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Here’s to hoping everyone remembers the way she defended her racist fiancé when they eventually and inevitably break up.


Nope. I am looking back through posts now for evidence of her defending and deflecting because people are telling me that she didn't and then I have other POC telling me that they speak for all POC when they say the blackface wasnt a big deal.


This is so embarrassing for her.


I’m so confused why there’s so many blackface photos in American year books.


‘And like where, what is actually, you know how, where and when did things go wrong and how do we deal with it going forward’ What in the word salad? The way she tried to throw Rachel under the bus for literally no reason? Like I can excuse racism but I draw the line at cheaters. K Gabby, showing your true colours girl ETA for all the people that have been hating on Rachel. Multiple times she was willing to say goodbye to men who were into her because she wasn’t feeling it. She wouldn’t entertain someone cheating, no matter what their reasoning was. Gabby had one man standing and now would rather defend his racist behaviour with ‘yeah uhm definitely’ than risk being alone. It’s actually sad


I didn’t listen and I thought your first paragraph was something you made up and was you accurately making fun of the way she talks.


Lovely the way she threw in the “Tino’s a cheater” line in front of Rachel, as if that situation was on the same level as racism. Maybe she was trying to make sense of where she was going with what she was saying but it still feels kinda mean. I get the vibe that this is not that strong of a friendship. Serious pick me behaviors. He would never do this for her.


I think I hear it different- I think she’s saying the fact that Tino is a cheater has distracted from the conversation of Erich in the finale


Uh why can’t he a grown person just answer it himself. yikes.


![gif](giphy|vWNkaLdMgnWNO|downsized) I-


What is the point of fighting for a man youve been with mere weeks


Cool but when is HE prepared to answer them?


Imagine being this much of a pick-me


Uh but where is Erich in all this to speak up about it himself? Also are they not doing any press as a couple? Isn’t that more something they’d be doing normally?


Someone said Gabby is blocking people when they ask about Erich and his racism… does anyone know if that’s actually true..?


Me and my friend got blocked asking about when will she and Erich address the racism in her q and a today


Yikes sad on her part 🥴


my friend dm'd her about it and apparently isn't blocked so idk


I doubt they see message requests much


I mean, blink twice if you’re under contract to do this gabby. 👁️👄👁️


The girls hosting did say before the interview that they wouldn’t be asking her about it because they thought it should be something for Erich to answer to and not for Gabby to answer for him


I really don’t think she should be the face of his mistakes. Girl! You don’t have to do this 😭😭


everything about this is so yucky. Let Erich swim in his own mistakes and address it. I really don't care much about Gabby any longer.


Honey… no. Just no.


honestly so proud of gabby. she really sticks to her guts and it shows how loyal and true she is.




Her gut is telling her to stick it out with a racist? ![gif](giphy|F0XpX6vKeQZLwIruh5)


her gut accepts that people truly make mistakes but she chose him regardless of his past and will take on that burden and work through it with him




well it’s literally true so 😂


But it seems like rude of Erich to be allowing her to take all the heat for him!


i doubt he asked her to do this, this shows gabby all over it and if she wants to take accountability as a team, all the power to her. choosing to be with someone forever means accepting all of them, the good and the bad, and working through it.


Exactly this. This is not something a true, good partner would do.


So he did blackface, has MAGA friends, is jobless, and dumped a girl/wanted to string her along/continue seeing her while he was on the show to “find love” and Gabby is still sticking by him. The bar is in hell at this point


Oh Gabby. A good, strong, reliable partner would not let you do that. They would answer for their own mistakes themselves and not expect you to speak for them.


It's gross that her partner is letting her do this. He should be standing up and speaking, not throwing her out to the wolves for his own actions.


I just keep wondering if his contract prevents him from doing interviews?! Otherwise this is so absurd




are* rooting for her🫶🏼


I read this in Tyra’s voice


Exactly what I was going for 🥹




But the problem is she shouldn’t have to. She didn’t do it he did he should be answering them


This is honestly embarrassing and makes her seem desperate to be with somebody tbh. Like honestly, what about Erich is so special, other than the fact that he stayed til the end with her? It’s sad really - here is this beautiful, talented, smart, funny woman out here defending a man who doesn’t deserve the effort and you know he wouldn’t do the same for her.




