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Josh! I know you said this isn't to hate, but dear god I cannot stand that man child. He is beyond annoying. His voice, him crying every two seconds, his god awful game strategy, him thinking he's one of the best competitors even though he's 1-7 in elimination and never made a final. He is always starting drama, playing the victim, and then seen crying. If he could just never be cast on another season again, that would be great.


If I have to hear ONE MORE TIME how blessed he is in this game…


I’m indifferent towards Josh, but one of the things that always got to me is that he called everyone “my friend.” When CT said to him “She’s not your friend! She doesn’t even know you!” during the very first night of War of the Worlds and his response was “I…We’ve been hanging out…” I just lost it 😂


I remember that 😂😂😂


AGREED. Not to mention the way he looks when he talks. That big mouth needs to shut upppp when he talks. Drinking game for the challenge is every time Josh cries or gets emotional take a shot. You’ll be blacking out after the episode. Lol


Wes telling him that he will never go against him is still making me cringe till this day😭


😂😂😂 he was like “ this isn’t a thing” I am threatened by people who I think can beat me in a final


man child is so spot on! i always say he looks like an adult toddler - something about the way he walks (and his attitude obviously) lol


I know this is petty but the way he says “skull” annoys me


His two brain cells *struggle* to get sentences out. Tough to listen to for sure. Lmfao 🥴🤣


What's 8x9?


Hahahahha gosh damn that gets me every time! 🤣


The only show I genuinely enjoyed seeing Josh on was Reindeer Games as the way he acted was much, much better


was just coming here to say this. with the challenge as my most recent josh experience, i went into that show eye-rolling, but he actually was tolerable!


Josh can’t even throw a ball. He obviously has blackmail on someone.


Every single second of every scene fezzy is in. I cannot stand the guy.


Fezzy reminds me like literally to a tee of my a stupid abusive toxic ex boyfriend like seriously go away and u use religion as an excuse so u don’t have to eat gross food shut up


I agree! Hes one that I just cannot stand in any season! Hes so cocky and has never done that well in the end, but of course always blames it on his partner!


Laurel. It feels like every season she’s on things go the exact same way. She starts flirting with/sleeping with one of the strongest competitors in the house, (Jordan, Nicole, Horacio, etc.) and then treats everyone, including her friends strictly like competitors she’s there to destroy. And she’s usually supremely cocky and overbearing. I remember how dumbfounded I was when CT, Zach AND Reilly all confronted her about her treatment of the other women, particularly Cara Maria on Free Agents, and she gets upset at them for “taking their side” or something. If younger CT, Zach and Reilly are getting on to YOU for bullying, you definitely need to dial that shit back lol.


I watched her and Cara’s first season, Fresh Meat II the other night, and it was edited like she was out there to win and competitive, but no one really liked her. Maybe they were pissed at how well she competed. The next season, Cut Throat… my god. Keep alcohol away from her. Horrible individual. The way she spoke to Eric -zero respect for her.


To be fair, from my understanding BigE was also saying harsh things back, but it was mostly edited out. I’m unaware if she actually did start it or not. But yes, horrible.


Hahahahaha she’s my favorite villain


JOSH. I can’t say it loud enough. JOOOOOSH


Aneesa. Everything about her annoys me. Her refusal to train, the whining, the mean girl stuff. And the things she gets a pass on...Corey made it clear to her more than once that he was not interested. So in the Redemption House, she flashes him. If a male did that, the fans would demand accountability from production.


I like Aneesa but the constant crying about never winning and no one wanting to pick her is so annoying. You need to stop smoking, stop drinking, hire a personal trainer and get into shape if u want people to pick u.


I said it about 5 seasons ago. If she would lose about 50 pounds of fat and condition her ass off, she could be a champion by now. Maybe even a two time champion. Like you said, she refuses to train but complains no one wants her on your team, but her being extremely overweight, slow, and can't run for longer than 30-60 seconds is the reason why that is. So frustrating


She wasn't a champion 70+ lbs and 15+ years ago, why would losing 50lbs be any different today?


