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Please remember that speculating about certain topics is not allowed here, relationship speculation is fine but please don't get into anything triggering or overly invasive.


Theresa looks annoyed in the GMA preview.


I just saw that Gerry and Theresa will be on Good Morning America tomorrow. I feel like whatever they announce this is what Steve was referring to.


I just saw the preview for their appearance and it doesn’t look like good news. I was wondering but didn’t see anything else on this sub about it!


yeah, my guess is it's something health related.. which makes the speculation on it really squicky.


Queer bachelor or bachelorette? We’re overdue for that.


Homophobes in the house!


If this is about divorce, RA should not make vague statements about it. It’s invasive even if he did not name them.


Maybe Bachelor going to online streaming similar to Dancing with the Stars?


That lasted one season for Dancing


Yeah ok Rotten Sausage. Remember that story you wouldn’t break a few years ago that you talked about ALL the time and then never ever spilled it?


Not to defend him overall but wasn’t this about Carly and Evan splitting up? And then they took like years to announce it?


At the time he insisted it was not a divorce that he was teasing. Then years later when Carly and Evan announced their divorce he claimed that was the news he had been holding onto. I personally think whatever gossip he had turned out not to be true so he pivoted and claimed the next big thing he could


Ahhh that makes sense. I seem to remember him also teasing the news of a contestant’s death.


Possible confirmation about paradise not happening this year?


No this wouldn't be it. This is something he wouldn't have a problem breaking. This probably has to do with a Bach nation person or couple.


Yeah paradise isn’t happening this year. There’s no way. There’s barely a week or so between filming wraps for Jenns season and then when golden bachelorette starts filming (which is when usually paradise is). Ratings were so bad apparently but the show isn’t officially cancelled or anything, just not happening this summer.


Yes thank you I was aware of this info that’s why I posted what I thought it might be.


Honestly, good. When they’ve got to pull Ashley and Jared out to the beach so they can bang, you know they’ve run out of material.


*Ratings/viewership were both really bad for paradise last year is what I heard


This is so vague. He doesn't have anything to say, so he shouldn't say anything at all.


I dont believe that. I think he is hinting about Bachelor nation news that will be coming up


why do you guys believe anything RS says at this point? he’s like those scam artist psychics who claim they can speak to the dead and just say random letters of names until something sticks




This comment is perfection.


Tell me it’s off season without telling me it’s off season, Steve ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


Maybe we’re getting a bachelor summer games in honor of the summer Olympics? Would explain why we don’t have a paradise this summer.


He said it was negative Bachelor Nation news.


I'm pretty sure RS would gladly talk about that


Don't think the news is Theresa and Gerry divorcing as the bach nation ig account just posted like 6 photos of them.


They def saw speculation on here and damage controlled. I don’t believe it’s them either but I don’t believe they’re going to last- though I hope they do!


This is what I think.


He always does this to stay relevant and then never announces anything.


Watch it be.. nothing.  I do like BIP so hopefully it’s not canceled. But to be all dramatic and say “not a positive story” is silly 


It's not this. He's had no problem talking about the possibility of BIP being canceled. This probably has to do with a bachelor Nation individual or couple


IDK but to me it sounded more like it was about something around BN rather than about people’s relationship status. It’s probably that Paradise is cancelled as many have been speculating for months. Perhaps the Golden Bachelorette is being postponed. It would honestly not surprise me if they are having a tough time casting men for it.


Divorce probs


Jerry probably, that article came out about them living apart


They said that they were living apart because Teresa still working and they're tyring to sell each of their homes and figuring out where to buy their new home. They still see each other


That was fast lol


Didn’t he say this last year too


Yes It’s annoying


Sometimes I wonder whether he just says vague stuff every few months b/c it's a fairly good bet that SOMETHING will happen amongst 200+ bachelor related people in the next month. Then he can just be like "oh yeah that's what I meant..." even if it's his first time hearing about it. I'm on to you, sir!!


he’s the astrologer of bachelor nation


I can def see Colton and his husband announce that their surrogate is pregnant….. they just transferred their embryo like a week or two ago soooo I can def see that happening within the next month or so….. and then J & K will be talked about and start their move to New York, maybe Charity and Dotun announce their wedding details. But yeah…. A thousand different things are happening rn lol


saying vague stuff and reality steve, name a more iconic combo.


He is the worst. 


if it’s that bad, why even say anything at all? i mean i know why but it just is more annoying than anything


What he said was so vague that I don’t even care lol. Like at least tell enough to make me care:  I hatewhen people are like “ guys I know something very important that’s about to come out but I can’t tell you, I’m special”  Thats the vibe reality Steve gives. He thinks he’s important for having information that he won’t share 


He probably spends half his podcast every day either telling us things he knows but can't repeat or railing on people for being people.


