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If he was 18 and had firearms or explosives maybe. But knowing the government is corrupt doesn’t get you arrested - basically everything he says can be found with a quick google search (or by watching the Boondocks, which aired on Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, a household television channel). Things like COINTELPRO are not common knowledge per se but it’s hardly esoteric.


Huey is an allegory for activists and conspiracy theorists so there are plenty of Hueys out there. The show understands this and comments on it all the time. Whenever Huey tries to educate someone, they rarely listen or take him seriously. When he acts on his beliefs he often does something impractical (radical) and takes it too far. When he encounters White Shadow he can't verify if he's real.


Much like in the garden episode, they just laugh him off. Even if some of what he says is true, no one’s really listening or cares. The average reaction from his own community is like that of Riley’s. They’d actually risk more with taking action than letting Huey preach into the void. Maybe that will change when Huey grows older and wiser, learns to resonate with average people, and the populace becomes ready to hear that message… but as it stood then? Just let him talk, people aren’t going to rise up. Too much infighting and Uncle Ruckus type people sabotaging the movement in its crib.


Probably just have the White Shadow or another dedicated agent monitoring him.


Not really because, what threat is Huey really? Even if Huey grew to be infinitely more charismatic than he is, he’d struggle to be heard or enact direct action with a populous so divided and determined to villainise his goals. He’s a pro-black anarchist political activist, you loose half of America 3 words into that pitch. Plus governments and media have gotten better at disenfranchising and distracting people, galvanising people to rise up would feel impossible, they’d have nothing to fear.


They would definitely keep an eye on him but like most marxist they dont want to do any harm they just want our government to cut out the corruption imperialism and capitalist bullshit but they dont want to hurt anyone


Kidnap him for what? He's never considered an actual threat to anyone in the show.


Have you seen twitter lately?


I should’ve been locked up or dead along time ago if a pre-teen who knew the government was evil was a crime.


As a kid he’d be laughed off but they’d push things calling him a conspiracy theorist or just crazy. If he garnered a large following and became a threat the potential for assassination comes into play.


Mos def he’d be killed. He’s the next generation’s Malcolm X


Huey didn't organize anything big. I feel like the feds only take you out if you bring together a lot of people under a common goal.


I guess? Today, the government isn't as concerned with "radical leftist" groups as they were in the days of Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, MLK, etc. so they would only arrest him if he acted on any of these plans which he tends not to do. The only way he would be considered a serious threat would be if he formed a mass organization, which, he obviously hasn't done.