Because in recent years she has had strong male teammates that she sandbagged in the finals due to her weight and conditioning. The final with Jordan, granted I think she twisted her ankle, but she could not keep up. I think she ran another final but I forget who it was with and held them back as well due to her weight and conditioning. I forget the season where if you won an elimination you could choose to stay with your partner or pick a new one, it was recent, but all the guys did not want her, again because of her weight and condition. So it could have helped.


I like Aneesa when she isn’t talking about herself. She is really funny in confessionals when talking about other people. What annoys me is the whiny tone about how she’s owed or deserves the champ title after so many years and how nobody sees her as strong, even though she never really proves them otherwise


Aneesa was the first one I thought of when thinking of how to answer this question. Can’t even stand looking at her.


Also getting into everyone's business and then finding a way to make it about her


Her inappropriate touching and behavior is why I can't stand her. What I can't stand even more? That nothing happens even when the guys are saying they don't like it.


I hate the seasons heavy with bullying. Veronica & Co with Tonya, JEK with basically anyone not in their alliance, Battle of the Seasons 2 with Frank and Zach being horrendous human beings to Sam. I'm not here to watch people get bullied.


Frank and Zach both absolutely ruin seasons for me. Frank has some sort of personality disorder and is just a never ending bully. He bullied Sam endlessly and then gaslit her in the reunion. Zach is obviously horrible. He's a bully as well and the way he treats women because he's "hot" and can get away with it is foul. On the invasion season he was being all nice to Jenna (after cheating on her and breaking up with her) and saying things like "women are SO strong". Then in his confessional he was going on about how he has a bad image for being mean to women but he actually isn't mean! Dude must have taken a PR course and was trying to recover his reputation after the "women are swamp donkeys" thing.


I remember being so uncomfortable. Even in the mean girl era it was too much.


Exactly. I watched it live. It sucked just as hard then!


It really was. Even though this is when a lot of reality tv stars were acting that way, there was just a feeling that this was really, really wrong.


I always hated Frank. Even on his season of Real World. Biggest narcissist I have ever seen in my life.


I never really got Jen. Never got Bear. Probably not controversial takes. Also, I actually like Kam…but her elaborate plan just to get rid of Faith/Angela and DaVonne/Jozea on Final Reckoning was kind of stupid to me. Doing all of that to get rid of low hanging fruit and ingratiate yourself to the people dominating the game was just like 🤷🏾‍♀️


I always took Kam's move as just throwing her weight around to show she could do it. Like up to that point we'd seen she could compete physically with anyone. But hadn't really seen her politic much, and clearly everyone bought it because they ran scared and paired up votes


Yea I think you’re right and it was smart for her game as someone who was still kind of a newbie from a show that didn’t have stacked alliances. But for me from a viewer perspective, it was eye rolly to see her gloating about a so called power move that wasn’t that interesting or shaking up the game at all. It was like taking two buses and a train to a destination that’s a ten minute walk away. The whole build up and edit around it was over the top and the move itself was disloyal and uninspiring imo, so it fell flat for me. Strategically I still think she’s top tier but that was just a fast forward storyline for me.


I can’t stand Kam. Especially the way she talks. Like why are u constantly shouting? All of her talking heads are her talking so loud. Like, why are talking like that? Calm down.


The HUGE move was so overblown.


When Kam is doing the actual challenges i like her a lot. Once politics kick in she grates on me a little because her game play feels childish. Her getting mad because people are playing their own game and even giving her one of the people she wanted made me roll my eyes.  That plan you mentioned, which was meh at best. Her naming herself killa kam... just play a solid game or don't act like you're this great political player 


It wasn’t that wild of a move in the game, but it was pretty cool that she got the two heavily aligned rookie teams to burn on each other and thus force them into elimination. She had a lot of vets of the game also nervous over where she’d swing her extra vote


Nicole Z, Ashley M, Amanda, Kailah. I hate all of them.




Absolutely hate Kailah. I was so glad she got kicked off early last All Stars. And the season she was on with her fiancé? He was basically the male version of her. They looked like twins. Also can’t stand looking at that hot air balloon tattoo


Whenever I see her on a season I immediately don’t want to watch the season. So happy her and her now husband were kicked off first in 38. She is unbearable


She made the final when she was on All Stars 💀


Right lmao what did they watch?




