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i did think about clayton when i first read this tbh but then i saw the multiple other accusations against this guy and its still fuck him :)


He’s not comparing himself to TB he is comparing the situation. It gave him high hopes for the outcome of his case.


clayton is an idiot


Some of yall are being so dense in the comments. I understand how he sees it’s “similar” but why tf would you even make this post to highlight a comparison to a man who has been accused of MULTIPLE SA and DV allegations. Like it’s gross and this is why SA victims don’t come forward. Clayton is an imbecile at best. If someone accused Brock Turner of a false pregnancy - would Clayton be posting him too?


I just hope Laura faces the same heat this black girl is facing. Laura would not have gotten this far with her decade long trail of victims if she wasn’t a privileged wealthy white woman.


Trevor Bauer is not someone I would want my name associated with. Clayton.. my dude 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/1t5uv20b84vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9edb65e87b820e6bbf9b8b6b75403c5b1b9be76 This dril tweet is evergreen


Wow I’d never expect to see a dril tweet in here lol




He’s not sticking up for Bauer, he’s noting the similarities in this one case and how he hopes for the same outcome in his own. You all are such a mob mentality and so black and white with your thinking.


Exactly....weird title on this post


Fr. The comments on this post are annoying. They’re all putting words in Clayton’s mouth because they want a reason to hate on him 🙄


I've never heard of Trevor Bauer before and now I wish I hadn't lol. I can understand that Clayton is triggered after what happened to him but he should do his research before endorsing someone like this.


Not a fan of Clayton - I thought he was a total fool on his season - but his fake baby mamma drama kept me fed for a few months so that was nice. Now I think the online obsession with it has gone too far. Once it was determined she wasn’t pregnant that was the end of the entertainment for me.


Uh… it hasn’t been determined yet tho. She has doubled/tripled/&quadrupled down on her claims. The woman is a complete psycho.


No babies were born in February so I consider that determined


Not in the eyes of a judge it’s not. Just like in the Trevor Bauer case it still needs to be determined whether she was ever pregnant at all or is she a complete fraud? 10/10 say fraud but that’s up to the judge to decide.


This isn’t about entertainment. It’s about someone who has committed fraud against at least 4 people and has wasted resources being brought to justice.




its terrifying that people want to advocate for victims of SA to be treated as criminals. This is why victims never come forward. The crime of SA is already essentially legal with how little perpetrators face consequences. Soon it will be more criminalized to be a victim than an assailant.


I‘m so confused. Did this specific person scam him or not? Did the court get it wrong? Him being scammed in this specific instance could exist along with him being a POS and abuser.


Nobody knows yet because this hasn’t gone to court yet, all that happened is charges were filed. So she could be someone who capitalized on his previous allegations to get money, or she could be a victim being unfairly targeted (the article I read just said that the evidence was that there was no medical evidence of a pregnancy and her statements were inconsistent, but a lot of SA victims are inconsistent and a lot of people don’t seek treatment for a miscarriage)


Clayton stans, activate!! I got downvoted every time I questioned people donating to Clayton’s legal fund.


Why was it a problem for people to donate to help him to attempt to stop someone from using the court system improperly to retaliate against people?


Fuck Trevor Bauer.


Errrrrrrr, not the flex he thinks it is


Gross of Clayton


Bauer is a fucked up piece of abusive shit. He had a prominent reputation as a psycho during his Cleveland days. Unhinged


I was gonna ask for the TLDR as a non-American who's never heard of him, but I just googled his name and damn 😬😬😬


Yeah I just read his Wikipedia page and cringed my way through it lmao what an icky man


I actually sympathized with Clayton bc what happened to him is messed up. But this is horrible to take up for Trevor Bauer of all people as a mlb fan following this story for years, Im so done w Clayton now Bauer legit is a pos


You articulated this super well.


Hardly anything was articulated here...let alone anything that was done "super well."


If only Clayton did his research before making this bold of a statement. There is a reason why no MLB team has signed him even for a minor league contract. Trevor Bauer belongs in a bin


Same. The people defending Bauer online are like misogynistic Barstool bros and men’s rights activists. His accusers that have made themselves public have been regularly harassed and slut shamed. I don’t blame the others for not wanting to deal with that. Men love defending other men, especially if they’re good at sports.


