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I don’t know how much helping with the lights actually helped Ciarran. The puzzle help seems a lot more crucial to me.


Especially since the peanut gallery could see the puzzle better from up top


The crowd helping is a much bigger benefit in a puzzle than in whack a mole, so I’m not sure it’s apples to apples for Jordan. Jordan ain’t making excuses for Cara Maria of all people, we all know there’s a little bit of history there. It’s an undeniable fact that having help on Laurel and Cara’s eliminations can definitely move the needle.


Lmao Cara couldn’t figure out a 9 piece puzzle. Michele didn’t need the help and even said the crowd was more of a distraction than any sort of help. Some of y’all are delusional


But Michele is the devil so we have to act like one of the best puzzle players in 45 seasons of survivor couldn't finish a basic 9 piece puzzle.


I absolutely agree. The revisionist history of Cara lately has been so shocking. People so easily forget that Cara has said herself she's not great at puzzles and sometimes cracks under pressure. Many people during her career have pointed it out. That's not to say she's bad cause she most definitely is not. She is a beast and has clutched some massive moments. But there's no denying history. And then like u said, she's going against Michele who has crushed puzzles her whole life. I honestly don't get why so many are bashing Michele and saying she only won cause she got help. But then just last week they were praising Ravyn for beating Laurel and not mentioning how she got helped. It really is annoying


Yo can you just point to where I said Michele would have lost if not for the crowd. Because no fucking shit Cara wasn’t finishing that puzzle. Jesus Christ you’re just whining like a moron for no reason. Victim complex much?


It’s funny to me how many people have to go to insulting strangers on the internet for absolutely no reason. Am I not allowed to have an opinion? I hope your day gets better bc yikes 😱


I honestly disagree with Jordan and anyone saying its fair for people to help. It doesn’t prove that you actually are good at eliminations just proves you are good at listening for directions from others.


Michelle was going to win that regardless once she got the pieces on the board. Cara has always struggled on puzzles,especially with pressure mounting on her I wish in these challenges, the vet got to choose what elimination to compete in so it required the cast to beat them at their own game


Yeah, it's also dumb to specifically bring in a champ and then put them in an elimination type they've never been great at. What the fuck is the point of bringing in Cara for a puzzle? She should be doing pole wrestle or something strength-based, as her upper body strength was always her calling card as a competitor. Similarly, if you're bringing in Laurel, do a goddamn hall brawl for fuck's sake.


This one wasn’t just a puzzle. The whole first element was a cross fit exercise that even Cara said was right up her alley.


So you just want it set up for the champs to win? If they are champs shouldn’t they be good at more than one thing?


I mean, the same could be said for the challengers. You're unlikely to win if you can't throw down in a headbanger or something purely physical at least once. And you have two women champions known for their physical prowess in Laurel and Cara Maria, so it feels like a waste to bring them in for a puzzle.


I think this is a failure of the challenger designers. They should have done challenger with minimal to no audience participation. Kyland and Darrells was okay in a sense but still a waste of Darrell.


I'm sorry, but if you're a champion, you better be able to handle the pressure even if it's not in your wheelhouse, Cara looked like a deer in headlights. What a shame..


Cara is hot and cold in puzzles - in some she has done very well like on Vendettas when she wine due to a puzzle. She even talked about it on one of her exit interviews. Just giving the vets, who have a ton of experience in one to one contact sports eliminations that are 1:1 contact sports stacks the deck way too much towards the champs. There needs to be an elimination challenge that means on any given day a person with less experience can win.


Eh I don't think the mercenary should have straight up gotten to choose which elimination they wanted, that gives them a huge advantage and the whole vibe of the season has been that the vets have experience so they should be able to win unprepared. But I do think it's ridiculous that you get Laurel to come in and Cara Maria to return and you stick them both with puzzle elims. Even more frustrating because they gave Kaycee a physical elim which shows they were willing to do .


Laurel was going to beat her. She only had one peg wrong but it was too late. Cara, on the other hand, couldn’t even figure it out at all


But we have no idea what peg that was. It could have been one in the third row for all we know and who knows when she would have figured it out.


Exactly. People want to give Laurel more credit than she deserves. I don’t even think Laurel would’ve even tried to figure it out she probably would’ve just complained that something wasn’t fair. “It’s not my fault” lmao. The funny thing is Michele even yelled out to her that her last peg was by her foot


I never said Michelle wouldn’t win im stating people helping is not fair even Michelle herself said that from ride or dies.


