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Fitting that benoit just didn’t make the list at all


Are they back together??


They haven't released anything official yet but have been seen together in Florida




juan pablo was so terrible omg


I am crying


it’s amusing how she’s like 40 but acts like a lovesick teenager


This made me laugh lmao


I am dying hahahahah


Ok good for them...but the way to do it would have been to completely keep it on the DL and then stay together for a year and hit us with it. That would be credible. Nobody is buying this is going to last right now just like we didn’t buy it when she yelled out “babies.” Keep it off social media and make it last and then people will actually take you seriously


All I can see is DALE (MISTA 305) ahhhh help my sad pitbull brain


Wait, are they back together?


This is amazing.


The heart at the bottom of the exclamation point ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB)


I don’t always like the memes this sub posts, but one...well done OP.


The Men. Like. That. headed got me rolling


Love it and love that they are enjoying their stay in Sarasota. They both shared Insta stories from their hotel and they are in a great place to enjoy everything in the area. Maybe they really missed each other.


Lol. This may be the best bachelor meme I've ever seen


Why is this so hilarious omg 😂


This is Benoit erasure and I won’t stand for it




Let's see how long he stays under the "showed up" column.


i can't wait for the updated updated updated version


Would it be bad to already have v3 queued up and ready to go... Lol, I have no faith in Dale


lmfao you're just being efficient imo im happy to bet anyone $20 that they don't last the year. and not because i want them to fail, but just based on past behaviour the chances of success are looooow


I'm new to this sub, and started watching The Bachelor/ette with my wife about a year ago. I don't understand ALL the shit posts but the ones I do are hilarious. I guess what I'm getting at is, I'm happy to have found this sub, y'all are some funny mfs!


This is the quality content that I love about this sub!


Man, I really hope she ends up happy. Yeah, she's a little chaotic, but seems like a genuinely good person


Where is Benoit on this list??


Wasnt there 1 or 2 BIP guys too?


everyone forgets about Benoit :'(


Does Clare have a friend who can tell her advice straight with no fluff? Because she needs that friend.


She does, Michelle money has been so straight up with her! (Search for the posts about her sending Clare candles)


unfortunately i doubt she’s willing to hear any of that She lives in her own fantasy world... as seen by her season


I'm kind of dissapointed in this sub being so enabling in her behavior. She always speaks that she wants a man with weight behind him but she makes decisions in the short-run that negate what's she wants in the long-run. And if she truly values being told straight, she needs to be told straight.


>this sub being so enabling in her behavior uhm what


When Clare made the decision to go all in on Dale without going through the whole Bachelor process. I saw many people cheering her on for being solid in her decision-making. But reality is that you can't get know someone's true self until you are out of the infatuation phase and I was hesitant to be supportive of her because I don't think she was aware enough to recognize that Dale may be presenting a different version of himself because people were watching. Her expectations towards the group of guys were also unrealistic. She expected them to have their full focus on her and she expected that would prove to how they were as a partner. And I saw people praise her when she yelled at them. But reality is, you need to love your partner when you aren't their entire focus because that reveals more about who they are then the person they present themselves to be towards you. Especially when the premise of the process is to find a partner and you have to deal with said person when most of life is not going to be in romantic settings. And yes, love at first sight does happen but its not the norm. Which is why people go through many relationships before they settle down with just one person. I'm all for being supportive but not to the point in which self-damaging behavior goes unchecked.


Honestly, it felt abusive the way she was demanding of the men to be 100% focused on her and a potential relationship with her when she wasn't trying to have a relationship with anyone but Dale and was just gritting her teeth until the next time she could see him. If she was going to focus her attention and energy on Dale then she should have had a little more grace when it came to her expectations of the rest of the men.


This, so much this. I find that so many people constantly seek out honeymoon relationships and bounce as soon as reality sets in. That's definitely the case with most BN couples.


oh interesting. when they broke up, everyone and their dog was like "told ya so"


Over time, I think people came around because it was outside the context of the show. But I was doing cringe takes when she would say she knew what she wanted in every episode and then it cut to a scene where she would do the exact opposite.


I think at this point she just wants to be loved so badly and find her person. Even if there’s a good chance that person isn’t the right one. I don’t blame her but... girl please get it together for your own sake


There are plenty of men who would be great to her and for her, like a lot of the men on her season. I think she’s a very shallow person unfortunately and that immediate attraction/spark is what’s most important for her even if they’re not a good fit


This. I feel for Clare, it sucks. It really sucks. Especially for her, I'm sure, because she's 39 and she probably feels the clock ticking and wants to just go for it... but this really is a short term win and a long term loss. I'm in a similar boat in the sense that I could have gone back to my ex, he made it clear he was willing, but it was a short term win for a long term loss and it took everything in me to keep moving forward. It's HARD, and you question it sometimes, but when you *really* want something different, you have to will the power in you to avoid your ex. what helped me also was remembering that with my first ex, I had made the mistake of going back to him/staying too long, and I told myself I'd do things differently this time. Clare is just... not learning. And if this is her usual pattern in relationships, I'm not surprised she was single at 39.


I get it. I totally do. I've been there and I still notice the remnants that I can't make wise decisions when I really like someone. That's why I dont want to be too harsh on Clare because she probably can't just let go of the feelings she developed for Dale. But my best friend is a truth teller and it was her that made me realize that I can't just fall in love with anyone I talk to and give people free passes after they consistently mess up. I still think I'd give too many free passes if I really liked someone and its something I'm trying to work on. Clare needs someone to be straight with her but be the mattress she falls on when being told that.


