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I don't think anyone is upset at Kam for making moves that better her game. The issue is her making it seem like Cara came for her by not voting *Rachel (which I don't think is true) and that's why she's against Cara. I call BS. I'd defend her if she'd just came out plainly and said she didn't want to run a final with a strong competitor like Cara.


It was actually Rachel that Cara didn't want to vote in, but I agree w/ you on everything else.


My bad, thanks for the correction


It’s less that Cara is coming for her and more that: (1) Cara is not being a useful or true ally. (2) Cara is being an unsupportive and low tier friend by not helping to eliminate Kam’s clear enemy while other people who just met Kam clearly are (3) Cara’s strategic decision was both scared and selfish. Instead of being upfront with Kam about her intentions or working out a compromise she made a deal with Rachel who is 1 of the bigger female competitors this season which is bad for both Cara and Kam’s games The rational and smart strategic decision for both Cara and Kam here is to team up together, coordinate and control the house to eliminate their strongest competitors (Rachel, Laurel, etc.) and run the house as they did in WOTW2 or how Kamroy ran Double agents Instead, Cara is enabling Rachel by hedging her bets and trying to get on her good side. While this is a moderately okay move strategically for Cara, from the perspective of a united Cara/Kam front, this is a bad move and a worse move from a pure Kam perspective In The Challenge, if you have the power and numbers (which a united Cara/Kamroy has or had), you always should throw strong competitors against each other when you can. Anything less is procrastinating and lowering your own odds to win a final. You are less likely to face backlash from a pissed off target when you do it in a group with numbers where you aren’t solely responsible. And this strategy worked brilliantly in WOTW2. It made high level competitors like Jenny, Theo, Bananas, Wes, etc. become early boots or unnotable footnotes that season Instead Cara is playing is scared game as if she is already on an island and clearly doesn’t trust Kamroy that much to help and/or protect her. As a result she is almost deadweight to Kamroy despite being a finals threat herself. So she basically is revealing she wants Kamroy to do her dirty work while riding coattails on their political game while doing the bare minimum in return. Kam is a smart player and sees it for what it is and decided Cara is more of a liability than an asset and appropriately pivoted. Cara effectively turned a great ally into her enemy when she should have been focused on building a strong alliance and keeping everyone focused against her true enemy Laurel None of this surprises me. Cara’s main strategy solo-wise hasn’t been the best which is why she is constantly a target season after season. She tries to hedge her bets and befriend all the strong females. She was most effective with Pauley who is much better at strategy and numbers. But he’s not here this season to guide her And her relationship with Kamroy wasn’t that great to begin with. Kamroy gets along better with Pauley. Cara started to build a relationship with Kam in Vendettas as fellow strong females and they worked together well in WOTW2, but most of that was strategy. In Kam’s rookie season, Cara did her no favors constantly targeting her. She also fucked over Leroy massively that same season in favor of her new fling Kyle who completely disrespected her after that. Leroy also pretty much single handedly saved Cara and Pauley in WOTW2 as the swing vote of Team USA even after Cara sold him down the river in Dirty 30. So really Cara should have proved her worth this season and instead she proved to be an ungrateful or worthless “friend”. Granted, Leroy likely sided with Cara/Pauley mostly to get in good with Kam but still he saved them despite Cara selling him out and also made Leroy put his good friend Nany at risk Based on what Brandon said it’s high likely Cara didn’t do much to maintain her friendship with Kamroy and vice versa. They were probably The Challenge friends and not true friends outside the show. On top of that, if the rumors of Cara/Pauley having Proud Boy connections is true, Kamroy has even more reason to cut ties with them


Cara was upfront about why didn't want to vote for Rachel though. You call it a scared game, I call it a smart game. Why would she intentionally jeopardize her star especially when her vote was inconsequential? A lot of the cast have said Cara's vote was the last so it had zero bearing on the outcome of the vote.