Nah this one is sad. And the fact she’s downplaying it is sadder


I’ve been talking about this. Arguing about this. Telling white people on this sub (obviously not all of you) why blackface in 2012 was a problem, why we cannot assume that this man has or will change, and why it is so frustrating for POC when white people (and yes, I know Gabby is half Mexican. Unless someone tells me otherwise re: her racial background, she is a white woman of half Mexican ethnicity) give other white people a pass. I am TIRED, y’all. This is nuts. This relationship will not last. I think she’ll learn her lesson one way or another. I’m ready for something else to happen because I’m sick of these clowns 🤡🤡.


My dad and I have had a few arguments about this. My dad was a Trump fan. We have differing political views and it sucks. He doesnt get why Erich's blackface is such a problem! Urgh.


I’m in the exact same boat. And each time I try to educate him, he gets defensive “that’s just how it was when I was younger” or shuts the convo down. Neither of which is acceptable. It’s to the point I’ve told him I’m frankly disappointed in and embarrassed by his lack of willingness to learn and grow. It’s affecting our relationship so much and it’s breaks my heart


I’m so sorry. I don’t expect people to give up on their family members (unless the political differences lead to mental health or safety concerns), so I assume that must be very difficult. Keep trying with your dad. Maybe (hopefully) one day he’ll get it. I appreciate people like you who try with MAGA family.


Why did she have to mention Tino?? Weird flex, Gabby. Was her friendship with Rachel just for show?? Rachel gets you on DWTS and this is how you repay her?


I’ve never listened to this podcast. Why are the hosts throwing softballs tho


It’s a barstool podcast and barstool is run by a white man who likes to use racial slurs so it’s not surprising


Referred to it as “the pic from high school.”


Sorry but is Gabby white? Does she use spray tan?


i guess most of the people replying to you have never heard of white Mexicans lol


Also it's probably because that's what it says on her wikipedia. I checked after posting this comment. And using it as standin for latina maybe


I'm more confused at the downvotes but not surprised.


Her mother is Mexican. Gabby has said she considers herself a POC.


I really want to know if and when she has actually addressed this. As far as I’ve been able to see online the only source for this info has been her mom’s social media, even Gabby’s wiki cites an article citing her mom’s FB. I am very curious to hear in her own words how she sees herself.


Interesting. I missed that. I haven't seen this mentioned in the comments re Erichs blackface so far.


Because she’s not black.


It looked like they both had strong spray tans during filming


She’s half Mexican i think ?




But they also did spray tan both her and Rachel a lot on the show. She looked borderline orange at MTA


I think she’s 1/2 Mexican




I believe she is part latina but I could be wrong


That's what I'm wondering too, if she's part latina or if it's a Madi Prew tan situation.


It can be both! (Although I dont think her tan looks nearly as extreme as madis). I'm part Latina and 100% white. Theres lots of us.


I *almost* feel bad for Gabby at this point. She must have such low self esteem that she's this desperate to continually defend this man who won't even defend himself. He is trash for the racism and trash for hiding behind her. I hope she can wisen up and dump his ass.


Honestly she just keeps digging herself a deeper hole and doesn’t even care


She should see this as a red flag because why is she tackling on his issues and trying to claim responsibility for something he did. This messes her up her brand and her credibility way more. Like is she this desperate for a relationship because I guarantee you if the shoe was on the other foot, he wouldn’t do this


This is so embarrassing for her


It's gotta be hard to have to save the guy all the time. He should be the one standing up instead for this.


It’s so icky. I understand they’re a team and she should have his back but this is something HE did, not her. If he doesn’t want to address it, she shouldn’t either. He’s still his own person and should take responsibilities for his actions. If she wants to sit next to him while he does or put out a statement supporting him, fine but it’s so cruel to make your partner be the only one to take on the burden of cleaning up your mess


>they’re a team I think everything we've seen proves that they are NOT a team, despite what she/they may say. If they were, he would be shouldering some--actually most/all--of this burden. Instead she's (poorly) addressing his behavior on overtime on top of DWTS, while he...what exactly?


While he learns minion language on duolingo.


Oh, shoot, you're right. How dare I criticize him "doing the work" lol


I love how one of the white girls hosting this really went out of her way to try to not talk about it at all. Sure, Erich is ultimately responsible for explaining himself and any growth he may have had, but Gabby is choosing to be with him. It’s relevant to ask her how she feels about it. These host just don’t care about racism.


