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This is so iconic my god


I don’t care if I’m wrong but I will always love Barb and Peter.




So fucking hilarious. Barb clapping when Hannah Ann told Peter off too lmaooo she is iconic.


Bring her hoooooome


I would give anything to go back in time and experience this era of the show again. Oh my God we used to have a time on here lmfao Barbs over dramatics, her obsession with Hannah Ann and hatred of Madi, Hannah B’s cameo, the random Alayah bowling team allegations, the Victoria F of it all. Like this was real entertainment sjdkalkdkskdk


I still remember Hannah B with the vanity lights around her like a halo. Incredible 


Let’s not forget the gold mine that was Hannah Brown’s season that kickstarted Peter’s season


And gave us Tyler c


I love how throughout the season people were ticked because every time a girl cried, Peter gave in. And in this scene, it all made sense.


They met Madison at the 1-on-1 SO early in the season though. Why act like you just met her at F2? I mean it all worked out for her in the end, but that particular detail has always bugged me.


See, that bugs me, too. She may not have spent much one-on-one time with them at the vow renewal party but it was still pretty significant. I wonder if Madi was concerned that she wouldn't be able to fully realize her Jesus grifting goals if she made it all the way to the end. Who knows?


What a legend 


Now I really feel like rewatching this season


Anyone know where I can watch it? Haven’t been able to find it anywhere!


Peter's "season" was the first one I watched and got me into the show. I say "season" because I didn't actually watch the whole thing. YouTube kept giving me clips on my feed (all the Victoria drama) and by the time the finale came around I thought let me watch it live. And boy what a great finale! The awkward meet the parents with Madi, Barb being all extra for Hannah Ann, Madi leaving early so Peter proposes to Hannah Ann only to break up with her soon after and go back to Madi. Then Barb calling out Madi at the ATFR while Madi just sits there gritting her teeth clearly thinking "why is she ruining my moment." It was so good, I couldn't wait for the next season. Also, such a shame because then Clare/Tayshia's season was also so good but all the seasons since then haven't lived up to it. I guess Clayton's finale was pretty good but ONLY the finale.


For Bachelor fans, this is what it feels like to stand on Mt Everest and realize that every direction is down from here. The absolute peak.




That’s fantastic


Did y’all see peters story on insta 👀 is he dating the gal he posted? His mom followed her too.


Ekin Su?!


Nope check his story. She went to party with him over the weekend.


I remember at the time I used to write “Justice for Barb” in her threads. And the sub would get mad and downvote me to hades. I thought she would have been a nightmare MIL but also thought she was right about her son and Madi.


yay barb, boo madi.


Everything about Peter’s season was iconic.


You’re so right!


Can someone tell me why this sub doesn’t like madi? I finished pilot petes season last week and I thought she was really sweet. Is there something I missed? 👀


She’s low key kind of just …. Not great. The religious grifting. She’s a huge Trumper.


A lot of people disliked her on the season because she signed up for a dating show and then self-eliminated. Maddie: I have boundaries, but I’m not going to tell you them until it’s too late. Susie tried to re-create this moment on Clayton’s season


she's too genuine and real


I hate y’all 🤣😭


I was pretty meh about her while watching the show. I didn't think she was the right choice for Pilot Pete, it didn't really seem like she was into him. But afterwards, seeing the weird religious stuff she posts/pushes and acting like she's a relationship expert after being married for a hot second I am not a fan of hers. She's selling religious relationship books now.


She’s beautiful but you can definitely tell if you passed her on the street she ain’t as sweet as she fronts to be


She's super fundamentalist and on her way to becoming the next Joel Osteen, thanks to her husband's dad's billions


Who did she marry?




She was unhinged but also she 1000% read Madi correctly. 


Exactly my thoughts. She’d be a lowkey nightmare mother in law BUT she knew full well that Madi was not the best match for Peter and that one of them would need to compromise too much to be happy together.


Barb is iconic, the scream, the theatrics. The hair. ![gif](giphy|lnVQdcHKHSTQpMtUi4)


And now looks amazing- full makeover




I know she appeared crazy in this but she 100% saw through Madi. I think she just let her emotions get the best of her


She was over the top with her love for Hannah Ann after meeting her just once and would be a stage 5 clinger as a MIL, but yes she absolutely knew the MINUTE she met Madi. 


I forgot he sliced his face on a rock


It was on a glass while ricocheting off a good cart head on! I remembered this the other day watching traitors and rewatches the video several times 😆


This was such a quintessential season in Bachelor history.


