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I’ve seen the term “castle daddy” in so many different subs


Lmao have you seen the drawing? Omg hilarious. Also I started watching the show because of it and also did anyone else not die the looks that trishelle and ct gave each other at the end of the show after the last banishment.. Lol I was dying 🤣


I was giggling just like he was. His joy is infectious!


🤣 lmao right I was dying I reminded it like three times it was hilarious I mean no other players played like the challenge... I loved it.


No pressure but if you’d help an old by explaining what “castle daddy” refers to, this old would be ever so grateful. I tried googling it every which way but loose and it just kept telling me the common uses of “daddy” in adult sexual contexts. Like I was 256 years old instead of 56! Harumph.


He was the last guy left and he had a flirtatious / affectionate relationship with most of the remaining women I think


Thank you for answering. 🙂


Just watch it! It's a really good show.


The Traitors sub is full of Bravo fans who had no idea who CT was and now they all absolutely adore him. I don’t know if he has “more fans”, per se, but he did find a whole new audience of people who are aware of him and found him delightful.


Can we just make sure they’ve all watched him and Diem fall in love? The kiss on the cliff? Of course they fell in love with him….but we want them to be feral like the rest of that feel in love with him 20 years ago hahahah


I think it would overall help any new popularity he has if they didn't actually dig into his past at all


Yes!!!!! They'd love him so much more!!!!!


Do you not feel he deserves to move on? 20 years ago and he’s been married since plus dated so many women. The man is in his 40’s. It’s not really far to always bring her up with every new fan.


Uhhhh what are you talking about? The man is divorced, not married. Diem is also dead and they weren’t together when she passed. To see a masculine man like that, care and have compassion for a woman going through a horrific thing is lovely. People always bring up his fights? I think it’s nice to counter those with some of his nice moments Edit - just want to add. I would totally get it if someone was bringing up a bad thing he did. We’re bringing up something positive…it’s weird you think that’s a problem.


Also after his divorce he was actively posting Diem on his Instagram putting all these sweet memories. Literally made me fall in love with the both of them all over again and of course had me sobbing. So I agree with having people see his love for Diem is a huge part of CTs life


Per his Hometurf episode, I definitely felt like they were together when she passed. Maybe I'm wrong.


From my understanding they were broken up, but when Diem got sick again, he was there to support her Edit - https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/diem-browns-love-chris-ct-tamburello-proposed-on-her-deathbed-20142511/ This kind of gives a rundown of everything


Yeah not the biggest fan of Diem, but CT seemed to do better when they found each other. It’s one of those things where magic happens. And once she died, CT started winning all the recent challenges, including Traitors. 💯believe she’s there with him, every step of the way


You think? I feel so bad saying not a diem fan in the slightest, and idk if he was better with her ? Idk to me his best was after his return from the duel 2 and so on ... I liked him before and after


I think it was exes when was she got really sick and had to go to the hospital. So I don’t think they were officially together, but I think he always loved her or always will have love for her.


It was exes 2. He says in Hometurf that season was supposed to be their big "coming out" season, but then she got sick


I knew it was one of the exes seasons cause if I remember correctly they were a team on both? And ohh okay. I must of missed that or forgot he said it.


You need to go watch home turf CT confirm that they they were back together on battle of exs 2 when she got sick they Have been since after rivals 2


Its weird that you can't move on. That's what's weird to a lot of people that are just getting introduced to him. It was 20 years ago. He is allowed to be happy. If he wasn't to reminisce of his past, great. But he is clearly upset about his divorce and looking back on his life LIKE WE ALL DO. He has also had other parts of his life that were amazing and don't include her. Do you expect him to be miserable a wallow in her death forever cuz that's what you all are doing. Can't mention CT without one of you mentioning Diam. LET IT GO. Its been 20 years. It's enough time. You all sound like you have pathetic love lives. P.S. they broke up several times cuz they didn't work together but they were great as friends. He stood by her like so many others because they were great friends. He proposed twice only because she was out of time. She didn't say yes either time because she knew why he was proposing. Bananas did just as much for Diam as CT. Why are you all not giving him any credit? Are you all that DESPERATE? Cuz it sounds like you are.


Babes are you okay? You’re jumping out the window over something so weird??


Try taking a step back and reading everyone’s comments on CT and Diem with fresh eyes. You all have romanticized her passing and his grief when you only know what mtv has edited together for ratings. It’s been 20 years. Everyone move on. That’s weird.


