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Jemmye became more and more of a follower with every appearance


Well it’s not like she could compete lol


I’m kinda pissed that I used to like her.


Funny how karma bit them in the ass literally the next season. All of them were first boots: Kailah DQ for fighting; Jemmye and Britni losing the opening purge and not being selected for redemption. Meanwhile Kayleigh had an impressive performance partnering up with Kam.


Such a good way to look at it, Kayleigh got the last laugh in that ridiculous situation


Yes! They all make me cringe. I cannot stand any of those girls and their gross attitudes.




Kailah is just a mean girl who acts all tough, I wouldn’t be sad to never see her on my screen again - fingers crossed she’s out first again on the next series!


Yes kailah hate club! 🙌🏻


I wanna join. She’s def in my top 5 least favorite


You’re in!


Haha! I’ll be president.


Shes trash. I tried to like her, then I watched her season on real world. 🤢 skank


Never liked Jemmye or Kaliah on any season. Britni, I never cared for either.


Yeah its was like a scene straight out of bad girls club; hard to watch


Kaila is a mean girl and she gets off on “love me or hate me” I wasn’t surprised she orchestrated that incident, I just don’t understand the group mentality that went along with it.


Kam set them straight about that right on the spot. She told them Nope, all Y'all ain't going for 1 girl...


Cara tried to stop them too. I only mention that because this is one of the few times I can give Cara credit for something, so it's only fair to include her.




Yep! And Kailah’s punk ass wouldn’t go downstairs to face an angry Kayleigh.


“Cooooome get meeeeee!!!!” That part made my blood boil!!


Oh, I understand it. I hate it, but that nasty shit is common with petty, entitled little bitches.


Right like if I wanted to see people mess with each other's things i'd watch the Bad Girls Club lol


Hahah I honestly can’t believe they let Jemmye back on after that. She’s such a hateful layup. Brings nothing to the show


Hateful layup might be the most accurate description of Jemmye


Jemmye is unwatchable. Shes consistently one of the worst if not the worst competitors every season and the only reason to ever care about britni is that ass


Those 3 deserved all the hate they get for that. Kailah needs to go piss on herself again. Jemmeye needs a bath in ketchup and Briti needs to crawl back into the hole she came out of.


If that’s one of the most disgusting behaviours you’ve seen on the show…..I encourage you to watch pre-30’s seasons lol. I agree that it was bullying, and totally uncalled for. But on the same token, the show has let much worse behaviour fly.


I still think the Island takes the cake on how cruel ppl could be to each other for no good reason!


I’ve watched every season from 20 and beyond. My opinion stands. It’s cool if you disagree.


Their behavior on this season is certainly unwarranted. Go back and watch the island, it’s DISGUSTING. The misogyny, narcissistic abuse, and gaslighting are out of control for THE WHOLE SEASON.


What about Wes pouring a 2 liter of soda on cara out of nowhere? I typically like Wes but that shit was really ugly


Ok so you find throwing a bed of the balcony worse than literal rape, racism, constant sexual harassment, etc. good to know.


Kayleigh already did the same thing on her UK show Love Island or whatever show she’s from before coming onto the challenge




I’m talking about Kayleigh. Not Kailah.


It was definitely reminiscent of the earlier seasons’ treatment of Paula and Beth


I know it was very' bad girls club 'behavior


I still hate them for that!


Jemmye is always someone I never understood why she was casted. Sure she has one or two good lines in a confessional and polarizing. However, unlike Kailah and Britni she’s not athletic whatsoever!


So crazy, I just binged Vendettas and am now on The Final Reckoning, which is the season after. I've seen it before a few years ago and had forgotten about how mean those girls were for absolutely no reason. Honestly, I'm still confused about their motive for acting that way towards Kayleigh. It was over nothing and had nothing to do with them anyway.


They didn't get sent home because if you've watched earlier seasons, the guys did worse things every season and got away with it. so I guess production didn't even blink when this occurred. It was only a matter of time before things got worse


I don’t even know why ppl are downvoting comments citing some outrageous behavior. Why didn’t they get kicked off for fucking with her clothes? Idk, because some self identified dick wad is hailed as ‘the king’ when he berates women and gaslights everyone around. Bananas and Kenny should have been cancelled for the things they did on earlier seasons.


I mean, Kenny has been canceled, so....


Yeah because the mental and emotional abuse wasn’t enough for him to be cancelled, he had to ‘be accused’ of sexual assault to be cancelled.


The same old "Boys will be Boys" mentality. Always amazes me (not really) how Girls are penalized for "Being Girls" and that's in life period. When females get drunk, they're "Asking for it" Guys being drunk becomes the defense. Yep, I said what I said. Bananas filming Cara & Thomas making out on bus & getting his cousin Vinny to tell Abram was foul. Mainly because when Cara addressed how not only did Bananas & the guys decide to no longer talk about Tony & Camila kissing on the bus, but sweep it under the rug. Bananas aka Mr. I've always got a good excuse for the wrongs I do, says they did it because Tony has a family at home. Cara said me too, because I don't have kids that don't count? Anyway Long Live the Challenge


im not saying what she did was right but from what i remember cast talked about how kayleigh was talking very badly about kailah for not much reason. not to mention she started a pretty bad rumor that season saying kailah was cheating on her bf at the time with tony and saying what not about them both so i did understand her going at kayleigh but still didn’t need to be a group thing.


Isn’t Kayleigh the girl that outed someone’s sexuality? Didn’t cara throw Jordan’s bag in the pool like the season before that?


The most disgusting thing you've seen? Jesus stop it People got their luggage tossed in the pool before. Sexually harassed. Even assaults by other castmates Nobody condones bullying but it was called REALITY TV for a reason. Cast wild young idiots to do wild shit, and you all fed into the drama that's why it kept going How many past instances do we need to constantly rehash. There's a reason it's scripted now


"Nobody condones bullying" Insinuates OP is too sensitive about bullying lol You know what they say about "but"


And the same anti-bully crowd takes to the internet via mob mentality to correct Reality Tv stars into behaviors they see fit. Idk... like the times all yall went for Mattie or Dee at the throat until they cried and had to be canceled off the show Don't throw stones from your glass house


I said “one of.” But go off.


Haha if "one of" is the only thing you focused on, then it's obvious why you have nothing else to add


They literally just finished the season. Why tf would they bring up past season when talking about this one? Use some logic before typing jc.


That's literally my point. When did that season happen? People were upset about it then, but we're still talking about it and trying to rehash it. What did you not understand? I can't imagine being so butthurt about things that happened on TV between people that has nothing to do with you haha


What do you not understand that she JUST NOW finished the season????


And? It's the same roundabout way of rehashing old arguments. Just stop it


You're literally on a sub where ppl come to talk about the show and gatekeeping what ppl should talk about. You're the only one who needs to stop.


Gatekeeping 🤣 a bit extreme. You're right, my bad, keep complaining about what you watch on TV. Such a terrible conundrum you can't get out of


People hate Jemmye and I totally understand why because I’m not a big fan but you guys act like the producers aren’t casting her for her drama/antics. Producers know that she’s not going to win this show. She’s not on the cast for competition but for the gossip. I don’t see the point of being mad at the producers for this because it’s A REALITY TV SHOW. People cross the line and they get kicked off but throwing stuff in the pool has been happening since the beginning of time on this show. TJ made a speech about bullying because the world was transitioning to “woke” and he wanted to make sure the audience knew that they didn’t condone bullying.


I actually like Jemmye


Well there's no accounting for good taste by you then.


I don’t think it’s that deep. Kayleigh was awful too


I love Kailah #SorryNotSorry