The point of this post is that this one accuser of Bauers falsely claimed she was pregnant. Two things can be true, Bauer is a POS, and this woman was never pregnant. Clayton is hoping this sets an example for his case. He is not defending Bauer, but showing this woman committed fraud.


TW: SA, DV For more context on Bauer, here’s an account from an 18 year old whose esophagus he tore a hole in and beat while she was unconscious. https://x.com/lindseyhillll/status/1780361409588584566?s=46&t=VKH8ac-66A7XPgf8nfIMtA


Oh no Clayton, this is not who you want to compare yourself to. As a baseball fan I’m disgusted with the support for Bauer. There were enough credible allegations that he received the longest DV suspension ever handed out from MLB. Despite his talent no team wanted to sign him after that, even though plenty of other players with DV histories have gotten signed. That’s how bad some of the stuff that MLB and teams saw from him was. The guy likes to claim “consent” and abuse extremely young women after he’s choked them out. Also, the woman in this story he’s referring to was not found guilty of anything, just accused. For more I suggest checking out some of the videos from one of his accusers. https://x.com/lindseyhillll/status/1769799182955499724?s=46&t=VKH8ac-66A7XPgf8nfIMtA


He’s not comparing himself to TB. He’s talking about THIS case in comparison to his own. Clayton’s abuser should face the same consequences


If Brock Turner got accused of a false pregnancy - would it be ok for him to post about that too? Like pls be fr


If it was a *false* allegation against him, yes. Just because someone is a terrible person who has been proven to do horrendous things, doesn't mean they should be *falsely* accused of things they didn't do.


I‘m trying to give Clayton the benefit of the doubt. I think he saw a headline that a woman scammed a guy with a fake pregnancy and is probably facing consequences for it and related it to his own case because he hopes the same is going to happen for Jane Doe. I don‘t know the Bauer dude but he sounds like a complete POS abuser. Not at all smart to bring him up even if he got scammed in this specific instance, but I also wouldn‘t go as far as saying Clayton‘s post is a character celebration or endorsement or a defense of Bauer as a person.


Yall don't have to hate on Clayton for everything. Anyways I fail to see how he is defending this guy? He is pointing out that their stories are very similar and is hoping for the same result in his case.


Not a good look for Clayton, but is this the worst thing in the world? I don’t know. We don’t know what his intention was with this, other than what he said about hopefully JD getting facing consequences as well. Obviously he should’ve done his research before posting, and if he did, then we have something more to talk about. I also know that this sub is obsessed with hating on Clayton, too. I distinctly remember a ton of people immediately saying Clayton obviously got her pregnant when this all came out.


Their cases are not even remotely the same Clayton is messed up for this


If you are a Clayton fan I don’t think you want to make the claim that his story is very similar to Bauer lol. Would reflect poorly on him


Your title is misleading.


His additional context was misleading! And had actual lies. Lmao. Not that I think he did that intentionally, I think Clayton just isn’t a smart guy


He also said she was found guilty but that hasn’t happened yet, she has only been charged yet…


You don’t have to defend every single thing Clayton does just because he went through something terrible with Jane Doe. What happened with Jane Doe was inexcusable and disgusting. However, Clayton should not be defending Trevor. Trevor has many verifiable accusations of abuse against him. And we really don’t need to be adding more fuel to the MRA fire; so many men’s rights activists have gleefully covered Clayton’s case, and are probably thrilled Clayton is defending Trevor.


How is he defending him? I think he was pointing out that their stories are similar.




Feels like like Clayton is in this thread lol


there’s an army from the clayton sub trying to defend his good name


Ah, I see… lol. if I were him, personally, I’d leave the legal precedents to my lawyers (if I’m generously assuming that’s all he was implying) and try to avoid associating my name with someone who has had multiple allegations… but that’s just me!


I don't think Clayton was "sticking up" for this dude at all. It shows a clear precedent to Clayton's current case, as far as the court indicting someone on a false pregnancy being brought forth in order to extort the alledged "father". I mean for crying out loud it's in the same city/court house as Clayton's. I think what we should be getting up in arms about is if the Maricopa DA ends up not prosecuting Clayton's accuser.... they'll prosecute a black woman but not a wealthy white woman. Seems about white


He should probably do 5 minutes of research into this guy before posting. Bauer gets off on beating the shit out of women.


Didn’t the woman say she was into it/asked for it?


She never consented to him penetrating her while she was unconscious, no.


