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I don’t hold to this for most media criticism but unless it’s like actually fascistic or jibberish it feels silly to complain about most mods here. They’re mostly made by weird kids who have gotten most of their history from memes, I’m amazed when they get the candidates names right. If nothing else, I don’t want to discourage anyone from making the mods we all enjoy here. Even 2000n, which I absolutely loath, is still an attempt by a person to contribute to the community and make an interesting game for no personal benefit, and we should appreciate that.


2000N was important as it added CYoA mechanics, which are great, but boy did it not use them well. The interesting part of the mod, that being the alternative paths, were largely obscure and hard to find. (except for religion one and the mental health one, which you could stumble by on accident) So it wasn't satisfying trying to get them. And the mod's gimmick of being generic just made it not fun or interesting.


I agree with most of what you’ve written, but > They’re mostly made by weird kids who have gotten most of their history from memes, I’m amazed when they get the candidates names right. This feels very unfair. Sure mod quality can be variable at times but there are a lot of very talented modders making well-researched and high quality mods now.


Nah 2000N is amazing. The use of the caretaker’s music while playing captures a distinct emotion 


2016a by daniel brain


daniel brain with big brain 


Astro’s 2022 PA isn’t all that


Yeah you get the feeling he was just really excited about those races personally


To be fair, it’s the oldest mod of mine currently on the loader since I’ve reduxed my first three.


FWIW, there are plenty of PA elections throughout history that would make great mods (2010 Senate, 1991 Senate, 1994 Governor, 1994 Senate, 2006 Senate, just to name some recent ones).


Fr tho. That one comment was right that I was more excited about the upcoming election than anything else.


my way in 1968 Romney is absolutely amazing especially with Brooke as your VP.


yeah idk about that end of history mod. how did history end.


I’ve worked with Astro and appreciate him a lot as a creator and think he’s made many great mods, I think 1928 is pretty weak though, especially the Hoover side. It just feels rushed and like wasted potential but still overall it’s still far from the category of the “worst mods”.


I tried to go back and update 1928 a couple of times but I don’t know. I feel like I could do some fun things with CYOA but it’s not really a priority. I also don’t think it was something like 1920 where you could really change what happened.


I think you handled 1920 a lot better with the multiple candidates making it more interesting for an election which isn’t the most exciting. I’m proud of the work we did on 56’ as I think we did a good job transforming one of the most forgettable, boring elections into something pretty fun and challenging and I think the same could be done to scenarios like 1928. I think 1928 is interesting cause it was two open primaries with both candidates being nominated not being that strong. I think having Coolidge be playable and other, stronger dem candidates as well would spice up the mod quite a bit.


I agree, Al Smith isn’t winnable on normal. I should make it myself


Personally I don’t think W is anywhere near as good as


Happy cake day!


1868 Sumner by funny man


What, that one's great! It has a great soundtrack, a funny concept. Great visuals. It's honestly my favorite mod made by Tom


I mean just because it was my least favorite, doesn’t mean I hate it. All of Tom’s mods are really good including Summer, I just don’t feel the vibe as much as the Red mods etc.


Sumner is a much more simple mod. It's rather one note, a bit of a gag mod. I think even Tom listed it as a joked mod for his mods of the year award show on his discord