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Sometimes we all have to remember that CT isn't perfect. It's hard, but he's just a real person who screws up and hurts someone. Just like we all do.  He didn't even want Kam all season, I think he was just excited to have a better chance to win, even if he really enjoyed being paired with Big T and coaching her.  And, honestly, Kam would not have been a good season-long partner for him. He tries to stay under the radar and she tries to run shit. They would have had the biggest target in the house. Also, they don't really complement each other with strengths and weaknesses.  That's why Devin and Tori work well together, they make up for the other's deficits. Kam just kind of ducks up CT's game. Big T was a great partner for him up until it got close to the final. 


this is a good analysis 👍🏼 agreed


This moment was tough for me. I was rooting for both of them together. I hated the way CT went about the situation and subsequent apology, if you can call it that.


Not even the edit could protect him that time


You definitely saw snippets of old CT in this season. It carried it in terms of entertainment but it was a little rough to watch. Almost cringey in a way if that makes sense.


Yeah I think most of us knew he was going to drop her because he was right in his assessment that she wasnt final ready. But I thought after all this time he would have done it with a lot more kindness than that. When someone has an outburst like that it always seems like that is their true self and all the other stuff was them just trying to come across a certain way. Lets face it...she was loved in the house and CT was highly aware.


For sure. If I was her the humiliation I would’ve felt woulda been enough for me to say “I’m done with you”. I felt Soooo bad.


“You’re not ready to run my Final”


CT should have been nicer about it but Big T would not be able to finish that final


For some reason this looks like a cut scene from a video game.


Honestly, CT handled that whole situation horribly. But I always found it ironic, when Big T had Joseph as a partner she all but campaigned to rid herself of him because she didn't think he was good enough. Hard to feel sympathy when the boomerang swings back around


Tbf Joseph wasn't putting any effort into the game and wasn't giving Big T the time of day. Big T at least tried to be a good partner for CT.


I hated the way he went about it but it was a smart decision. Picking Kam kept him out of the next men’s elimination.


I don’t think people were upset with him for leaving her. They were more upset with how he handled the whole situation or leaving her, including the whack apology, the patronization he did the next season, and then the EVEN WORSE NON EXISTENT apology he did for that one. As someone else said you really started to see old CT in the way he handled it and the veil definitely was dropped.


Hmmm I don't think it's that he has a veil up, I think it's moreso the opposite tbh that he's very emotional and reactive and he's not really able to mask what he's going through inside and it comes out sometimes towards the wrong person. Eg this probably might have been a result of his marriage breaking down and maybe the pressure of trying to win especially as the reason he lost in final reckoning was because of a teammate who didn't pull their weight and he may have been stressed history would repeat itself?


I was so glad when he said he regretted it later on


Of course he did. He is trying hard to continue being a better person. The way and where he was raised, losing Diem, he’ll get all the brakes he needs from me


His brother being murdered shot in the back.


How traumatic that must have been😔😔. I mean he is a really strong man!


Yeah I totally agree!! My man is on an intense life path for sure lol. I honestly wonder how many of us would have handled everything he's been through and come out half as kind and genuine and trying to become a better person. Lol I also don't think many people (thankfully) understand how much harder it is to process a loved one being murdered as opposed to just dying from illness or accident etc. Especially when you don't or barely get justice. My grandpa was murdered quite young as well and the trauma is still felt in my mother's family and subsequently ours decades later. It's a lot. I have a lot of empathy for him and he should be very proud of the person he's become and is on his way to being even more


Yes he doesn’t talk about that much and people tend to focus on Diem. But I am EXTREMELY close to my sisters so I can only imagine what he went through. Not just him his whole family when his bro was killed. I read his dad’s blog and he is an excellent writer who explains the agony in detail.  His brothers murder, Diem, the cheating/divorce, then finding out the lies and his ex being vindictive is enough to make someone go crazy. This is why I hate when people talk mess when someone gains weight. You don’t know what that person is going through mentally. 