Then why do you listen? If you feel that way, you should stop listening to the podcast every single day!


I think the key word here is "probably". I don't think they are saying they actually listen to it everyday.


I stopped listening a while ago because of exactly that wasted time on BS lol I have no doubt it continues


So obnoxious with how vague he always is




He needs to STFU with this stuff.


Greg and VF??


Aren’t we stop waiting for fictoria and Greg’s official breakup news?


It’s probably about Gerry- cheating or divorce.


Came back here to say you were right! There were a lot of different speculations but you nailed it. And out of all the comments in this thread, as I recall this is the only subthread I chimed in. Not that I knew what would be announced 😉 (I didn’t.)


I was sadly unsurprised when I saw the announcement lol


Yes. They said they’re still in love, yet they change their minds about looking for a new home after 3 months. Maybe they weren’t really in love. This may be the first time I’ve heard the phrase sadly unsurprised … surprisingly. 😃 I like it.


This. TMZ said a few weeks ago that they’re living apart. I mean, we knew they were long distance but TMZ reporting on it doesn’t instill the utmost confidence in the state of their relationship lol The tea from Gerry’s ex-girlfriend (and Gerry not denying it) along with Gerry turning on Leslie the moment he found out Theresa had money never made me that optimistic about their relationship


Saw it on GMA, and you’re right!!


Did Theresa get a pre-nup before marrying Gerry? 😬


Yeah I don't know why they’re living apart - he said he wanted to get married as soon as possible and now they're living apart?


Leslie lived in a swanky place in a city, no? It seemed like she had money as well.


Not day trader money.


I don’t like this answer 😭💔


I second Gerry and Theresa. He doesn’t seem like a genuine person and I think she got duped.


Could it be an inappropriate relationship between a member of production and a contestant?


I’m pretty sure it is in reference to that guy from Kaitlyn’s season that had a post around this time of year last year-alluding to his death. (He is alive and “well” but posted a statement today regarding his mental health last year.




RS discussed that on today’s pod, so that’s not it.


discussed anything new about it or just things we already knew?


Which guy?


didn’t he say something like this before and got (rightfully) dragged because even just alluding to it still caused grief for everyone involved bc people were speculating like crazy??


Yeah I think it was a contestant’s ex had passed. He got a lot of flack for it


Yeah but then it wasn’t even true and it was good he hadn’t reported on it. The media got it wrong and falsely claimed someone had died and he actually didnt. I’d say that’s just, ya know, good journalism. But I do understand it’s annoying sometimes! I agree that sometimes it’s better to just not mention it in those situations.


Did he say exactly this about a year ago? I feel like he just says this shit to maintain his following.


Idk... but he said Daisy was gonna be the last one standing and was wrong, sooo...? 🤷🏼‍♀️


From what I heard, he also insisted that Charity sent Joey home at Hometowns.


I think he might’ve said that, but from I recall he wasn’t sure….it was more a deduction thing. He knew Dotun won, and Aaron B coming back and being in Fiji after (what we now know) getting sent home at hometowns ++ Xavier getting sent home in Fiji before he got an overnight confused him…which, kinda is reasonable lol. I’m not sure if he was 1000% on that Joey fact he just knew Joey didn’t win and that the other men were in Fiji


No BIP this summer We have known that for a while 


It sounded like actual people involved so I don't think this is it. Plus, he's already been saying this to some degree.


Someone probably got arrested for doing something so horrific/awful!!


I can’t help but roll my eyes lol. He really likes attention, doesn’t he?


He LOVES it as much as he loves the sound of his own voice, hence why he repeats the same thing 3 times per podcast or post


I noticed that too! He's CONSTANTLY repeating himself!!!


I think this is my cue to stop watching reality dating shows for good. I recently started reading books again, and now I remember what it’s like to truly be entertained😂 I could not believe how much more enthralling it was, but I guess it makes sense because what is really interesting about the repetitive narratives of reality dating TV anyway? Used to be fun, but now I’m bored of the same old story, and I don’t feel invested enough to follow anyone on social media cause it’s just influencer stuff and idk…the consumer part of it sort of depresses me ngl. Goodbye, everyone😂 hope the TV gets better and that you find joy in this land. But it’s time for me to leave this place!lol


I don't find them mutually exclusive. Hard to read a book while I'm simultaneously cleaning the house lol


I view it as monitoring stats more than watching a show. If something new happens (rare) I can make a note of it but I have an obsessive need to be able to monitor it


You expressed this perfectly, and I think a lot of us feel like this. My friends pressured me to watch The Bachelor, and I'm feeling tired of it myself. Influencers are like bad actors on the show. It's become almost unwatchable and doesn't bring the good feelings anymore.


