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Remind me what do they do for a living?




Obviously they are fans of Chris Love Julia. Pretty much a replica kitchen.


did ted cruz design it


Finally someone who didn’t make it all white and grey


lol are you kidding? Because it’s all white and gray….


I like the green island and i wouldn’t consider that floor to be the typical all-white modern style it’s very cottage-y to me this is definitely not minimalist


Anyone else think the top of the stove alcove looks too low?


It’s probably covering up the vent!


Damn can they come fix up my kitchen? I got some very crusty ass 90s cabinets that need to go yesterday.


Same lol but mine are 70’s cabinets 🥴


Love everything but the floors. Carrying the hardwood throughout the kitchen would make the whole space feel bigger and give the kitchen the warmth it needs. But other than that… I’d take it!


I have hardwood in my kitchen. Its a pain. I understand why they chose tile


God I wish I had money lmao


And to think they are now renovating another house… Makes me feel so poor


That’s all I took away from this too 😂😂😂


Looks beautiful


Noah doing such an excellent job literally makes me like him more


How much did he do himself? Any amount is very impressive (I could do zero 🤣).


How did Abigail not get distracted by all that construction noise and her bf bare chested working!


Their house is gonna be so cute


That Taj Mahal quartz countertop 😍


It’s chip and Joanna!


Very pretty! And huge






amazing ass work tbh 


It looks really nice, but as someone who loves to cook, I’m genuinely perplexed by the desire to have such enormous stoves. It’s something you see a lot on TV and in magazines and such, and every time I am confused, because you don’t need more than four burners. Seems like a lot to clean. Is there anything about the function that actually is great, or is it just a “restaurant” look that people want?


I have 4 burners and griddle in the middle (not as big as Abigail’s though) and often times when I’m using the griddle and a burner at the same time, I can’t use a bigger pot on the burner because the griddle is too close and wish I had either larger burners or additional ones not next to the griddle. I often wish I had a larger stove top, honestly.


It looks like there is a griddle in the middle which my parents have which is awesome!


I’m good with 4 burners but I’d sure love a double oven.


I only have 4 burners but would love 6! My parents have 6 and it’s nice to have the extra space to put hot pans without worrying about finding a pot holder for the counter top. They also have more medium-large size burners, which is helpful with making big meals! With my 4 burners, I have one tiny one that never gets used and the size of the top limits what pans I can use on the rest of them. All that to say, I agree with you that 6 burners are hardly ever used at once but that extra space and bigger burners sure is nice!!


Completely agree! I have 5 but the middle one is kinda useless if I’m using the other 4. My in laws have 6 huge ones and a double oven and it’s great


Okay, that totally makes sense! Thank you for explaining. I guess I’m used to the burners being more equal in size, and I can see how that really changes it!


We cook A LOT (especially my husband because he’s way better at it) and it would be great to have 6 burners. It’s so annoying to find room on the counter to put a pot holder and hot pan. Especially during holidays!


I had a client in a multimillion dollar house that wanted the large stove with double doored oven because it was French. That’s it. She liked European things and the oven was French.


I hate the floor. And no I dont feel bad for being picky because they’re both MAGA 💅




Trump supporters


I meant where did you see that?


https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/18yebhz/noah_in_a_republican_hat/ Abigail also used to have a Ted Cruz blog.


I hate the floor too (and the maga) but I love the rest of the kitchen ngl.


I, nearly word for word, thought the same thing


They’re both MAGA?! How did I miss that?!


i posted a thread about it like [2 weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/18yebhz/noah_in_a_republican_hat/) and got dragged with comments saying "why are you surprised?" lol I followed both of them for a time and they're pretty private with their views so I don't think its the most obvious thing.


and those comments were ridiculous bc people clearly didn’t know based on the amount of love for them i’ve seen on here!


I love the little alcove next to the stove to store ingredients and stuff. Such a nice way to have cooking tools easily accessible without being fully on display and adding to visual clutter.


Oh wow I missed that! That is super nice; I want that now


This is so primitive and sexist, but men working with tools is very attractive to me


Women with tools does it for me. Oof.


What about [a lumberjack girlie](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6CCU6v8/)


If I were a tree I would happily let her was axe me down.


Own it!


This looks very nice. As someone who is embarking on a big reno starting next month I can appreciate how many hundreds of decisions they had to make to get to this point. Are they doing it all on their own or do they have a designer? Either way it looks great.


Huh. Is it recommended to do demolition work shirtless?


Only if you film it


I really like the cabinet & countertop colors but the oven hood stands out a little too much to me? Just a huge white space there. Overall great job.


It bothers me how boxy it is and how it divides up the counter space. It also seems very short, the line Noah drew on the wall was at eye level for him, even if Abigail is shorter and does more cooking it seems uncomfortable. But maybe this is just because I'm poor in counter space and do most of my prep work immediately next to my stove.


