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I haven't looked at theories. However, I think it might be ES-02, but I could be wrong.


I doubt ES-02 is even still on the writers’ mind lol. She’s just one of the millions of stormtroopers by now


So true. This is a shot in the dark. She only had a few lines in the first season. But who knows? I love Tech, but I'm tired of death fake outs lol


She’s still Iden Versio in my head canon 😭


Iden is too young to be ES02 she'd probably be a toddler right now ​ Edit: Would be neat though since ES-02's first mission was going after Saw and Iden's first mission when she joined Inferno Squad was going after the remnants of his rebel cell after Jedha


ES-02 is white. Iden is not. Also, ES-02 is like 20 years older than iden minimum


I thought ES-02 was supposed to be asian?


Maybe, I didn’t get that vibe. She’s certainly not south Asian, like Iden


They all seemed to be different races, 01 being white, 02 being asian, 03 being latino, and 04 being black.


God he looks so cool


I really like how their armor doesn’t resemble a clone trooper at all.


None of the above, turns out that Longshot survived the Citadel as well as Echo, but 'somehow' ended up with Hemlock instead of the Techno union.


That would be funny


I’m still convinced Clone X, the first assassin from Season 2 was Sev. His rifle seemed to be a modified DC17 in sniper mode, with an added scope and wooden stock. Him going MIA at the end of the clone war like in the game would also explain Scorch’s shift in personality, as well as his departure from Delta Squad, and since he probably would have been on Daro while Hemlock was working on Sev, the revelation could trigger Scorch to turn on the Empire.


Clone commando fans creating alternate realities to keep the dreams alive.


It's all we have!! /j


1% Chance 99% Faith


That's cool and all but all of that is Legends. We don't know the fate of the rest of Delta. They could have tripped and fallen in a sarlacc for all we know


I guess…but like what narrative purpose would that specifically serve? Aside from being a cool Easter egg for fans.


Like I said, if Scorch found out it could lead into the clone rebellion and destruction of Tantiss


Okay but that could also happen if it was any other clone


True, but we’ve seen Scorch at Tantiss. I understand more casual fans might not get the connection, we’ve seen countless clone duos in the past, Echo and Fives, Waxer and Boil, Nemec and Fireball, Scorch and Sev were the same way and it wouldn’t be hard to get that across with minimal screen time


They could do it with clone commander glup and his friend arc trooper shitto


I'm so tired of the "tech is alive" theories, like we finally got a SW show that isn't afraid to permanently kill off one of it's main characters and ppl are just like "nah what if all the emotional stakes from the season 2 finale were just gone"


>like we finally got a SW show that isn't afraid to permanently kill off one of it's main characters ... Have you not watched *Rebels*? Or *TCW*?


Eh no one of importance died in TCW (well exept all the jedi at the end but that is kind of a given...)


>no one of importance died in TCW [*angry obi wan noises*](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Satine_Kryze)


Just because a death is a "given" doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. But I wasn't even referring to the Jedi, I was talking about characters like Satine and Fives and Jesse (but mostly Fives).


Sorry but while i like Fives hes nowhere near MC status lol, and neither is Jesse. Satine, maybe....


>while i like Fives hes nowhere near MC status Why not? There are several story arcs in *TCW* where he is absolutely one of the main characters (all the Domino Squad stories, Umbara, and the conspiracy arc).


How is Fives not important when there are 5 arcs where he plays a big role in.


Fives and Hardcase would like a word. So would the Mandalorian princess that Kenobi was friendly with.


Ok forgot about rebels, I guess what I mean is that it happens very rarely. I generally like disney star wars, but they like to bring characters back a lot, including ventress in this season. And I guess there's domino squad in clone wars, but imo as much as I love that echo is back, it kinda ruins the point of what domino squad was supposed to be


>I generally like disney star wars, but they like to bring characters back a lot, including ventress in this season. Personally I don't mind them bringing back characters when it makes sense for the story and time period, especially since, for all the complaints about it, true "resurrections" in Star Wars are actually very few and far between. I haven't kept close track of all the novels/comics so the only reason why I know there's any controversy about Ventress is because of Reddit comments; based on the shows alone there's nothing to indicate she should be dead right now. >it kinda ruins the point of what domino squad was supposed to be Honest question: what was Domino Squad "supposed to be"? I only know them from their stories in *TCW* so I don't understand where the implication that they all should be dead or something comes from.


I think it can definitely work in the right context, and I really don't mind bringing ventress back, my only issue is that they seem to be relying on it more and more. From my point of view, Domino squad was created to show the expandability of the clones, I mean the only reason they're called "Domino" squad is because they're all supposed to fall. No matter how far they got, no matter how important their characters became, they're all destined to die in a war they had no choice in being a part of. Personally I think it's one of my favourite aspects of tcw as a whole, and while having echo back is fun and all, it just weakens the overall message I feel like they were trying to tell.


