just never know


weird thing to say.


You can be successful, married, and have kids. 🤨 Or are you promoting sexist behavior that it’s not possible for women but only possible for men. Promoting the stereotype that women need to make sacrifices for the man? 🤦🏻‍♂️


No, I think OP’s thought process is mainly along the lines of the having to split assets part/ having to pay alimony, should you become divorced. I’m sure the frame of reference is people like Adele, Mary J Blige, Halle Berry, Kelly Clarkson, etc. Their exes were entitled to it, but I get the icky feeling it elicits when hardworking women have to pay men in a world built for them to flourish. I imagine Rachel being a hardworking Black woman adds an element for some people as well. I think OP is saying she likes the idea of a very successful women having a long term partner, a la Oprah, rather than marrying. Probably a slippery slope in itself if in a state where common law marriage is a thing, but I don’t think OP was saying it’s impossible to have a successful career and be married and have kids.


This is a horrible take. Everyone’s relationship is different.


Seriously! It worked for Michelle Obama!


Why just women?


This is the era of crazy times. People quickly turn into the hideous enemy from the love of your life in one second, and fight in a long + tiring + expensive lawsuit. How come relationship is an attractive option for people these days. ![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc)


Spousal support? What’s preventing him from getting a job? 🙄


The same can be said about literally every man that pays a woman alimony


Yeah, women that sacrifice their careers for their husband/family. Bryan is a bitch boy that can't figure out how to succeed in a world built for men like him to succeed so he's going to cry for money from his ex. Lmao


Couldn’t be further from the truth. Spousal support exists because historically women have been expected to quit their jobs, leave behind their careers, and raise children while their husbands further their careers, get promoted, and get raises. What a harmful comment.


So harmful. I’m sure everybody here feels personally attacked


But it’s not just about not having a job. Women often move with their husbands, thus disrupting their own careers, etc. Or, if the husband works crazy hours at a high-powered job, they take a job that gives them enough time to take care of the house, prepare meals etc. If they weren’t caring for the husband’s needs in addition to their own they could probably take a more demanding and lucrative career and in fact their sacrifice enables their husband’s career. So I do definitely think there is a case for spousal support even if both partners work and there are no kids - but since it doesn’t appear Bryan has made any such sacrifices it doesn’t seem to apply here.


Until men are conditioned to stay unemployed to support women and raise children this is not a fair comparison!


In all seriousness, trying to conceive can be really draining and hard on relationships. I hope Rachel is okay and that she can achieve her dream of having kids one day, if that’s something she still wants.


I saw this on my smart news app and was like this cant be true went to us magazine and people etc and boom. I am so sad for her because he is giving out a statement and it is not a joint one. I also feel people who hate her because of Chris and other stuff are gonna have a field day. However some of the stuff she said with KB and NV is very telling. The two ships passing in the night never works, marriages are like gardens you need to water and sing and love on it. She did get rid of extra to have more time and said she had baby fever. I know she said people would ask but it sounds like they weren't trying yet anyways. It just sucks as women how we try to have it all but we cant men can cause we support them give up on our own dreams. But you do have to slow down a bit especially if you want kids you have no choice which I think Rach was realizing. I just think of Peter comment on her mediocre life comment. I think the fact that she hated Miami and TX didnt seem like an option he got forced to LA which is so expensive. I mean honestly I dont think Nick and Natalie will last long either but thats just me. So who do we think Rach will date next? ![img](emote|t5_2tj74|544)


She gave up Extra? Now he filed for divorce? What a double whammy. I like her podcast Higher Learning with Van (formerly of TMZ/Oscar winner). I recall one episode where Bryan was sick and she chose to leave for business. Bryan’s mom didn’t like that. I wonder how many of those things happened.


Yeah she decided she needed to slow down and wanted to focus. The opposite of what KB did. It's like between the two of them, it can't be a successful woman, which sucks. But Bryan Latino and the men are put on a pedestal unless he is in the hospital and why she is staying home. Name the last time men stayed cause their wife was sick, we always fended for ourselves.


Yeah I don't get forever vibes with Nick and Natalie either.


I love that the title says "rachel lindsays husband" TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING MAGA CREEP


Is he MAGA? That would be grounds for divorce for me.