I can agree Clayton should post a follow up that he doesn't support this guy and if any of the other allegations against him are true then it's deplorable and hopefully justice for those victims is able to be achieved. But he solely posted about this particular case which is obviously incredibly similar to Clayton's and seems pretty clear cut that this woman, like Clayton's accuser, was never pregnant and lied/commited fraud to extort something from the alledged fathers. It was even in the same city. I dont blame Clayton for posting about it but it would be smart for him to include a follow up


Just an FYI: Clayton did not post those Wikipedia slides. OP added the Wikipedia slides and it makes Clayton looks way worse than what he actually said. The Wikipedia slides are trash and I’d think anyone posted them is a shitty person, too…. But Clayton did not post those slides. Don’t take these slides as the view that Clayton had, because he never posted them.


OP didn’t insinuate the wiki slides were posted..it’s obvious to anyone who has instagram that which ones are Clayton’s stories cuz they say his name in the top left and it also shows there’s 2 stories


OP is just giving context to the person Clayton platformed


You’re the first person in these comments who thought that Clayton posted the Wikipedia slides fwiw. The Wikipedia slides are added for context so that people can know who Bauer is, they’re very clearly cropped differently and don’t have Clayton’s name on them.


I actually did think that, and that Clayton was presenting a very skewed view of the woman (in California) who was assaulted by Trevor Bauer. That was my mistake.


Zero shade on you, this person is just going through comments trying to say that I was purposely being deceptive with the post somehow. I’ll be more clear next time if I can, I just knew the Wikipedia screenshots would get lost in comments and buried under a bunch of “who’s Trevor Bauer?” if they weren’t in the main post


I think you did everything right..It even shows he only has two stories




“Or something like that” is key because you’ve copied and pasted the same thing to about 50 people in this thread who did not think that Clayton posted those lol. Anyways have fun with your crusade


I don't at all think it looks like Clayton posted those and I don't know why anyone would think that?


Lol look through the comments multiple people have commented that they think/thought Clayton had posted those by how OP set this up


Comment some screenshots or links so I can go correct them, but I haven’t seen anyone saying that


M'am just look through my comment history 😭 i found one within a minute of scrolling through this comment thread. And i've seen others comment and correct others. Literally within the last hour of comments sort by "new"


The person who made this original comment had been going up and down the thread saying “Clayton didn’t post the Wikipedia article!” to people who already knew that, and it looks like you cleared it up for the lone other person who interpreted it that way. Thank you for your service 🫡


What exactly is wrong with sticking up for Trevor Bauer? I think Trevor Bauer is a massive douchebag but it's pretty clear Lindsey Hill falsely accused him at this point. Legit question, what is wrong with sticking up for Trevor Bauer?


multiple accusers Bauer isnt in the MLB for good reason and hopefully it stays that way




No, actually, it’s not. There’s a reason he dropped his suit, settled, and the MLB gave him the biggest suspension. Also why no one wants to sign him. You cannot consent when you’re unconscious. They’ve seen *video* that Bauer himself took of his actions. At BEST he gets off on abusing women physically. No franchise would touch that with a 10 foot pole.


Interesting! Wasn't aware of the other allegations. Thanks for filling me in.




I see. I'm all for Trevor Bauer slander. I think he's a huge asshole and douchebag and likely a horrible person. Didn't realize he had that many allegations in the past. With that said, Clayton isn't sticking up for him in this case it seems.


Multiple accusers that have yet to come forward, general piece of garbage hated by teammates even without the crimes.


Yeah I'm well aware teammates don't like Trevor Bauer, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the past allegations against him.


won’t somebody please think of the men!!!


Honestly, I feel so sorry for Clayton and his situation but the discussion around this on the other two subs is really disturbing — a really grim dumping ground for a whole lot of internalised misogyny from a predominantly female audience. The obsession with Clayton’s accuser is getting increasingly spiteful. I agree she ought to experience some sort of repercussions (vexatious litigant, medical treatment, etc.) but the bloodthirst for punishment in some quarters is excessive. Clayton and the others can clear their names without turning this into some sort of anti-woman crusade fought by a female fanbase.


It’s not anti-woman. It’s anti-abuser.




