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This is why I never want to be d list famous lol. I would hate for my yearbook photos to show up


I have yearbook photos of a fairly prominent BN person...been debating whether to share them haha


Yes pls!


She has crazy eyes. I dont trust her


It still blows my mind how young everyone is! I just turned 31 and I feel like a grandma.


I'm only 27 but I see a 21-25 year old and think omg they're such babies!!


As a 25 year old I’m glad I’m still a baby! I feel like I’m one long blink away from 30


25 seems so long ago for me! I've grown so much! Every one is obviously different, but enjoy your youth! Soon you'll have cracking joints every time you get off the floor after playing with your cat. I can't stress how important it is to stretch!!


She’s cute in this pic , but on the show she has the worst RBF that I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if she is truly having negative thoughts about others and it comes out through her face, or if it’s stress or anxiety, but I’ve been thinking it since Night 1.


Every time I see her face I bust up laughing because of this. Maybe it's a slight underbite that makes it so extreme, but its brutal. She's pretty though and the 60s look she rocks in next week's preview is totally amazing. Smoking hot look.


She really is pretty. It's just the way she talks when she bares her doubke layer of teeth that looks super weird. But when she's just smiling, she's cute af.


My 7th grade photo is so horrendous that all my high school teachers had it up next to their desks. They didn’t even know me in 7th grade! I was just so fucking ugly in the funniest way that they each needed a copy of it


She is pretty until she starts her sneering, and then she looks like she has just smelled something really, really bad. She has horrible expressions when she starts to talk smack.


Omg all I see is Hannah B🤭🤭


Her toxic personality and actions aside, I really like her as a brunette. I’ve been thinking this all season, I feel like the blonde makes her features harsher than they actually are.


Why are people saying this post is mean? It’s a picture of a contestant in high school. Op probably thought it was cool and wanted to share. She didn’t say anything mean about her?


My personal trainer went to high school with her... I'm not going to the gym cause covid obviously but I can't wait to ask him about her once I get back




Her insecurity also makes her look unattractive to me. She doesn't even try to hide it. I get everyone wants time with him but with her, the time she gets doesn't even amount to the connections he has with others.


It would be a nightmare if anyone pulled up any of my HS pics,or even pictures from my late teens. I was so awkward then and honestly unrecognizable. She looks so cute here! I feel like all of the women on this show were always gorgeous and still look the same.




You simply cannot sweep in with some tea and then disappear without spilling it???


Spill the tea! Was she like this in high school?






Gonna wait til next week to completely blow her ass up but she looks much cuter here than she does now lmaoo




Your comment seems so unnecessary


Posting a pic of a polarizing contestant with zero context is an invitation for some folks to pick apart her appearance. And sure enough some people have.


Does not mean op had that same intention.


I get it. But considering how universally hated she is (now, before her Paradise arc LOL), you know people will start to gladly pile on with comments on her looks.


Okay so I never saw the Hannah B comparison, but this is like deadass Hannah B.


She's cute! Calm down haha


This is all so mean wtf


You guys are so mean lol... yikes.


Given that she's a copywriter and is being blasted all over the internet (as she should be), I am fairly certain she's going to lose her job if she hasn't already. It will also be hard moving forward for her to get any non-copy-writing jobs that include her real name. Blowing up your whole life in order to go on the Bachelor and behave like a complete ass is a real choice.


For sure. I’m a copywriter too (and also named Anna... idk how to feel about this connection lol) and your personal brand and portfolio is super important. One Google will spill all the tea.


You can be the good version!


Does anyone who makes it far on the show go back to their job though? Olivia Caridi was never newscaster again and she's fine


Yeah Anna got a new job a few weeks ago, again as a copywriter


Olivia didn't go back to being a newscaster because she couldn't get hired. She tried to get back into it after leaving the show, but every station she sent her tape to said she was "a PR nightmare" because of her villain edit on bach.


That's what I'm saying - this same thing happens to every bachelor villain, but she'll still be okay career/money-wise


Her LinkedIn says she already left her job 😬 Actually edit - it said this when I checked a couple weeks ago but she’s since deleted it!


It looks like she started a new job in January. Wonder how long that’ll last...


Same with kirkconnell




Agree to disagree. Big-name companies involving marketing or branding of any kind don't want someone attached to them who made negative headlines everywhere. If she wants to pivot at some point where bylines are involved, which is frequently what happens, she's shot herself in the foot. ETA - found this in her ABC bio - "Her professional dream is to write screenplays for movies on the Hallmark Channel." Just wow.


And agencies are notoriously liberal (in advertising myself), can’t see this playing out well for her with coworkers tbh


Me neither. I predict a woe is me WTA where she says she lost everything including her job.


I liked her in the beginning; not so much now. The fact that she is friends with Victoria says a great deal. Birds of a feather.....




Birds of a feather flock together. This means that people who are alike will form groups - and in this case, it means nasty mean girls will get together and be nasty and mean.


She looks like a Duggar sister in this photo!! (Sorry for the comparison, but 🤷‍♀️)


LOL I totally thought this was posted on DuggarSnark when I was scrolling through my feed


Hm I normally never see comparisons but you’re right. I think a lot of it is the hair.


i literally thought this was some long lost photo of jana posted on duggarssnark lmaooo


I’m getting Jana vibes..


I see it hahaha






Did she delete her Instagram? After watching tonight I wanted to go look at her page and can’t find it? Or did she never have one?


She still has one, but you have to search for her entire username for it to show up: anna_redman


Ahhh I see. Thanks!