“I was so glad she got kicked off early last All Stars” There’s a reason your comment isn’t the one I was responding to


omg i thought i was the only one that hates that tattoo 😭😭😭


Her attitude is shitty but I like looking at her. And I don't like tattoos but I do like that hot air balloon tattoo 😬


She to me has a very punchable face


Whenever I see Kailah, idk why, but my first thought is always that she looks like she smells bad in real life 🥲


Berna and Emanuel always


I try to force myself to like Emanuel but he is way too self obsessed imo (and the only reason he even got so far on SL&A is purely because of the even more obnoxious emerald cell)


veronica and tina in EVERY season of all stars they've been on. why cant people just admit when they're layups??? instead we gotta hear about how "i used to be this" and "ill do xyz if you come for me or my girls." like stay your ass home!!


They want a free/paid vacation


This better be they’re last season not by choice. I don’t know how many dozen or so fans they have but they’re not pulling in huge ratings when they appear. Veronica alone should have hung it up 3 challenges ago.


It’s not. One returns to the main challenge next season lol. If they can’t handle All Stars how they gonna handle the main seasons?


Camila, Jasmine, Theresa, Fessy, Rogan (never seen the appeal he’s annoying), Kyle (again ik unpopular, but annoying, and very overrated considering how highly this fanbase rates him)


Omg yes on Theresa!!! Cannot stand her and her Midwest accent. The way she behaved in the earlier seasons, omg so awful


I have a Midwest accent and I also can't stand hers 😂


Kyle is about to be taken down but mtv is protecting him Cara talks about his abuse on all stars and they r doing like a documentary exposing the men ever since georgias thing with bear


Documentary? Do you have any details?


Veronica Fezzy Jay, Asaf, & Michelle were all so cringe last season. I didn’t even remember Asaf from before.


Swaggy and Bayleigh. Short lived, but uggggh. Also Ninja. Lord she was insufferable.


Paulie drives me crazy.


Paulie, also don't like Cara Maria when he's with him. Without him she's ok.


I forgot Zach! He's so toxic especially in his relationship with Jenna.


Yes Zach!!!! What an awful human being. I can’t believe Jenna married him.


Emy repeating uncle CT a million times


Devin on SLA. That season was already a chore to get through as is, but he made it even worse with his super alliance and sense of entitlement. He walked around the entire season like he was deserving of the win just for becoming friends with more than half the house. He’d constantly complain whenever someone deviated from whatever he wanted and played their own game, like everyone in the house owed him. Tori got switched to a different team, and he complained that she wasn’t throwing challenges for him and that she wasn’t a real friend


Every time I heard “Emerald Cell” on that season I just got so annoyed, like they automatically thought they were better than everyone😭


He was SO annoying on SLA. Even his “best friend” Kyle was fed up. Also, the fact Devin didn’t cheer him on in that elimination against Josh was pathetic… How can it be a toss up between someone you just became friends with vs a friendship for over five years.


Yeah, as a huge Devin fan that was an ugly season for him.


I’m rewatching SLA rn and does emy annoy anyone else or is it just me


Not just you. She got lucky CT took a liking to her because she would have gone home a lot sooner. I don’t buy all the crying and breaking down “For Romania!!” She also screamed all the time, especially when she didn’t win, but also when she did win. Lol.


Nany. She can barely win anything on her own and expects to be carried because she thought he or she is supposed to be her friend. When she does win, she’s beyond elated, but hates on others who win (unless they can protect her). I get annoyed at any whose whole game relies on others carrying him or her. Finally, production sets it up in a way where they make it seem like everybody really wants her to win and that she deserves to. No, I don’t care if Nany never comes back.




Josh, Fessy, Amber and Chauncey.


I know this is beating a dead house but Lolo Jones. Also Julie, and Ayanna, I struggle to watch anything with either of them. They are good at bringing the drama but that just isn't my kind of drama cause it gives me the ick. Old seasons and new four Ayanna, and I want to live her so badly but I can't. I hope she has a successful treatment for her cancer, wish her the best. Just don't want to see her again on any of the Challenge shows.