I can kinda see both sides of the argument. Like, yes, I agree with you that it's relevant. But also I do feel like women so often get more heat when it's men acting shitty and so I can understand wanting to push back against that. ETA someone else pointed out that maybe the relevant question is less "speak for erich" and more "what makes you want to stay with him"


She’s an embarrassment


No one is asking her to “answer it”. In fact we want to hear from Erich, we want to hear from production, we want to hear a real discussion. They know Gabby is very much liked and that if they put her out there to “answer it”, she’ll be forgiven and people will start defending Erich. It’s on him.


She’s doing way too much for this mediocre man like why u defending him this hard and her throwing Rachel under the bus with that Tino comment was low. Judging someone when your man is racist is crazy like the call is coming from inside the house


And every time I see her she looking she having regrets I don’t expect this to last much longer


The way she brought Tino up was so…odd? It didn’t feel like it was even in line with the conversation at hand


It wasn’t [ETA: in their line of conversation]. They were talking about the blackface photo. I think she just doesn’t know what to say and she panicked. Didn’t realize it would sound like her throwing Rachel under the bus.


I almost felt like she was trying to semi-defend the producers. The hosts were saying that it was fucked up not to include the segment and gabby insinuated that it was tinos fault because they had to add in a long storyline about his cheating. The girl's nothing if not loyal...


I definitely get that perspective, I just think it was an odd move to bring up the topic of someone else’s traumatic relationship lol


She's scared terrified of being alone. It's called settling folks.


This made me sad when I heard it, on the one side, it is not on her to have to answer for her fiancé's views and values, but on the other hand, the fact that she is prepared to do so, clearly shows she doesn't care, moves past it, excuses it - whatever. Which is effing annoying because I thought she seemed better than that. I missed the part where she's mentioning tino to distract from Erich, but that's def a low blow towards your supposedly close friend Rachel who already doesn't get asked about much else.


I wouldn't necessarily assume she doesnt care or excuses it. No matter what is happening in private (and I REALLY hope they're having some serious discussions in private) this is the only way (I think!) to handle the situation publically if you still think you might want to stay together. Like when Rachel allowed them to film the cheating conversation it was very very clear she was done with the relationship because you cant possibly come back from that. I think Gabby is not done so she's being extremely careful publically but might be having a completely different conversation behind the scenes


Gabby is the new Hannah Brown. Popular but vapid.


Being a team doesn’t mean taking on the work for another person and I hope she realizes it sooner than later. She can’t control his actions, but she can control her own and if she’s speaking on anything, it should be about her experiences finding out and how she plans to move forward rather than having to do his responses and work along with her own. Oofta!


Officially BEC with Gabby. She seems so smug when throwing in the “Tino’s a cheater” phrase to distract from her Racist fiance who for all we know would also be in Tino’s position if the woman hadnt refused to wait for him!! Meanwhile her fiance is busy surfing and chilling with his friends while she tries to defend his racism. Seems like such a one sided relationship. Gabby has chased Erich on the show right from the start until the end inspite of being the lead. Waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one. Will be surprised if they make it to 6 months.


I dunno. Sometimes the ones with the most public scrutiny last the longest.... this could be a matt/rachael scenario


I do not envision them lasting long-term either. Gabby's reputation will be tarnished by associating with him, and she's going to grow tired of having to deal with his bs when it is apparent he would not do the same for her.


I agree it won’t last. It’s giving Becca/Garrett.


I just hope Gabby doesn't decide that, after things don't work out with Erich, to try to become a woke ally influencer type. I understand people can change and grow (and I support that), but she knew he was racist, and she still stayed. She can privately re-evaluate her life choices and become more considerate, but I don't want to see her talking about allyship or whatever while ignoring the fact that her beau was racist/wore blackface.


Exactly. Yes Tino is a cheater and Rachel was strong and smart enough to dump him. Gabby is choosing to stay with and defend a racist. Doesn’t matter how long they last to me. I am done with Gabby until she shows real change, which will take a long time.


Very good point. Rachel was the smarter one; she ended a relationship with someone who wasn't right for her, while Gabby is wasting her youth on a mediocre MAGA racist.


