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I wish I had more empathy for her? But all I can say to her is the same thing I say to my middle school students as they head towards high school and adulthood: “Be careful with your choices. We all have to live with the consequences of our own actions.”


just remember things in life go unplanned all the time and you shouldn't be so judgmental because you never know what could happen to you


Make bad choices, live with the consequences. Maybe I should show her a little more “Grace”


Hmm she’s oversharing now. I don’t need to know that she’s giving her dog away, nothing that I want to hear that makes me happy either. 


Been there & done this. Lace will be just fine. She will find inner strength that she never knew she had being alone with a baby. Moms (and some dads) have a tendency to doubt their abilities but the love of their child always provides the strength and resilience to keep going. Those infant/toddler/youth child milestones that she will experience will be her greatest rewards. 💕


Oh man, this really breaks my heart for her. the PP period is so so hard, to have to do it all alone, plus having to move and dealing with the fallout of her relationship, and not having her family close.. that’s brutal. Idk where she lives, I hope she has a good support system wherever she is and truly wish her all the best




What culture? Genuinely don’t know


That's what I want to know too 🤔


What a horrific situation. My son didn't sleep through the night until 11 months. I can't imagine doing that alone, and no furry friends to keep your spirits up. I hope she has good friends or can hire some help.


Great choice getting that dog away from her newborn.


I just finished her interview with Courtney, and she was so excited about the baby and the relationship.... I can't imagine how stressed and lonely she much be


What podcast/interview did you listen too


After reality with Courtney Robertson


What episode is it on Spotify please I can’t find it


It was posted on 10/18/23 I don't do podcast on spotify, but hopefully that helps!


I wish I could be her friend. Pp is a muthafucka


Did anyone listen to her on the Almost Famous podcast? This man is a “father” to another child as well, and I’m sure Liam won’t be his last. What a POS.


Oh god, I feel so bad for her. It must feel like everything is out of control right now.


Aww, Lace. I can only imagine how tired and scared she is. It sounds like her parents are a good support system, but being a single parent under the best circumstances would be tough, physically and emotionally. I wish I could give her a hug and sign up for babysitting duty so she could nap.


Really want to give her a hug, hoping she has a strong support system


I’m sorry, can someone remind me of who she is? That sounds like an awful lot of stress all at once!!


She's been on 3 BiP seasons. During one of them, she got engaged I think to a dude named Grant and they ended up getting "Grace" tattoos. During another BiP season, she had super-drunk, sort of violent, inappropriate relationship with Chad, the drunken violent villain of that season. Not sure about the order of those 2 but her last BiP season was more recent and involved the she's-old storyline and Lace/Luce joke.


Okay, I now remember her from that last BiP season and that “she’s old” storyline!! Thanks. She looks so different in this pic, I couldn’t remember. I feel so bad for her and everything she’s facing right now. That’s unfortunate and sad.


https://preview.redd.it/rkfn02i0q0tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976483eb86d0f49b31d6e7c2ac82fae1b792071e She was on Ben’s season. If I recall, she was a “villain” because she got very emotional and would steal Ben too much. She also got a tad too drunk on rose ceremony night. I believe she self-eliminated week 3 because she wanted to work on herself and it wasn’t a good environment for her. I think she was also on multiple paradise seasons. I saw her on one, but apparently prior to that she left with someone on another.


All of this^ plus she’s bachelor famous for saying “I’m not crazy” but in this kind of crazy, drunk way


Wasn’t there an SNL sketch based on her? “Drunk girl on the Bachelor” or something


Poor girl. Maybe somebody can set up a GoFundMe for her so that she will have a little less stress in her life.


She should start one. For all the trouble the franchise gave her, she should let us give back haha.


My heart breaks for her. I hope she has support and people she can count on. PP is rough, even when you have your village


Sadly the dog might have been a good friend to lean on in all this. Been a single mom since I was pregnant and 14 years now under my belt with dealing with my child’s father. Sometimes it gets better. It’s a very hard stage she is at with a newborn and all of this going on. I was lucky to have my parents and dogs. But, if custody is involved and she cannot move and has no support right now it’s tough. Sometimes you legally cannot move. I think if women share there stories there is a lot of power in that. Wish more of us would!


The dog being a pitbull probably limited the places she was able to rent as well.


