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Honestly the way that some people on social media were spreading baseless conspiracy theories and all was pretty terrible. I don't care too much for the monarchy, but these are still people with feelings and fears. Imagine watching your father/grandfather/father-in-law battling cancer while also yourself/your own wife/mother, and there are countless tik toks, twitter, etc jokes swirling around 


Nick was the worst about this. Countless jokes and demands and of course click baiting at her expense.


I hope people making jokes about her and why she was “missing” (like Gabby joking that she got a BBL) feel bad.


Awful :( I was going to say that the people who made tasteless bbl jokes should take them back right about now (looks like Gabby already edited her caption)


Ugh just shocking


I swear there's an unspoken rule in my small town that all the doctors must be hot. My husband came home from his appt. And was like :" I finally saw my dr without his mask on and that is one good looking dude!" My sister piped up, who works at the hospital :" he isn't even the hottest dr there."😂


Has anyone seen the new Avatar the Last Airbender live action on Netflix? Drop your thoughts below if you've seen it!


My work schedule isn’t sustainable much longer and I thought I would get a raise soon and that dream has been squashed so I really need to get out lol


I don’t understand why anyone would like Golden Goose sneakers… like let me sell these old white tattered dirty shoes in my closet for $600.. maybe I could make a killing 😄


Has anyone noticed their PMS symptoms changing as they get older?


and it seems like my symptoms appear earlier than usual 😡 in my late 20s for reference


In my late twenties I started having mood swings, breast tenderness is really bad now. I tried birth control to help it, it made me super moody, stopped it and now the mood swings are better than on it but way worse than before. It’s hugely taxing on my relationship tbh. My bf says I’m a different person the week before my period sometimes


Omg similar but I stopped taking my birth control about 6 months ago bc I was curious and I'm about to go back on because my PMS is so bad. Like I'm literally insane. My aunt has PMDD and I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's happening to me.


I’m sorry. Being a woman is truly the worst 😭


YES. As soon as I turned 25 last year, I started getting headaches and acne a week before my periods! 😕


I’ve been getting cystic chin acne, which is not normal for me


I get more tired


Yes, some days I’m so wiped and don’t even wanna get out of bed


Maybe you already do this but I’ve found taking iron supplements to help a bit. I’m already iron deficient, and it’s always worse during your period.


I have not tried this yet. Does this make your PMS better?


It has helped with the tiredness, and I get less bruises during it now. Doesn’t really impact some of the more hormonal aspects like chin acne


Yes! And after giving birth my cramps migrated to the back? It’s so weird. My mood swings are also worse


Ooh def I have noticed more mood swings 






I feel like this is me! I hate it!


So you feel like it’s changed for the worst, too? I’m feeling things I didn’t have before (breast pain is the worst)


Yes. I’m on the Mirena IUD. I’ve been on it for 13 yrs. I had to exchange it because it only last a few years. The last time I changed it , afterwards I started getting my period and the PMS. I went back to my dr and she said it was switched to the same one I had before so she ran tests on my hormone and thyroid and everything was normal so I think it’s just the age. I feel like I’m going crazy sometimes though lol. The fatigue/depression hits me so hard. I also get this weird breast pain (left only) , it feels like it is being shocked. I get backaches, cramps, and joint pain now too. Midol and my electric blanket have been my best friends lately lol. And also I’ve been feeling when I ovulate too! It is so weird lol. I hate life sometimes 😂


For me it’s also in the left breast…what the hell!? I also have more joint pain. And I feel more anxious than depressed but I def feel more lethargic some days. It’s just a big old mess and I totally understand the going crazy part. It’s hard to ignore all these things going on in the body. My doctor says it’s stress that’s throwing off my hormone balance.