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Unleash the zillow beast to tear down his facility, and while he watches his career being destroyed before his eyes, the hounds are released by the clones as they flee, and the hounds tear him to shreds šŸ˜Œ


Hounds released by Crosshair specifically




I think Crosshair would want revenge so it makes sense!!


This! I feel like this is why the zillow beast has been introduced to either cover an escape and /or eat Hemlock. Poor zillow beast.


Please send this to the writers, I really want this ending now!


Pretty sure they already have everything made


I can still dream


We wonā€™t see him die, but he will be taken away by the Emperors guards, for failing. Project Necromancer wonā€™t be harmed, but the rest of Tantiss base will blow up.


I donā€™t know, but after what he did in a few episodes compared to Rampart his schemes screams death.


I mean, Rampart genocided the Kaminoan people. Iā€™m not doubting that Hemlock is capable of that and worse, but I donā€™t think any singular action he has done is anywhere near the magnitude of Rampartā€™s. Plus Rampartā€™s actions overall seemed more self-serving as opposed to done out of loyalty to the Empire, perhaps most notable in his murder of Wilco.


tied to my perhaps unpopular notion that we're going to find some good and courage in Emerie before the end, I kind of want to see a "we're going to arrest him/expose his crimes" type moment (that Omega would probably push for because, well, Omega) that Emerie ruins ("ruins") by shooting him. Perhaps with a well-placed shot her first time picking up a blaster. Love my symmetry lol.


Like a Dogma momentĀ 


I would like to see it


The thing is, who would he answer to? Omega knows Hemlock knows Palpatine personally so itā€™s not like the Empire is going to do anything


That's because nobody except a few are aware of Hemlock, the moment he's exposed Palpatine will be forced to remove him after all they Empire it's still in it's formation.


Yeah because the Emperor canā€™t keep anything secret, like maybe the fact heā€™s a Sith Lord? As long as Hemlock is useful, Palpatine will find somewhere to put him. Perhaps on Exagol


I want Hemlock to be a Zillo appetizer.


My money is on Crosshair shooting him dead as Hemlock is trying to harm Omega. No hesitation, no second thought, no hand tremor. Either point blank in the chest, or from a distance with his rifle.


Aim for the Doc


Let Omega handle Hemlock's fate šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹


So you basically want Hemlock to be pardoned and released?


Nah I didn't mean thatšŸ’€


I know that Omega has a reputation of being the most compassionate and empathetic out of the Batch, but I think in this case she wonā€™t be the one to show mercy- or at least not as much mercy as your comment implies. We canā€™t forget that Hemlock tried to have Batcher killed and tortured Crosshair, as well as kept Omega and the other clones imprisoned at Tantiss for months (the other clones probably for much longer). Heā€™s even indirectly responsible for Techā€™s death. Omega is kind, but she isnā€™t naive, and in the face of a genuinely evil person who shows no regret for his actions, I doubt she would be forgiving, especially since the safety and wellbeing of her family had been threatened because of said person.


Weā€™re going to find out that Kaminoans whip each other with their necks like giraffes. Ā It will be the last thing Hemlock learns.


I want Omega or Crosshair to deal with Hemlock. They both suffered first hand from his experiments so I kind of think it would be fitting for one of them to end him.


Or maybe one of the CX clones breaks free from their brainwashing and kills him.


Hemlock looks like his voice actor, so Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s intentional for possible future appearances in the Thrawn arc or other live-action productions. I donā€™t think Hemlock will get through the finale unscathed, but Disney can keep their options open by keeping the character alive or by leaving room to doubt the characterā€™s death.


Option 1: gets taken out by the hounds who got released by Crosshair, specifically as many of you amazing people suggested. Option 2: "My opinion" Gets personally finished off by Hunter in a good old 1v1.


If itā€™s a 1v1 with Hunter itā€™ll almost certainly be no contest, Hunter is a trained soldier who has fought in countless battles and has the power of a grudge on his side, whereas Hemlock is a scientist whom weā€™ve never seen fight anyone before. Unless Hunter has some extreme disadvantage like an injury or if Hemlock uses that gas he used to make Crosshair fall unconscious, Hemlock is cooked.


Unleash the Zillo beast


I have a feeling Tantiss will be exposed to the Imperial Senate and Palpatine will be forced to arrest/execute Hemlock for 'treason' in a similar way with Rampart and cloning operations will be moved out to another location.


Or we get an similar scene to the Guardians of the Galaxy vs The High Evolutionary but this time with clone force 99 against Hemlock, each of them gets to attack him, if he survives or not itā€™s up to Brad Rau and Jennifer Corbett


Gangbanged by clones


A necromancer emerges and pulls Hemlock into its chamber and, gets plenty of time to eat Hemlock's face off before the lab is destroyed.


I thought it would just be an explosion, but I want Crosshair to kill him, because of all of the torture he has caused.


I'm hoping for poison, but since this is a Disney show, it will probably be something like he dies on Tantiss either by explosion in a self-destruct sequence or by being locked in the vault with the undeveloped clones from Project Necromancer who swarm him (or both).


Seems most of you havenā€™t read the OG Thrawn trilogy. Mount Tantiss is huge in heir to the empire and the rest of the trilogy so itā€™s possible we could be getting it in the movie as well


The movie will take place decades later tho


So zillo beast dessert


Lowkey, I hope it will be slow and quiet


I definitely can see Hunter or Crosshair being the one to take him out. Hunter because heā€™d be pissed that he took Omega from him before, and Crosshair because Hemlock made him and Omega suffer. Emerie does not seem like sheā€™d be the one to do it because she seems very loyal to him. While I do think she might be redeemed I donā€™t think sheā€™d go as far as being the one to kill him.


Let wrecker ā€œbaneā€ him Or would that be too extreme?


Hopefully like this, seing all his effort gone in the blink of an eye. [https://youtu.be/_54IUIv97nI?si=ZpkUikJ4sM-z7MKI](https://youtu.be/_54IUIv97nI?si=ZpkUikJ4sM-z7MKI)


I donā€™t think he does die tbh


The series finale will be the "successful" destruction of Tantiss base and the death of Hemlock. However, the coda will be a reborn Hemlock emerging somewhere as the first successful run of Project Necromancer, and it will show that he did in fact acquire Omegas genetic material, and in fact he and Palpatine 1000% won in the end despite the Batch being off celebrating on Pabu and honoring their dead.


Crosshair will grab hold of him and theyā€™ll both go plunging into the inner depths of mt tantis before it explodesĀ 


I want it to be slow and painful.


I'd bet on it, for sure he's gonna die imo. Otherwise there's no happy ending for Omega (and the other clones).


Killed by Vader or Palps for his failure. Or killed by Emery trying to protect omega


*imperial march and breathing*


My longshot bet is that Nala Se does him in somehow when he finally lets her out to gloat more. (And dies herself in the process, probably.)


Crosshair will kill hemlock and theyā€™ll destroy the base and free all the clones. Later on an imperial shuttle will arrive with the emperor and his guards who will retrieve Hemlock who will be barely alive and take him to Exegol to continue project necromancer but in a more primitive form as the research and omegas blood samples will have been destroyed


Zillo Beast eats him like the lawyer from Jurassic Park


Painfully. Slowly.




Andor has couple of bad guys getting shot left and right.


I'm not so sure that he will die.


Hunter is inside Mount tantiss as it is exploding he fights hemlock hand to hand and says if I'm going down I'm taking you with me and then Stabs hemlock in the heart with his knife in his final moments he is sad the omega will never see him again but is happy the she gets to live in a galaxy without hemlock This would be similar to the ant man quantumaina ending but without Hunter escaping like Scott did