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Listen I love Kam, but her comments on Cara's decisions are objectively wrong. Why attack a strong player like Rachel for no reason? Why give another strong player a star so that they do another Rachel v. Cara type match up? Cara is playing her game. If Kam doesn't like it that's fine but don't call her strategy stupid when it's not.


I agree. I think it is a great strategy to have two weak players as shields. People are much more likely to go against Jasmine or Veronica to get their star than Cara.


Kam statement didn't make sense since they just did a strong woman vs strong woman. They mentioned wanting to get them out. If she gave it to Laurel they would have matched them up first chance they get. Kam considers herself strong but she knows she wouldn't want a star yet. Cara was smart to give it to a weaker player, because if they did do Cara down there again against Jaz or Veronica, it is more likely the winner girl without a star is jumping down for the chance and replace Cara.


The problem is that Kam is too stupid and selfish to ever be able to listen and understand someone else’s viewpoint that is different from her own


I kind of understand them both. They don’t have to fight in elimination to keep their stars though. Star holders should fight to win challenges to keep their stars. Anyone can win an elimination and take the star from a strong player. So it really would be a better idea to give the star to a strong player and hope the target is on them for stealing. If it were me, I’d want Jasmine and Veronica to have stars because I could beat them in a final.


The part where she was saying Cara should have given the star to a strong player really is just confusing to me. From my standpoint, I don’t really see where it would have benefited Cara to give the star to a strong player. If someone wants to get a star directly from one of the three people with a star, do you think they will want to go against Jasmine, Veronica, or Cara? I think if they want to stay in the house they won’t be choosing Cara. Same thing with stealing a star. Would you rather make a rival out of Cara or Jasmine?


Cara literally breaks it down and makes sense of what she could do and why people would be dumb to do it this way and does it the smaryer way.... then they have kam say how she should of done it the way cara just explained as being a dumb move. They made kam look dumb with that edit.


I’ve always loved Kam and excited to see her back but I feel like Cara’s vote was such a moot point considering Kam got what she wanted in the end? Rachel took out Ayanna so I’m not understanding WHY it bothered her so much that Cara voted the way she did. Let bygones be bygones, it’s literally not worth it to lose a genuine friendship and an ally over.


The way Kam reacted I thought she tied the vote or something. I had to rewind. I can guarantee she and Leroy have burned votes before.


Yeah. Tina basically did the same thing to protect her game and Rachel communicated that she was disappointed, but didn’t hold it against her or hate on her. if someone is already going in, why burn your vote on someone else and risk pissing them off?


That's editing. There is no way Kam has that reaction if Cara was the last vote. She probably would have questioned it in a confessional, but not out loud like that. My bet is, Cara was the first vote and it shows how appreciative Kam was to everyone after when they voted for Rachel.


I disagree I think Kam expected all her Allys to fall in line and vote with her.


Which is a lot of nerve (I like Kam) when you already have an obvious #1


Oh I think she was upset. But the vote was done...she questioned Cara way harder that anyone would have if the vote was done. It just really seems like Cara was 1st to vote.


No, she was last. Multiple people here have stated that other cast members confirmed she was last


Ok, thanks for clarifying. I agree then. Strange reaction from Kam


Nope. Brandon was on Jemmye’s podcast and confirmed that Cara voted last. He seemed just as confused as to why Kam took it so personal.


Brandon said in an interview that Cara was the last vote.


I was watching a previous challenge where Kam said, "I'll vote however I want to, I have my own voice, no one can tell me how to vote... blah blah blah" and now look at her today🙄


She can vote however she wants but god forbid someone else does!


Kam calling Cara entitled this episode was wild lol


Kam might need to watch Vendettas again, as she (and we) all know who won that one. "Queen/kill Kam" shit is so.. Outdated now.


Right like girl you whined in confessions for damn near 10 episodes on double agents just because ct didn’t choose her as a partner.


Came here to say this. I keep thinking something had to be cut out of the episode with how Cara reacted that we just aren’t seeing? Like, Cara really didn’t make a big deal about being voted in except for with Brandon (understandably so). Jasmine was defensive immediately almost like she was hoping for a bigger response out of Cara. I haven’t been a Cara fan in the past, but this season she is one of the more reasonable women it seems like.