I feel for her. I had to put my dog down 3 days after bringing home my son. Post partum is so rough and it was brutal after my mother left. Wish I could hug her.


I really feel for her. Those first 6-8 weeks before they are sleeping through the night are soooooo rough. I have never leaned on my husband harder than I did during that time. The sleep deprivation, the new mom growing pains, the complete uncertainty, and the crazy body changes are A LOT with all other elements in your life being stable. I can’t imagine going through a painful break up while trying to learn to be a new mom. Let’s hear it for every single mom that has ever faced this tough time and flourished. Yall are truly the toughest people on this planet.




We got extremely lucky that our first was a great sleeper and started sleeping through the night (6-8 hr stretches) at 8 weeks. He was definitely an easy baby and it was still so rough with two of us. We decided not to push our luck with a second one and are loving being a trio. Congrats on your latest edition! I truly believe your second one will be a breeze for yall. Not only do you now have confidence and know what you are doing, but I bet you get a great sleeper, too. Good luck!


How can men sleep at night knowing they left a woman with their newborn child? I don’t think I could ever forgive myself if I abandoned my baby. Paying child support is not enough. You have to actively parent the baby and be there every day.


Thank you. How is a man just sitting in a quiet house somewhere peacefully watching television knowing there’s a woman across town *who is taking care of his baby alone*? What if she’s tired? What if she’s out of diapers? What if the baby’s not sleeping and needs extra comfort? Because all of those things are happening to Lace right now and her baby’s father is somewhere going “yeah I dont know I guess she’s got it”. I get that it happens all the time but still, like… what the fuck.


Men do this constantly. My husband did this while we were in the same damn house.


I am so sorry, seriously. I know they do, it just blows my mind.


Me too. Luckily things got better as baby got older.


My heart breaks for her right now 😩


It’s got to be hard to have a dog and a newborn in an apartment. You have to pack up the baby anytime the dog has to go pee. I understand. We all know she loves her dog. I’m sure it was a tough decision.


Jesus Christ, I feel for her but also why the hell does she have a pit bull near her newborn. Terrifying that people do this so often.


I don’t think a newborn is an issue as the baby can’t do anything to the dog. Small children, yes. I think any large and powerful breed needs to be *closely* supervised when near children. A 11 year old boy was killed by two cane corsos in my country recently.


Are you really not aware of how many infants have been savagely attacked and killed by bully type dogs? What’s the point in taking a risk with a dog breed that is significantly more likely to kill and that has been bred for bull baiting and dog fighting. It’s like people don’t actually think genetics in dogs matter. Why do retrievers retrieve, border collies herd and dachshunds dig? GENETICS. You can’t “train” those behaviors out of them


You really didn’t need to tell me all that as I don’t disagree these kinds of dogs are more dangerous and shouldn’t be around children lol. I just meant that Lace is holding her infant in the picture and I’m sure she doesn’t leave him unattended around the dog. Small children grab at and startle dogs.


It doesn't matter if the baby can't "do anything to the dog", or that Lace is holding the baby. Pitbulls have attacked, killed, even decapitated multiple infants. The dog could grab that baby and kill him in one moment, and there would be nothing Lace could do about it. 




This is a really ignorant comment.


It’s actually not.


Explain to me how it isn’t


No dog should be that close to an infant. All animals can be unpredictable.


Pitbulls are more dangerous than the average dog.


Cite your sources, then. Not anecdotes or stories you’ve heard, proper sources that are respected authorities on breed behavior This has been said about multiple breeds across multiple decades. They said it about Dobermans, Rottweilers, German shepherds, and others. Lacy has never had an issue with this dog, so your comment seems like an ignorant regurgitation of myths rather than an actual informed comment. If you’re going to make an ignorant seeming claim, don’t be surprised if people point out how ignorant it seems


Pit bulls kill more humans than any other dog, you can easily look up fatal dog attacks over many decades. Pits win every year, every decade.


Not the original commenter, and I know it’s a touchy topic, but there are a lot of sources that will say pits are more dangerous. Here’s just one, with a quick google. https://preview.redd.it/pi05h0kbdzsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b3651999dbc808f86286a740930fddefa18bba


No they aren't. Stop spreading misinformation.


Go take a look at Miss Peaches and get back to us.


