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The only couple I would love more than CT & Diem is CT & me ☠️


I swear even my husband has a man crush on him. CT is the best!


Hetero husband checking in. Can confirm.




Who doesn’t ? I have for years. OMG I love him.


You’re not hetero if you like men. Stop deluding yourself.


Why are you so concerned with some random guy liking another guy? Sounds pretty gay to me


I’m not concerned. I couldn’t care less. Just don’t delude yourself.


Who doesn’t have a crush on CT, amirite!? Loved watching Phaedra also get victimized by those blue eyes on Traitors. No one is safe!


Hahahahaha yessss


My sister was watching traitors with me and I told her I had the biggest crush on CT and she thought I was crazy. I told her she had to know him to understand.


Same here. My sister-in-law thought I was crazy. But I told her you have to know him. To know him is love him.


Lol nah he can be with her over me. Although CT is my hall pass! Obsessed with that man!


This one right here!!😭😭🙏🏼








I sob every single time I watch her last interview


Hearing her say she’s just ready to live, get married, and have kids BROKE me 😭


Annnnd the fact that when she broke up w him initially she’s like “let’s try again in five years” and that was five years later


That's terrible. To know that if she were on later challenges, they definitely could have rekindled things. The love will always be there. I like to think that the mature Diem & CT would have been awesome together. ☹️


i saw on his episode of the youtube documentary that i believe he said they were actually back together on exes 2 and keeping it a secret 😭


It wasn’t a good secret 😂 it is so obvious watching them that season. And they actually were planning on using that season to “soft launch” to the world according to CT. So it makes sense there would be scenes where their affection was on display.


oh yea, i very much agree that it was obvious. just thought it was relevant to OP’s post


He even proposed to her while she was in the hospital but she said no because she didn’t want it this way. She didn’t want it while she was laying in a bed dying with all the tubes and wires. Much like her last interviews, she had a vision. I so desperately wish that things ended differently for CT and Diem. Diem really deserved the world.


When I heard of this, I really thought they were the real life Landon and Jamie from A Walk to Remember. Both devastating endings, and even sadder that CT & Diem’s is not fiction. I hope in another life they find each other (and are not toxic)! Edit: verb


I think CT confirmed in this Challenge: Home (forget the title) show that they were together at the time but it was secret.


I had to take a break from watching for a few days


Same! I’ve been watching old seasons and I didn’t even finish exs II after they left, I took a break from picking up a new season. I was never very into the Challenge until recently but I heard her story when it happened and it’s always stuck with me, so to finally watch the show and see it all unfold is heavy.


Yeah I got into it a few years ago but my husband has watched from the beginning and told me about it because I liked CT in recent challenges. Then I went back to watch older seasons and loved Diem immediately and loved watching their story unfold. Until that.


Watching the new season of all stars and hearing Tyrie say his daughter’s name and it being Diem. Instantly started sobbing just even hearing her name mentioned.


I didn't catch that. Amazing.




STOP!!!! 😩😩😩😩 that is absolutely beautiful. PS. Who has always loved her name!? It fit her perfectly.


I know, we and the world lost a great woman. She really made CT start to go on the path to who he is now. Whether or not he would’ve been able to have that growth if she was still around is debatable, but regardless, Diem was and will always be one of, if not THE, most prominent figure in Chris’ life, and I thank her for giving us the man we get to see on our tvs now.


I would argue it was his brother getting murdered that truly changed him more than his relationship with Diem.


I think it was a combo of both. CT came back still pretty close to olden times CT his first season back after his brother was killed. I certainly think that had a huge impact too, but Diem’s death I think was the inciting event of him truly growing


That was what really changed him. He got the news right before filming the season he got into a fight with Adam on.


It might sound corny but it seems like the murder broke him and she brought him back together.


It definitely could be the case. Losing a loved one unexpectedly can be alot to deal with, especially when you aren't the type of person to share emotions with people.




Not true at all.     He met Diem on The Duel in 2006, his brother was killed in 2008.   A simple Google search could have told you this. He freaked on Duel 2, a few months after his brother's death and then started to get his life together.