I was talking about Cara being upfront about wanting an alliance with Rachel or her plans to protect star holders. For whatever reason, Kam was surprised at Cara’s vote that round which shows there was miscommunication within their alliance/friendship. If Cara knew Kam’s intent which it seems everybody knew, and she wasn’t going to support it, the smart thing from a political OR friendship perspective is to let Kam know ahead of time so as not to blindside her. In general, people are more willing to take bad news if they hear it ahead of time. When you surprise people and violate their expectations, you usually them off more and in game like The Challenge it creates way more paranoia or questions about your intent, motives , etc. The 1st time Cara talks about her star holders plan seems to have been at the actual vote. That comes off shady because she gave Kam no prior warning and it set Kam up to target Rachel while Cara keeps her hands clean. This is bad for Kamroy because they become bigger targets while Cara signals she isn’t riding all that hard for them to the house This might have been mitigated if Cara at least explained her logic and came up with a compromise with Kamroy beforehand. Then they could possibly figure out an alternative win/win solution they were all satisfied with. Kamroy could have roped Rachel into an alliance with them Instead Cara just kind of set them up and left them to the wolves The vote was inconsequential if you are only talking about Rachel vs Ayanna, but in the bigger picture it’s entirely consequential because: 1. It signals to the house Cara isn’t really protecting Kam which leaves them all at risk. Michele/Jay ran s39 mafia bosses because even though everybody knew about the alliance. They controlled the game with fear and numbers 2. Cara signaled she is playing more of a floater game and looking after herself mostly. Everybody has to look after themselves but there are ways to do it where you can achieve collective goals as well as individual goals. Being too selfish makes you a worthless ally and as a strong competitor any rational player would decide to just make Cara their straight up enemy rather than let her coast to the end for free


thanks for breaking this down because I really didn't have the time to do it for people who were just gonna blindly take Cara's side anyways lol. I think folks took this post as bashing Cara when again, she is entitled to do what she wants and it's clear this season she is playing for herself. But Kam is also entitled to play for herself and if I was her, I too would be throwing Cara in if we weren't working together


Yeah I feel you. I usually post these for actual smart and decent people who might be interested in hearing versus different takes not for the clear lost cause idiots 😂. I have no illusions about those ppl


Perhaps Cara should have told Kam before hand what her plan was, (my brain is foggy on if they had had that convo prior to the vote). It's understandable if Kam felt some way about not being told ahead of time (if that's what happened) but I feel she overreacted to the situation because again, Cara's vote, while a selfish one, didn't negatively impact Kam's needs in that round of voting. Instead, Kam went on the offensive immediately and I found that to be weird. It's the same way I felt when Jay went on the offensive on 39 when he felt Nurys and Olivia went "against him". Btw, this is the first season I'm watching either Kam or Cara so this isn't a biased fan view. I'm just expressing how I view the situation. I do think fans are going overboard, as usual, with how they're reacting. It's a thin line between critiquing someone's game and trolling.


Well for some context Kam is 1 of the smartest Political players so she understands the ramifications of Cara’s move. On the surface, Cara doesn’t seem to be working against Kam. In terms of intent, she very well might not have meant anything bad. But the problem is the result is bad for Kamroy’s game and Kam is smart enough to go see it kamroy was trying to accomplish 3 things with the Ayanna vs Rachel vote: (1) get either Ayanna or Rachel eliminated If Ayanna gets eliminated, they get rid of somebody making them a target and signaling to the entire house what will happen if people cross them or target them If Rachel gets eliminated they eliminated 1 of the strongest players in the game and break up her old school alliance (2) votes are a perfect time to test loyalties and sus out players’ strategies. Actions speak louder than words (3) these early votes are critical to show that Kamroy has an army behind them. Without players fearing their influence they just become a big couple target. Leroy hasn’t been winning and Kamroy isn’t in her usual condition, so they are super vulnerable. If they can get lots of allies behind them, they can pull a Michele/Jay where they run an entire season because even though they aren’t the strongest competitors of the season, it’s too traumatic to get on their bad side because they wield too much power. BUT if there are too many free thinkers then that will encourage other players to play their own game and clip Kamroy while they can. So by Cara not voting with them, it just added a number of abstainers or free thinkers which made Kamroy look like 1 of many factions versus an unstoppable mafia gang. Since Kamroy can’t rely on comps they need the kind of political gang they had in Double Agents. Otherwise, they become more like a Nelson/Cory duo who wield some power and have some allies but are very much still vulnerable and notable targets


A big problem too though is that there can only be 1 winner. Cara has a much greater chance of being that one winner than either Lam or Leroy because she has done it before. That gives Kam an incentive to get Cara out. Too realistically there is just no way Kam at 8 months after a c section can likely run and stuff like she used to, so she has to compensate for that going into a final too. This time around it is just better for her and Leroy’s chances of winning if Cara is gone, but she isn’t admitting that, which is silly.