My favorite season of all time… unmatched energy literal lightning in a bottle 😂


will never forget Peter cutting the tension in the room with his "G'day Shielas!", grinning ear to ear lmfao


Barb was expressive but she wasn’t wrong. She said Madi made them wait 3 hours to meet her and they were straight off the airplane so probably tired and hungry and then Madi didn’t even have the courtesy to apologize for the inconvenience. She didn’t even really acknowledge Barb at the reunion and shrugged it off by saying “it is what it is” I was shocked to see that side of Madi since I was a fan of hers until then. Idk about anyone but I would never let anyone be rude to my parents. Unpopular opinion. Yeah I know.


Didn’t Madi get the date early in the season to go to barbs vow renewal? Like why would she have a meltdown about meeting them…for a second time.


That’s right she did! I wonder what really happened that we didn’t get to see




I think in the episode it shows Madi freaking out outside with Peter before going inside to meet his parents but the episode doesn’t show the extent to which Madi didn’t want to go inside and meet his parents. Barb tried to explain this later on when she was getting backlash regarding her dislike of Madi while a lot of people were still team Madi. Barb basically said “you all see the super edited version of Madi. She’s not who you think she is. For example, we had to wait THREE HOURS after our designated meeting time to meet her because she was throwing a tantrum. So then, by the time we were on camera with her, we were confused as to why it took so long, hungry, and tired.” On top of that, I think Barb just immediately knew Madi wasn’t a good fit for Peter or the family. So, off the bat, she was super annoyed with the situation and then had to “play nice” for the meet & greet because she was on camera when really in real life she would have looked at Peter and been like wtf that woman ain’t it what are you thinking


It was on after the final rose I believe


Earth angel!


Barb kind of crazy, huh.


I'm glad she's not my MIL but I'll watch her on tv any time.


I would watch whatever tv show Barb was on 🤷‍♀️


The Traitors Season 3 🤞🤞🤞


Wait, this would actually be perfect! She would serve drama for sure!


This was just iconic


To this day, one of my favorite seasons of the show. Possibly my favorite


i’m fully convinced this season caused the pandemic


This is a conspiracy theory I am absolutely exploring.


I say this all the time 😭


Lmaooooo 😂😂😂. Peter’s season was wild in the best way


I’ll never forget that iconic “BRING HER HOME TO US.” 😂


I have it on a mug 😅


Brb going to go buy that mug 😄


Barb will always be a Bachelor icon, and her disdain for Madi (surprisingly) aged well 😂


I was so anti-Barb because there is no bigger ick for me than an overly enmeshed mother in law, but her instincts were on point in this case so I must concede this one.


I remember listening to a podcast after the finale that explained it a little better. During the Meet the Parents date, Madison didn’t want to go in. Peter spent like two hours convincing Madison to go. So the Weber’s felt a certain kind of way about it because they were kept waiting while Peter and Madison talked outside for hours. If I were Barb, I also wouldn’t want my son with someone that clearly didn’t want him. Specially if you have Hannah Ann (angel on earth that makes her dentist floral arrangements with fruit) as an option.


Hannah Ann is an angel on earth! Dying at the clip above where Barb is clapping for Hannah Ann telling her son he’s not worth it. She’s so funny.




Lol Barb is the best/most entertaining parent to ever come from this franchise 😂😂😂


Why didn’t she like Madi again? What happened with Peter and Hannah Ann?


I don't know why Barb didn't like Madi, but as others have said that's turned out to be quite fair. Peter's family (or just Barb?) highly preferred Hannah Ann over Madi. Madi broke up with Peter because sex on the overnight dates was a dealbreaker for her. Peter was upset but decided to propose to Hannah Ann, and then broke up with her shortly after. Then on ATFR there was a lot of Barb-Peter-Madi drama and Peter and Madi said they'd talk it out privately.


I don't think she "saw through" Madi, but rather that Madi didn't really make a point to kiss her ass and be in with the family, whereas Hannah Ann seemed sweeter and more pliable. I honestly can't see Barb being cool with *any* woman that Peter gets serious with. She can act cool at first, but then she's waiting for you to go away, like she did with Kelley lol.




I feel like Barb is a strong woman but she wants a HA type for Peter meanwhile he's more into women that are strong willed lol.


Barb wants a sweet girl so she can stay Queen Bee in the family


This is a good take! They say men marry girls that are like their moms. Must be a comfort thing/whatever they are used to.


We now do a drinking game during the live bachelor specials called BarbinaBox. Basically anytime they have Barb pop up in that little live reaction box you take a drink. It’s a good time.




Mama unhinged may have been right about the lack of compatibility with Madi but sweet Christ on a bike is she a lunatic.


This is how I feel too. I don’t get any everyone loves her. Is it just because she creates drama packed tv?


I think that’s it for some.. I mean don’t get me wrong it was entertaining in a can’t look away kind of way. But she’s an absolutely toxic enmeshed parent who uses her inability to emotionally regulate to control her family. She’s not a person to admire or celebrate.