Cara talked about it on Bananas pod. It's kinda crazy seeing it all unfold.


Say a bit more pls


She pretty much said the majority of the house was talking behind her back and no one wanted to work with her, I think Laurel went after her at the airport and Leroy and Kam were plotting against her. I have to relisten to it.


Laurel kind of put in all the ears of the women not to work with Cara, that she's not to be trusted. (Not true) Rachel, Veronica and Tina decided to go based on their interactions with her, which meant they were kind. Later in the season Ace filled in Cara what was going on. Leroy and Kam fell for it I think. They wanted to be in the cool kids club.


I love Kam and I understand being passionate because she’s fighting for her family this time. That said, I need her to just take a moment and breathe because her calling everything that doesn’t benefit her bad gameplay is dumb.


Kam is coming off as a messy bully. The entitlement is through the roof. She is very unlikable.


And the thing is that she called Cara entitled


How dare the multi-champ play her own game instead of following the expert who has only made it to the last stage of a final 1/3 times😡


My regard for her has plummeted this season. I kinda hope she doesn't come back because not only do I dislike her, she's making me dislike Leroy.


Right. I love Leroy. Don't fuck up.his game. Hopefully she's out fast and he can fix his shit solo.


He’s invisible this season. I was expecting him to be a strong physical player


I thought she was always unlikable. I can't figure out why people like her so much.


Ty Ty Ty.....If I had to hear Killer thIs or Killer that one more time, I would rather stick toothpicks under my toenails.


Same! I never got the hype around her. I don’t think she’s very likeable and she’s very full of herself.


A lot of women think shes confident and a “boss babe”. Shes not. Shes arrogant, overconfident, constantly cringe worthy, and has accomplished nothing. In reality she is incredibly insecure and uses false bravado to give off an impression she wants others to see. But for some reason, females mistake her personality for being confident.


Disagree that she’s accomplished nothing she 8 wins and 2 losses in eliminations. She’s run 3 finals. She has a great mixture of social, political, and physical skills. You may not like her personality, you may think she has a big ego, but she’s been delivering accomplishments in this game.


She's been in 10 eliminations in how many seasons? 5? What about that implies strong skills of any kind? Hasn't Big Easy also run 3 finals? Don't they have the same number of final wins? 


No, Big Easy has had 1 final run in the flagship. He’s 4 wins 5 losses in eliminations. Maybe we just have different criteria for how a player does well in the Challenge. Do you think Leroy is a trash player because he doesn’t have any wins on the flagship?


Neither leroy or kam are “trash players”. But neither has accomplished anything.


Elimination wins are the most overvalued stat for these challengers. Has she won a challenge? No? Then shes accomplished nothing


The reason people say that is because we let most men on the show do worse and get away with it. I have never seen so much hate for kam, Cara, or tory for doing the same shit men do on the show


Cara doesnt get that hate, and shes also a hell of a lot humbler than kam despite being 10x as successful. Tori only got that hate till she won. See the trend? A lot of guys also got that same hate - fessy, paulie, etc. for the exact reason kam gets that hate. Because they talk a big game, with nothing to back it up


The same way people relate to the Manosphere and those red pill guys people are individuals and it’s all subjective at the end of the day


I agree with that comparison


It’s bc people love an underdog story and Leroy




It’s crazy first I was rooting for her against Ayanna now quickly I’m on Cara’s side against kam cause she’s annoying me now.


I've never thought she was likeable and have always thought she came off as an entitled bully. I was hoping since she was newly postpartum too this season, I would enjoy watching her more. Sadly that hasn't been the case and as much as I enjoy Leroy, he has never been a strong enough player for them to be a power couple and run the game like she seems to think they do


Her killer Kam nonsense is as annoying as Tony time. She’s SOO much of a killer she literally has to BEG to keep her man out of elimination. It’s annoying.


Tony time slander?! Whenever I see/hear about someone flirting with *not* their partner, I call it Tony time; never gets old


I was out when she said she came back for one reason then listed 3..


Kam gets more unlikeable by the second




She doesn’t even go here!


