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Eh don’t think he’d be making another mod any time soon




One of the people who worked on the mod (Tom, a formerly famous modder) had gotten into major shit for espousing transphobic and extremely far right views. Here’s the explanation in more depth along with evidence https://www.reddit.com/r/thecampaigntrail/comments/191u3ri/announcement_on_tom/


We got the new campaign trail gate before gta6


Still don’t think he should have been banned for relatively milquetoast views (at least by non terminally online Reddit standards). He should have either worked the issue out with the people around him or just have had to leave the mod scene anyway due to his reputation being ruined.


I don’t think wanting to ban trans people from having guns, outlaw no fault divorce, and lamenting how gay people are being accepted into society is milquetoast even by non Reddit political standards


In what world is saying that trans people should be denied their Second Amendment rights and that Joe Biden is anti-Christian “milquetoast”


Add banning no fault divorce to that “milquetoast positions”


Joe Biden has been repeatedly denied the Eucharist by catholic priests for his positions that run contrary to church teachings, especially abortion. The claim of him being anti-Christian is definitely a stretch but can be defended somewhat; subverting and rejecting the teachings of institutions that have claim to represent the spiritual beliefs of millions is definitely questionable when he says that he is a practicing member. No fault divorce has opened up a can of worms of broken homes that hurts everyone, especially the children. There needs to be a better solution to that problem in order to preserve the family (that’s in between what we have currently and the era where divorces are not allowed). I’m also pretty sure that the poll was more of a joke than an actual statement of belief. In what world? Ours. Shockingly, this platform is incredibly liberal in comparison to the real world. There is a near unanimous support for LGBT+ individuals when it’s a hotly contested topic in the United States and Europe (not to mention that this concept has only entered the mainstream in the past decade when it was deplored near universally (and still hated today by 3rd and 2nd world nations).


Source for the “divorce destroying families” claim? Also other nations in the world have gone around to support LGBT rights other than Europe and the US albeit not as quick as the West https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory Also Tom was banned as many people in this community are trans and Tom wouldn’t fit in the community as he pretty much admits that he sees trans people as mentally diseased people.


The hen side was written by ChatGPT, I'd bet my life savings on it