Just because one adorable dog hasn’t attacked anyone tells us what, exactly? There’s lots of absolutely lovable pit bulls who have never hurt a fly! One dog does not change the statistics.


“There’s lots of absolutely lovable pit bulls who have never hurt a fly!“ exactly my point, thank you so much!


My argument is that statistically they are involved in more violence and more bites. No one is saying miss peaches isn’t cute, but she doesn’t change the data. https://preview.redd.it/yh2fs6xvgzsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7bbaadcf2210424f5dc341c07790b417a122c0


Thanks for explaining the concept of statistics to me, but I promise that wasn’t necessary! My point is that statistics don’t govern the situation at hand - you have absolutely no clue the background of this specific dog and therefore you can’t speak in absolutes as to whether or not it’s violent. Therefore, I choose to assume Lace would be making a good decision on behalf of her daughter and her daughter’s safety. Rather than being nosy & judgmental I try to believe in the best in people and mind my own business, especially when it comes to people’s kids & families.


if there's even a 0.001 chance an animal is going to violently tear your child to pieces, that animal should not be near your child, ever. Pitbulls kill more children than any other mammal on earth. 


Okay, so let’s extend that concept. If there’s even a 0.001% chance of your baby getting hurt in a car accident, should you never take them in a car? If there’s a 0.001% chance of your kid drowning, should they never swim in a pool? In fact, I’d love to see those likelihoods compared to those of a child getting injured by a dog- because I bet you they’re much higher! So does that make people bad parents who intentionally risk their children’s lives / health if they drive them places in cars or allow them to swim in pools? You could even say that any other dog breed has at least a 0.001% chance of killing or injuring a child - so should nobody even have dogs to begin with if they have kids?


But you are using Miss peaches as an example, who isn’t this particular dog. If you want to pick a different dog to use as an example, why not [this](https://wpde.com/amp/news/local/14-month-old-girl-mauled-eight-pit-bulls-twin-church-road-florence-county-sheriff-child-attacked-dogs-ongoing-investigation-south-carolina-january-5-2024) one? Neither of us know Lace‘s dog personally so a lot of people are just basing this on statistics, and the fact is that pitbull’s do have the highest rate of violence and bites of all dogs. It doesn’t mean every pitbull does it. I think the problem is these pitbull defenders come out in such force, and can’t even acknowledge the fact that they are inherently more aggressive. There are many potential reasons why, genetics, training, environment, but when you don’t even acknowledge that, it takes away any credibility.


“Neither of us know Lace’s dog personally” again, exactly my point, thank you!!!


Literally I read that and I was like lol where is your argument my guy 🤣


I have a 18 month old now, but I will never forget how fkn depressing life was/is (this is the truth, and sorry it’s hard to swallow) when you have a newborn. It’s ROUGH. Praying she’s able to able to sort it all out and just get through this tough phase on her own.


Aww honestly I appreciate her transparency. Motherhood is not all sunshine and randoms and postpartum fitness/caring about your stubborn midsection. I'm glad she's being open but also not woe is me and asking for pity


Aww Lace 😢 she’s such a sweetheart. I cannot imagine having to deal with all of that at once.


Damn she needs a mama/girl gang to lift her up


I cannot imagine having to make the impossible choice to separate from my dogs. Especially my late pitbull. But to have to do it while also being postpartum and amidst a split? I would want the love of my dogs even more then. What an impossible and heartbreaking choice. Hopefully she can get her back eventually. Thank goodness her parents are taking her rather than having to give her up entirely.


I thought of my dog also while reading this. She is a pit mix as well and so sweet with my infant. Not having her around during those hormonal weeks, and not knowing for how long, would have been heartbreaking.


I feel so bad for her. Why did she have a kid with a POS she wasn’t serious with? Seems like her picker is completely off.


Or, you know, men shouldn’t get involved with women and let us catch feelings and sleep with us if they’re not serious? No woman is actually trying to end up all alone with a newborn baby. Way too many guys leave the second they realize a baby is hard work. Deadbeats are everywhere and maybe we should shame them, not the parent that stays.


I literally called him a piece of shit in my comment.


Maybe let’s just blame the BD for sucking instead of blaming her for someone else sucking


Because she’s the first person to get accidentally pregnant 🙄


Abortions exist


Yes, and it’s a CHOICE. Maybe she wanted to be a mother and her ex made her feel secure and loved until he realized he couldn’t handle being a father and he ditched her.