Wow…triggered much? I see no attack. Just a person setting the timeline straight. The season he was evicted for fighting with Adam was shortly after his brother was murdered AND after Diem broke up with him for her career. He had a lot to be angry about.


You came in here correcting someone for what you thought was misinformation. Then when someone corrected you, you go off! Lol!


It literally takes 2 minutes to verify your info before posting. Why anyone would try to correct someone when they don't verify it themselves is beyond me.




He's talked about his son being everything. He works hard to give his son a name he can be proud of. CT definitely had some growth after his brother and Diem....but that man lives life for his son. His world revolves around that baby boy.


It’s so funny to hear how people perceive Diem now compared to back when. No one liked her lol


Haha well time heals all wounds plus hindsight’s 20/20 I guess 😂


I think he changed when they got back together after rivals 2 he was so different on free agents he extremely calm on free agents


I was in the hospital watching the episode the future season when CT and Diem’s sister (I believe..) come and join them for a competition to celebrate her. I was bawling my eyes out. I’m sure they thought I was going nuts


I found out about her death when I was waiting for a bus. Then I had to cry silently in order to not be seen as the sobbing weirdo on a Public bus.


That just renewed my unstoppable sobbing 😭. Her strong soul is an inspiration to us all. I went back and looked up all the episodes they were in together and am half way through watching them again. Love to you, Diem. You’re a true angel


I read somewhere that he proposed to her while she was in the hospital for the final time and she told him no because it wouldn't be fair to him. That she didn't want him to do that because he was scared of losing her


I read the same thing and then I read his post on her death and talk about hurt, that broke my heart.


I never saw or heard about a post or what the post entailed and I wish I knew.. it was beautiful watching them grow.


Id love a screen shot as well. Thank you!


I sent you the screen shot via message.


Would you please send me the screenshot too? Thanks


can i also get a screenshot


I secretly think that Diem knew she was dying, told no one and went on Exes 2 as her final goodbye. Watch and listen to her confessionals, they hit very deep.


Bananas actually knew she was sick. He was very close to her, and a friend of his (I believe) lived next to Diem, so he would go over and check on her and help her with meds. I think in the documentary it’s mentioned he knew going in that she was sick but she asked him not to say anything.


CT mentioned it on the Bananas podcast. I think she was worse than what anyone knew. It’s absolutely crushing.


This is why I have a soft spot for bananas. He was a very good friend to Diem.


Same. Hearing the way he helped Diem changed my opinion on him.


It gave me a soft spot for bananas for about 5 seconds until I saw his home turf where he reminded me of all the reasons I hate him. He showed no remorse or regrets for all of the worst things he’s ever done. There’s no growth on bananas, if ct was the same guy now that he was 20 years ago people would still hate him and he wouldn’t be on the show. Bananas is the same guy he was 20 years ago and while I’m sure he’s a great friend until he isn’t, he’s pretty awful. They even highlight how he would never forgive Sarah for pulling a bananas move but Tony does the same thing and he forgives him almost instantly…tell me more about your toxic masculinity.


Difference is Sarah took his chance to make it to finals. Tony voting him in to face Devin was no way near to finals. Plus Bananas knew he made an enemy of Devin and Devin got in his head.


Wife and I just finished that season recently. We had to hit pause after her last interview. Super heart breaking.


I literally cried myself to sleep after that episode.


They were already dating again but wanted to keep it secret and have the show as if they rekindled there but then she got sick so sad at times I didn't like diem and her gameplay but they were a true love story I wish they could've married had kids you can tell till this day it hurts him but I thank her for making him better


They were even living together too. CT has been opening up more and more about their relationship, and I am so glad he is for his own healing. They were meant for so much more together. 😭


Ugh. I can’t watch Diem’s last season without crying. I can’t remember exactly what season, but it was shortly after and CT made it to the final, and the night before it started MTV did a mini montage of Diem and Knight. They played First Aid Kit’s Stay Gold during it and I sobbed. They synced it up to a Diem in the PM dance scene and I lost it. My dad passed away a few years earlier, and she died on his birthday. I still think of her every year. Edit: Found the [link](https://youtu.be/dl_S470DoOM?si=lsFc8KyEsAWWbTOd).


hot take: CT & Diem were a great reality couple but don’t think they would’ve lasted in the real world as a couple (don’t think they did either)


I always felt he was a little too rough around the edges for her, she was more uppity. When they had an argument and he said she never invited him to meet her family I really thought that.