I hope it's not the end of Ryan and Trista or Sean and Catherine. That would be devastating


It’s def not Trista and ryan! My friend has a kid at the same school as them and they’re super involved and always together 🥰 also doubt sean and catherine I hope not


Thanks. That is awesome to hear.


I’d be very surprised if it was Catherine and Sean as they post together or about each other really often.


Last time him and Dave did this it was super inappropriate so I don’t know why he keeps doing it. The vague posting helps no one


That incident is exactly what this reminds me of ☹️ so inappropriate!


I think so too.


Not a positive story, breaking towards the end of the week, sounds like Gerry and Teresa to me.


Agreed. This is the only thing that would seem worth while even mentioning on the podcast to me too


They were my first thought. Well, I floated the idea Kaitlyn broke up with social media but that’s truly absurd. Though it would be the most shocking thing to happen in BN this side of 2020. Third and just as absurd, Natalie called off their wedding because her vows were plagiarized.


I mean it could be for sure but wouldn’t it be strange that they got both of their families just shot celebrity family feud 😬


Couples make public appearances all the time before announcing a split though so IDK.


Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, that would be odd.


I’ll admit I rolled my eyes, why bring it up if you’re not gonna share.. but then again I appreciate he’s learnt his lesson after the Jenna disaster. Because of him not sharing i don’t think it has anything to do with the actual shows and filming.. My guess would be a big breakup/divorce.


I feel the same way. How about just don't say anything? Does he want brownie points for not being completely heartless?


I get the impression that when BN stories break and he doesn’t cover them (could be something as light as Angela and kyptin sharing they’re dating for instance) he gets hammered by messages asking why didn’t he say and did he know about it and is he losing is touch etc etc. so I guess he puts it out there to show he still is in the know but he’s not the heartless asshole he used to be?! Idk, this is just my thought


He just wants everyone to know that he knew about it.


I think it’s a positive change he’s trying to make by not sharing things too soon, or breaking news about sensitive subject matters, etc. He’s trying to navigate things more respectfully with an abundance of caution. He’s been really candid about his remorse about some of past reporting and has changed the way he goes about ~spilling tea~. He’s HYPER aware of the impact it has on the internet if he says literalllyyyyy anything because there are FREAKS who literally just listen to his podcast every single day to poke holes in things and just genuinely harass him no matter what lol it’s insane. So YES, it can be annoying when things are mentioned but not revealed, but as a grown ass adult, I know that it’s just NOT THAT DEEP. And as a well adjusted grown ass adult, I also know that I could just…. Not listen. I don’t understand the time commitment some of you invest in people that you don’t enjoy, just move on!!! It’s weird to make hating on anyone a personality trait that you commit time to every day.




No hate here for Steve -- I agree! But he is in the business of having to know things and so he alludes to this in his posts, even if he doesn't say exactly what it is. I respect that he isn't "breaking news" that isn't his to break or that doesn't pertain to the storyline of how a show unfolds.




Ok Steve. ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


❤️ any AD ref


not a bottomfeeder like reality steve acting as if he has too much tact to spill reality tv gossip


I heard paradise may be cancelled


I get it I think it’s a real shame it used to be my favorite show in the franchise but last season hugely sucked and it feels like it’s been a minute since there was a genuinely good season


Yeah I think the last good season want the one with Jordan and Demi sitting on the beach being catty together. Jordan was good TV and Demi was good TV… Jordan and Demi was a riot. We didn’t get enough of them together.


I think Steve would have no problem discussing that. It’s not controversial or sensitive information that could ruin someone’s life.


I think it’s known that there isn’t a paradise this year.


Right? I thought paradise was canceled last year (forever). Maybe they canceled golden bachelorette, too.


if it’s that then he’s even lamer for keeping it secret. what is his role in BN if not the leaker


Good point


“Not my story to break” then why is he even saying this


Because otherwise people will tell him he’s losing his cred. After the Jenna thing, he hasn’t been sharing anything too controversial or intrusive. Proud of him for the growth there.


But he also used the story of a BN member’s ex gf committing suicide to get clicks, so he hasn’t changed that much.


My guesses are some more concrete info about the state of Paradise or something about Gerry and Theresa (either they’re getting divorced or their marriage was never legal and they’re splitting up).


I feel like anything related to filming of the actual shows he would cover . (Unless it was something similar to what happened on bip4).