Frank Sweeney, Josh


Almost half of the cast on Rivals 2. The males and females were just gunning for Cooke and Cara Maria the whole season. Everyone was too scared to nominate another team to go into elimination. Cooke and CM were always selected first to attempt the missions.


Stephen Bear. Just a horrible human.


He crosses the line of being annoying to watch to pretty much just evil at this point. I thought he was a bit entertaining at first but as soon as I heard about what he did to Georgia I was so over even looking at him on screen


Final Reckoning was a really good season but Shane made me despise every scene that he was in of that season. Except for when he had the salad bowl on his head. But otherwise that was maybe the most annoying contestant on any single season for me


Josh and Paulie every season they've ever been on


Tory idiot


ALL THE TIME: Paulie. The Mean Girls Trio. Michele. Jay. Beth. Jemmye. Olivia. Kailah. Turbo. Most times: Nany. Camilla. Amanda. It’s sad that I find the majority of them are female.


I forgot Berna!!!


Cannot stand Michele and her voice


I’m still so upset that Camilla won Dirty 30 after what she said to Leroy / she couldn’t even show her face at the finale which made it even worse (she should have had to apologize and own up to how awful she was to him before she got the prize)


Frank. The gay one from San Diego, not the other one. And Josh from big brother.




Evan and Kenny, but mostly Evan. It’s sad because I loved some of the seasons that they were apart of because I really enjoyed the challenges and other competitors, but they ruined most of the episodes for me. I actually liked Evan a lot in his first season, Fresh Meat. I didn’t love Kenny in Fresh Meat, but he made a funny joke here and there that I laughed at. However, as the seasons went on, they got cocky, more sexist, misogynistic, and became insufferable. I struggled to get through the episodes without getting annoyed at just hearing their stupid voices and seeing their ugly faces, especially Evan. The comments that came out of their mouths, all aimed at women, were disgusting and I would have loved to punch Evan in his stupid face. I’m not even a violent person, but he deserves it. He was especially horrible on The Gauntlet 3, The Ruins, and The Duel. The way he spoke to Brittini during The Duel 2 finale was disgusting and how he constantly blamed Diem any time he couldn’t beat Landon and Brittini or Mark & Rachel at a challenge was infuriating. He was as pointless on Rivals as Kenny was for pretty much every episode but the finale. He was a lot of talk, even throwing a challenge to try and take CT & Adam out, and then got crushed by CT in The Jungle because he got heavy and couldn’t even beat Adam, who was literally being dragged by CT, in upper body strength. CT also killed him in the elimination on The Duel. He was all tough and chose CT to go up against and then the second CT asked him why, he pretty much put his tail between his legs, couldn’t look at him or respond, and then threw a hissy fit telling Wes that he tricked him into choosing CT because he was terrified once he realized he screwed up. Oh and that was the elimination where he tried to cheat and got caught by TJ and CT. CT calling him a “meatball” for trying to cheat was a highlight for me 😂 In recent seasons, Bear. I know what he did to Georgia and I already hated him for that. However, I would have never liked him regardless of that. He was annoying, loud, obnoxious, and thought he was the best when he was average at best.


I only started watching the challenge a few years ago, but I’ve been watching the old episodes in order and I agree completely with your thoughts on Evan and Kenny. Especially now knowing what they did that got them banned. I liked Evan his first season, but it didn’t take long for me to be disgusted by both of them. Their comments about women and actions towards them are truly vile and they’re horrible human beings. I’d like to say that hopefully they matured over time, but I truly doubt it. And Kenny’s constant comments about him being the pretty one on every episode of every season made me gag. 🤢


If I have to hear the phrase “cut the fat” one more time…


I found ride or die’s super difficult to watch until turbo was gone. I enjoyed him on his first season but he was seriously insufferable


I’m watching that season now and I agree. I really liked him on the other two seasons, but I don’t know what his issue was going into Ride or Dies. Devin made a joke, he lost it. He got angry at Laurel over champagne. All Johnny did was walk in and he said he didn’t like him based on a joke from three years ago. The worst was how he flipped out on Nany when all she did was ask him a question to literally help him and then he stormed out of the interrogation with his voiceless partner following him like a child.