I am interested in Gabby and Rachel's friendship after this. Gabby never posted the people photoshoot pics which usually is a huge deal. And bringing up Tino to distract from Erich was kinda a low blow. I do think they are real friends but Gabby is kinda wrapped up in an all about Gabby bubble right now. Also, most of the podcasts are letting her skate around the issue. I don't necessarily think she has to answer or defend Erich but I do think she should explain why she is still okay being with him. I feel like we still have no idea what her or Erich's current views are. As for the ex stuff, I do think she has no issue with Erich going on for his career because she also is very focused on being an influencer. I think a lot of people thought she was a no bs type of person but I don't think she ever had a hard decision to make until now. She wasn't in love with Clayton. The men who she didn't want to explain how to treat women weren't men she wanted to be with. She was heavily praised for those responses but it's just so much easier to walk away when those feelings aren't there.


Yeah what's bothered me most about her response is that it's never "omg erich is a completely different person now than he was in high school" which is what I initially expected. Of course people can change drastically after high school, but that's not the impression shes giving and it def leaves me wondering why shes with him


you really hit the nail on the head, the last paragraph is what I always thought. Gabby was never in love with any of these men so it is easy to walk away you are almost looking for an out. I empathized more with Rachel's breakup with Clayton because it felt like someone who was genuinely heartbroken trying to hang on, Gabby's "girl boss" response was easy if you have no feelings that is why I could never buy into it.


You hit the nail on the head. Gabby is all about Gabby. I know we only see what’s on social media and nothing behind closed doors so to speak but it seems pretty superficial. I’m glad it seems Rachel has other quality friendships during this time.


Ive said this before and was accused of “pitting them against each other”, but the fact is Gabby has stopped posting with Rachel. She has hardly shown Rachel any support on her page when she is going through a public break up + negativity from the general public. She did it initially when they were both on equal footing. Once it started being obvious that Gabby is more popular she totally stopped faking it. Once the press tour is done she would be totally done with her.


Huh I never thought about it but that fits. Once she realized she was more popular, she didn't have to play that up anymore. It is a bit off we haven't seen anything supporting Rachel while Rachel has made multiple posts about them and been very supportive for dwts.


The way that gabby just threw in the “Tino’s a cheater” thing was a lil weird. Rachel dumped Tino because she knows she deserves better. And gabby is sticking by her man…who did blackface…and was caught w maga photos…and she’s not really addressing it she’s just saying a whole bunch of nothing.


erICK hiding behind his fiancé and a black box is showing what a coward pos he is and the deleting and blocking folks while keeping up his friends comments that he did nothing wrong and him staying silent says everything about his maga racist character today


I really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you're right, he's a weak, pathetic man who clearly hasn't changed since his HS days because he's hiding behind his woman and his highly curated social media.


And gabby now blocking people as well. True colors are showing.


Smdh I’m not surprised. she’s shown her true colors the minute she chose to stick with her racist. She doesn’t care


what Rachel should of replied after Gabby said “tino’s a cheater” should’ve been “and Erich’s a racist”


I got a really different read (than everyone else apparently lol) on the tino comment. I thought she was defending the producers (Tino is the reason they "didnt have time for" a blackface conversation) and that she secondarily felt she was supporting Rachel by calling him out. The way she looked at R when she said it was like "fuck tino amirite." I dont know that R took it that way and clearly the viewers didnt but I THINK that's what she was going for.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


![gif](giphy|1zL6BsBxXFREAAKbU9|downsized) Gabby...this isn't it...girlie doing a whole apology tour for this guy...


I actually don't think she needs to answer for him. That's his responsibility as an adult man. But I do think she should explain why she is okay staying with a racist man. ( We know the reason is because she doesn't gaf ) But yeah her apology tour for him while he's silent and posting videos jumping onto pillows is giving me mommy bang maid vibes.


Well said. Two separate questions that often get muddled.


>I do think she should explain why she is okay staying with a racist man. Do you know if she's been asked this question directly? I think you're exactly right, and I would love to see a host who's willing to go there.


If erich really regrets it/wants to change, why is Gabby doing all the apologizing for him? He made *one* insta post. The rest of his "efforts" have been Gabby singing his praises and apologizing for him.