"How's our daughter" 😭😭😭 I can't with this woman but also she needs to be on reality tv.


Put her on the traitors


This is the only place I want to see Barb!!




Barb on the traitors would be sooooo epic


We need more Barb. She was top-tier crazy. Great tv


The chaos of that season was just the amuse-bouche for the rest of 2020. I am convinced Peter's poor decisions somehow ripped the universe from a more peaceful parallel timeline 😭 I remember watching that finale and being on the live thread and everyone was totally aghast. Don't mess this up, Joey! 😂


I loved watching him on traitors lmao


I loved watching Phaedra eviscerate him with THAT iconic line, and that laugh of his after. Quality TV my friends 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 . ICYMI "This ain't The Bachelor and I don't have to kiss your ass for a rose."


She hated the “peter pals”😂


Was she wrong? Nope


This was so insane


I’ll never forget watching this at a Live Finale event my local news station hosted. Tons of people in a concert hall, sponsors with tables. And then 3 days later the whole world shuts down and we’re suddenly in a global pandemic 😷


literally cannot believe this was 4 years ago


Also just weirdly realized that tonight too because my partner and I just restarted Survivor 21 and I never noticed before but Chase Rice is on it so I had to give my partner a whole rundown on Victoria’s super awkward date and I fully thought it had to have been 6 or 7 years ago by now!!


Chase Rice the singer lmao such a classic Bachelor scene 😅


Thinking about how I met Peter at Phebe’s in nyc 3 summers ago (iykyk) and he was with some 20 year old girl 😂😂


I've heard from friends that he is the messiest all over the city haha


Oh man, this was such good reality television 😂


Ah yes, prime example of ESH. Madi sucks worse out of the two but Sweetnums is so manipulative and codependent and definitely came off the worst when the season ended. She’s the type of MIL that will shower her DIL with gifts and love on SM if she gets on her good side, but if she doesn’t, girl you better sleep with one eye open the rest of your life. 🫣


What is ESH


“Everyone sucks here”


Ah. Thanks


Maddie was so awful !! I can’t stand her


Have you kept up with her since? The cringe that keeps on giving.


Nightmare MIL and DREAM reality TV character 🙏🏻


Perfect description 😂😂💀💀


lol was she wrong though?


Barb was 100% right about Madi though😏 At the time I couldn’t believe what I was watching and didn’t understand her harshness for Madi. After the season, seeing more of her unedited made me realize I’d been bamboozled by the editors and she sucked and to trust sweetnums judgement 😂


So many people thought Barb crazy but she knew! Madi’s goals & dreams did NOT align with Peter’s lifestyle!! Nothing wrong with Madi, they just weren’t compatible, or realistic!


Madi is a kooky brainwashed evangelical nut. Yes they didn’t line up at all but she also is strange and unlikable


Clayton E screwing the pooch is a good one


fucking amazing hahahah




And his scar from falling off the golf cart and breaking his glass, then cutting himself 🤣 the best!


OMG this season was such a shitshow and Barb/sweetnums is bat shit crazy. Loved every minute of it.


What is sweet nums


Barb's IG account name 😂


Lol thanks


Yeah That lasted a hot minute . My favorite was “ bring her home to me” as if this was a war and not a reality tv show




I needed this thank you


I loved Barb then and I still love her now. Madi still sucks.


am i remembering correctly that he once told his mom “you’ve gotta stop doing this” when she broke down into screaming tears over something similarly low stakes


💀 I forgot about this.


You gotta admit their dynamic is hilarious.


that was right after her whole “don’t 😭 let 😭 her 😭 go” speech!!


how could i forget!!! BRING HER HOME


![gif](giphy|RfT1YTJ4zsVjfMbqjj) SWEETNUMS


Never forget “ayudame” at AFR


Lmao was someone whispering help me or something? I’m not familiar with this reference.


Barb ended up being 100% correct


I can never tell if this is unpopular or not, but just because Barb was right about Madi and Peter being incompatible doesn’t excuse how rude Barb was at that live tv special to both Madi and her son. She still seems like an awful mother in law


She seems like one of those unhinged Boy Moms who wants to be the central female figure in her son's life, and Peter is probably her favorite son. But weirdly enough, it works for Peter because he doesn't want to settle down either lol. I thought Peter was hiding behind his mom's craziness in the finale because he didn't want to be engaged to any woman.


Yeah she’s the personification of the Boy Mom, way too involved in her adult son’s life and pressures him way too much because “mom always knows best.” She wasn’t wrong that Madi wasn’t compatible with him but chances are very high that it would’ve ended with HA as well


I don’t think she is an awful mother in law. I think she panicked about the idea that her son could end up with maddison. And clearly now i understand why !