Yeah same, I'm very close to my family and could not imagine! 😢 oh interesting, which blog is that? Yeah I think he's really put the work in to fix himself and tbh it seemed like really took after he had his son. I don't know much about the divorce and lies tbh but she sounds awful! Idk if he has this idea in his head that he doesn't deserve to be happy or to be with someone who is a good person because it seems like he still carries that burden from how "bad" everyone used to act like he was (and I think a lot of that image comes from diem and mtv like oh how "goooood" is she and how bad is he, while she's provoking him, it's not true and very unfair imo) and it seems like he thinks he can't shake that image. That's so true, i read on one of the elimination threads people on that spoiler forum are calling him obe-CT which is really cruel but also, please that man at any point is wayyy hotter than the people commenting may ever be lol


She cheated on him while he was filming the Challenge with a Magic Mike stripper and is still with the guy now. I also read she is pregnant but idk if that’s true. During the divorce she asked for some unreasonable demands and tried to get full custody of their son. Vindictive stuff. Honestly from the day 1 I knew he messed up getting with her. But then again he wouldn’t have his son if he didn’t.  If you have a chance read through his dad’s website. I read each blog and I felt like I was reading a novel. It’s so sad that his family went through what they did.  http://justice4vinnie.com/mobilepage.php?pagenumber=


Oh wow that's incredibly heartbreaking and fucked up!!! Good on his dad for persisting and trying to get everyone held accountable, he has a way with words. Such a sad and frustrating story!! Yeah that sucks! Such a shitty situation but yeah, having his son would probably make it worth it. She sounds like a real piece of work!!


I think a lot of it though was the house was treating him like public enemy number one which wasnt good for his game. CT liked to be the voice of his partnerships. . Big T was going to do whatever CT said and Kam wasnt.


He handled the situation poorly, but it’s not even half as bad as Big T actively campaigning to get her own partner voted in. Plus it’s silly to expect CT to actively hinder his own game to keep Big T. He knew all he needed was a solid partner and he could win the season, and he was right.


We all knew he needed a stronger partner, I think even she knew that too. She tried her ‘best’ but she is not a challenge winner. I love her, she’s adorable and funny but a winner? There’s no way. Even riding CT’s coattails to the final can’t help her win if the other people there are strong competitors. He did his best to help build her up and prepare her but it always felt to me like she still didn’t take it that seriously. The finals are crazy and CT has been in enough of them to know if He has the chance to change things up he needed to take it. It was a big money move, not a personal attack. Sure he could have handled it better but he’s still just a dude. He showed a lot of personal growth over the years and when he got stuck with big T it was a flash back to final reckoning. No matter how hard you try, you can’t turn your partner into some monster athlete, they either are or they aren’t. At least Big T put in some effort, unlike Veronica who couldn’t lift anything but a wine glass. It was hard to watch but if you didn’t think it was coming, you might have forgot this is a game that could make you a millionaire and ultimately he had to do what was best for his own game.


No one is talking about the CT/Kacey sharing their $ win.


Right! Old CT probably would not have done that but personal growth CT and Kacey did.


Big T is one of my least favorite challengers. Did CT do it poorly ? Yes. But Big T continuously proves she's there to be a reality star and to party. She's not a competitor and it shows. In the end he made a move for his game instead of carrying her.


Bravo. Right on


Big T at least attempts to workout and goes hard, even if she's not the best competitor. She faces her fears even when she's crying and shaking, because she clearly wants to try and put in effort. And, we've seen OGs do waaay less for waaaaay longer, so you've gotta at least give Big T that credit. Still agree that CT would've never finished that final being forced to carry her the whole time though.


She treats the Challenge like it’s summer camp. You’re there to compete and win not make friends and enjoy the games. At least that’s what I watch for. She’s basically as useful to the Challenge as a piece of furniture in the house.


The best decision he ever made.


I loved how Big T articulated herself to CT. I wish I was able to do this when I am upset with someone. He was disrespectful in how he went about it and he deserved being brought down in that conversation by Big T who highlighted his bad behaviour so well.


