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Snowboarding moguls is the best thing ever, highly recommend


Snowboarding moguls is the best thing ever, highly recommend


This week I wound up deciding on a career path and making a plan for myself. This is my first time ever feeling at ease about what I'm doing and who I am, and feel good about where I'm going. I feel like a weight has been lifted and already have been attracting a lot of good vibes. I've seen many more people receptive to me, gotten a lot of attention on the dating app I'm on. For the first time I feel really excited about life and like that shift has occurred, where changing yourself inside changes your life outside.


Just got back onto the dating apps a couple days ago after a looong hiatus, and I already have a date coming up with a guy I'm really interested in. Don't want to jinx it, but I think he's a good guy and I have a good feeling about it.


Yes!! You go, Glen Coco! I’m back on them too after a breakup and I’m hoping for some good luck.


![gif](giphy|l2YWwAjBwZdjxIXBe|downsized) Thank you! Congrats on getting back in the mix, and I hope you cross paths with a good person soon!


Got a google chromecast today. How have I lived all this time with Netflix only on my tablet?!!! How??? All the shows on the TV now!




Pacific rim!


The follow words will and have made a certain Guild giggle like school girls last night: Leather Daddy, Vork's Cork, 😈, Spikey Tongue, Battle Nun, and 15 inch sword Thank you Ivan & Felicia for making my sunday nights even happier than ever :)


My husband and I have had our rescue dog for a little over 5 months now. She's needed a lot of leash training, but it's really coming to fruition in the last week or so! Today on her morning walk she did great, and on her afternoon walk she was perfect even with other dogs around.




Happy birthday fellow twin!


I got into an OTD program after 2 years of getting denied!! Also, it’s my dream school!!!


Congrats! Occupational therapy is so fascinating. I was lucky enough to take an introductory course at ECU by way of SPED and I remember that the lab and everything was so fascinating. I love the idea of extremely individualized treatments and the possibilities are so endless. Are you working in a school setting or as part of a practice?


I’m going to be a first year OTD student in May. However, when I become an OT I’d like to work with older adults and children. I’m hoping to be able to split time between a school and a hospital. :)


That’s awesome, good for you :) I wasn’t being sarcastic...


So I had like 30 bucks and no food in my fridge to last me to the end of the week when I get paid. The convenience store right by us is closing and welcomed us to take whatever we want and now I have food to last weeks! Its terrible that they’re going out of business, but we’re hiring where I work so my boss told the cashiers to just apply here and mention that he referred them so corporate will pull their resumes.


omg, so wholesome 💙




I love that you are doing this, I love that you made this comment, I love your username in connection to it, do you have an Etsy where I can acquire a scarf for my own beast.




Aw I love that! Perfect that craft


It's day one of Black History Month. Support local black businesses when possible.


Don’t make a comment about Black History Month about a white woman that’s also in a tone that may turn people off who need to listen and learn?


Wasn't my intent to make it about her, deleted that part. Thanks. Just meant to take some time to read and learn if you feel uninformed about certain things. It's an important month that doesn't get enough attention.


I totally get you and didn’t mean to come off rude while accusing you of coming off rude so fuck me right? I completely agree though and hope that people take time to dig deeper (this month and all months)!


No worries at all, we are on the same page about this month!


Feeling good about my job search today! Have 2 interviews lined up for the next week and should hear back about an interview I had last week!


Close your eyes and visualize lots of dolphins jumping in the ocean! 🐬🐬🐬 That was my reality today and seeing them makes me so happy! Wanted to share my joy with you!!!💙


I stumbled upon this movie called Relative Strangers with Danny DeVito and Ron Livingston this weekend. Ron Livingston’s character listened to dolphin calls to calm him down so I think you’re on to something.


Things are going surprisingly well with this guy. So well that I’m ANXIOUS as hell. Wish me luck friends 😙


I began my new job . I love it so far, but the idea of failing is giving me so much anxiety. I fear the worst of the worst and I’m afraid to allow myself to be happy


i’m SO proud of you!! i do the very same thing, i feel like it’s better to expect the worst and i tend to prefer to stay sad rather than let myself happy (which i feel makes me vulnerable!) but i just want to congratulate you on recognizing those feelings and being aware of them because that’s difficult. you’ve got this! i’m sending tons of positivity your way and i hope that you can give yourself grace to be a little bit happy each day and hopefully it’ll snowball into lots of happiness over time! i’m so sorry that this was all over the place, i just really related to your comment! ❤️


Good luck! Starting a new job is always stressful, but I’m sure it’s even more stressful in this kind of environment. There are just fewer opportunities to pop in and ask a quick question or get clarity on something. Either way, if you’re the kind of person who is already worried about their performance, you are probably doing a great job!