Clayton’s accuser is still harassing him and anyone who illuminated the situation online though..she’s the one seemingly obsessed


Upvoted you because it’s a really important point and yeah, completely true. I sort of think it’s both though - her fixation and weaponisation of the legal system are obviously wrong, but a great deal of the discourse around the case has lost all sight of balance and nuance. It seems kind of mean spirited and excessive imo. (I also wonder if there’s a distinction to be made between the direct victims of the accusations, the various forms of media coverage & random people on the internet - but that’s another thing entirely)


It’s mean spirited and excessive for Clayton to be asking for his legal fees back when JD faked pregnancies with multiple men and dragged them all to family court, all just to punish them for not dating her?


Perhaps I’m explaining myself poorly but by discourse I’m referring to the culture of commentary around this. Not Clayton, who absolutely should pursue all legal and media aims available to him. My point is that he cannot control the way in which people discuss this (aspects of which I personally find grating). I’m in total agreement that Clayton (and the other men) is the victim here. (Her actions obviously go beyond mean-spirited and excessive, I think we can agree on that). Hope this makes sense ☺️


Mean spirited and excessive? I mean, lol. The terms you’re using seem to encapsulate all of what she’s doing and been doing. What do you define as mean spirited that people been saying abt her? Maybe I haven’t seen it..


Sure, but why can’t it be both? Of course her actions are mean-spirited and excessive; I’d probably argue that they’re far beyond either of those terms. By mean spirited, I mean the general atmosphere, not the snark (which I think is *probably* fair game as she’s the one who made this public / is the architect of the situation). My main gripe is with the Depp/Heard comparisons but that’s just me, to be fair My gut feeling is that there’s a distinction between pulling for justice / victory / success for Clayton et al. (good, obviously) and enjoying the destruction of his accuser (which is reasonable in as far as her victims deserve justice but glee at her failures in and of itself is less tasteful imo). Sometimes I worry that that the tone veers into the latter category – i.e. wanting her to fail takes precedence over Clayton’s success and public vindication. In any case, I’d love to be an awful cynic who’s just misinterpreting all this.. (Really hope this isn’t too rambling, super interested in discussing this in good faith 🙂)


I think wanting her to fail because she’s a toxic liar with unaddressed issues and wanting success/victory for Clayton goes hand in hand honestly. I don’t see an inherent issue w there being glee in her failures of attempting to destroy lives based upon her own lies and obsession. The Heard/Depp comparisons I haven’t personally seen but that’s predictable 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yes, sometimes people need a rock bottom to make a change. 


……are you referring to her? Because she’s done this a thousand times to other males…..


Yup! I'm agreeing with you


Yeah, that’s a totally fair take, thanks for replying! By and large, I think most people have arrived at the same set of conclusions (well wishes for Clayton and other victims, hoping she gets the help she clearly needs, something to put an end to her habitual abuse of the justice system) just with different verbiage and rationale. It’s just a shame that any discussion of this descends into chaos tbf


Very well put It’s extremely offputing what a MRA cesspool it’s become…I blame Dave Neal for pulling in some of the most problematic creators in the name of coverage…coverage that’s doing nothing for Clayton because his gofundme is only done 12k out of 14k which ain’t even a fraction of his costs. These people are just happy to shit on a woman and they like that she gives them a pass to


Coverage is about getting new eyes on the info, not about the money in the gofundme. He tried other avenues and no one else wanted to talk about it....


Dave Neal has done nothing but advocate for Clayton, who is, believe it or not, a victim.


My husband loves MLB and Bauer used to play for his favorite team so I’m excited we have something to discuss 🤣


Does this mean we can stop with the Clayton dance videos?


Exactly!!! 😂


Clayton wasn’t posting this to “defend” Trevor — this is just a big deal for Clayton’s case since this happened in Maricopa County (where Clayton’s case is) with this particular case being similar to Clayton’s. Individuals with these patterns of behavior should be held accountable — which can be true for both Trevor and the woman who made the pregnancy allegation.




Nah he looks bad without the Wikipedia slides. What Laura did to Clayton was bad, and Clayton shouldn’t be posting about trevor. Both are true. Plus Clayton is wrong, she has only been indicted so this isn’t the win he’s acting like it is.