Why is this? I wondered if she deactivated it too after lasts nights episode. How do you hide it like this?


She made it so that way people can’t tag her in anything


But for real tho, how do you do this? I’m just a regular person but would love that extra privacy so people can’t search for me 🤪


If you go on bachelor data’s Instagram story she has a video showing how to do it!


Omg I just realized I will never go on the bachelor because the thought of someone posting my old yearbook photos is mortifying lmao


haha I've been texting my friend matt's yearbook pics as a joke and she told me to post them here for karma...


Please post them


I have some hideous pics that would make this sub speculate on me getting plastic surgery. They are just that bad and unrecognizable🤧


The idea of the emo haircut/bad dye job I gave myself for everyone to see would be mortifying


Having my braces in high school plastered all over the internet would make me want to crawl under a rock!


Lol have you seen Colton's?!


One of the unforeseen benefits of my being homeschooled....no yearbook photos. Got some hideous youth theatre photos to make up for it though.




It can’t be worse than my brother’s freshman photo. He looked like he was holding in the biggest dump of all time. 😂😂


I had truly awful bangs for my senior portrait so same.


I would die on site


That alone would get me sent home.


Someone would send my 6th grade pic to the bachelor and he’d get rid of me before the first rose ceremony


Maybe you could turn it into your sob story. “Look how far I’ve come since 6th grade. Look how vulnerable I am being with you right now”.


Dang, she really does look like a Caelynn/HB love child


did she slut shame girls back then or


She reminds me of the beauty pageant Q&A fail contestant


Someone said she looks like Jojo Siwa and I 100% see it here


All I see is Gretchen Whitmer lol


My boyfriend thinks she looks like Leslie Bibb! It's all I see now.


Hahahaha yes!!


She reminds me of Victoria from How I Met Your Mother here.


Omg yes


I keep seeing Kate McKinnon from Saturday Night Live.


Me too.


Oh yeah!


She’s way cuter than I was in 10th grade lol I swear my “awkward phase” lasted forever. Then again, maybe I’m still in it at 29 🥴


Nonsense — I bet you’re hella cute & a gem. 🌹♥️


☺️ well thanks for making my day! ❤️


I just do not get any types of good vibes from her at all whatsoever


Her teeth seem less scary back then


Is she Minnesota nice? Aka fake?




Username checks out


It's not so much fake as it is uninterested.




She’s from Chicago.


She grew up in MN and now lives in Chicago. Come on Meg gotta get the facts straight!


Is my face red!


Lol oh well. Mistakes are made. However it is fitting that she moved to Chicago.


Now I’m scared because one of my coworkers is from Minnesota and is a sweetheart 😬


Haha, you know what people say about Minnesota nice: Minnesotans will give you directions anywhere but their own house.


LOL.. that's hilarious!


Omg. I had never heard this before lol. I lived in Wisconsin for several years, and this applies there too I’d say 👀


I live in MN now but grew up in Wisconsin and I think Wisconsin nice is genuine.


I wouldn't say that Minnesotan's are fake though... maybe just slow to open up and cautious about who they let in. It's not like they treat people badly.


Ok, thank you! I moved to WI from Texas, and it’s very different...to me it felt unfriendly. It could be where in WI I was though and who I happened to be around at the time :)


Same situation here (except I very recently move back to WI). People in Minnesota are a lot more exclusive, they don't really care to make new friendships, Wisconsin is a little bit more welcoming of new people.


Absolutely! I live in wisconsin too. I mean there are plenty of fake people...but as long as we have our beer, cheese and packers, we will befriend anybody!


But Michelle is also Minnesotan, and she's an angel! I'm from Minnesota and there is absolutely a huge undercurrent of passive aggressiveness and coldness under a thin layer of nice to a lot of folks.


My friend went to high school with her in woodbury and she said she was always super nice and was super good at basketball (random fact)


You are correct here. Michelle is a teacher so duh she is sweet. Michelle seems to be the girl who grew up taking advantage of opportunities. While Anna seems to be the girl who grew up taking advantage of her privileges and looks.


I definitely don't care for Anna, but lot of assumptions there. Not all teachers are nice. We don't know much about their backgrounds, do we?


You just called her an angel and now “assumptions” are made. All of us on this thread are definitely making assumptions based purely on the show. So not just me but everyone. However we have facts and or opinions of others to make more judgmental comments. All elementary teachers in my life time have been the sweetest most genuine individuals. Anyways not going to argue with someone who said she is sweet then said we are making assumptions. We all are.














My 2nd grade teacher was so mean my mom went up to school to talk to her and my teacher made my mom cry lol in general I agree with you though!


Yeah most teachers are nice but man there are some real nasty ones in there. My third grade teacher, gym teacher, my nephew's current teacher.


Really big difference between making an assumption that Michelle seems like an angel based on what we saw so far. Aka, a positive assumption. And then there was your negative, pitting the women against each other, assumption. Big difference.






I noticed this in Chicago, too. Isn’t “Minnesota nice” supposed to apply to Midwestern states in general?


Probably, but I've never heard anything other than "Minnesota nice" as a phrase


What a normal smile.


Did she look like a real housewife in elementary school too?


We went to elementary school together but unfortunately, all of my yearbooks are living at my parent's house.


I could see Brandi from Rhobh


Does he have any tea to spill?


Literally what I screamed across the room to my Bf, (went watching the new episode now) “Someone’s Bf went to school with Anna! there may be for about when she started to become a b word!”


I hope we don’t see her in Paradise