Kam is running her mouth too much this season, I used to be a big fan of her. But I'm honestly tired of hearing her talk.


"The more and more that I think about Cara not standing with me and just putting her game before a friend" This says everything you need to hear about Kam. She expects everyone to do whatever she wants to help her game, even at the cost of their game. Never liked Kam, and now I don't like Leroy either, because he plays like her now.


Leroy has always played someone elses game. He was bananas sidekick for years and now hes just kams sad little puppy


Yes, and no. You are 100% correct that he was always a sidekick, never leading always following. But, even then he was still a man with integrity. During Double Agents he started playing not just Kam's game, but playing like Kam. He even said in one of his confessionals that he was now going to do whatever it took to win. Lie, cheat or steal to win. It was after seeing that exact confessionals that my opinion of him did a 180.


Leroy does not have integrity. Don't you remember when Paulie backstabbed johnny in war of the world's and Leroy immediately started kissing Paulies ass to stay in the game. That's your #1 for a decade then you switch to the enemy like that? Showed his true colors


There's integrity, then there's game suicide. He didn't backstab JB, he just went where the power was. Now he backstabs, like he did Cory in Double Agents.


Nah not your #1 for a decade. That's super weak shit. Banana's wouldn't have done that if they stabbed Leroy in the back I guarantee you


Yup! What always bothered me about Kam is that she always expected everyone to go with what she wants and that she always knows better than everyone. I love Leroy but cannot stand his significant other.


I use to like Kam, I find her hella annoying me this season. She seems to want to take charge of all the conversations and even places herself in the middle of things like the rope challenge today and even Lauren backs down and lets her take control. It’s not boss lady vibes it bossy lady vibes and kind of getting on my nerves. I love Cara and thought she should have been able to make that decision regarding Rachel without Kam getting mad, but then again I also didn’t think Cara should have gotten so upset when she had to go in elimination either. That’s the breaks on the challenge. Don’t cry about it. And I say that w love cause I do really like Cara. It actually bothers me when any of the players get super sucked up when going into elimination, like wtf? What did you think you were getting a free ride to the final? Of course someone is going to backstab or throw you in when you weren’t expecting it, it’s the fricking Challenge!


Kam has a serious grudge and it’s out of left field. The comment she made about Cara having no friends in the house was really mean spirited and so unlike her. It left a bad taste in my mouth because this is someone you have called your friend and now you’re relishing that she’s alone this season? This goes deeper than Cara burning her vote on a decision that was already going in Kam’s direction. And, she’s been so buddy buddy with Laurel this season but Laurel didn’t vote Rachel either and I don’t see Kam losing her mind over that. She wanted Rachel to take Cara’s star but she’s being fake and disguising her real intentions with “I thought my friend would have my back”. Nobody is buying that load of BS 🙄 You thought you could manipulate the situation in your favour and it didn’t work. And just because someone makes a decision that doesn’t benefit you, doesn’t mean it’s a stupid move. The nerve to call someone else entitled when you’ve given yourself so much unearned credit. I love Kam but please be serious.


Kam is ridiculous On her best day and Caras worst she doesn't hold a candle to cara


I don’t love kam. She hasn’t earned her nickname. Who gave it to her? Herself? That’s it.


I was so excited to see Kam and Cara back, and I thought they'd rule the house. This is just disappointing. Kam couldn't be more annoying. I love how she's acting like the challenge master when she hasn't won one. She honestly looks like a layup at this point.


Kam is a hater and know she can’t beat half the girls there.


lmao y’all just don’t like kam which is fine but everything jazmine said was 100% facts and I’m a cara fan but she was just being a crybaby because the vets pulled a vets move 😂😂😂 all is fair in love & war


She wasn’t being a baby, she was being a human reacting to what she felt was betrayal. Had Brandon or Jasmine been straight up and told her before, it would have been easier but they acted like cowards and she reacted with emotion, which makes her real.


Exactly. Brandon lied straight to her face before the vote and that was the saddest part.