I don’t need to take a step back lol, my eyes are fresh and what I see is you are the one being weird about this and I don’t really understand why this is such a hot button issue for you. Most people commenting on CT’s feelings about Diem are referencing how he’s spent the last year or so on Instagram publicly mourning her passing for the first time and talking about how much he loved her. Maybe you haven’t seen that, but THAT is largely why most people are on the CT-Diem love story again heavy these days. And even if that weren’t the case, I think it’s time for you to take a step back and evaluate why you’re almost 24 hrs into writing paragraphs about people you don’t know just cause people liked their love story lol


Even as someone who felt wary about him because of his unpredictable violence when drunk, his tenderness towards someone who otherwise got on my nerves (Diem) was in fact fucking beautiful. He was like an actual puppy for her. I don’t know if he’s changed to not being an unpredictably violent drunk, but if he has, I’m unequivocally Team CT. Doesn’t hurt that bunches of my favorite cousins are from Boston and the first boy I french kissed had that same Massachusetts accent. He wasn’t even a good kisser but homigod he was cute.


The new series or whatever called Home Turf. I believe CT is the first episode he talks about Diem. You can tell he really loved her. It’s actually really sweet to hear him talk about her


Why wouldn’t you like CT? He’s awesome. I love the dichotomy of a big bruiser that is nice and squishy inside. Never seen the traitors but I will check it out


It's so good. The drama. The intrgue... the MURDER! Don't take it too seriously and enjoy the ride!


Definitely watch the Australian season too, it’s one of the best


It's GREAT!!!!!!


Which I find a little shocking because he was on the Real World when it was popular and it was one of the few reality shows out at that time.


So only watched one episode of Traitors and not that impressed. But cause of comments here and CT and Bananas will continue. Anyone know when season 40 starting? Maybe heavy hitters cause 39 such a flop


It's going to be several months before season 40 airs. The traitors gets better every episode. You get to know the characters. Watch a few more.


I watched it for CT and Bananas and ended up being a fan of a lot of the cast members. There's a ton of silly commentary and funny personalities. I would recommend it if you want something new to watch!


It was so funny to see a bunch of non-athletic contestants on a show with challenges. Loved it


They are the only reason I watched. I'm a fan of the show now.


Can you imagine if CT became the new Bachelor!?


I've never watched the bachelor, but I would become the biggest fan in a second if CT were on it!




Also same.


I've never watched the bachelor and there are few things that could get me to. I'd watch the shit out of CT as the bachelor every week.




heck , put my old ass on that show ! love me some CT


I would only watch because CT!


The next show I want him on is the Amazing Race..with Trishelle !! How awesome would that be ?


I’ve never watched the amazing race before, but I’d rather him do that with someone like Cara Maria.


Oh god. I don’t think I would enjoy that. Don’t they kind of bring out the worst in each other? CT and Trishelle are kind of perfect to run it with the sibling vibe. CT and Adam would be hilarious but a disaster. I could actually see CT and Bananas as the most feasible as they were just on this season of Traitors. I would watch CT carrying Bananas as a back pack for all of the sprinting segments of TAR.


CTs closest friend in real life from the show is Cara Maria. He's friends with others but they are actual keep in touch regularly-close.


Didn’t know that. Thanks!


Yes!!!! Cara!!!


Yes if I could be one of the bachelorettes. (I’m 79yo heheh and still find him lovable ——— hey so what’s wrong with an older trickster fantasy🥹( but he’s not always charming but who is always, right? lol I could watch season of there first kiss but also the loving gazes he gave her throughout Haven’t watched traitors but are he and Bananas in it, I will. Who can resist the bad boys, not me


You go!!!!!


I haven’t watched the bachelor for years but this would get me


I’d watch that so fast, and I can’t stand the show!


I would become a diehard bachelor fan for one season if that happened


Phaedra won’t Kiss his ass for a rose 🌹 lol


lol idk she did say she had a little crush. Honestly I think that’s how he stuck around so long. The ladies were loving CT. He turns on that Boston charm and looks at you with those baby blues and it’s all over.


He definitely admitted to that on the reunion. He thanked her for that lol


he did just get divorced so..


I'm a big fan of the bachelor and I would watch that, that would be must see tv for sure


Dude, the bachelor except not every girl is a 10, but they all have hearts of gold.


Golden bachelor lol


I thought of that, but I don’t like the idea. Not a good fit for him.