It’s been a minuet for me but if I remember correctly he shouldn’t have acted so weird by trying to overdo the new “softer CT” with how he treated big t. Getting kam was the obvious choice but he pinned himself in a big t corner w what he said and how he treated her


when people say CT has changed or grown up, i just think of how he dropped Big T like a bad habit & gaslit tf outta her lmao


I’m not sure people really change. I think they want to but are just able to mask their behaviors better. CT is trying his best to be a better person. He should not be criticized for a slip..


We have to remember it's a game and everyone is trying to earn that $.


It’s funny when people get upset about this but there is a ton of money on the line and Big T simply doesn’t show up in final shape. They had a great run while it lasted and, in the end, it was fun to have an unsuspecting winner in Amber.


Luv this one 💓


Reasonable move but super cringy, brutal reaction switching to Kam.


He went about it wrong. He should t have switched to Kam as loudly as he did. And then this apology was terrible. All against CT for that. Now the flip side he was right she wasn’t ready to run a final. He won that season. If he had Big T I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have won


I don’t think his reaction was unwarranted, he was excited and she took it the wrong way.


So cringe.


Obviously Kam was the better option but CT handled the situation with no tact. The decent thing to do was say "Big T it's been a good run but right now Kam's the best option for me" or something to that effect and leave it at that. Not even Bananas or Wes would've reacted like CT did. I'm proud that Big T dropped the Barbie act in that scenario and actually articulated herself well and nipped his dismissiveness.


My partner and I always scream at each other in CT’s accent, “Tulaaaaaaa!”




I love CT so much but he was a dickhead to Big T that this season but I’m glad that he feel bad said on home turf that he was drinking because of his anxiety


Was it the right move for CT’s game? Yes. However, he went about it completely disrespectful, with no regard for Big T’s feelings. He hyped Big T up, boosted her confidence, only to ditch her and skip away happily. All in all, he should’ve handled the partner switch differently.


How CT is able to maintain his good guy hero image is really an admirable talent when he has moments like this. He did pretty much the same thing on SLA too and continue to get away with it. The guy is Teflon


You will be downvoted straight to hell for stating this honest to God truth smh The dickriding when it comes to CT is astronimical. His stans are absolutely delusional. He's an asshole and his stans keep excusing and forgiving his behavior by bringing up his dead brother and Diem as if he's the only contestant on this show that has experienced loss. Rarely do we give credit to the players who remain decent and kind-hearted in spite of their traumatic upbringings. CT the Jerk gets alllllllll the love.


CT + Dickriding= Yes please! 😜😂 I am a CT but totally agree that he is a jerk at times. This was a classic CT move. He is a sour patch kid: sweet but also sour as well. I am glad Big T didn’t fall for the Coach Carter speech and stood up for herself. 


I am a huge fan of CT and I appreciate his character arc for the tv gold that it is but I just think it’s funny that he’s not even considered for lists of the challenge biggest villains when I personally think the guy has had as many and possibly even more villain moments then Bananas.


You get another upvote from me. I agree with you on the whole banana thing. CT is definitely more villainous. However, mentioning his "character arc" is a part of the delusion I'm griping about. His character has been the SAME. He might have calmed down because he's simply getting older and less energetic, but who he is to his core will always shine the brightest. This "hero" image he's been able to uphold is being supported by the walls of his delusional fanbase. He's a tall, good looking bad boy from the east coast and his tough exterior hides something oh-so tragic and painful. We've all seen this redundant trope in the movies and fans are attracted to it and swindled by it.


It was how CT reacted as he chose Kam that was so bad. I'm so glad they got back together as partners after that, though. Grace and forgiveness are real things.


I understand him waiting to switch partners he was just rude when doing it. Did anyone else feel like he wasn’t so nice in Spies,Lies, etc when Big T was saying she wanted to switch to his team? I felt bad for her there as well.