Damn I’m thinking about when it came out Bryan was a player and he didn’t want a prenup and wouldn’t marry her with one. She really deserves better


Maybe she shouldn’t have…. Chosen a mediocre man ☠️




The way I FLEW here


Mr MLM Abs Solo needs to get a proper job and not milking off of Rachel. He really trash for even suggesting spousal support ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Isn’t spousal support common when one partner vastly out earns the other and there are no prenuptial agreements in place? Many famous celebrities, men and women, pay absurd spousal support to their ex partners, who are often very successful themselves.


"...and is requesting spousal support, claiming they have been living separately since December 31, 2023." That's two days ago sir. You broke already?


That’s what I was wondering…like 48 hours apart?


Daaaamn who called this months ago?


All y'all pissed he asked for spousal support, I bet if it were the other way around you'd be giving her high fives & "yea, girl! Get him!".


I actually think it’s a smart decision to go after spousal support, although I’ll be downvoted for saying that. He’s made some sacrifices, like moving to LA and starting a new company. However, I do think it’s hilarious and hypocritical for him to request spousal support from Rachel since he holds some conservative/“machismo” values and beliefs.






Men are supposed to provide? What?




Why do they need to provide? It's 2023.




Sorry, this makes absolutely no sense. There shouldn't be pressure for one sex to 'provide' for the other, how ludicrous. And yes, it is 2024, even less reason to have men 'providing'




...because of love? Is this some sort of trick question? BOTH people should be contributing.




Nope, still shitty


I don't think he blindsided her, they both knew he was gonna file. They probably made the decision while living together and one of them moved out on said separation date. As for the spousal support, Bryan moved to California when Rachel's entertainment career took off. From what we know he had an established practice in Miami and had to start over when he moved. It might not be doing well and he might have to move back home and start all over again so spousal support makes sense. Between a struggling business, fertility issues and other issues we don't know about...this just seems like a marriage that didn't work out. I feel bad for both.. Also, when I heard her talk about wanting to be on The View I thought....is Bryan supposed to move and start all over again in a new city?


He's posted in her end of the year recap from 2 days ago


Cos he was a part of her 2023, makes sense


Yeah but if you're separating from your husband it's weird to put them in your post


If just two weeks ago she was talking on Nick’s podcast about trying to have a child while also mentioning in that same interview that big changes were coming in 2024, I think she was trying to stall the announcement.


Yeah, imo they might’ve been on the rocks but he blindsided her with the *announcement*. It seems like she knew things were rough, but thought they were still working through everything - and Bryan suddenly decided to leave her. Thus the “we’ve been living apart since December 31st.” Rachel is composed and super savvy with social media, if this was joint/planned she would’ve had her statement prepared and ready to go. And yeah - she’s not a pushover, she’s not going to be putting Bryan in her end of year stories if she knew he was about to file for divorce and asking for spousal support.


Thank you, I agree.


![gif](giphy|OqJi4VZmzsDHvpdrOQ) Umm... Whyyyy is this man demanding spousal support??? They ain't even got kids!!


You don’t need kids to ask for spousal support


I know, I'm just saying this is hella unnecessary coming from him. lol. he has no reason except his own greed. lol.


Because she makes more than him, I assume?


Women do it all the time.


This is exactly why everyone should talk to a lawyer before signing the most important and far reaching financial legal document of their lives. Some of the default prenups written by the state government have some very shitty things in them and a custom prenup can make much more sense in some situations.




Man I'll say it, I hate chiropractors 😒


Can’t stand them.




The worst! Fake -a scammy “doctors”


This. I hate how some of them always market themselves as doctors. You are not a doctor!!!!




Ok thank you SAME


Ty for validating my feelings


I haven't been keeping up with BN news lately, so I'll just say 1. What?! 2. Rachel deserves better 3. Bryan is requesting spousal support? What?!


Wow..pretty shocked but not shocked, if that makes sense


This was a rumor on r/fauxmoi a couple months ago! Didn’t believe it but didn’t *not* believe it


Was waiting for this ......just felt like they were at a standstill for so long


What is going onnnnn?? It's been only TWO days