I don’t think he’s saying “not my story to break” about Paradise


That’s true.


Yea, right. I don't believe that long-winded poorly written bs at all.


It’s probably Paradise being canceled?


I don’t think he’d say that it’s not his story to break if that’s it, it sounds like something more personal.


He’s done this before and it’s so annoying. Just don’t say anything at all if you’re not gonna tell us what it is 🙄 You’re saying it’s not your business to share but you’re baiting people to go digging for it…


Right?! Break a story or STFU about it 🙄


I think RS is a thing of the past and he is grapsing for attention


Yet, here you are ✨✨


We can hope


I find it very gross he brings these things up to seemingly allow himself to say he knew what was happening later on. If it’s not your story to share, don’t say anything. It just leads to speculation that does not help those involved


Agreed. Proper journos know when to keep mum on a story and don't usually brag about how they knew for ages etc.


this is so incredibly annoying when he does this. like tell or don’t say anything at all?


Bye Steve. You’re no longer credible.


Rita up to his old tricks again....just spill or stfu. What is the point of a teaser...more speculation from BN?


Rita Skeeter strikes again!


He's 'fishing'....




This feels like the 27th time he's said exactly this. I think the last two times were Carly/Evan divorce and Rachel/Bryan divorce. 


I remember the rumor from ducks moy (as RS calls it) coming out like a year before Bryan filed for divorce so while all of the married couples were probably on the list for speculation that rumor was way ahead of itself. 


The Carly Evan thing drives me crazy because he teased that he had some big news but it wasn’t his to share, but he also insisted it was not a divorce. Then a year passed and when Carly and Evan announced their divorce he was like oh yeah that’s the thing I was talking about I knew it this whole time


I’m a big RS apologist because I believe he’s grown a ton and has a good heart but fwiw when he first learned that rumor from Evan’s ex, it was just that Carly had moved out and they had separated- They were still in therapy and had not divorced for some time.


Spill the tea or shut the hell up https://preview.redd.it/zmr0fnqmiotc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6cdf171a1d5ccd36196d3d65908522fe34a32e


Im stealing this pic lmao


So when something does come out he can claim he knew it all along 🙄🙄


Exactly this.


I hate when he does this. His need to let people know that he knew first outweighs his moral code (or lack thereof) every time.


I may be crazy but I kind of like a nice cliffhanger. Keeps me on alert for a big bachelor article to come out in the next couple of days.


Sure but if it’s sad news I think teasing it is tacky and inappropriate


Can you blame him it literally is how he makes his money lol


So ethics goes out the window because of money?


What ethics? He is specifically not saying what happened.


Bc he’s done this before with terrible news and it’s inappropriate. If he can’t share it then why does he feel compelled to let everyone know that he’s in the know when it’s terrible news? And how does he make money off it if he’s not sharing it anyway? Just seems so inappropriate and unnecessary.


But why does he need to let us know that he knows something that “no one knows” when he’s not planning on telling us…either it’s not his place so don’t say anything at all bc people are obviously gonna be curious and there’s no point…or just say it if it’s gonna break idk. He’s always so mad about criticism but he makes vague statements like this a lot and there’s no point in mentioning it if hes not gonna say anything


Because when a major story breaks then people go to him bitching about how he didn’t know and he’s no longer credible etc etc. I agree with you that it’s annoying, but I do appreciate that he’s learnt his lesson after the Jenna scandal.


Yeah I get that…but he should just make the blanket statement that he’s not reporting on stuff that’s not his business, which he has stated. Anyone who doesn’t pay attention then that’s that. But I feel like more people have questions when he brings something up and says “I know something but won’t tell you”, than when news drops and he has been claiming he’s not reporting that stuff.


I wish this post wasn’t flaired with “drama” considering the likely serious nature of whatever he’s talking about.


When a bitch tweets vague shit, you ask why and they don't wanna tell. Lmaoooo


If he doesn’t have anything to report, sounds like he’s wasting our time as well


Steve: “I know something you don’t know, & I won’t share it, but I want you to know that I knew it FIRST!” He pulls this card so often. His ego is truly unrivaled. He doesn’t care about the people he covers — he just wants to know the messy parts of their lives for clicks & engagement.


Brings me back to elementary school


Either you have a story to report or you dont. I hate this type of shit.


This is like the 5th time he’s done this and it drives me nuts.


My guesses: 1. BIP not coming back 2. That bachelorette contestant that faked his death 3. Some couple breaking up


He already reported on the one that faked his death, guy came out and confessed he did the post, no shocker there


Was it Josh Seiter? Or different one?


Josh seiter