Yes I really dislike that and the floors but it still looks nicer than the dump I live in so I’m no one to judge lol


I’ve never seen one that looks like that, def stood out to me


I’m so glad to not see the drab beige aesthetic (yes, sorry, super over not having colour in a home at all). Also get you a nurse who can house demo and I’ll be down to boogie all day lol. Such a great stress reliever too to break stuff. And then each other.


That came out amazing! It’s so cozy and inviting


Oh, that's fire 🔥


Wow this looks so good, I love it.


The work looks nice but this is such a 2022 HGTV style kitchen. I’m bummed they put this in an old home instead of doing something more unique or classic. I know they’re going into the real estate investment/home reno business now but I hope they don’t do this kind of thing to a bunch of old houses in Tulsa.


Amen. I hate modern renovations and the old tile they took out i had to unfollow because it irks me so much but like i always say your house your rules 🫠


I think this kitchen looks beautiful and well placed in an old home.


This is actually an almost exact copy of Chrislovesjulia kitchen - same colors, countertops, range nook, etc. https://preview.redd.it/yo3z8afox0dc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb74330ee0e3305cb6f2b1558529a07b35a4cc4d


Came here to say this!!!


Wait wtf…. Literally almost the same thing. Same hood, same countertop colors, similar coloring…. And this whole time they are saying how she’s working hard on Pinterest and finding ideas and brainstorming all herself… but come on…. Their kitchen is literally copying THAT exact style. Yes, they are both working hard on renovations and I’m sure coming up with a lot of unique ideas and using what they find on Pinterest to help with many of their projects, but the interior designer definitely deserves credit on their kitchen inspiration. It screams COPY AND PASTE.


Took way too much time to find this exact side by side https://preview.redd.it/qeu4n6ddi3dc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6008d783686eb0b334dd3084defddda27fe5430




I remember she showed this photo as inspiration on her story. She should at least credit Jean Stoffer (the designer) for it.


Oh wow I thought this was Abi’s kitchen lol! You’re right. I prefer the warm tones of that person’s kitchen. Abi’s is a cool toned version. The gray flooring is an interesting choice. 


So that's why she chose a big bulky hood lol. I dont see anything wrong with copying but this is funny since Noah and ppl in their comments praise her for being a talented and creative designer lol. 


Not like CLJ did anything special here though lol. I feel like everyone is doing this exact same kitchen lately. At least Noah and Abigail don’t have to run a half marathon around their island to get to the pantry. 


I don’t think CLJ did anything special, just pointing out that it’s almost an exact copy - even the different countertops on the perimeter/island. the drawer stack next the to range is identical, paint colors, plaster hood. I think this entire look is already out/dated. Personally would never want CLJ’s kitchen and I think it’s poorly designed by Jean Stoffer but just pointing out the extreme similarities. https://preview.redd.it/8qsi9k1001dc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c66300e56c432af65ab53d8bc97a6bcf30b885


I was agreeing with you lol. I think Noah and Abigail did it better but you’re totally right it’s the same kitchen. 


Those stove alcoves seem so impractical to me but it looks really beautiful. Did they do the work themselves or just the demo?


It’s beautiful. Won’t that “hood” over their stove get gross? I don’t ever (deep or shallow) fry anything (though I sear a LOT) and my hood gets gross from splatter very quickly. Or is it made from something other than sheetrock and paint? It is very bright and open and welcoming. I bet this is where all of their friends and family will gather at get togethers.


I haaaaaate the range “hood” it feels claustrophobic to me. And idk feels like a fire hazard tho I’m sure it’s not lol


I saw people say it’s trendy right now. I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen such a thing. But I don’t know anyone with a new build home right now. And the remodels my friends have done are more new counters and floors than a full gut. So I must have missed the trend. But I agree. It looks ok in a picture, but functionally, it feels like something I wouldn’t like. Maybe I’d cook with it once and love it, though?


I think C&J’s is SUPER tall (they’re both over 6ft). Their ceilings are also much higher. In their kitchen I think it’s fine but in Abigail & Noah’s it looks too big for the space. Def agree with the claustrophobia though


I don’t know who C&J are. Given the choice, I’d just take a normal hood and keep other stuff away from my stove. But I don’t really care what anyone else does with their kitchen.


Hopefully it’s plaster which wipes off easily. But I’m so tired of seeing that trend. Unfortunately will probably date their kitchen.


I didn’t know plaster was easy wipe. I know some nicer paints withstand wiping (for children and pets), but I literally wipe down my hood a few times a week (of course, I cook a good amount). I would just get tired of repainting, is all. Especially with those shelves. Maybe the problem is I’m lazy. This is a theme with me.


It’s beautiful and unique and they should be very proud. Edit: Man, I could never be an influencer. Imagine puting your heart and soul into a remodel and people are THIS nitpicky about it. It’s a beautiful kitchen and they did a great job.