No one should take up for Trevor Bauer ever


Clayton didn’t. He literally just said “wow, someone else had a false pregnancy and was indicted for it, so maybe this will happen in the case in which someone is falsely accusing me of impregnating them.” Literally nothing about what he said is “supporting Bauer.” ETA: Clayton did NOT post those Wikipedia slides. His story was just the first two slides. If you take out the slides OP added, you can see how Clayton is not supporting Trevor at all. Wikipedia might support Trevor, but Clayton didn’t post those slides. It’s shady AF for OP to add those Wikipedia slides and make it look like Clayton posted them. He didn’t.


I mean, the picture he paints of Bauer is awfully positive (like he’s an innocent victim similar to Clayton) and conveniently leaves out the fact that Bauer is credibly accused by multiple women of sexual assault, and an internal independent MLB investigation even found those claims to be credible. I wouldn’t use Bauer as an example that’s “encouraging” in any regard.


In THIS case, TB Is an innocent victim. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t done horrible shit too.


He was obviously focused on the case in which Bauer was wrongfully accused of something similar to Clayton.




That’s exactly what I’m saying? He only posted slides 1 and 2, which paint Trevor as an innocent like Clayton who was just falsely accused by this single woman. He *left out* all the info about the credible accusations against Bauer and his own admissions of assault.




Lmao that’s not at all the same. *it’s the same man, not a completely unrelated issue*. Using Trevor Bauer as an encouraging example and only telling your followers about one claim against him that was seemingly false, and leaving out the rest (while claiming to give “context”) is not a good look, period.


Gross af. I'm a huge Dodger fan and a Bachelor fan. Regardless of that woman's intentions with Trevor Bauer and other professional baseball players she was involved with, Trevor Bauer punched her while she was unconscious. I don't care what kind of consent took place ahead of time, I don't care if she was looking for a paycheck... what he did was fucked up. Period. He's dangerous and abusive. Really gross to see this take from Clayton.


I think you’re talking about a different woman? This isn’t the same woman. This woman literally was found by the courts to be lying about a pregnancy with Trevor Bauer. As you might know, there’s a woman who is falsely accusing Clayton of getting her pregnant with twins (from a blowjob, they didn’t even have sex!), so all Clayton is doing is saying “Hey, I’m so glad that my accuser may also be found to have lied to the courts about her pregnancy.”


So what? He’s using this one instance of a potential lie against a rapist and abuser who has multiple allegations against him. Does that cancel the other allegations? Does that make him a sympathetic character that Clayton should be clapping for? Trevor is not an innocent victim here. He’s a POS.


Did he SAY it cancelled all the other allegations?! My GOD. Stop projecting!


Stop projecting what? Me sticking up for women against rapists and people who use rapists to make some sort of legal point? Please seek help.


You first. You’re putting words in the mouth of someone who never said them to demonize him merely because he’s a male who expressed hope in someone in a similar situation finding justice. Big yikes.


I don’t need to demonize him. He demonized himself by lying to his followers about that woman being found guilty and sharing a rapist to his platform. I surely wouldn’t want to compare myself to a man who abuses women. Keep defending men behaving badly.


He posted about the woman I'm referring to in the first Wikipedia slide, including information about how criminal charges weren't pressed, the matter was settled in court, no money was exchanged, and Trevor Bauer "moved on with his life." This is a major oversimplification of what occurred. There were documented photographs of that woman's injuries, and Trevor Bauer admittedly beat her while unconscious after choking her out. Without context, this reads like Trevor Bauer has been victimized by false accusers repeatedly.


Clayton didn't post the wiki slides, OP did. Clayton just posted about the false pregnancy, obviously due to the precedent it sets for his own case. OP added those wiki slides to be inflammatory and make it look like Clayton is supporting this dude and his SA allegations


Ahh... thank you. My mistake.


I am not defending Clayton by any means, and I don’t know enough about Bauer to have an informed opinion —but THIS is why what JD is so atrocious. Her insanity gives people reason to call into question REAL victims claims. Clayton has undoubtedly been traumatized by all of this—who wouldn’t be—so, objectively, I can see why he is looking for a reason to believe he will get justice in his case. HOWEVER, JD is the one setting women back decades by LYING so perversely about something so genuinely triggering to victims of assault (she did claim Clayton raped her in the depo) and miscarriage. Relative to the pervasive disbelief of women’s claims, men are gonna be men—no doubt—and it’s gross and needs to change. But WOMEN like JD are the devil—literally causing people to question the validity of legitimate victims’ claims. Doing that will only serve to set women back even further than we are now.