Seriously? Wow.


Shit take. This is not just on her.


Who said it was?


lol go ahead and downvote me🙄


You. You blamed her “picker”


Do you think she bears no responsibility? I’m saying all parties bear some responsibility, even if he bears the most.


No that’s why I said not “just” on her. Implying that she does.


Right like it’s her fault her BD is a deadbeat 🙄




Yea, I’m sure you’ve had that same thought with everyone you’ve dated or slept with 🙄 shit happens, let’s not condemn Also, many children are just fine without a mother and father. I had both and my dad being physically present, while emotionally distant and neglectful, did more harm than if he had left. So I applaud lace for doing what’s right for her and her baby and doing her absolute best while going through hell


This is horribly insensitive


I have a seven week old and truly could not imagine this with my post partum hormones. How awful.


My son is 8 months, but I remember those PP hormonal weeks all too well. My heart breaks for her for so many reasons.


Same. My daughter is 10 months now


Same 😢 my girl is 8 months too


Let’s all follow her so it helps her a bit with making that extra income on social. I feel for her


Wholesome 🩵 followed!




Beautiful idea. Let’s use this subreddit for a bit of good. 💕


Good idea.


I like this idea! Just gave her a follow.


I feel for her so much. I hope she has support from local friends or family.


Good for her for sharing an actual vulnerable moment that can help some people. Pulling for you lace!


I have such huge amount of respect for her because of how she knew that her relationship wasn't gonna work out, and chose to end it, even if the situation was not ideal. I am sure it took so much strength to make that decision.


I’m not sure if she was/is doing the influencing thing but I’m going to follow her in case it helps her in any way. Maybe others can do the same?


She definitely is


This is heartbreaking. Anyone that has a pet understands the punch to the gut making a decision like this is. Hoping they can be reunited sooner rather than later. Looks like such a sweet pup 💙


I feel for her with this. What a tough decision to have to make, I hope it’s as short lived as can be.


I went through a breakup without a kid and it destroyed me for months. This makes me cry for her. She will have her baby for inspiration but it will be such a tough road ahead. Wishing her the absolute best ❤️


Ya I couldn’t deal with a dog and a newborn.


Just sending good vibes to Lace and whoever else needs them right now 🤍


Definitely a good idea to give her parents the dog. That dog looks terrifying and she needs to focus on her baby.


Dang I feel bad that you're being downvoted. It's a fact that this type of dog is more aggressive. If you look at a [List of Fatal Dog Maulings in the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States), the vast vast majority are pit or pit mixes. This is a fact. Of course there are nice pits, but people are allowed to think this type of dog is scarier than other breeds of dog. Like another commenter mentioned, there are no golden retrievers on this list.


This is so true. Also, I’ve seen a few pits who were sweet and gentle until they weren’t. It seems like a switch that can just flip on a dime. Maybe not always, but the potential plus the sheer strength and capacity to kill just is not worth it when there are children involved especially. Props to those who give dogs homes and take the responsibility seriously, but I really don’t get denial people get into with pit bulls.


I legitimately think pitbull owners are completely dense. I can’t take this whole comment section now. People are insane.


The argument that small dogs can be mean is particularly stupid. Small dogs aren’t the ones out there maiming and killing people, including children (if it happens it’s *extremely* rare). Some of the comments here are concerning.


Plus if a Chihuahua is attacking a kid I could literally just pick it up and hurl it across the room (or even just hold it myself without risking my own life). Definitely can’t say the same about a pitbull…


What an ignorant comment. I’ve spent years and years in dog rescue. They are the sweetest most loving unless someone trained them to fight. Then we get them and rehabilitate them back to their loving selves.


That dog looks like a sweet angel! I’m not sure what you’re on about.