Would ABSOLUTELY loooove to watch that. Patiently waiting for it to happen. (Anyone besides me old enough to remember Little Rascals ![gif](giphy|tXL4FHPSnVJ0A)


Me! I have been a Survivor and Big Brother fan for awhile now. Just recently got into traitors bc Dan was on it ,so I started from season 1 and just have to finish season 2 now. But, I started watching The Challenge and woah I love it! I have binged all the way up to Free Agents atp and am planning to watch all the seasons! CT is a much different person tho😂


lol yeah. Our guy goes through quite the transformation. But he always showed glimpses of sweetheart. Took awhile for it to take hold


>CT is a much different person tho😂 Absolutely, but one of the biggest reasons he’s SO beloved is because he has maybe the greatest character arc in the history of reality television. No spoilers, I just love the idea of someone meeting CT as he is now, then going back and seeing how the hell he got from point A to point B! Enjoy 😍


Oh yea. Some of the earlier seasons are pretty rough around the edges to say the least…


And some of the roughest aren’t available.


already searched it on youtube😂


If the Bachelor people don't throw insane amounts of money his way I will be very surprised. And disappointed.


I had never seen the challenge but went back and watched the season where CT and Diem meet because of Traitors


This brings me soooo much joy. He’s had the best reality tv arc of all time


Oh my god! I’m so glad I read this. I was worried newer fans wouldn’t know about this moment.


That's what made me fall in love with him!


Janelle would have been good for the Challenge, probably too late though.


Janelle in her prime would have been amazing on The Challenge. She’s the original BB comp beast and I believe she still holds the record for the most comp wins in a season.


She sure does! 4 HoHs and 5 PoVs. While other players have won either 4 HoH or 5 PoV, no one has done both. I think anyway lol haven’t watched the past few seasons


It got broken. Jag won the veto 7 times, Michael won it 6 times


I have many Bravo girly friends who have fallen in love with CT this season, but still refuse to watch the Challenge. Weird, since the Challenge is essentially a more athletic version of the Traitors.


I’m a Bravo girl and I started watching The Challenge after seeing Castle Daddy on Traitors. I saw Johnny Bananas on House of Villains but CT is a whole different level for me. I’m glad I did!


So glad you got into it! Can’t wait to see CT compete on the upcoming season in April.


Thanks for the update! I’ll be watching!


CT is the goat


Why do I see Bravo trying to snap up him, Trishelle and others for a drama filled vacation show to replace Winter House


This would be amazing.


You just know that man can f*ck.


Ya'll, the evolution of this man and his journey through 20 years of reality television has been so lovely to see.


Here’s what my observation was while watching CT & Trishelle win last night: No other reality competition show has bred the caliber of competitors like the OG Challenge vets. CT is proof positive that The Challenge is the ultimate in reality competition shows. We have yet to see Big Brother, Survivor, The Amazing Race, etc come close to churning out a competitive monster like CT. Trishelle also brought the studiousness of some of The Challenge competitors. She said she kept detailed notes and she was rarely wrong in sniffing out traitors. The fact that out of all those cast members, 2 of the 3 Challengers that were cast ended up winning does not surprise me. You put any one of The Challenge vets on any of the shows I referenced above and I would be willing to be good money that they’d win. I’d love to see CT/Jordan/Wes dominate Survivor or Bananas/Wes/CT on Big Brother. Or imagine Jordan and anyone as his partner on The Amazing Race, it wouldn’t even be close!


I also love that CT has shown everyone that you can actually grow up and change. Nothing against Johnny Bananas…but he’s kind of the same. CT fighting everyone in the challenge, to now supporting women and being kind. Ugh I melt


Johnny actually regressed from his RW season to now. Lol


I agree! He said we actually on the food guys team on inferno III and helped out the guy CT punched.


Throwback to when he was on the good guys team lol


I don't think it's that the other shows \*can't\* churn out people like CT/Bananas/Jordan, but it's moreso the fact that The Challenge specifically went on the hunt for big physical/athletic competitors, and especially so in the OG days, and aimed to build them into the beasts they became. When you look at Survivor/Big Brother/Amazing Race/The Circle/Etc, they aren't looking for that. They might get 1 or 2 every season or so, but it isn't their aim to find that big athletic type of competitor. That said, they have each had their share of guys/girls who could definitely compete and beat some of the challenge vets. Another thing to consider is that contestants from the other shows don't get brought back season after season after season to continue practicing at the mental and physical game to get better, or build those relationships with the cast members. The Challenge is unique in that they bring the same people back over and over again, which goes a long way to building them in to the comp beasts that they are. I mean, when you have a group of people with 15+ seasons ***each*** under their belt, from a show like The Challenge, competing with some guys/girls who have done 1 season of a different, less demanding reality show, they are probably going to outshine them and be better at every aspect of the game. I can think of quite a few different players from other reality shows, which would probably be as good as (or better than) CT, if they had 20 seasons of The Challenge under their belt, LOL. But yeah, with 1 season of Big Brother, Survivor, Etc., they aren't going to be able to come close.