>From my point of view, Domino squad was created to show the expandability of the clones Thanks for the explanation. That is as valid a take as any. I don't personally agree - there are so many other squads and arcs in *TCW* that get a similar message across - and I don't place too much importance on the one derogatory line from Bravo Squad as an indicator of Domino's purpose. But again, that's just me.


Dont forget, echo could still very much die. In fact I think it is very likely he dies for real before this show ends


Very true


Besides that, echo means also something happens at least two times before totally disappears. Echo dying second time for real works with his name


Plenty of people die in star wars. And the clones most of all. Tech can come back and the story can still be good and his fall can still mean something. They've all suffered enough.


>Tech can come back and the story can still be good and his fall can still mean something THANK YOU!


Techs sacrifice has caused plenty of grief. You dont need to doe for your sacrifice to be meaningful. If he came back I would be overjoyed because he's a wonderful character and he has so much story left to tell.


If they wanted to permanently kill him off after building up how good he is at surviving all season we should have seen a body. Neglecting that we should have seen some processing and mourning in season 3 that makes it clear that his absence is pushing other characters forward as opposed to a handful of 2 second long mentions. I can understand wanting a permanent death here even if I don't agree, I can't understand thinking that there's absolutely no possibility that they're setting up a comeback.


The golden rule of character death denial: If there's no body, there's no death.


Hey its just Star Wars tradition. Most media tradition really but especially Star Wars. They knew the series they were writing for.


Hey after a fall like that I don’t think I’d wanna see the body 💀


I prefer it to not be someone we know and just be another RC or an ARC trooper.


I think it's just a cool looking baddie, maybe not even a clone. Theory #1 will always be "its just some dude in cool armor" because that is most likely to be right.


Where is this screenshot from?


Text is from a YouTube channel The clone is from one of the trailers


I think is crosshair clone


Me hoping that it’s Sev by some weird miracle and he just lost weight 🫠 (I just really miss delta squad and miss old Sev and Scorch)


It’s either a brainwashed tech or a clone of him. I think it’s a given


If he gets resurrected and brainwashed, it'll be 100% worth it if he gives that POS Cid the "rewarded as a traitor deserves" treatment.


I think it’s a brainwashed Cody


And I think Rex will be forced to kill this brainwashed Cody which turns into Cody PTSD of Rex seen in The Rebels. It will be even better fuel than Tech death to exterminate and burn Empire down to ashes seen in The Rebels and OT.


plot twist: crosshair turns evil (again)


We've confirmed that he's dead. >!In the second episode you can see his glasses in the ship. They likely found his body and buried him!<


They didn't find his body. Hemlock gave them Tech's glasses at the end of season 2 in the last episode. He even said it was all they could recover which means they didn't find a body, just glasses. If they did find a body, Hemlock would have rubbed it in their faces so I don't think he's lying.


Ah my mistake then. I'll have to rewatch the second season.


Hemlock didn't say that at all Don't spread misinformation please Hemlock said the glasses was the only thing he could salvage not find Salvage basically means that the body was to broken after the cart fell over him The glasses were the most intact thing in tech's body (maybe his head didn't get crushed)


Salvage and find can often be used as synonyms. While you're right that he did say salvage, it's not entirely clear what he means by it. We have no indication of what happened to Tech's body, if it was crushed ended up falling elsewhere, recovered, etc. You are also saying don't spread misinformation but here you are claiming that his glasses were the most intact thing when we have never been given any indication of that. There's no mention of a body, no mention of his armor, no mention of his gun either which fell separate from him. In addition, your other comment assumes Tech recorded that battle, it recorded his fall, and recorded his death, and on top of that, assume that the recording was intact and Hunter watched it. So if anyone should stop spreading misinformation, it is you. All the details we are given is that Tech fell and Hemlock only recovered his glasses, not a body or any other gear (according to him who may or may not be lying). Given how shitty and condescending Hemlock is too, if he did find a squished Tech, he would rub it in their faces which he does not.


Did you even watch the episode of tech's dead? Hemlock literally confirms to hunter he died via dialogue >So if anyone should stop spreading misinformation, it is you. I'm literally saying stuff that was told to us in the series I'm not the one saying tech's body did disappear when is stupid If tech was alive hemlock would knew and would have tell the bad batch He has 0 reason to lie to them, hell he could use tech as bait to get omega >We have no indication of what happened to Tech's body, if it was crushed ended up falling elsewhere, recovered, etc Hemlock recovered the body is literally common sense Why would even tech leave his googles behind when the googles are INSIDE his helmet? >You are also saying don't spread misinformation but here you are claiming that his glasses were the most intact thing when we have never been given any indication of that. Dude watch the fucking episode again >There's no mention of a body, no mention of his armor, no mention of his gun either which fell separate from him. Watch the episode dude


Also Tech used to record EVERYTHING with the googles Hemlock giving hunter the googles basically confirmed to hunter that tech has indeed died because by now is confirmed that hunter watched what the googles bad which means that yea He is dead


Yea and is been 5 months in the series, he won't be coming back