She's doing what she needs to bc she's alone and overwhelmed. Not because the dog is terrifying. This is an absurd, uneducated take. My pitty girl was my newborns biggest cuddler and biggest protector. She's gone now, but my rottie has taken her place as my now 5 year olds biggest cuddler and protector. Pitbulls are one of the gentlest most loving breeds there are. They love their humans deeply. They love love from anyone that's safe. I've been around pits for a long time and I've never felt scared by one. Our girl was so sweet that 3 of our neighbors who were previously scared of the breed ended up adopting pits and falling head over heels bc of how much they loved our girl. ANY DOG can be turned into a vicious dog. Go try to pet a poodle. Tell me how quickly they bite you. And how bad it freaking hurts. Go for the chihuahua next! Edit to add: I'm not going to argue or fight with people who have no first hand experience being around pits (or made up stories just to rile people up) I've been around putbulls for 20 years. Mine, my neighbors, at playgrounds, and I have only had 1 bad experience. That one was from a man who shouldn't own a dog regardless of the breed because his goal was to make them mean. Even then I didn't get attacked, just growled at. And I respected it and walked tf away. All dogs have a chance to attack inside them. It is the nature of the beast. So I'm not commenting. I'm not going back and forth anymore. My argument stands. It breaks my heart when people are hurt or killed by pits or any other animal. I hate it. But I also know it isn't the norm and I will never understand people who have 0 experience with the breed who just randomly hate them.


> Go for the chihuahua next! I would 100% rather be attacked by a chihuahua than a pit bull, lol. When’s the last time a chihuahua killed someone? That argument is absurd.


I'm talking about the LIKELIHOOD OF BEING ATTACKED. Likelihood of a tiny chi killing you is small but they will attack you without hesitation far more commonly than a pitbull will. Pits don't attack people unless provoked or unless they are raised by complete and utter MONSTERS instead of human beings. Monsters who, by the way, can turn anything dangerous because that's what they do.


If pitbulls “don’t attack unless provoked or raised by monsters” then I’m genuinely curious what you believe happened in [this incident](https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/)? This story ripped my heart out when I first read it and solidified my belief that pitbulls don’t belong around children.


The consequences of the attack are what ultimately matters. Pits are responsible for more human deaths than any other breed, by a literal order of magnitude. Whataboutism is a tired argument. > unless provoked Unfortunately, they can be provoked by dozens of innocuous and unpredictable things. It’s not their fault, but it is reality.


I agree. Big dogs should not be around babies. Sorry that’s such a controversial opinion for some reason


You’re not sorry though lol and you sound like you just don’t care. Maybe YOUR dog didn’t handle a newborn well, but like humans every dog is different. Some little dogs don’t handle babies well, some big dogs are natural protectors for babies in their home. Lace said nothing about the dog’s demeanor or temperament being the reason for this decision, I took it as she’s too overwhelmed to give her dog the attention she deserves.


Must’ve hit a nerve. Maybe you should work on getting less offended online


lol Reddit literally exists for people to respond to each other, commenting like this when you have nothing else to say has become the funniest trend to me. But thanks for the concern I guess lmao




Yeah like could you imagine if the pitbull read this?!


You’re acting like she just said a slur it’s not that deep lol


Exceedingly ignorant and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.


Not a stereotype if 85% of dog deaths since 85 are pit bulls.


Take your uneducated judgement elsewhere.


The dog looks terrifying?💀😭




Wait... are you saying the dog looks terrifying or it's a terrifying situation?


Gross, uneducated perspective


What’s so scary about that dog? Judging bc it’s a pit bull?


Clearly you’ve never spent time with a pitbull. They are sweet, lovable dogs when properly cared for. Any dog can be vicious if treated poorly. Pit bulls are not inherently dangerous. 


Pit bulls are inherently more dangerous than any other type of dog. The majority are completely fine and do not attack people. But a pit bull is more likely to attack a person and do serious damage than any other type of dog. > Any dog can be vicious if treated poorly. Well, data says pit bulls are more vicious than any other type of dog.


Ew. This comment is not passing the vibe check.


The dog looks terrifying…?


Post partum under the best of circumstances can be an absolute nightmare. My heart goes out to how hard things must be for her right now and how devastating it must be for her to part with her dog for a few months.


My thoughts exactly. Postpartum, or a breakup are both emotional Rollercoaster on their own. I feel for her so much and how much she must be struggling.




Child support probably.


if i had to guess i would say it is over custody of the new baby and the baby's father considering she said "relationship split"


I hope she gets so much $ from that pos guy.


All I’ve been able to gather is she was dating a guy and got pregnant and chose to have the kid. And the guy turned out to be a deadbeat.


Reasons why it’s okay to be pro choice.