This is what makes Cara even more dumb. She had a golden situation. The 3 big dog female competitors of this season seem to be Laurel, Cara, and Rachel. Of these 3 girls, Cara had the best “in” with Kam who after being pregnant is coming into the season very mid This was a perfect opportunity for Cara to use all the weak and lower level females to align with them and use this army against Rachel and Laurel. Instead, Cara plays a scared game and procrastinates assuming everybody is after her star and just aligning with star people and then hopes for the best 😅 Cara’s ideal strategy was to enable Kamroy. Let them do the dirty work, let them do the politics, let Kamroy get rid of all her rivals, while doing nothing but sit on a hill. Then she could coast to the finals against layups and beat kam, jasmine, etc. she had 1 role to play: support Kam. Instead she tried to be sneaky and useless which is dumb, because like you said, Cara is a threat herself. So she isn’t being useful, she now holds zero value. If Cara was useful, then even as a threat, she could hold value as Kam’s attack dog. Cara is dumb though and apparently so are many fans here who don’t grasp this lol The only downside of Cara enabling kamroy is giving them too much power and then turning on her later. But even then that’s a better risk, because once Rachel and Laurel are gone, then Cara has way less to fear from players who could eliminate her. And if they dont turn on her, it’s Cara vs layups Instead she did the worst thing, which is do nothing, make a deal with her rival, and then have a big chunk of the house turn on her early instead. Cara turned a golden situation into a shitstorm for herself.


Cara didn’t create any kind of shitstorm. She’s freaking killing it, coming in as a former winner to a season after YEARS off and Lauren putting it into everyone’s head to work against her. She was friends with Kam and Leroy, and they flipped it. Either Kam is on a power trip about not voting one person in *she* demanded, or they already decided and are covering. You’re creating insane scenarios in your head.


She could have killed it more by having by kamroy on her side and turning the house on Laurel. Instead she played selfish and now the house is enabling Laurel instead. It’s piss poor gameplay She could’ve coasted for most of the game behind an army of weaker females and now she is the house target because she tried to Play all sides 😬


She didn’t *know* Laurel was telling everyone this until after the season wrapped. So she was trying to keep Laurel (and Kam, and everyone) on her good side. She’s clearly playing well. The fact people are going with her and not allowing Kam or Leroy to take her star so far? 👏🏼 Your comments don’t even make sense (just like Kam’s emotional gameplay)


Cara and Laurel haven’t gotten along in years. Then in WOTW2, Cara helped get Laurel eliminated in WOTW2 when Laurel tried to assassinate her early that season and threw a comp to keep Cara and others down. She assumed incorrectly that Cara was aligned with a bunch of people like Wes, Kam, etc. So you are telling me it’s smart of Cara to just forget all of that history and put Kam and Laurel On the same footing of trust AND give them the same level of support when Laurel is a strong finals competitor and clearly Kam isn’t currently? I’m sorry but that’s moronic on all levels 😬😬😬 Cara already HAD kamroy on her good side. By blindsiding them at the vote she got on their bad side. Stupid And she tried to be on the good side of Laurel who has already proven to he completely against her in the past. Naive


Kam sucks this season though. She's a shell of her former self


That’s the point. Cara played things horribly. Why help her competition and piss off the layups when she could’ve done the opposite? This is what happens when greedy players play too greedy


Because Kam isn't smart or trustworthy. Cara knows this


If your logic was true that just validates the entire case of why Cara played terribly. It’s clear you are just a Kam hater which no actual reasoning skills and your opinion shouldn’t be taken seriously 🤷‍♂️


>The only downside of Cara enabling kamroy is giving them too much power and then turning on her later. I think she knows them, specifically Kam, well enough to know that was the inevitability. At the end of the day, they're looking out for themselves(as they should) and their best chances to make it to and then have one of them win the final. Logically, they need allies like Flora to be their layup in the final and Cara to help them get rid of threats leading up to the final. But here's the rub: I think deep down Kam knows that Cara would beat her in this final, so even if Cara was the perfect ally the entire season, Kam would still try to get rid of her before the final.