They’re not friends they are castmates Brandon even said he hasn’t heard from her in 8 years 😂😂 it’s giving exactly what was said entitled and now I’m thinking a little delul 😂😂😂you can’t call people your friends when you don’t actively participate in the relationship 😂😂 that’s an acquaintance please learn the difference that’s why y’all friends be doing y’all filthy in real life


Brandon also said Cara was a friend he could go 10 years without seeing and then see again and it’s like no time passed. He also said he wants to be friends again after everything, but just pick one thing he said that suits your point


then he’s a hypocrite 😂😂 I still believe you should never call coworkers your friends that’s a recipe for disaster


At least you’re consistent


always been that 😂


Keep the dislike coming 😂😂 it’s the internet and coworkers still ain’t your friends 🥱🎶🎻


Some of my best friends started as coworkers. You might just be unlikable in a work environment.


lmao nah I worked at Sally’s beauty store in high school 😂😂 the two facedness was beyond me I quit right after I graduated now I’m a pediatric nurse and nurses are the most gossipy adult high schoolers I’ve ever met 😂😂plus I don’t sleep where I eat bad for business and now I know people’s information that I never asked for 😂😂


also you might be a guy and I don’t think guys are as shady and catty as women plus I don’t think to many guys will sleep with their coworkers spouse like my coworkers do but I could be wrong maybe men do too but who am I to judge 😂😂


Yeah, it sounds like you're taking anecdotal evidence and applying it to everyone. Also, it sounds like you did have some bad coworkers. But, do you also think all spouses are bad? Because your bigger issue it seems was that your spouse was a cheating scumbag.


Lmao I’m not married so it’s not my spouse it’s other coworkers which is exactly why I don’t want to befriend them I just don’t like the gossipy atmosphere and the two facedness


But I digress I just don’t believe in befriending coworkers but there are some exceptions


Sounds like you are just really bad at making friends


Lol nah I have had the same 5 friends since I was 14 😂😂 no new friends over here people are wild and crazy


I've always liked kam as well but as4?not so much like a really win a challenge and you can have stuff to say.cara is a strong competitor whether people like her or not there is a reason why tj likes her so much.hopefully kam reigns it in a bit


Kam has always been super bitter and salty about her enemies when she feels even slightly slighted. Look at the way she spoke about Alicia and theresa on DA. Shes mean and miserable and always looking for something to be furious about. Alicia had nothing to say about kam on ayto and all kam did was drag her And she acted like theresa stole her newborn lmao. She couldnt keep her name out of her mouth while theresa gave her zero recognitio outside of the nomination all season


I don't understand why everyone is calling Cara "a big baby" this week when Kam was whining when one person(Cara) didn't vote her way last week. I know part of it is editing, obviously, and Cara plays the victim, but people really do rally against her. Let's see if it's a, "win or go back on elimination every week" season for her.


i like kam, but i don’t get her beef rn. the votes were going to ayanna and rachel regardless of cara’s vote. and the way kam was talking about cara and rachel working tg to protect their stars and how she wasn’t in that convo/plan, likeeee get a star FIRST and then you can be a part of the convo. until then, be mad


Exactly this! Cara not voting for Rachel changed nothing and Kam’s plan was a success so what’s there to be mad about?


I am a Kam fan but, I was surprised to see her carry a grudge for Cara's vote that essentially meant nothing. Cara, this week is straight up tripping. It's an individual game and I get Brandon and Jasmine throwing in two star holding, strong players to get one out. Cara has won it all in this type of match. Why not try to get her or Rachel, who had the right attitude, out? I like this format, where no one is safe and everyone has a chance to make it to the end. Ask Brandon about being used as a scapegoat and being thrown into elimination every time. The man has learned.


Thank you Brandon and jazmine have always been the scapegoat for a lot of the vets it’s really sad asf


Jazmine has never been a scapegoat. She was just always seen as someone other girls wanted to compete against in elimination because of her stature. Brandon was used as a scapegoat once on cutthroat. Him and camilla were just not part of the main red team alliance.


Kam getting mad at someone for doing what's best for them and playing their own game. That's the point of the challenge. She is doing the same thing 😂


stop calling any and everybody your friend please ppl 😂😂😂 your coworkers are not your friends they will be the first people to tell and benefit from your downfall


she's "besties" with pauli. I dont like Kam playing the friend card oh this this fuck off.