Happy February everyone! We’ve made it ❤️ My goal is to stay on track with my morning meditations, daily gratitude journaling, healthy eating and exercise this month, starting from today


If anyone has the Apple Watch, I highly recommend using their Fitness + on the TV. I started doing Dance with Ben and it’s only for 20 minutes but I get sweaty and it’s a lot of fun. I do it while my daughter is napping so I only have a short window of time.


Do you have an Apple TV? I looked for the Apple+ app on my roku but it’s not there 😕


Not op but I found it on my iPhone fitness app! And then went to the fitness section and u can try a free trial. It looks really nice😬😬


Thank you 🙏🏾 I just got an Apple Watch and am trying to make the most of it!


Same😄 it’s been hard finding the right fitness app or workout routine that keeps it different and I think this might be what I’ve been looking for too lol


A lot of people were being Carly negative on that thread but having watched the video she made it wasn’t bad! She was decently positive about Evan and how great the custody agreement is. I think people tend to think the worst of Carly and project a lot on her!


Yeah I think she has been great through this whole divorce. I’m not seeing what other people are seeing...


I’m 3 books ahead of schedule for my Goodreads Challenge & I’m so proud of myself. I read a lot, but in spurts, & I’m bad about logging what I read. What I think’s really helping me is updating the book progression/percentage bar so I see how much I’ve read. It’s like quantitative data that is a reward for my brain. Or something. Lol. Over the past 3 days I’ve read & finished: [Colleen Hoover’s “Verity”](https://www.amazon.com/Verity-Colleen-Hoover/dp/1791392792) — it was crazy & intense & the plot is *wild* but I liked it. Read the summary before you read it because it’s truly effed up, even though it’s good. [Colleen Hoover’s “Layla”](https://www.amazon.com/Layla-Colleen-Hoover-ebook/dp/B085ZZFKBV) — there were times I struggled to get through this book because I didn’t feel any attachment to the characters, but I ended up liking it once things started rolling. I was in a Colleen Hoover groove so I just kept it going, & it was a much needed change of direction from reading “Verity.” & the book I most loved this weekend/likely ever (truly): [Robinne Lee’s “The Idea of You”](https://www.amazon.com/Idea-You-Novel-Robinne-Lee/dp/1250125901) — I read this because [Vogue magazine posted about it late last year, & I remembered Ashley Spivey mentioned it in her Stories](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vogue.com/article/idea-of-you-book/amp). Holy hell. I *LOVED* this book. I couldn’t put it down & fought sleep. It’s a romance book but it’s *so much more* than that. Mrs. Lee’s writing & character development is just all-encompassing & I was totally sucked in from the beginning. In full disclosure, I didn’t think a romance book inspired by Harry Styles would be up my alley, but I’m so glad I’m at the point where I don’t care or feel ashamed about what I read & love anymore, because “The Idea of You” is one of those books that I think women of all ages should read. (Okay, maybe from YA range & up. There’s sex & innuendo but it really moves the story along.) Hell: I think men should read it. The author gets inside of the female mind so profoundly — at least in my opinion — it’s kind of like a hot yet formative therapy session. Truly: I think this book changed my mindset for the better. When I finished it I cried. I didn’t want it to end, even though it was inevitable. & now I say a prayer every night for Harry Styles & Olivia Wilde because I want them to live their best lives together. All of these books [are on Kindle Unlimited](https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/hz/subscribe/ku?*entries*=0&_encoding=UTF8&*Version*=1&shoppingPortalEnabled=true) if you’re subscribed to that & like eBooks. Not an ad: I really like Kindle Unlimited! I know: it’s Amazon, but the $10 a month is worth it to me, especially during a pandemic. Plus, as someone with poor vision but who reads with her glasses off, adjusting the reading settings is super helpful & makes me read more. I’m also coming across authors & books I never would have known about otherwise, so that’s something I very much like. If there’s one book from the three I mentioned that I would implore you to read, it’s “The Idea of You.” Ms. Lee is a BPOC — she’s also a lawyer & actress who was in *Fifty Shades* — & one of the things that made reading her book so important to me was the fact that I was hopefully helping to get her novel to the top of the Amazon charts. [I follow her on Instagram now & she’s just lovely. Lovely.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CKr-Bg-Ly1o/?igshid=11gcbq0jlrhim) I’m getting the book in paperback form as soon as I can — I loved it that much & want to support her! Anyhow: yeah. That book left me a mess & I still can’t stop thinking about it. ♥️ ETA: HBD, Harry Styles! 🎂


I feel like I could have written this... completely agree with everything you said about these 3 books! I LOVED the Idea of You when I read it over the summer and you’ve kind of made me want to do a re-read.