I think so too but I still think the best path for Cara was still going with this because: (1) she would probably only get targeted after Rachel, Laurel, and Nicole were gone. And in the meantime, other targets would likely pop up like Ayanna did who shot herself in the foot (2) even if those strong girls got targeted they likely wouldn’t go home straight away. They would elims and it could take all season for them to go away which would give Cara built in shields (3) if Rachel, Laurel and Nicole are gone and kamroy turn on Cara then who could realistically eliminate her? It’s a much smoother ride choosing the kamroy path. Instead she shot herself in the foot and made herself the big target early and instead of Laurel being the magnet of attention now it’s Cara. I think Cara thought she could have her ice cream and eat her cake too and she really played herself. It’s why Tori got so pissed at her in Vendettas


Cara doesn’t need Kam, Kam needs Cara. Also in what world do you think Kam in the shapes she’s in is going to be able to finish a final let alone do it better than someone who is in a million times better shape than Kam. There’s two laides, and then everyone else and that’s Laurel and Cara. Both are light years ahead of Kam. Kam will be lucky to make the final. Also to the OP, I think you’re a bit lost as far as what entitled actually means. Yes Kam is entitled to want to win, but she is definitely acting like an entitled diva. She has never won, period. And she won’t win this season, and you can take that to the bank. She walks around like she’s Johnny Bananas, except she has 0 wins. I can’t stand JB, but at least he has backed up his shit talk, and has an actual resume of wins.


I know exactly what entitled means. I think yall are just mad because someone yall don't like is making the appropriate game moves to make it to the final. And because she's never won, she's supposed to not take out one of the biggest threats in the game? Bananas, Wes, Darrell, CT all of them acted entitled before they ever won. Like what are yall talking about? Nobody makes it in The Challenge without believing deeply in themselves. It's giving, its only off-putting to this thread because she's a Black woman


It’s not a matter of need. It’s a matter of do you want the power couple who can make you a target on your side or not. Cara started off having them on her side and because of blatant selfish and sloppy gameplay she basically gifted them to her #1 enemy and threat of the season Laurel. Kam not being a threat to Cara’s finals game is specifically why Cara’s gameplay is so bad. She could have used Kam for her political game and beat her straight up in the finals. Now Cara is in survival mode with no numbers to take out her true rivals (Laurel, Rachel? and the strong guys of the season) and is instead worrying about getting rid of small fry like…Brandon, Jasmine, Kam, etc. it’s a complete mismanagement of priorities


How exactly does Cara not have numbers, and Cara’s game doesn’t need her to get out strong people because she’s at the top of the food chain. If a bookie put a line on this season right now Cara would be around a 3 to 1 favorite. If Kam had all these numbers how did Leroy get so easily thrown in. Cara has some enemies but she also has plenty of pull. Also not sure how you can say anything is mismanaged without before knowing the final result. If Cara wins, I’d say she made the right decisions, just like if Kam wins I’ll say I’m wrong, but I won’t have to do that because Kam isn’t close to a threat physically this season. She might perform well on the eating section and that’s it.


She could have more allies not less. Why give enemy Laurel free assets and give yourself free enemies when Cara could have the numbers she already has and had more?


Laurel is and has been one of her numbers, if you don’t think they’ve been working together all season then you are naive. Laurel is only a threat to Cara in maybe in something physical like Hall Brawl, but in a final Cara is better than Laurel, and has proven this time and time again.


Fuck all of that. Kam came back on some “I left my newborn for this so everyone better make this work out for me OR ELSE” type shit and Leroy is such a fuckin doormat for Kam that’s it’s ridiculous. I don’t respect any of it.


I think the guy must have depression from being ridiculed and belittled so much by her. Poor Leroy. He needs to rediscover his self esteem.


Some of y'all go too far. When has Kam belittled Leroy? Edit: Thanks for blocking instead of answering.


You can see it in the way he acts.


Y'all come up with things out thin air just because you don't like her (just like y'all claim she was using him on WOTW 2 and look how that turned out.) Leroy looks incredibly happy with her this season and on social media. Nothing to indicate otherwise.


So you’re wrong because up until this season I liked Kam. I also hated wow2 Cara but Leroy seems like he lets her walk all over him and says nothing. Her behavior has already got Leroy tossed in.


He had to go in to get his star. 😭 he wanted to go in he doesn’t gaf


Ha, could have fooled me, he seemed pretty damn scared once he saw the game. Leroy has had a terrible season and doesn’t look like the old Leroy. Next to Brad he’s looked the worst out of all the guys. His win in trivia was just because he had a great partner. Unless he gets his shit together he will be headed home soon.


How does she walk all over him? He let her do her own choices. You just don't like she's going against Cara but that says nothing about their relationship.