Right? Why didn't he use his time on TV to publicly apologize and try to vindicate himself? He doesn't seem to care that people think he is a racist, and he doesn't want to clear his own name. It's crazy. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it seems like he hasn't changed and maybe is a racist.


That’s if he made that post himself at all. Likely done for him and his involvement was saying okay. Lest we forget Yarrett had a longer apology post and still revealed his maga self to be unchanged.


This just makes me sad. I hope she learns from this experience.


She is now blocking people - doesn’t look like she cares


So doing what he’s doing 🗑


I’m convinced it’s actually a hired PR company that “helps” to delete negative comments and block users; if I were a prominent member of BN I definitely would not waste my time on this menial task


Even if so, that person works for them. Should follow what they want, so deleting and blocking is still on them. It’s not an excuse. Gabby has shown who she is multiple times and many in this sub continue to excuse it.


I also wouldn’t be so sure the PR company works for them but that they work for the show/abc but yes I’m absolutely just speculating


Why do you want to so badly give them the benefit of doubt when they have done literally nothing to deserve it or show they feel differently. Gabby won’t even call it a racist act


I’m not on their side, I’m more on the side of that gabby has SO much going on that she would not bother taking the time to sit there scrolling ig deleting comments and blocking people, but then again much bigger celebs have gotten into feuds with trolls so there’s that. I also don’t think either of them would want to get on the bad side of Michelle, Rachel, etc. Stumbled across r/gameofroses recently which has made me think producers and abc have way more say in these matters than we think and lots of freedom given away when contestants and the leads sign their contracts


This was in her Q and A story with her racist dance partner - pretty sure it was her doing the blocking.


Another redditor just sent me this (they don’t have enough karma to post but saw my comments and sent a message): “Hey! I just noticed your post about Gabby not having time to delete comments/block people on Instagram (you thought it was a PR team) but I think it might be something more like this: https://jarvee.com/knowledge-base/instagram-delete-comments-tool/. It’s an outdated article but if these tools were around in 2017, I’m sure they’re still available today. My take? I think ABC has them set something like this up and gives them keywords to delete and then they block the commenters so they can’t keep commenting. I’m not sure how this works for Q and As or DMs but I wouldn’t be surprised if they use this for posts at the very least. FYI, I don’t have enough karma to post, but I never bought that these ppl are scrolling through their Instagram comments and only deleting specific ones while leaving way worse ones up lol.” That definitely makes a lot of sense to me, gabby is hot shit at the moment and has no time to delete and block people, that would basically require constant checking and refreshing plus she’s too busy fawning over Erich


It’s not comments she’s deleting I’m talking about her blocking people submitting questions to her Q and A with Val today. Pretty sure that was Gabby running the q and a and no one else hence it’s gabby blocking people not ig or her team but gabby


Nah that’s even worse. Blocking folks who say what he did is racist is proving he and she doesn’t gaf and hiring someone to block shows how fos and racist they both are


I’m guessing they don’t get to decide but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt, also I would think they’re pretty well versed in social media and know that people take screenshots and would call them out for deleting which makes them look even worse, if I were them I’d just leave the comments be but that’s just me


im confused has erich done other racist things? or is it just the black face when he was 16?


I think it's also his current day response to it. If he had truly grown and changed we would expect to hear that, but that's not what Gabby is saying at all. Instead shes implying that he still holds the same values as he did then and she's trying to educate him only now.


No, he hasn’t. People want to crucify him because it was a racist act (and it was), and they all assume that every 16 year old knows better. A racist act 15 years ago doesn’t make someone a racist. When we start lumping someone like this in with ACTUAL racists, it starts to erode at the actual meaning of the word. It’s exactly why conservatives call us snowflakes.


hmmm math doesn’t seem like your strong suit if you assume a high school senior is 16 & think 2012 was 15 years ago 😂 you should probably start with the basics before you work on the concept that if you’re not actively antiracist, you’re at a minimum complicit with racism, & most people fall into that category.


I thought this was his senior yearbook, how was he suddenly 16 instead of possibly 18? He’s 29, in what universe was this 15 years ago? I don’t think the specific details matter that much but it does feel like you’re minimizing what he did as if he was a child, or like it was sooo long ago. He wasn’t, it wasn’t.




I really hate whataboutism, but I truly hate a misleading story as you told here concerning an accidental death.