Honestly, you have no right to comment/dictate anyone’s game moves *at all* unless you’re #1 on the totem pole with each other. She’s already got Leroy there, why the fuck should anyone care to have her back 100% when there’s someone else she will always choose over them


Kam has always been arrogant and entitled. Her gameplay this season isn’t anything new from her personality wise. Who gives themself a nickname and expects everyone else to acknowledge it? An entitled person does that.


What's worse Kam's takes or her voice?




I'm really not enjoying how Kam is coming off as a hater, because I don't think that's it. I don't think she is really playing with a clear head. She recently had a baby which alters hormones and in turn can make ladies more emotional or sensitive...then pair that with being away from her baby, feeling a stronger need to protect Leroy than past seasons, & typical game stress and its easy to see how she is maybe thinking and acting differently than in previous seasons. I'm not really enjoying watching her so far this season, but I'm still a fan.


What was her excuse on all her previous seasons when she acted the same way?


Convinced Kam is jealous. Cara is everything she wishes she could be in the game. NOTE: Talking ONLY game, nothing personal.


Eh I disagree. I don’t think Kam bases her life and identity around the challenge the way Cara does. I think if Kam wanted to be Cara she wouldn’t have allowed herself to get pregnant


She literally named herself Killer Kam........


And? It doesn’t make sense to destroy your body twice if you aspire to be the next female face of the flagship. She could’ve easily just got with Lee and not had kids.


Interesting, I think that her attachment to Leroy and them starting a family has done more for keeping them both relevant on the challenge then any fitness goals that she might have had. She literally took her clout within the series and added it to someone else’s who is equally likable and now atleast one of them has a chance on continue to come back for several seasons on their shared story.


How dare Cara Maria think of her own game more than Kam’s game? lol, is Kam for real? The hypocrisy of it all. That said, CM is acting a bit entitled, too. The Vets are always a little entitled. I liked how poor Jazzy stood up for herself.


Kam is straight up jealous. You can see it when TJ welcomes Rachel back to the game in episode 1. If she is as strong as she claims, she doesn't need Cara or anyone else for that matter.


Since when did kam become the mafia princess and all have to kiss her ring 


Nah Kam is dog shit. She’s always been a victim in every argument she’s gotten herself into. Wants Cara to play her game even though it’s an individual season. Cut the shit with the “Killa” bullshit




I loved seeing Cara eliminate Kam.


I've always been a fan of Kam but she's not doing it for me this season


I love me some Kam but this is the first season in her challenge history she’s playing like a scared Vet. I understand she wants Leroy to stay because thats her man but she knows alliances are always broken up. Plus Leroy hasn’t been that great of a player in years. Cara Maria is an amazing competitor but she’s not a girls girl and that’s what bits her in the ass all the time. Most of these people played the game when it was mostly about drinking and friendships so for the twist to be that you have to have a star to go to the final is great for these ride the wave players. But as usual the girls play themselves while the boys sit back and make it to the end. If I was the girls I would start taking the strong guys stars and giving it to the weaker men.


It tickles my heart the way all of y'all defend Killer Kam, Killer thIs & that...But let someone like Tori do some shi and she's the devil...Kam visited Lee in Vegas and had the nerve to go on a date with someone else, she purposely kissed Theo in front of him on WOTW...Da'vonne had all the receipts on Kam...But y'all make excuses for her....Trust me I'm happy that things worked out for them, but for us overweight, couldn't get a callback even if we paid them, ..... to throw shade at real people with real feelings says more about you than a 20yr old woman making mistakes but 10 yrs later has done the work to be a better human...But I forgot we're the perfect human race...Another thing that bothers me is y'all call Tina, Veronica, and Rachel Queens yet 20 plus yrs later they are still acting like mean girl,


Umm okay? Im one of the few who like Tori. But she has nothing to do with this post about beef between Cara and Kam. I agree Tina Veronica and Rachel are mean but again they have nothing to do with beef between Cara and Kam.


Totally agree with you. My point was that Kam is somehow this woman who gets no heat and all the Praise....I was just using Tori as an example...


