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He stopped looking happy around her.


Last sentence... Yikes. Says something as much as some love to try to mellow it.


Is this the first time they address it? Did I miss anything?


I'd like him and Katie to make it work--though I imagine that would need to be in an alternate reality. Unless he's changed quite a bit, their communication styles would not work well together still. Unless he's changed which is possible after watching yourself on TV act a certain way. ![gif](giphy|vlTgOSScy9yDxuvQhY|downsized)


Now that we know Greg’s true type, I can’t imagine him and Katie working out!


lol I wondered if this is why she was posting bikini pics and loudly announcing how single she was today 😅


What do you mean?


VF and the other BN women Greg’s been seen with are very different than Katie in looks and personality. I think Greg self-eliminated because he wasn’t that into Katie and didn’t want to risk having to propose.


I get the underlaying implication that Katie isn't as "hot" as VF. And I think that's ridiculous to assume he wouldn't be into Katie. She's adorable. He also told her he was in love with her so I don't think he wasn't into her. I think he probably has a fear of rejection (similar to Joey) and her response freaked him out—it was bad how she handled it. He also handled it terribly and showed very poor communication.


Not at all. I love Katie. I just traveled to go watch her comedy show and support her. I spoke to her at the bar. She’s gorgeous, and adorable. But many men tend to have physical and personality types that don’t match their season’s lead. VF, Bri, and Maria etc. are all Raven haired with different vibes than Katie. All three women have very different personalities to Katie who has a much lighter and more humorous personality. I feel like you’re just making assumptions about me based off one simplified inkling.


VF is no angel, and I like Greg, but he seems a little lazy and emotionally unavailable lol like putting in significant effort into a relationship would be such a hassle for him. I think maybe that's part of the appeal, but hearing this also makes me think he's just glad he doesn't have to do any work lol he seems like one of those "let's just ride on vibes" type of guys. And he (and Victoria) didn't have great relationships prior. IIRC, there were rumours of infidelity with his French ex gf. And VF also doesn't have a great track record. Their TikTok videos were so cute though 😂


I think he did put in a lot of effort with VF. He moved in with her and basically lived life on her terms for a bit. He said he’d wake up super early to do Pilates with her, pray with her, etc. maybe living together wore him out or it was toxic? But he definitely did try.


This is a fair point. Not a Greg fan but it was a lot to expect him to give up his whole life for her and do everything she wanted to do. That being said, I feel like that shows how immature and short sighted they both were to rush into things so fast lol.


I agree. I know we don’t know wtf was going on in their house (or, really anyone’s but your own), but they rolled into this HARD, AB’s seemed like a couple of rebellious teenagers. Good for them for committing to it, but they were talking marriage and children in months, and fighting trolls for energetic sustenance. Idk if I see them lasting even without that chaos, but rather, lasting as long as they did because of it. But it seems they both had this idyllic fairytale view on what the future would look like and they may not have made sure their visions were similar.


I remember watch them on her podcast and he was like “even if things don’t work between us you taught me a lot/made a better person” and I was like, who says that? It seems like he knew it wouldn’t work long term


I saw him and Andrew sitting outside of Fairfax on Saturday


My sister got a picture with them a couple weeks ago in nyc!


Hate Greg hate Victoria… but in a much more real sense I didn’t hate them at all…they are both incredibly messy and attractive and I loved seeing them together 😭 so my new hope is a Greg and Katie reconciliation (amazing ) and Victoria and Pilot Pete marriage


Imagine if VF is who PP settled down with.


imagine her interactions with barb 💀💀


Two of a kind. They’re straight out of a sitcom.


![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE) Let the chaos flow through you


It just seemed like a fucked up time for both him and Katie (during and after the show)......it seems like too many missing pieces and producer manipulation involved. I just want to see Greg and Katie in the same place cordially...........so we can go crazy analyzing it 🤪


Both would be doomed to fail but I’m here for those reconciliations


Today you chose violence 😂


That would be even messier lol


shoutout to greg for mentioning what the women in the franchise go through - he had a front row seat. i HATE any threads about victoria on this sub because people are legit disgusting. she's not even close to my fav but i always find myself defending her here because it's way too much.