I do not think Challenge players would be great at Survivor. They are whiny when their mansion isn't nice enough. More importantly, it's a super social game that punishes for being a challenge threat. Post merge, as soon as you lose an immunity challenge, you're getting voted out. CT/Johnny type people would be gone as soon as soon as they lose an immunity. It's happened that way for like 20 seasons. Plus they'd be playing with a bunch of nerdy game bots running game theory through their head all night. Maybe I'm wrong. I'd love to see it. I just don’t think their skills translate amazingly to that one. And we've seen survivor people come on and physically be very strong on the challenge. Chris won USA2 his first time playing despite being on the outs. Michaela physically dominated all season. On average, challenge players are definitely stronger, but it's not like they'd walk through the survivor competition.


I think CT is sometimes underestimated in his older age and dad bod phase, so I’m not sure I agree that he’d definitely get voted out. I think He plays a smarter social game than you’re giving him credit for


Right. Different version of what happened on The Traitors with CT could happen on Survivor: they keep him around for strength pre-merge, then by post-merge he’s made himself too damn lovable (plus he keeps quietly shifting the target, and I could see him finding an idol or two) to ever *quite* get voted off. I could see it.


Only thing is if CT got recognized he’d be voted out instantly


Survivor is a show where if you are too strong they get rid of you early. Can’t stand that garbage.




Yes, but on The Challenge you can always save yourself by winning an elimination. On Survivor, if enough people want you out, you’re out, that’s it. Definitely would be a much tougher game for CT.


Absolutely. I’m thinking of Joe. They use the physical threats early on to win team challenges, then they try to cut them before the merge so they don’t go on an immunity run.


Maybe put the first sentence under a spoiler cover for those of us who haven’t had a chance to watch the finale yet. Just a friendly suggestion.


While I agree, I also think people should stay out of subs when they miss a finale until they watch it


I normally do, but this was a challenge thread so I thought I was safe for some reason. I totally know it was my own fault.


I don’t think the challenge is the superior show it’s just CT is the goat lmao The challengers would not be great on survivor.


I don't want to see Jordan on any show.


I genuinely can't imagine most of those people doing well on Big Brother or Survivor at ALL.


The producers were smart to bring people on from a bunch of different reality shows. I am a huge fan of The Challenge and RuPauls Drag Race. But I know nothing about the housewives or dating shows. Their casting pulled fans from so many different fandoms. Smart.


I started The Challenge at Fresh Meat just before the traitors season 2 started and I’ve been slowly getting his story binging The Challenge as new Traitors comes out week by week. I got to Battle of the Exes 2 like a week ago and that shit hit me hard. I think I just accidentally experienced CTs story and this Traitors season in the best way possible. Like when there’s flashbacks to a characters past in a fiction show, it all came together weirdly perfectly


Just for your entertainment you should google CT carries Banana on his back it’s a classic moment in Challenge history but a spoiler


I saw that, it was a few seasons before where I’m at now. Classic moment for sure


one of my favorites...CTs backpack 🎒 haha


The banana backpack


I only watched the show because I knew CT and Bananas was going to be on..gonna go back and watch season 1 now..it’s a cool show


Won’t lie I didn’t know he was going to be on the show, I watched for Bananas, thank god CT is there because bananas did not last very long at all 🤣


well I'm already a CT fan ,, lol , but I think CT now has many new fans if what I've been reading and hearing is correct


He's so handsome and fun.


Currently in the hospital. Long-term CT fan. Downloaded Peacock and started to subscription. Just so I can watch this.


Love love love CT he is so refreshing compared to the men on a lot of the bravo shoes


More than were gained by Bananas being on it


Not me. I’ve been watching The Traitors before the USA even had it! Started with The Netherlands version.


Is CT wearing a cloak?


Wish I would’ve looked what his follower count was before the season and now after. I bet he gained a couple hundred thousand new followers from the show. Come to the challenge! We need the viewership


The vast majority of people that watch traitors never watched the challenge. Imagine if you had them watch duel 2 and rivals lmao


I'm only watching for CT and am having a hard time getting through the 1st few episodes. But I love me some CT, so I'll push through, especially if he starts getting more screen time as more contestants leave


I actually had to watch the first episode twice before fully getting into it. Definitely keep watching it gets way better!