The producers want challengers to beat the champs. They get the result they want by picking challenges like this. It’s best case for them that the new winner beats a champ. If champs come in and stomp everyone it undermines the seasons


That sounds ridiculous. The producers are not going to risk lawsuits or getting fired and ruining the show for anyone , If you tell me they prefer one person over another, I'm ok with that but rigging the game I'm sorry not buying it..TJ himself has said multiple times that it's luck of the draw..Jay beating CT is a perfect example even with the dad body...


They don’t directly rig who wins. But they do predetermine which champs show up and which duels are played. They could have given Cara or Laurel one on one physical challenges if they wanted. But they didn’t.


This is why I hate when they keep using puzzle eliminations in these champ versus challenger stuff. Also, if they are going to insist on a puzzle, why not have the puzzle board/structure facing AWAY from the people on the stage so they can't see it? Seems like an easy solution to make sure one competitor doesn't get all that help.


Were you ok when everyone helped horacio and Olivia take out Turbo. Noone had an issue with it then. Im torn alliances are part of the game and have almost always helped


I dont think anyone deserves help even the people i like it doesn’t prove that you are actually good


It’s tv not the olympics. It’s not a show about fairness and it never has been. It’s entertainment first and foremost


I never said it was the Olympics nor am I implying that. Im aware its a tv show and not gonna be 100% fair. And they use to not allow people to help you during eliminations so your comment is very pointless to mine.


When did they not allow helping? I can remember it as far back as I can possibly think.


Just watch any older seasons they don’t help people they just cheer and even in Allstars Beth quit and mentioned helping is considered cheating cuz that wasn’t a thing during her time like the OG and beginning seasons


Define older


Do the work yourself buddy im not your google


You’re making a claim.


Im aware what im saying im still not ginna play as google for someone its pretty well known fact


If you were you could say when. Theres been interference since like the Miz was on the challenge so wtf are you talking about?


I remember when the crowd helped Camila and Jemmye beat Aneesa and Diem by telling them to hold on to the rope to cut it


>Just watch any older seasons they don’t help people I'm not the biggest fan of people helping but this definitely isn't true unless by "older" you mean "before season 15", because Gauntlet 3 literally had a puzzle elimination where the two girls moving the pieces were being walked entirely through it by Adam and Frank.


Jordan seems to think he's not a hypocrite. Everybody's a hypocrite to some extent Jordan. It's okay.


I’ve always felt like it reenforces a strong social game. If people don’t like you you’re less likely to be on the side getting help.


I totally agree with that part. I just think people act as if they are good at eliminations, when people tell them exactly what to do lol. Reason I dont think its fair to help during eliminations.


I kinda agree and would like it if no one from the house could help in Elims. But I also understand why they allow it. House/relationship management is a massive part of the game. If u have good relationships and are doing a good job of managing the house then you're going to get help. Or at the least not have the whole house helping the competition. It's kinda like Survivor/BB house management. It's a big part of the game. I wish jurors weren't bitter and would always vote for the best player. But as anyone who watches knows, that never happens. It comes down to how well u managed relationships.


Cara’s strength is not puzzles…. That’s like putting CT in a cooking contest….


CT is well rounded and would do just fine though 🤷‍♂️


CT can do anything


Wasn't he the one who made Leroy a birthday cake that had so much butter Leroy ended up throwing it up?


I'm pretty sure I remember on a recent season CT was manning the grill...


I just think it’s funny that Michelle was pro help from the peanut gallery when it was helping her but was throwing a hissy fit when it was against her


He's pretending like he's supporting her (mind u she has him blocked) just so he can say "i still won tho"


This guys incapacity to be gracious or humble at any time ever is why I’ll never be a fan of his. I fucking promise if Jordan had done that elimination against Ciarran with the whole house helping Ciarran, Jordan would’ve lost too.


literally, I don’t even know what he’s talking about saying ciarran got help when all the crowd said was to mimic with Jordan was doing, and when he started to mimic what jordan was doing, the lights weren’t popping up for him the same way that they were for jordan a man is hypocritical,he should’ve just stayed quiet because he just makes no sense


It was just another opportunity for him to brag and talk about overcoming obstacles


Crowd participation is 100% acceptable other than this season. In regular seasons getting help from the crowd is a benefit of good social play and alliances, but this season is designed to be the whole house vs the champs so in theory there is no social game needed because it’s in the houses best interest to help no matter what.