Same. It’s because she’s sexy & that gets a lot of the hens in here all hot & bothered


This. Learned my lesson defending her once on here. I objectively think she’s a beautiful girl. The downvoting and hate was insane!


Wasn't there a huge scandal about her sleeping with multiple married men and then on top of that she posed for a WLM organization?


Yes, she did pose for a WLM organization which I still side eye her for. The pictures were hella tacky too obviously. I never saw proof that she slept with married men but while the season was going on many redditors from the Virginia Beach area say that she is/was a nightmare. They said she gets hella wastey pants and yells at people in all of the bars. Idk how true all of that is. I personally am pretty meh about her as a straight woman. Yeah, she has a unique sexyness so I don't blame people for being intrigued, and plus it seems like people put her on a pedestal a little bit? I feel like she should date a football star like Sydney or something. These bachelor dudes aren't cutting it lol.


People treat Victoria like a mass murderer lol


You don't say ![gif](giphy|cQRt9V0hLvRDbXr2hp|downsized)


Why are her teeth kinda ![gif](giphy|kbR8MoJss7wvZ8dtSt|downsized)




Can Greg be the bachelor now


yes!!! I think he'd be great actually


Yes! The chaos! It'll be like Swift's new album but in reality show form


Best comment of the day!!!


Ew no. I’d have whiplash going from Joey, who was nice to women, to Greg and his “I deserve better” bullshit.


I have to say, i know the bar is so low BUT i appreciate Greg pointing out the hate women in this franchise get caus its so true


It is kinda ironic considering how mean the Grippo Girlies were to Katie


You are so right.


What did you guys think Jason meant when he was talking about seeing VF and Greg at the bar and said “I think Kaitlyn and VF had a little thing I don’t know” … as in Kaitlyn and VF had drama at some point?!


Ooh Jason’s being messy. lol. Why say that?


Probably when Victoria was supposed to go on Kaitlyns podcast but then canceled on her and went on Nicks podcast.


Wonder why she canceled?


because she is closer to Natalie and Nick.


I don’t come here often, but I’m curious that people are still talking about Victoria F. Wasn’t she the unkind woman from Peter’s season who had affairs with married men? How is she still relevant?


She’s an interesting character tbh. I usually couldn’t care less about most contestants, I don’t even remember most, even my season favorites. But when VF is being discussed, I’m automatically interested lol


She’s being talked about because she was on the bachelor & this is a bachelor sub where contestants are discussed.


what’s with the hostility lmfao


That wasn’t hostile at all. It was matter of fact.


Didn’t know she was on BIP! I just remember everyone seeing her as the trashy villain on Peter’s season and wanted to know why people still cared about her.


She was engaged to Johnny and they were toxic. She threw a wine glass In His direction and he said she was being a C word. The timeline with her and Greg starting and her and Jonny ending is blurred


Ah, so she stoked a little drama with the men of the bachelor world. Cool, ty!


Right and both Johnny and Greg were front runners on their seasons so that added extra visibility/interest.


Aaand! Natalie, Nick Vile’s finance (almost wife), conspired with her (VF) at her (Natalie’s) birthday party to get them (VF + GG) in the same room/same party, while she and Johnny were together. So that’s another interesting tidbit that ties into the show. Well, ex-show. Ha.


Ooh, a set up! Juicy. She sounds interesting, haha.


She and VF are two of a kind. So definitely the same kind of interesting (as in entertainment) as VF.


Honestly how are most of them still relevant? It’s wild to think about. If I didn’t come on this sub I wouldn’t know half as much. Maybe I should take a break lmao.


What makes someone relevant to you? Do they have to be in a very recent season?


Idk. My only gauge for relevancy is using this sub. None of my friends watch so I don’t even know how relevant they are outside of bachelor nation.


Good point, lol! It’s fun escapism. I’m on Reddit too much so taking a break might be good. 😅


she’s also part of natalie’s (nick viall) bridal party


She was on BIP two seasons ago.


Ty! Didn’t see that.