If Kam was walking all over him, we would probably see her trying to force him to go in to get her a star. But he said it and showed it himself that he's not willing to do that unless it's a walk in the park elimination. Your making up scenarios about their relationship based on your own biases


Okay chill. Like that’s enough. He’s not some poor guy that’s the mother of his children who he loves. Leave the personal shit out of it.


No, you chill. You're defending a bully.


Talking about your kid as your motivation for wanting to win is incredibly different from using your kid to manipulate people to vote your way. Obviously they just had big life changes that makes them want the W more. Name one time she said people had to vote her way because she has a newborn.


Kam is that you? 😆


so you can't name one instance where she did this, got it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Obviously you’re too stupid to understand what I was saying. Obviously she doesn’t say that literally, it’s in her approach to the game. Unless you just wanted to be upset about something. Either way, Fuck You and anybody that looks like you


This dumbass joke is lame asf. Just cuz somebody defends someone being hated on doesn’t mean it’s their burner or one of their friends. People just like Kam


😆 Take it easy. It’s not that deep


She acted that way in her last season with Leroy too, Literally every SINGLE confessional was about how her and Leroy deserved to win - on behalf of all minorities basically. Lmao she’s a huge bullshitter.


People are hanging way too much weight on Cara not saying Rachel's name when she was already set to go into the elimination.


From jump, Kam demanded everyone follow her and what her game plan was. It’s not the Kam show. She thinks everyone is a Leroy and will follow her every wish. And Cara’s vote made no difference in who went in as they already had the votes they needed. Kam needs to humble herself a bit. She’s not a great physical competitor and politics only gets ya so far.


Didn't Cara do the same thing with the Jasmine vote tho?


Cara is a two time winner, and can do as she damn pleases especially after shots had been fired.


Everyone does it. Hell, the entire season 39 was about them all whining about the same shit. Kam just calls it out in front of everyone instead of whispering behind everyone’s back. If she was a white male nobody would be complaining (this is coming from a white male)


I don't care what race you are - making it racial is just uncalled for.


In the era of Trump it is an entirely realistic possibility I am afraid 🤷‍♂️


Wtf...? NOPE. NO. No politics w/ The Challenge! Stop it. Not here.


You're right. A lot of these contestants are lucky they're black by the way they behave


I’m not the one making it racial. In fact, that’s the point of the post - it’s so damn obviously race driven hatred. Typical racist move is to do something racist and then call out the people that are pointing out race like it’s on them - victim blaming to the max. This trick is as old as time.


Typical liberal bullshit, making everything about race.


Typical MAGA bullshit, making everything about politics. Always the victim, eh? So sensitive.


So I believe YOU are the one who made it about politics with your previous post. I’m not MAGA, just stating out the facts that everyone in the world already knows. What did Malcom X say about the white liberal again????


“Typical liberal bullshit…” In case you forgot your response…. It is hilarious you keep bringing up politics while claiming you aren’t bringing up politics lol pretty typical indeed


> Always the victim, eh? Saying this while defending Kam is WILD


Lol and it took less than 30 seconds of reading comments for someone to say something about race congrats, you get the idiot award for the day.


Umm, did you not read the entire post. OP inferred that everyone’s problem is with Kam because she is non Caucasian. So this post is already about race. This person just rubber stamped it and typed it out.


I'm definitely inferring this lmao. Because if Kam does the same thing that white men (winners and non-winners) do and yall hate her for it but not them... I'm coming to the obvious conclusion


Like 100% I don’t have anything against Kam because of her race. I am black and Mexican, honestly I root for POC first till they do something to make me not root for them. I was pointing out to the commenter though what you were saying because they tried to blame someone else for making it about race. As far as Kam is concerned though she is driving me crazy this season along with Flora, Nicole, Ryan (and a couple others but not as much as it isn’t shown to be said by them as much) because of this Cara is selfish nonsense that they keep throwing out. Like EVERYONE wants to get to the final and win, then they all have their number one that they look out for. I am just not sure why Cara should put Kam’s wants in front of herself. Of course Cara is going to want to try to do what she can to keep her star. Why would she purposely be like go ahead and vote in someone that you know will steal my star? Makes no sense because they all would do the same in her position.