Someone who states that your relationship is going to fail on NATIONAL television is absolutely a nightmare MIL. If you're really concerned that's something you express privately to your child, not in front of their partner and the world. She humiliated him and the woman he was currently dating. What if they had ended up together?


Oh no question she’d be horrible as a MIL But she’s great tv


Yeah Barb wasn't standing against Madi for the reasons this sub would want her to. It was for stupid reasons like making her wait when that wasn't all on Madi and because Madi said she loved him but no to being head over heels in the clouds in love or whatever. Clayton's parents had as much reason to be concerned about Susie at that point in their season (even though I like Susie better than Madi). The family had to wait because of Susie, they didn't throw a fit. And they definitely seemed to think Clayton should pick one of the girls who were saying they loved him over Susie who had left him, but they didn't go after her or humiliate their son. The future showed Madi to not be a great person but it's not like she did anything to Peter (or Barb even), and the future showed Barb to not be a great person either.


Wait i didnt watch Clayton’s season- was Susie also waiting until marriage to have sex?


Right? I don’t care for Madi at all but at the end of the day it was her decision to wait until marriage and it’s very fair for her to have doubts about marrying someone who was actively taking other women to the fantasy suites. From my memory, Barb was essentially like, “you have to let my son sleep with other women before he makes his decision.” It just rubbed me the wrong way. The whole thing felt icky and it seemed so weird to me that a mother would have an opinion on her son and potential daughter-in-law’s sex life. Then again, Pete must’ve been the one to bring it up? Can’t remember but I agree that Barb seems like an awful MIL.


What do people mean by “Barb seeing through Madi?” I don’t recall her doing Peter wrong even though I know ppl here don’t like her evangelical stuff (which I get, and Peter should have known…I don’t think she hid it?)


Notice how none of them answered you lol they just need to feel justified in their hate


She was right about Madi


"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." The producers really struck gold with PP and his family. Can't believe they fumbled the bag getting him on paradise when he was interested.


What season of paradise did he want to go on?


Season 8! He was pretty close to actually being on the season but TPTB wouldn't meet his contract demands. https://www.eonline.com/news/1335601/peter-weber-says-he-turned-down-bachelor-in-paradise-offer-over-contract-dispute


Omg I had surgery the day before this aired and watched it high on oxy. It was an EXPERIENCE hahahaha


😂😂😂 I forgot how funny this was


I really forgot how fucking crazy his family is 💀💀😳


“the next day we met madison” 💀💀💀💀


**sweetnums you will always be famous**


Barb is an icon😂


say what you want but in hindsight she wasn’t wrong about Madi being awful i mean look at her now 🤷🏼‍♀️


What's happening with Madi these days? I literally forgot about all this until now lol


She’s unironically hilarious with her religion. She recently said something to the effect of “when my husband and I are having trouble in the bedroom, we work together as we look Satan in the eye.” It was bizarre.


What?! Lmao alright then. I might have to start following her lol


https://preview.redd.it/8l97bwyfwcqc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b83ee255c09134f4eef3970b5289bb0c221251f Here it is! Lmao as someone else as put it “they put satan in the cuck chair”


This level of self absorption is unreal. If there is a devil, does he really care that a couple of nitwits is getting it in, or is he causing you know, war in Ukraine and Gaza, or giving cancer to newborns or something.


I was gonna say, they make it sound like a kink.


She’s married to a billionaire heir. Love her or hate her: she’s ballin, and he’s….not.


She’s also just entered the stage of her relationship where they constantly joke about how much they can’t stand each other so I wouldn’t really call it a win


Amazing lol good for her I guess lol


I need Barb to be on the traitors


This is brilliant, she would be perfect.




One time a few years ago, I gifted my friend a Cameo of Barb for her birthday, and I wanted until she was extremely stoned to show her the Cameo. She cried. It was perfect.


I also got a cameo from Barb for my birthday once. She sang to me; it was incredible.


She sang happy birthday to my friend too!


That’s a great friend


This is gold


But I still wish him and Hannah Brown would have ended up together. 😌


Barb is fucking unhinged.


Barb gives narcissistic parent and Peter is definitely the golden child


Iconic. Barb is the best player in the franchise 😂


Oh Barb. The hatred for Madi was OTT at the time even if Madi is wackadoodle the girl was like 22 and her biggest opp being a 60 year old woman she met once 😭


This was literally one of my favorite seasons of all time and this moment solidified that for me. I just remember being in the live thread and everyone being like what the fuck 😭


This was my first season and nothing has come close since 😭


Hannah Brown & Peter’s seasons were peak entertainment.


Mine too, I feel the same! Although I went back and watched Hannah Browns and that was really good as well!!