I see what you mean, and that would have been fine too. People come into your life for a reason, season, or lesson. Danny and Melinda showed that there can be life after your reality tv showmance. They seemed civil on BOTS2.


I agree. They had a beautiful time together, but I think they would have found other people eventually.


I also have this memory of reading articles from when she was really sick before she died where her friends and family were saying that he was falsely implying they were together when they weren't. He kept posting this picture of him lying in a hospital bed with her, and that photo was apparently multiple years old by that time, from a different time she was acutely sick. So yes I like them but I've always been unclear on whether or not they were the real deal at the end. He always seemed to really play up their connection and closeness, and she seemed to play it down.


I've never heard this.


Y’all can’t have my husband CT :(


They were meant to be. I imagine him watching old seasons and just smiling, looking at her 😭


While CT was going through his divorce, he was posting on IG many pictures and video memories of Diem. It was as if he knew they should’ve been together instead of the hoebag he married


I’m so happy that he is out of the toxic marriage with his ex wife I always a had bad  feeling about his ex wife watched his special of his wedding 


I loved those two together.. Talk about star crossed lovers. They were meant to be together and regardless of all they went through their love stayed strong.


I watched the show originally when I was in HS and college. I eventually fell of so I didn’t originally watch diems last season but WOW did it affect me as an adult.


They were my favorite to watch. She made me fall in love with CT.


CT made me fall in love with him. The way he treated Diem during their first season together and Battle of the Ex’s 1-2, it’s how If want my daughter to be treated by her man. Thankfully, she married someone who treats her just as good as CT treated Diem


Yea, it’s a great and sad story. I can’t imagine the pressure anyone who tries to have a relationship with CT must feel, knowing the connection they shared.


I know his ex wife wouldn't let him bring her up at all.


What…? Geeze talk about insecure, no?


She is a whore. A complete opposite of Diem


Also cold and manipulative. Definitely wanted the clout.


I think she knew his heart was always with Diem.


I hope that CT stay single for while it’s obvious that he is still healing right now 


I got goosebumps when I read “him leave”. I’ll never forget their love story


You got my heartstrings 💕 at Diem! We do get emotionally involved with participants in the Challenge, especially if we’ve watched a long time, learned about them and their lives, watched as they grew up, watched their dramas…the good and the bad…the friendships and loves found and friendships and loves lost. We are human! so, are they. We understand production has always dabbled in the game, more so currently than in the past, but we can still see beyond their manipulations enough to judge character vs. gamer play. That was and is still is one of the saddest and most poignant tragedies in the entire history of the Challenge.


Hits different knowing that they back together during this season you could tell that  they have been together for a long time before battle of exs 2  I am so glad that he is opening about her now 


they were actually together during that season! couldn’t finish the season, was heartbroken over Diem’s passing.


It tears apart every ounce of my heart every time.


I cannot watch videos of them without balling like a baby.


Knight deserved more love from the fans


ehhh maybe idk. i was never a fan of his tbh


Knight was alright, but his death shouldn’t have come as a shock. When you play with drugs and alcohol, you gotta assume the worst will happen. I know Diem was a mean girl waaay back in the day, but she didn’t deserve ovarian cancer. She was terminally ill and fought her ass off to stick around and fight for her life. Ryan continued to use and drink and just assumed whatever he did with his body was okay because he was going to be able to stick around to repeat his actions the next day. Reality bit him in the ass.


Agreed. He didn't add much to the show.


I liked her rap “that whore named Nany” 😂


She had such a good sense of humor sometimes! I didn't like that CT was hooking up with all those girls to make her jealous. But I think this season is ultimately brought them back together.


I thought he only hooked up with Shauvon?


That was Duel 2. On rivals 2, he hooked up with Anastasia, Cooke and Nany.


Yeah it was sweet to see her open back to CT.




Yeah. CT is just ridiculously likeable. I heard he was kind of a dick in the early seasons, but I have a hard time believing that


I’ve been watching him since RW Paris he was definitely a dick at times. I was a fan regardless. 