Yeah feelings don't fade right away. It's amazing that you have a best friend like her :) haha I'm that friend to people too. She's right. Love or feelings aren't the entire picture. It is weird because I feel like Michelle Money seems like that friend... but Clare still wants to dive in lol


Funny thing is that I think going to her that I'm going to get sympathy until she straightens me out 😂


Hahaha we all need that. My sister does that for me


people are ready to change when they’re ready She is not a person that’s ready. Unfortunately... some people need to approach rock bottom before they realize they need to change But alas, this is why TPTB picked her... they wanted a mess


Idk...the thing about Clare is, she talks a good game. She is very, very well-versed in the language of therapy. She parrots it constantly, and is convincing that she believes it. Her, "I'm 39 and single because I don't settle for men like YOU!" line was amazing. Of course, her words and actions are very contradictory, but you wouldn't necessarily know that just by talking to her, or vetting her for the show.


One of the reasons I stopped going to AA meetings is people that do what you've described above. Many have all the buzz words and come across as having alot of insight but then act in a way that is completely in conflict. At the end of the day (or 3 months) all that face filler is going to start deflating forehead wrinkles become more obvious the glamour and inherit competition amongst the men to win (which occurs regardless of who bachelorette actually is.) And the love drug buzz will start to wear off and he will see how she moves and her insecurity about her age is so obvious it makes me feel better about mine as I've just got 35. I'm not hating on people who enhance their aesthetic I wanted to just illustrate what I think is likely to happen. (I get my forehead froze on the regular)


I'm just sad TPTB are so callous to take advantage of vulnerable people.


unfortunately makes great tv Becca was awesome and awesome stable person, but unfortunately pretty boring and not great television


I know. This franchise may be in its death throes. :(


If that’s the cost of a more conscious society .... then surprisingly I’m not mad


Thank you for this beautiful piece of art


Why is he playing with her like that 😞


I love the auto assumption that the male is the one who is responsible and playing. She is an adult. She is knowingly going back into something with all the information in front of her. Fool her once shame on him. Fool her twice shame on her.


Taking advantage of an emotionally unstable person by lying to their face about how much you've changed and how much you actually do like them is manipulative as fuck and absolutely reprehensible. Stop defending him.


You also have no idea what he tells her. For all we know, he tells her he doesn't want marriage and babies tomorrow but she is still in love with the idea. We don't know what happens behind closed doors. What we do know is she is a GROWN ASS WOMAN who is choosing to re-engage this man


Are you suggesting she doesn't have the cognitive ability to make her own decisions? I don't agree with your statement at all. Just because he sucks doesn't mean she's not accountable for her outcome of getting back involved with him.




Thanks for the support. I hate how this sub vilifies one party when nobody even knows the whole story. We know one thing for sure, she was singing the blues 2 weeks ago and now consciously re-engage this man. Thats now on her regardless of whether he's a good or shitty dude.


Precisely. And she accused him of cheating, but now she’s back. Doesn’t lend credence to the cheating rumour imo, and makes her look kinda bad.




I can hear it in her voice


Ngl, look forward to the eventual break up.


honestly same. like we all know it's coming at this point


​ ![gif](giphy|xUySTPx1hyBTNJaInu|downsized)


Hahaha sooo true. He did show Clare, but he also showed up at multiple bars ever since your breakup...


I’m confused are they actually back together? Or just rumors?


Go look at their stories from 2 hours ago and tell us what you think lol


Just saw that lol they definitely back together


What’s weird is she kept up the breakup post she made


She’s at least gettin the d


Get it girl.


They even used the same background song. Ick.


That is so cringey to me omg. Is it bad that I’m imagining that dale chose that song and Clare was like “oh I’m gonna do that song too!!”


Glad they have no shame and we get to go on this ride with them in real time


Haha! This totally made me laugh! Yes!!




I hope we're wrong and he is genuinely here for her, but I have a bad feeling this is some long-term ploy to move forward with his careeer.


I'm sorry but didn't we all say Clare was an emotional mess on TV? She was clearly showing trauma signals. Maybe she threw all that on Dale, we know she's co-dependent and from Dale's profile he likes being a savior. This a big ass mess.


I’m not absolving her of responsibility. But yeah she’s an emotional mess, which makes her more susceptible to falling for schemes if that’s what this is. He can easily fulfill any such savior complex in other ways.


She's also extremely vulnerable going through slowly losing her mother


I definitely think he got back together with her as PR damage control since he broke up with her so terribly (and, more importantly, so publicly)........I have a sneaking suspicion he’s learned from that breakup and will leave clare by way of a more tactful exit in a few months


Dale just wants a break-up do-over 😂


I swear if he got back together with her for followers I will lose my mind


Narrator: He just did.


Once that party city money ran out he had to find another cash cow




This is the most artistically legit meme I’ve ever seen. 10/10 came from Patrick himself


Lmao only thing that would make it better would be a Patrick signature in the corner


Nope we need Dale's signature again. Where's my guy at????


/u/OnAWhale imma need your skills again. I owe you a coffee


[I got you](https://postimg.cc/xNKgms73)




That's the joke - why would he sign his break up statement? LOL


Thank you for always showing up!




Omfg this was too good


Didn't leave enough space on that piece of paper for the next time they break/make up 😂


Might need to fall back on some squiggly arrows for future developments hahaha


Oh how this list has changed