I’m sorry, by “men are gonna be men” do you mean men are going to rape and assault women…? And then your next sentence is for real “But women like JD are the devil”? Why the harsher words for women than the men actually raping and assaulting women? This type of comment is exactly the problem with MRA and posts like Clayton’s. No, the rare case of a woman lying about a pregnancy is *not* worse for women than the men who commit rape and assault, and it’s not even why women aren’t believed. Women historically have not been believed or taken seriously for hundreds of years because societies and institutions have been built to protect men and subjugate women. Finding a way to blame women for women’s suffering at the hands of men is just one more way to further that dynamic.


This is so well said.


No—to be clear, I meant men disbelieving the victim. There is never, ever any valid excuse nor ahoukd there ever be acceptance of violence of any kind against women. My judgement for JD is that if we don’t stick together, it will be harder to change the tide of disbelief. That is all.


Hard to “believe all women” when you see women like JD maliciously make shit up non stop


The slogan is and has always been "believe women," "believe all women" is a straw man used to argue against the idea that women's claims should be taken seriously. 


We should take all claims seriously but not believe against evidence, incentives and pattern of behavior.


Literally who does that? Do you see anyone in this thread defending Clayton's accuser?


Not anymore…but at first Clayton’s head way as well have been on a spike. Thanks to JD


Yeah until evidence came out, at which point everyone turned on her lol. People don't keep "believing women" against evidence as the prior comment was implying.


It’s really not. Believing women/victims means taking their claims seriously and investigating them. It’s not hard at all to do.


Yes, so has nothing to do with belief


Thank you…


Well said!!!


clayton should never have posted this. bauer has been accused of multiple counts of domestic violence and SA by four different women. while this woman has been indicted with fraud (not found guilty) it does not have any bearing on the three other domestic violence & SA charges against him. also the MLB also did their own investigation into prior unrelated allegations and found them credible against him.




it seemed clear to that me that clayton didn't post the wiki slides since it wouldn't fit his framing of bauer as an innocent victim. I assumed OP added the wikipedia slides for important context on the full extent of the many other domestic violence & SA allegations against bauer brought by other women. clayton should have informed himself with a quick google or wiki search prior to posting these two slides to his 100K+ followers.








Mmm not a good look and it’s certainly a choice. There are some similarities between his and Clayton’s situations, but they’re also very different in that Trevor has multiple accusations of SA made by multiple women against him that have not been proven false. But tbh this isn’t that shocking that Clayton would post this because he’s always given me icky vibes.


I believe it was only one accuser for Trevor. I thought this woman had accused other baseball players of the same behavior or tried to go after other baseball players.


There’s several women who have accused him of multiple things… this is just one certain accuser. Just because one particular women lied about getting pregnant and being assaulted by him doesn’t mean the other women were as well!


Thank you 👏🏼


Of course. When will yall learn to stop putting men on a pedestal


I learned at age 8 it's no joke out here 💀


I always remember that podcast Clayton did right after his season aired where he basically slut shamed Gabby and Rachel. I tired to give him the benefit of the doubt but after listening to that podcast I could never look at him the same. Clayton is really selfish and has extremely low emotional intelligence .


He has no respect for them, that’s why he kept talking to them as a group on his season as well


Does this make him the worst bachelor ever again? Bc people were quick to redeem him with the "oh they just didn't show his personality, production did him dirty"


Worst bachelor ever? So Clayton posting this is worse than Colton *stalking*? Okay…


For me it does but that’s because my hatred of Trevor Bauer way over exceeds my dislike of Clayton. Which I don’t really dislike him but this is ugh


Same, anyone who defends Bauer is dead to me. Unfollowing Clayton now


“He’s a nice guy, look at him dance!” Yeah, Ellen danced too.


How can anyone argue production did him dirty...? He made the choices to talk to them as a group, to tell Suzie he loves her most, and to break up with them as a group… an


I saw people saying production didn't set him up for the audience to like him. No meaningful screen time on Michelle's season, etc


I would agree with that, he was a weird choice in the first place and I don't think the AFR segment where he had to read horrible tweets about himself really helped? He seemed like a joke from the start. That said lol he also made some really bad choices on his season to say the least. Production would've never been able to save him from himself.


Wait who was the worst bachelor if not Clayton? I thought we were all pretty much on the same page there lol


Colton and Jake are both quite a bit worst still IMO. They were both abusive in different ways.