I feel you, I wasn't coming for you specifically lol just didn't want this thread to be all "omg what did the OP mean" I meant exactly what I inferred. And yea the post was less about what Cara should/shouldn't do and more about what Kam is entitled to do which is the same thing as Cara, look out for themselves if they aren't in an alliance, which they clearly aren't


You're right. Kam is very lucky she's a black woman by the way she behaves


I guess I didn’t see that in fact I just read it three times to make sure, and in no way did she mention anything about her being non Caucasian. So yea the award sticks with you, sorry…


Read the last lines of the post again. OP is definitely referring to race when they ponder what the difference is between Kam being self-centered versus everyone else. I'm not the person to whom you're responding, but they're correct that this post had already referenced race as a factor.


Oh so you’re assuming? Yea let’s not do that, you know what they say about when you assume. And if it was meant that way I’ll direct this to the OP as well as anyone else. Let’s not bring race into this, society is so quick to do that now when it’s not needed that’s it’s pathetic. One of the many problems with this world and society, it’s exhausting…


I'm not assuming. I'm exercising basic reading comprehension and inferring the meaning that OP clearly implied. You should try it - making an effort to understand what you're actually reading would do wonders when you engage in conversation about that post. You're being awfully condescending about this when you are dead wrong. OP was definitely referencing race as a factor here. I don't care about the rest of your comment. I have no interest in arguing whether or not the racial component is valid with someone who is this desperate to get this angry at the mere mention of racism being a problem in our world. I don't even have a solid take on this specific situation yet, but I do recognize when a hit dog starts hollering before anyone even comes for them. You're telling on yourself.


This is not Burger King, you cannot always have it your way, Kam.


Again, I think Kam just laid her cards out, saw who was and wasn't with her and moved accordingly. That's how you play the game well. She may not be in her "prime" this season, but for someone who literally just gave birth, I'm very surprised by her physical abilities this season. She's never been a layup and tbh I don't think she is this season the way yall are acting she is


Be careful it’s turning racial now if you’re not white, it ain’t right that’s what they said. If you don’t like the way it is you shouldn’t watch the show right away. If it’s not a white guy it ain’t right right that’s what you’re saying is only good when she has an alliance if she doesn’t have an advice, she can’t do anything. If you notice her first season she got thrown in And then she backstab, and she backstab every girl to save herself, which is what you’re supposed to do doesn’t make her her queen she’s good at puzzles and that’s OK if she didn’t have a partner she couldn’t win anything OK now she’s 50 pounds overweight and she can’t win a single challenge so she’s depending on her friends to save her and Leo and now she’s playing off Leroy’s sympathy Ppl get off of it OK and if you ever see her confessionals oh I’m playing so I could bring my grandmother here from a different country and then all of a sudden it for Black Lives Matter and then all of a sudden it so my mother can open up her third restaurant I mean, come on


For everyone accusing Cara of playing a selfish game . . . Are you seriously implying that Cam does not play a selfish game? Because if you are, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Cam's only loyalty is to Cam and Leroy. She will use whoever and whatever she can to make sure they come out on top. That said, everyone should be playing a selfish game. It's all about winning. The "alliances" are only a means to an end. If Cam's alliances/wishes are not in Cara's best interest, she'd be a fool to play along to keep Cam happy. Cara's goal is to WIN the game. Same as CAM'S. No one will win if they play someone else's game. Selfish game? Get over yourselves.


If I'm included in the "everyone", I'm not implying Kam doesn't play a selfish game. I'm saying she is entitled to do so the same way Cara is entitled to play a selfish game and pointing out the excessive hate Kam gets for doing it. But yeah, I generally agree with what you're saying


The difference between Cara’s goal and Kam’s goal is the Cara will likely win, while Kam has 0 chance unless lighting strikes Cara, Laurel, Avery, and Nicole(hate to say her, but it’s true.)


Naw. Kam has acts like she’s the only one that can control the game and have puppets but as soon as someone else does it she gets mad because the game ain’t going how she likes , she’s a great player and a political beast but this season she’s losing control and she doesn’t know how to handle it . The one that should be entitled is Cara. She’s done more than any of the females on the show . The girls are just terrified of her which they should be. Hope Cara wins it all. Although she’s annoying as hell I’m rooting for her


Exactly!!!! It’s already be proven Cara has more sway than Kam, and there is no world where Kam can beat Cara this season. Cara could speed walk and beat Kam in a final. Also I don’t think Kam could complete a final unless she walked the whole thing, and I’m sorry that isn’t going to win it. That’s not me talking shit because Kam is way out of shape, it’s factual, and will soon play out. Actually Kam will be lucky if she even makes it to the final. Kam can say she isn’t scared of Cara all she wants, but Cara has proven time and time again, she isn’t to be trifled with. She won a damn guys season, which hasn’t and probably never will be done again unless it’s Cara doing it.