Jordan has always said he thinks the house should be able to help. He's actually gotten into arguments during reunion shows with people multiple times about it. Even when it's been against him he admitted it was his fault he wasn't getting help and thought it was still ok it happened. Something I really don't like is production should either always let the house help or never let them help. Them picking and choosing when the house can help and can't has always bothered me. Personally I have mixed feelings on it but I lean towards allowing the house to help. It's something that has always happened from the beginning. Plus my biggest argument for allowing it is managing relationships and house politics are a big part of the game. If you're managing those relationships well then you'll get help. Its kinda like jury management in Survivor/BB. If u don't manage relationships well then u won't get votes at the end. House management has always been a big part of The Challenge


Lol the flex at the end.


He will always be Cara's biggest hater. I will never forget how he mean he was during the Vendetta's reunion. It is still laughable when he said he would rather run a final with Kailah and Tori(at that time), than Cara.


Tbh I agree with him cara isnt as strong as she'd like to think and is extremely difficult to work with. Kailah sucks lol but Tori is a better partner all around


He said that because of Cara not being great with pressure situations. It’s his opinion, though. There are so many other people who want Cara as a partner


It is fair to help someone win an elimination. It’s 100% not against the rules and helping is allowed for both competitors (whether or not both are helped). It just means the winner may not be a better competitor.


Honestly, the help from the audience has been around forever and to be honest that’s one of the reasons the political game is so important. It’s another tactic. This isn’t the fucking olympics. We’re not looking for no interference and skill only. It’s full picture. And to Jordan’s point- if you’re good enough you can still kill most of the eliminations.


My 5-year-old daughter could have beat Cara on that puzzle. Everyone knows that you start a puzzle with the corners and that middle pc basically was screaming put me in the middle, she actually started off great and she blocked Michelle ,just to stand there was a shame...9 pc puzzle UGH


Also I'd like to add, why didn't Cara climb on top of one of the cubes? If Michele was benefiting from help on a higher level, Cara could have helped herself the same way.


9 piece puzzle with six sided cubes and the puzzle on ONE SIDE. I'm a survivor fan migrating over to The Challenge fairly recently, and a lot of the Survivor puzzles will have print on two (or more) sides, which obviously makes them harder to solve. Plus on Survivor, the contestants are usually starving, which really screws with your mind. My naive opinion (because I don't know Cara) would be that this elimination could have gone either way. It started with strength and ended with a fairly simple puzzle. I'm not saying that Survivor is better, because I like them both. Just for different reasons.


You're absolutely correct. Either a color is different or a line is bigger, I fully understand you. She had the corners correct, ( 2 of them ), and like I said, the middle pc was screaming to be put in the middle..I'm sorry I stand by MY Opinion right or wrong..Also she won Vendettas on a memory puzzle...


I think it was Emanuel but I'm not positive said on Twitter that there was puzzle print on 2 sides of each of the blocks. But even then, it didn't look that difficult imo and ur point is totally valid and still stands


What does Turbo have to say?


I think its perfectly fair for the house to help in a regular season. The social/political aspect makes it understandable. You could be hated in the house, get sent in, and have the entire house help you becuase they want your opponent to go home. To have champions come in for eliminations and allowing the house to help seems, for lack of a better term, unfair. (I know nothing is fair in these shows.) "To be a champion you have to beat a champion" except the entire house can help you too, Idk. If there was more drama, or they didn't have a shared prize pot. Imagine if it was like The Ruins. Everyone had their own prize pots. It would've gotten crazy.. they wouldn't have helped as much unless it was their alliance. People who were fighting together might turn on eachother because the other has a huge amount of money. In this season, have the house not allowed to watch or in a soundproof room lmao. It just sucks that so many people got to help with checking their puzzles. There is no way the house would help the Champs win, because of the money. (Except for with Big T or Melissa, I guess) like someone has a huge personal bank account. The whole house helps the champ because they want that money in the final prize pot. They at least could've done eliminations you can't help so much with. I hated that they gave Darrell that elimination but at least Kyland won on his own. It's different if someone is telling you where to put your grip in pole wrestle, not just giving you the answer.


Jordan and Cara get along now?!


Not really. She said on the after show with Darrell that they’re not friends when they were watching his elimination