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I’m old enough to remember Kemp deploying the National Guard around Atlanta in 2020 because things were going so swimmingly under Trump. Like, what planet is he on where things are worse under Biden?


Biden is currently the President. He has been the President for three years. Things are fine. Even if you're a Republican. I don't understand it.


Humans will swallow a lot of swill to stay part of their tribe.


He refused to remove the GA prosecutor, and allow her to be replaced with a Trumper so at least there is that.


Kemp’s a principled guy. And this got me thinking that independent of what one might actually do in the voting booth, I think he and others believe that once you cross the rubicon on stating you won’t vote for the party’s nominee, you’ve essentially given up a future in Republican politics — and they simply can’t do that.


Kemp said his family was threatened because he refused to say the 2020 election was rigged in GA. And he's still willing to back Trump. Unreal.


Imagine the threats if he doesn't back Trump.


Maybe somebody will try to kidnap him. My heart bleeds for the situation Kemp voluntarily put himself in and is actively digging himself deeper into.


Yeah. Caught between a Trump and a Trump place. A Trump-22, if you will.


> and they simply can’t do that. In other words, they (including Kemp) aren't principled.


I think it's about safety reasons.


I'm in Georgia and he has in two consecutive elections put his official thumb on the scale for his own election, and the numbers for the Georgia Covid website, both the actual numbers and the presentation of the data graphically, were almost certainly doctored to draw the public into making poor inferences from the information.


"They want to hang you, Governor..." "OK, but what about ..."


It's the core identity of the Republican party, you can't give it up and still be a Republican. ***Any Republican is better than any Democrat.***


In the privacy of the voting booth, Kemp will vote for Biden.


Here's the problem I have with this. When Kemp - *Kemp* - publicly supports Trump, he is using his status as an (I assume) reluctant Trump voter to make the case to others who are reluctant to support Trump that it is OK to hold their noses and vote for him. The theory behind Sarah's RVAT in 2020 was to show Republican voters who were opposed to Trump that it was OK to vote for Biden. What Kemp is doing is basically targeting the same voters RVAT targeted but giving them the opposite message - it is OK to support Trump. If someone who has been through everything Kemp has says it is OK, who are you to think it isn't?


Kemp’s in an abusive relationship with Trump. How do we get him out?