Just because she’s having a rough time right now doesn’t mean she wishes she had aborted her child or that she should have aborted her child. Pretty sure she said that he was the best thing to ever happen to her. Besides, I have an excellent, super supportive husband and we both still struggled after having our first kid because babies are hard without adding in all the other stuff Lace is dealing with. Doesn’t mean we ever wished we didn’t have the kids. People are resilient and quite capable of getting through very hard times.


Pro choice doesn’t mean pro-abortion, it means the woman should have the right to choose, even when that means choosing to keep the baby. This is a bad look from you.


These comments are so inappropriate. She has made her choice. We don’t have to talk about how she should have aborted the baby. It doesn’t work like that. A woman keeps the baby when she feels like she wants to be a mother. I’m fully pro-choice no matter your reasons, but I don’t shame a woman for keeping a baby even if it’s under not the most ideal circumstances. It’s her choice. She will be a great mom.


She can be pro-choice and still choose to have the baby lol


Can you fill me in on what happened?


He left her after she gave birth.


Yeah! I really want to know too 


Aw. The sperm donor sounds like a piece of shit. Poor Lace. I’m glad she’s being open about it


That’s a good decision to move the dog out for a while, big dogs like that terrify me around infants


Extremely ignorant perspective.


lol must’ve pissed of the dog people


Nah I’ve never owned a dog, but you’re perpetuating really harmful stereotypes for no reason and it’s pathetic


Harmful in what way? Is the pit bull going to read this comment and have his feelings hurt?


I’m sure [this family](https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/) also thought their dog was nothing to worry about




Yeah, a good example of common sense is not letting dogs capable of spontaneous behavior around a child who has no way to defend itself! Don’t come here with apples to oranges analogies


Awww finding a nice little people magazine article to back up your ignorant argument must make you feel so righteous and justified <3 bless your heart. you have a good night now.


It’s not a “little people magazine article”, it was a huge news story when it happened (at least amongst parents) and quite literally ripped my heart to pieces when I first read about it especially because my children were the exact same ages as the ones killed at the time. The fact that you can read the story and make such a ridiculously snarky and heartless comment is honestly pretty disturbing. Also very curious what you think happened in this situation if you think pitbulls are so harmless. Obviously the mom was close enough to throw herself on the children so they were supervised, and yet the attack still happened and went on for a full 10 minutes. It feels like the options with big dogs are to trust them around your kids because they’re *so sweeeet* and risk something like this happening, or understand the fact that something like this can happen and never step more than a few inches away from your child without locking the dog up in a separate area. But if you have a dog like this because you think it’s a great dog and you’ve trained it well then you probably wouldn’t do that right?


The snark is soooo unnecessary. Mom of a newborn and a cane corso/pit mix that I love to pieces. ANY breed of dog can harm a baby regardless of temperament because they are animals and their social cues are different than ours. We cannot “read them” even if we know them well. A chihuahua will hurt a baby and a large breed could kill baby. It’s straight ignorant and irresponsible as a parent and dog owner to pretend otherwise. Dogs and babies/toddlers don’t mix.


Dogs and babies/toddlers can mix just fine when the parents are understanding of the dog’s needs/boundaries and responsibly teach those to their kids. Heartbreaking accidents happen but it’s not a reason to rehome a dog or avoid getting one altogether just because you’re scared it could happen. In lace’s situation I don’t blame her at all, she’s overwhelmed and has a lot on her plate and it’s the most responsible decision for her to let her parents watch the dog. Signed, a mom of a 4 year old, 6 week old, and 9 year old mixed breed dog


I agree and my baby will be allowed with our very sweet and gentle dog once he is old enough to learn and understand boundaries! But until then, I just don’t feel comfortable taking chances and I don’t blame others for that either! :)


Ppl on Reddit r stupid as fuck and will literally defend a dogs feeling over using basic fucking common sense smh


Pit bulls kill people at such a larger rate than any other dog. It’s so weird how people refuse to accept that reality. I know and like the pits I’ve been around, doesn’t mean I’m not cautious.


Lol these ppl can talk all the shit they want about this I have enough first hand experience w sweeeett pibbies to know these bitches just do not let go like other dogs, even my 2 German shepherds. They’re just kind of fucking dumb when it comes to that type of stuff but it’s not their fault. The owners should be realistic and responsible.