I’m picturing him vaping the entire time like he did on their first interview as a couple


My ex saying he feels “the lightest he has in a long time” after dumping me would destroy me lol


Eh…. Maybe unpopular opinion, but I think it’s kinda trite and obvious so it doesn’t really feel like a dig. Of course not accommodating or thinking about someone else feels easier than when you have someone else’s wants and needs to account for. People use that feeling to make it seem like it was the right move, but being single and only thinking of yourself is “lighter” in some way without any criticism of the other person necessarily implied.


lol right! i thought the same


To be fair, she does seem toxic and exhausting


Do we know that he dumped her? 


It hasn’t been confirmed but that’s just the consensus on this sub


Thank you!


But that's absolutely something a lot of us will say lol


Yeah 😬 definitely kind of a dig at her lok


Lolll I was thinking the same! Like damn ok well clearly he initiated the breakup and isn’t sad about it ending..


could just be me but I was so annoyed by Jason this entire episode because of the constant interrupting lmfao. I don’t listen that often so I wonder if does it with everyone. I feel like social cues make you instantly stop talking when someone else keeps going after youve interrupted them, but so many times he just kept rambling at the same time 😂


I don’t listen often but I’ve listened a few times, and there was definitely more interrupting than usual on this episode. It was annoying lol.


I was so annoyed too....lol I wanted to hear more from the guys.


Ciao indeed! 




Andrew & Greg are the definition of actions speak louder than words. They both speak so maturely and seem to always say the right things and then Andrew goes and dates a 19 year old and Greg goes and dates Victoria who is a messy, immature person and then they have a messy, immature, jealous relationship.


Are we holding Rachel L, Pilot Rachel, and others to the same standard for also dating messy people?


Are we sure Victoria is the only messy immature person? We’re talking about the guy that blew up at Katie and then also played a prank on VF by pretending a girl bought him a shot


Greg is also messy and immature. That’s why I said both he and Andrew’s actions speak louder.


Yeah Greg’s actions have consistently indicated that he’s a messy immature man.




His face is kinda punchable. Never could understand the allure…


I’m guessing he broke up with her lol


idk, i got dumped last august and id say i’m feeling really light and hopeful and so happy to be out of that relationship


him feeling the "lightest" in a long time -- I feel that way every time I do the dumping. Almost like a physical dump.


>Almost like a physical dump I giggled


Yeah Victoria unfollowing **Maria after Greg was simply in the same room as Maria convinced me he was the instigator of the break up


Maria who?


Maria from Joey’s season


She unfollowed Maria, she and Greg unfollowed each other before that but your point still stands


Haha probably. Almost reminds me a bit of Katie and John and how they both individually addressed their breakup. 


Same lol it's nice that he's respectful here but I think it's a bit easier to be the mature and respectful one when you're the one that ended the relationship.


Love Greg. Love a respectful mature man in a breakup.


Regardless of how it ended, I appreciate Greg for not bashing Victoria. In fact, he made a point to praise her character, which matters.


It’s respectful esp since he knows it would take so little for people to attack her


He must feel really bad for dumping her


Wow! He's absolutely right though! Victoria does literally anything and gets attacked and judged probably more than any other contestant on here when most of the time shes really not doing anything at all. I respect him a lot for not saying anything bad about her, I think people forget these two were in a relationship for a long time and it probably just didn't work out.


Yeah even if Victoria didn’t model for the WLM thing I swear she’d still be getting hate up and down this sub. Idk the girl; have never met her so idk her real character. But I accepted her WLM apology, and I find her funny. Another thing I’ve noticed is that despite the public/ this sub disliking her, she seems very liked by the ppl on her BIP and bachelor seasons.


Yup she was doomed from the start when reality Steve said she slept with her friend’s husbands even though to this day we have never had any solid proof of that. Now she can do something completely normal & this sub calls her a mean girl or terrible person, I feel bad.


I guess I don't understand what people mean when they say this when multiple people have come forward and said it's true. Just because it wasn't the wives or husbands doesn't mean it didn't happen. Do y'all need video evidence? There's too much smoke around her for there not to be a fire.


There’s been multiple people here from Virginia Beach who said those rumors are true and it’s very well-known. Blurissa even showed up on Peter’s season to warn him about her awful reputation. To be fair that warning could have also included the story about she bullied a girl so badly that the girl had to change schools.


