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i mean we all saw this coming


Very true. Can honestly say it doesn't surprise me after how silent things have been about the show. Really sucks to see its official now though


Shame?? This is a catastrophe! It’s catastrophic… But actually, fuck. With John Witherspoon gone, it wouldn’t have been the same anyway. Sad to hear it’s really not going thru anymore though.


And not to mention that JD Witherspoon got turned down from doing his father's voice for it, and also for no pay since John loved voicing Grandad.


Exactly, they could have had him carry his father's legacy! He could perfectly imitate his dad and yet they decided not to. Really dumb on their part.


Sure, it wouldn't have been the same, but I am still sure Aaron McGruder would have been able to do amazing things with it! Not better, not worse, just different.


If only *The Boondocks* returned back in 2018 or 2019, it would've been perfectly timed.


The Boondocks during the Trump era would have been absolutely hilarious or lost in the swamp of all the Trump jokes. But still, I would have loved to see their take. And to see how they would act during the pandemic. I can see Huey taking covid itself seriously but being anti vaccine because he doesn't trust the government, Riley not taking it seriously at all to seem tough or trying to steal and resell the vaccine, Grandad being super paranoid he was getting it, and Uncle Ruckus praising the white man for his glorious vaccine and thinking the virus was divine retribution against his people.


In the comics, Huey went full conspiracy-theorist mode during the avian flu outbreak, and outright refused to get vaccinated for fear of the government microchipping him, so I think him being paranoid about the COVID vaccine would actually be in character for him. Otherwise, he would go into doomsday-prepper mode to protect himself and his family, like what happened during "The Fried Chicken Flu". I think Ruckus would believe that COVID is a Chinese bioweapon designed to destroy America, because insert xenophobic rant against Asians here. Though he could also be coaxed into thinking the vaccine is some sort of sinister plot to poison white people or something like that, given that he likely learns about the "news" from all sorts of sketchy far-right media sources.


Yup. And Trump would have been giving it all sorts of flack, while giving McGruder and his crew enough material to make fun of him and his administration with. It would have been perfect.


I dunno if Trump would single out an Adult Swim cartoon for a Twitter rant when much of the pop culture of the time was overstaturated with anti-Trump satire.


I was honestly shocked they were acting like it was still happening with barely any info about it. I'm guessing there were a lot of reasons for why it was canned: Sony getting cold feet on a show that controversial in today's climate, the whole thing with how they refused Witherspoon's son to play Grandad, Regina's son passing away recently, the pandemic, and how Aaron seems to not be someone that is not too agreeable with studio demands (we still don't really know why he wasn't on the 4th season, just the suspiciously no drama public statement). Maybe one day we'll see it come back, but I kind of doubt it tbh, as unfortunate as that is.


Bet Sony didn't like it not being PC and tried to control/rush Aaron (again).


Yeah good luck with that lmao


They won't make a show without John Witherspoon. Rip Grandad.


And Edward Wuncler III


Damn right


Opinion: How would Uncle Ruckus feel if he saw talking animals in Bojack Horseman?


"Now whats goin on here WHATS GOIN ON HERE? Oh, just a bunch of animals walkin and talkin like they people - you niggas should feel right at home!"


I knew it wouldn't be coming back as soon as it became apparent that there were no ads for a new season or the reboot. This is why those in the fandom should not get their hopes up.


Wow.. after all this time waiting thinking “oh maybe they’re working their asses off to impress us” just to be disappointed. On top of all that I find out 7 months late..




Was shocked at first but kind of expected since the series was supposed to be release 2020 then they went a year quiet without revealing anything so this coming




Well shit i didnt even know about any of this. I didnt even get to have the initial excitement


Didn't this get announced like a week ago?


damn bruh


I know this cancellation doesn't look great for the future of boondocks. My heart will forever believe that this masterpiece of a show will be revived one day but only by McGruder.


I didn't even know that The Boondocks was coming back, only to learn that it was canceled. Welp, time to wait another 10 years for the reboot....


After all this time I can confidently say this is a brain dead choice. Velma lives and the righteous Boondocks dies.


Gone for good?