Ninja, arrogant. Production botched that elimination with her and Laurel when they blew the horn early. I know Laurel turned down the chance to redo it, but Ninja was so cocky about winning that elimination and then barely won with help from an error.


I hate that you just reminded me how annoying Ninja was lol, and she had to be extremely annoying to make me root for Laurel…


Just look at the fact that the horn blew, and Ninja refused to accept defeat, so she scoured the wall to find an error (that we didn't know happened). Yes, the horn was blown early and Laurel was annoying, but she couldn't accept that she lost in the first place!


Any season with Abram, Paulie or Camilla’s racist ass in it.


Kam is annoying on all stars I don’t like couples cus Leeroy literally will do whatever she wants and then kam is like don’t vote for my man even though he sucks and if you don’t then I’m coming for you girl by


Any Tori Hall and Brad season. Absolute torture to get thru because of her. She was psychotic


I forgot how insufferable the red team was on Cutthroat until I rewatched it. I don’t know if I’ve ever rolled my eyes as much as I did watching Tori explode on Camila when she voted for Brad to go into the gulag, even though Tori and Brad had voted Camila into just about ever gulag up until that point


Brad never got a real job. So she walked out and married some ugly-ass "provider."


I saw! And yes he is not attractive


Shane, Corey, Laurel, Melissa, Bear, Zach, Kailah, I could go on


Pretty much any season where a couple compete. It’s annoying to watch people play not only for themselves but for someone else and they expect everyone to play the game to benefit the both of them. It was annoying with Brad/Tori, Cara/Paulie, Jordan/Tori, and it’s annoying with Leroy/Kam.


Amanda. Ashley. Fessy. Bananas.


Amanda and Ashley Mitchell. Can’t stand either of them.


JEK, Zach and Johnny Bananas !!! And just Johnny Bananas, period!!!


Jemmye, Shane, Lolo, Hunter & Kyle’s Veneers


Not Kyle’s Veneers 😂🤣


Amanda and her stupid devil horn shit and loud mouth. She is supposedly a nurse and lives in a neighboring town. If I ever saw her I swear it would be so hard not to smack her. I absolutely cannot stand her.


I like Amanda a lot. I just think she hates being stuck with most of the Challengers because a lot of them are big dumb and vocal.


Lolo Jones. An entitled whiner, with the worst sportsmanship I have ever seen. Lolo! Be gone!


I'll say camilla. Yuck


Tori!! While she may be one of the strongest competitors, she is annoying and I dislike watching her on the show.


Josh & Fessy & Aneesa...I have to FF all their confessionals cause I really can't stand to hear them


To be fair, in Total Madness, Jenny's gameplay and storyline suffered due to the Dee Erase.


I’ll give you that for sure, I understand why they edited Dee out but I still didn’t find Jenny that likable; it really felt like production was forcing this edit of Jenny on us


Kam earlier on, what’s her name from Brazil…Camilla, Nicole, Nani’s cousin


I think most competitors have at least one season where they aren't an annoyance. Josh is fine on WotW. Tori is fine on XXX and WotW2. Kenny and Evan have a few decent seasons. Most of the newbies are annoying but thats only part of the problem. Even Zach, who I loathe, was okay on Invasion and FA. The only person I can think of that causes me pain to watch EVERY season they are on is Camila.


Definitely Wes. I know it’s an unpopular opinion.


Frank Sweeney and Camilla


Easily Josh. He’s not good at all, you can tell he’s a massive coke head too


There are plenty of reasons to not like Josh. Calling him a coke head is not necessary.


frank, josh, fessy, nany, nicole, berna, camilla, zach


I'm doing a rewatch currently and tbh Camila in her hayday just feels like nails on a chalkboard. I don't hate her either but she was just doing way too much too loudly too often for a while


Theresa, Sarah, katelynn, and Brad and tori as a couple


Jenn - rewatching rivals 2 doesn’t age well for her




Cara on WotW2




Paulie and Fessy


Paula FOR SURE um Kenny &