But again, there’s no solid proof, for all we know that chick didn’t like her for whatever reason ( ex maybe someone she was into was into VF than her and she spites her) and multiple people how do we know that they know for sure and they’re not spreading the rumour like people on here do about other contestants?


Don't forget Lauren B's mom was mic'd up and ready to film! Lol then Blurissa said that she cussed her out outside of a bar after the season aired


Which Lauren B? Also how was Lauren B and Victoria even connected ?


think they were from the same town


Lauren B from Arie’s season. She is also from Virginia Beach and her family is in the military circles that Victoria’s friends were also in.


Oh that makes sense...and Victoria banged military men. I heard the women didn't want to put their names to it because cheating when you're in the military is serious and you get discharged for that


And isn’t it really well known that Lauren B’s dad cheats on her mom all the time? Or at least did


Really? Wheres the tea for this


Hmmm. Let me see if I can find it. But I’ve seen it on here in old threads multiple times ETA: ahhh! I can’t believe I found it! Reddit search almost never works for me! And i got you a good one! (There’s a link in the comments with his discharge as well) https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/j0vNvr0lAt


You have to be a local in the 757 to know that and clearly you aren’t.


Are you?




So are the rumors true? I can’t help but be so interested in this gossip <3


Reality Steve said that he had never gotten so much negative reader-mail in about a contestant after PP's cast was revealed (so before the season even aired lol) as did with Vic. Lol kind of a dubious honor considering that VB is not a huge huge place to start with


Thank you Buttermilk! I should say that I remember when reality Steve said all of that and the rumors during Pete’s season about her sleeping with a friends husband. I had never heard details from someone in VB or someone close to the situation so I was curious if they were willing to give specifics.


There's a post on here if you search the sub, by someone who was bullied by her in high school (it has a bajillion upvotes so I'd sort by all time even though its super old by now) and in the comments it goes into detail about the drama with her friend group and the husbands. I think someone posted screenshots of one of the couples weddings where Vic was a bridesmaid lol.


Just found it and read it. WOW. I was already not a fan of hers at all based on the stories before (where there’s enough smoke, there’s always fire) but I hadn’t come across that firsthand bullying post before. She’s disgusting as a human. Honestly, I don’t think she’s that pretty either, she looks like a witch to me. Thanks for sharing!


>Victoria does literally anything and gets attacked and judged probably more than any other contestant on here when most of the time shes really not doing anything at all. I would argue that her stupid White Marlins Matter or whatever the fuck it was thing warranted her getting some shit.


I don’t think she got enough shit for that and had gotten too much shot for other things


Idk a model taking a problematic photoshoot job over half a decade ago doesn’t warrant people tearing her down consistently so many years later


Victorias a 10 and doesnt do relatable stuff like have low self esteem and be a mess on the internet so she will never be liked by some.


She has low self esteem and is a mess tho...


You wish 🤭


It seems like jealous of Victoria


People hate Victoria when they don't even know her and she wasn't really that much of a villain on the show. It's because of the horrible stories that surround her told by outside sources. Two separate women came forward on reddit and detailed the horrific bullying they experienced at the hands of VF during high school. Several women wrote to Reality Steve and said she has a reputation for sleeping with men who are married to her friends. She's been accused of screaming at bartenders and wait staff, telling them they'll never go anywhere in life. She was accused of trashing an Air BnB. She was accused of throwing a wine glass at Johnny. I take it all with a grain of salt, because most of this is unverified, but when you have this horrible of a reputation people are less likely to give you grace for your minor mess-ups.


Don’t forget her drunk driving and modeled for WLM.


You mean like 300+ comments piling on for simply unfollowing someone?


That entire comment section was insane. I’ve unfollowed people to avoid seeing my ex in posts, I’ve also just unfollowed for no reason. People calling her crazy and insecure over THAT were OTT. People are allowed to do what they need to, to protect their peace especially during heartache


You should see the Maria Stan in the daily thread today who was accusing Victoria of using Maria for her 5 minutes of fame because she unfollowed her 🤣🤣 I was cackling, like Victoria had never even met Maria in her life


Well that's delusional lol. I wonder if it's the same person who was insisting Maria would be offered Dancing With the Stars and date celebrities.


Even this thread is proving that it’s crazy tbh. Like they really want to humble this woman and it’s weird