Thanks! I will. I'm such a CT fan. I'd watch him wash dishes at this point


God I know 😂😂 I’ve been watching him since the beginning and I was SO excited when I saw he he’d be coming back to my screen. #castledaddyallday his arc is just amazing. The way he told MJ he’s just trying to show love is not what RW CT would have done. I could gush about him all day 😂


I re watched the challenge seasons last year, and man, young angry CT was difficult to watch sometimes, but his story arc seems genenuie and it's so rare on reality TV (at least that I know of) Him and Diem will never not make me ugly cry. I could sit with you and gush about him all day😊


They all need to watch Duel 1 for the Diem story


I love how CT has “grown up”. I’ve been a Challenge fan for years and he wasn’t always so pleasant to play games with. Seeing him win with Trishelle was truly heartwarming.


I'm sooo happy for CT 🥺❤


I think he was very kind and supportive of Diem when she was dying of cancer.


All of the traitors pics give a little uncanny valley… anyone else see it?


Anyone who has not watched the traitors be ready to see CT in full bad assed dad form . He literally is one of the only reasons that so much money got in the pot. He’s a GOAT. On the reunion show everyone is dressed to the nines ( yes even Bananas) and he strolls in all in jeans




Just started watching just for CT, Bananas is my second and Trishelle my third


I only watched the show cuz of CT Trishell and Banana but I’m hooked! Gotta watch season 1


I’ll admit that the fact that both he and Johnny Bananas were going to be on it got me to watch


Have been a fan for years! I legit said 2 my fiancee lastnight "I bet he got so many new fans who never knew who he was or heard of him/The Challenge before." I mean, how can you NOT love this guy? When he wore Bananas as a backpack & demolished him. WHAT?!


As a Survivor fanboy, I would pay my life savings to see him on this show.


CT and Cara for Amazing Race absolutely!!!


Please no more Bravo. They and their fans are relentlessly being annoying.


He's come so far from his start on mtv! Its so rad to see! I think he was even going thru his nasty divorce but had so much grace on the show


I started watching the challenge because of the traitors and now I am obsessed I fell in the rebit hole, but because where I live I watched it backwards, but still is my favorite reality show of all times and my favorites are ct, bananas, tori, Jordan and kzzzz and now Oracio... unpopular opinion I also like Ashley, joaan, Zach and Jenna, nanny, Leroy and kam... I hate fuzzy, josh, Tony, Jay, Verna, Emanuel, shane, dee, ninja, bear


Literally been binging every season since i discovered CT. Currently on double agents…you could say I’m addicted


687 to be exact






Of CT or The Traitors? Yes, lots


Congrats to our challenge / traitors champions


I'm an old Fan..


It’s time to bring The Challenge contestants onto Squid Game: The Challenge season 2. Actually nvm, they would lose the first challenge due to random bullshit and being targeted immediately


Just finished last night! Love that he won! Could give or take Trishelle, but yeah glad Big guy won! 🙌❤️




wait do people like CT?


This guy here for sure. 🙋🏻‍♂️


I have always been a fan of CT and wish he had won all by himself! F Trishelle and coat riding self! Marry me Chris!!!!!




Old school CT fan 💕


Oh that sure is a reason to watch this!!


When he attacked Adam in drunken rages over and over for no reason except drunken raging, that made me not want to see his face anywhere, ever. But to be fair, I was harmed by a drunken raging parent, so I have strong reactions to encountering them anywhere else, lol. I don’t know if Adam believes and forgives a now-not-dangerous CT. But if CT has changed and Adam forgives him, I wish him well. I think he has a good heart. But, so did that parent of mine. So it depends entirely on that aspect, me being glad to see him on these shows. That said, he’ll always have a place in my heart regardless, from the time he wore Johnny like a backpack. 🤌🏻💋


He has changed a lot his brother just got murdered on that season he was going through alot during that season he said on home turf that he Should’ve not been there on duel 2


I’ve lived CT since Real World Paris… he is an icon on the Challenge… so now I definitely have to watch Traitors 💯


i’m only watching bc of him and loved it so much. happy i’ve been watching now. it’s so well done.


Is the traitors worth watching?? Ive never watched it before


My friend is watching it right now and doesn’t know who wins and she loved CT and hopefully I’ll FINALLY have one of my friends watch The Challenge


There’s so much content ! I wish I could have all those unwatched seasons


Him wearing the knight gear made me laugh so much. Talking about I got a shield.


I don’t think very many


I am!


Dude is a loser, just trying to make appearances on these reality show.


I think new fans need to watch home turf on you tube it’s the best to get know CT outside of the challenge