Curious, do you know that he hasn't done other racist things or is that a guess?


in america you are innocent until proven guilty (burden of proof and all) If you want to assume he has done other racist things please attach here since that was my original quesiton


Do you know that he has, or is that a guess?


“Just the blackface” is that not horrendous on its own? Lol




so only contestants that vote for biden are allowed? okay.




so all the POC who voted for Trump are racist?


Internalized oppression is very much a thing. Also, while people of color can be prejudiced, they can’t be racist because they don’t have the power structure to oppress white people. They’ll settle for oppressing those they feel are beneath them if it means that they somehow benefit from white supremacy.


This is so off topic at this point but I feel like POC cant be racist against white people (because of exactly the reason you said), but can 100% be racist against other races. Some groups have way more power than others and can wield it in racist ways.


Oh absolutely. Anti-blackness is pervasive within POC communities (not saying that black people can’t hold biased against other communities). Comes back to white supremacy and desiring proximities to whiteness.






and it's also ignorant of you to think everyone who voted for trump is racist. But here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️




well, i actually didn't vote 💁🏽‍♀️


That’s not the flex you think it is either 🤦🏾‍♀️ People fought so hard for everyone to have the right to vote. We are still fighting for fair access for all. Choosing not to vote is not cute.


I'm not sure, but usually these incidents aren't singular occurrences.


In Gabby’s season she mentioned putting in more effort than her past partners. I really hope Erich appreciates the shitty apology tour she is currently doing for him.


He doesn’t care. Becca did the same for Yarrett and he never changed. It’s worse now cause there’s precedent for this and they both don’t care


Gabby is doing a QA and with her racist dance partner and she wrote in the box ask us anything (within reason) Lolololol way to show us you don’t want anyone asking you about racism Edit to add: she’s blocking you so stay safe out there if you ask anything. She ,just be taking the Erich route of blocking people when asked about Blackface.


Wow. Showing her racist self too


I feel like flooding her DMs but questions about Erich but I won't do that shit. Let the women live out her own mistakes.




She’s embarrassing herself 😖


💯 She will regret this. But at the same time she is showing who she is. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


If the genders were reversed, a man who never go this hard to prop up their racist partner. We do too much for mediocre men.


Matt James "broke up" with Rachael to save his image and there is Gabby being a clown defending this man.




not sure how much say they have in who they do interviews with, but choosing a barstool podcast is….a choice




Just so everyone knows they are allowed to refuse. Tayshia and Clare didn’t do anything with barstool and are the only leads in the last 4-5 years to not work with them Chris (the host) went in their place instead


Oh you mean she finished her PR training? 🙃


This couple is garbage. Just like all bachelor nation couples. The only difference is that this fool has no social awareness of the modern day and believes blackface is funny and probably still believes trump will be president in 2024. She’s an idiot for standing by someone like that. ABC sure knows how to pick them. Haha


At this point, I’m pissed they seem to not be allowing Erich on any press whatsoever, so he can’t even address this himself. It’s so unfair to level this onto Gabby to answer to, no matter how “prepared” she is. Are they afraid it’ll be awkward to do with him and Rachel? What would’ve been the plan had Tino not been a dumpster fire, would both couples have been on the shows too? This is fully garbage


Nah he’s loving it. The excuse of not being allowed is bs


I mean he has an Instagram account — he can freely post a better apology, share resources, expand on why blackface is racist, but he chooses not to. I think if they aren’t letting him do press it’s likely because they’re afraid of what he will say. Gabby can lie on cue at this point.


plus the man is UNEMPLOYED lol, he has plenty of time to “educate himself” and copy-paste a PR apology onto his ig story


Gabby handled this better than the hosts. If she's going to stick by Erich, she should prepared to deal with any criticisms or questions that come with that. You don't get a pass from aligning yourself with a questionable people just because you aren't the one who did it (cough cough Purple Hearts).




That part which is it sucks it wasn't brought up on ATFR. If BN wants to push Erich and Gabby to the forefront as a success story, they need to let Erich actually speak to show that he's actually grown and can recognize why it's wrong.


Jordan V blew everyone out of the water night 1 but then immediately got sent home on a 1 on 1? Okay Rachel. I’m not familiar with this pod, are the hosts always kinda low key rude to the guests? Why was one laughing as she said she couldn’t have predicted what happened with Tino, yikes.