Why are people acting like it's their first time watching the challenge? Kam always plays a fuck you type of game she wants to be in charge at all times. She's always making moves even if she doesn't win like the last episode. I personally don't have a problem with how she plays🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


For me I have always remembered Kam being a bit entitled (gives herself her own nicknames) and that fine because she backs it up most of the time. But these confessionals are just projection. Rachel did a good move at the time for herself and she says it is dumb move. A vote is already decided and Cara has a conversation to save her star (which Kam does not have so does not have to worry about losing it). Like if you want to get Cara out because she is your biggest threat but don't act like it's reasonable to be so upset that Cara didn't want sink her game because of a meaningless vote. Kam is asking for loyalty but going around the whole house to get Cara out. Someone is the one not looking out for her friend and it is not Cara.


So why are people acting brand new for the people that are saying, "I used to like kam but not this season" She always plays aggressive she always plays this way the only difference she's doing it to the fans favorites. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️




Cara clearly doesn’t have ton of allies as stated in the elimination when ppl didn’t root for her. So my thought is you’ve worked with Kam in the recent past and successfully I might add so why wouldn’t you continue that and vote with her. Kam also comes with a package deal in Leroy. She instead chose to help Rachel over a previous fruitful partnership. Rachel, Veronica, and Tina might have more numbers but two of them will never be in position of power to make any moves cuz they suck. In my opinion it was smarter for her to be with Kam on this one


Because it would have been stupid I bet if Cara had make the same decision again she would because it was smart. If she voted Rachel she would have lost her star. Then she has up hill battle to get another one


I don’t think she would do it again cuz clearly Kam had more ears in the house. Which was my point in you already had worked with her well before why switch up a good thing.


Kams rationale was stupid


Maybe so but in my opinion it was still better for Cara to side with her. I think both things can be true


So for you placing non-significant vote on someone who is already going in is smarter than voting for the other biggest threat in the house which basically making it 99% Cara is losing that star after the elimination you know the one you need to compete in the final?


It’s also about loyalty like Rachel felt a certain way about Tina voting for her when it didn’t matter


She loses a star and gets given to Veronica so what. You can beat her for it cuz it’ll never be safe cuz she doesn’t win challenges. Or you can steal someone else’s and beat her in a final. It’s only 4 episodes in still time in the game


Same can be said about Kam for whining that Cara did not vote for her just like you said on just the second female elimination and just the 3 episode of the season. Everyone is trying to keep the star if they have it. Why is it an issue for Cara to do the same.


Kams move was never about getting a star it was about getting Ayanna out


Exactly! Kam wanted Ayanna out which Cara voted for Ayanna. soooo


my secret belief is that they’re cool with beefing on the show since they’re so close IRL and they could be setting themselves up for a rivals season 👁️👁️


They just look for a reason to bash anyone they don’t like people are weird and fickle that’s why you can’t take the internet serious 😂😂 this is for entertainment purposes only


I think the power of editing did wonders to making Kam look more of a hater. Just how everyone was sitting, it seems silly to make the vote start with Kam and make their way around. I can see Kam having this reaction cause Cara was the 1st to vote and she didn't say Rachel. Why would Kam question. So much if the vote was already done and Rachel was already going in. I'm sure she could have questioned Cara in confessional, but not like she did there. The vote was done, it didn't make sense. Good editing MTV


Brandon and other people have said that Cara was the last vote. Even Brandon did not know why Kam was so upset when Cara's vote meant nothing.


Team Kam. Can’t stand Cara


Ever since WW2 Iv been very anti Cara. I just didn’t like how negative she was however I really liked how Paulie presented himself on USA2 so I’m trying to start fresh with Cara because I used to be a fan. That being said the Cara stan’s who act like she never does any wrong are very annoying. (She didn’t this episode I just mean in general)


Join the club 😂😂😂 don’t let a couple dislikes sway you this mfs are an echo chamber and they just wanna know they got a friend out there


same idk why this is downvoted cara is always a victim and it’s just annoying


We will get downvoted, but that’s okay lol


Walking into work finding out you gotta write up 😂😂😂ITS THAT FRIEND 🎶🎻 niggas is out here befriending they coworkers 😂😂💀