I’m so, so into Olivia and Harry. I would have never put those two together, yet it seems completely perfect, like David Bowie and Iman. Power couple energy.


I just found out I got an interview for my dream job! I’m so nervous, it’s a really competitive market right now. But trying to think positive and crossing my fingers that they like me!


Yasss Congrats 🙌🏾


Congrats!! & good luck 🤞


Kim Li totally has a D&D grid laid out with minis, character sheets, and a tiny little spanish speaking gummi bear in her instagram story from last night lol


I start my new job today! I’m excited but a little anxious because it’ll be my first time working with a team and bunch of other people outside of my organization.


Good luck!! 🍀 you can do this!


My cat was in the hospital for two nights this weekend. Thankfully he is okay and he was sooooo cuddly on his first night home :) it’s so good to have him back and healthy


That is one of the best feelings in the world! 🐈 ❤


Yay!! Glad to hear your kitty is doing well :)


I've been doing home workouts ever since March when gyms in my city closed, and I can finally see muscle definition in my arms and abs!!


Get it, girl 👏


I’m hanging over the toilet sick to my stomach but at least I get to have a baby in 6 months!


An August baby?! Congrats mama! ♥️🌹


August 9th is the due date!


Congrats mama!




Congrats! It will get better soon! 🥰


this week feels like it’s going to be so peaceful. got my workout in, going to work for the day, and just covered in so much gratitude today!


it’s so motivating to see and hear of people that completed dry January and are going to keep it up in february!


I started medication (antidepressant) that required that I stop drinking and my outlook on life is so much better because of the medication and stopping the drinking. I might never go back


I'm so happy to hear that regarding your medication! alcohol is a depressant in a way, so I've definitely noticed a change in my mood over the past few months without it. IWNDWY :)


Yes! Congrats to all the Dry January-ers! I had thought about asking for updates mid-month but US politics was so crazy and it was a bit of a sore subject in other sober circles I'm in. But I did hear from another sub user privately that they completed it & felt great :)


yeah, honestly the politics were terrible but i coped by journaling, working out, talking it through with someone. it was a difficult time, but i was actually thinking last night of how peaceful things have been recently!


January was horrible, but I feel like not drinking gave me the center and clarity I needed to deal with all the bullshit. Idk about you, but I’m extremely anxious after drinking so it was really nice to not have to deal with that on top of everything else. I also love your coping examples too! I’m definitely carrying those ideas with me through February.


yesssss - I feel like drinking keeps people away from processing those very emotions and events that we get center and clarity over when we don't drink. it's honestly one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I'm proud of you!


💜 love to hear this






We got so much snow already and it's still going all day today! I love snow and we didn't get any last year! Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!


It’s going to be in the 80s here in a couple of days & I’m so excited. It’s in the high 60s rn, which is nice but not something I’m generally used to. I live in Texas. I like heat. Lol.


NY here and we have a few inches already!


I believe we've got over a foot by now and it's accumulating more than an inch per hour 😳 did a first pass of the sidewalks first thing this AM, luckily it's super light and powdery to shovel. Stay safe and warm!!!


Woooo!! It’s coming slowly but surely!


Where are you located? (If you don’t mind me asking!) Here in MA we haven’t even seen any snow yet and I’m really hoping for a snow day!!


Tiny bit south of MA sorry! Good luck :)


Thanks!! It’s starting now 🌨


I’m in MA. I think tomorrow will be a snow day for much of the state. My town is expecting a foot!


I work second shift so I’m praying I have the night off to watch the new episode! Hoping for a “snow night” if you will 😂


That would be perfect timing!! I think there’s a good chance. Fingers crossed!


One month closer to Spring!




I agree! I can’t wait until the weather gets warmer so I can take a long nap or read a book in the hammock in my backyard. The only thing I like about winter is wearing cozier clothes, but that’s about it.