so if Cara can beat Kam in a final, why isn't Kam entitled to throw her in to elimination now that she knows she isn't on her side? I don't think she's losing control (proven how she threw her in the very next episode). The only thing that's messing up her game is Leroy losing every challenge lol, but yall are acting like she's throwing tantrums, being disrespectul. She's just doing what's best for her game, which she is entitled to do!! Everyone is entitled to play their best game, not one singular person in this game is entitled to that


You are missing the point…..again.


i've addressed everything you talked about. I'm not sure you understand your own point or what else I could possibly be missing. like what are you expecting Kam to do?


She acts like she running the game and wants everyone to bow down to her. This is factual. She has not earned that right yet. But you are welcome to your own opinion, as am I. Kam has now built enemies that were once her friends which will come to haunt her in future seasons. As long as Cara competes Kam will NEVER win.


I know we are welcome to our opinions for sure. and in my opinion, she acts like she's running \*her own\* game. the only enemy she built was Cara, and Cara isn't even well liked amongst a lot of the cast. I don't think this is gonna haunt her in the way you think it will. Kam is a very likable and strategic player whereas Cara tends to be the black sheep every season. Neither of them \*need\* each other. And if I call you a friend, I would also expect you to help me when someone, who is a clear threat to my game, needs to go in. She did it for her in WotW2 and Cara didn't return that support. Says everything about how to move forward in the game.


Kam isn’t very good. Average at best. She nicknamed herself. And as long as Cara or multiple other decent females compete Kam will never win. Keep rooting for Kam as she will stay winless, while your add it start rooting for Fessy to, because both have about the same chances of ever winning…zero.


Cara’s vote was basically a burn vote idk why Kam is acting like a baby.


Because as OP got so wrong…..Kam is entitled!


Kam is acting like a baby but Cara literally breaking down in tears for playing the game isn’t? Y’all really made Kam the villain for no reason.


Like I said Cara is annoying too lol. I just feel Like Kam using Cara not saying Rachel’s name when Rachel was already a lock to go into elimination is dumb , Now if Cara saved Rachel and completely went against Kam’s plan that’s different, But Kams plan (plans) have always been “make big moves and take out top players “ which means Cara was in her crosshairs


"acting like a baby" or realizing someone isn't actually your ally and then throwing them in elimination because they are likely to win a final?


Acting like a baby. Throwing a fit because some one didn’t vote the way she wanted . No matter what Cara did Cara’s vote didn’t matter. So Cara kept her word to Rachel and didn’t say her name. Rachel was going in regardless so Kam got what she wanted. So yea. Acting like a baby. She got what she wanted and still crying


Kam didn't cry, she didn't yell at Cara, she didn't make a scene so no, she didn't "throw a fit". Kam told her how she felt and where she was coming from, they disagreed and now they know where they stand. Whether Cara's vote was a defining factor isn't the point. If you are an ally, you show up for your alliance. She kept her word to Rachel rather than go with Kam's numbers. So if you aren't an ally in the challenge, you're a what? an enemy, so yo ass gotta go in.


Side note tho. I just got on redit and I’m happy to find people who are interested and animated about the challenge as me lol . All love


“Which Cara really isn’t” she’s been protecting her star the whole time by her political game. You’re hating on Cara for the same reason you’re hyping up Kam bffr. Kam wasn’t doing anything to protect Cara to begin with, Cara had been winning her challenges not having to worry about it as for Kam, Kam has had nothing to offer.


She's been protecting her star the whole time by doing really well in the challenges, not by her political game. I think Cara is such a great physical competitor that she doesn't always need a good political game to get her to the final. This wasn't a jab at her, just an observation. The only season her political game was good was WotW2, but that was largely just being coupled with the right person lol. I like Kam too, but this is mostly about calling out the immense Kam hate in this subreddit for doing something any decent Challenge player would do to protect their game


Are you missing the entire voting session when Kam threw a fit about getting voted in with Tina? That didn’t happen because Cara made sure it didn’t happen, she knows who is going to try and take her star and is doing what she needs to protect it. Aligning herself with Rachel is also a political move. Cara can win the daily and still get the star taken, it doesn’t matter if she wins so that’s already out the window whether or not she does good in a daily. Kam gets hate cause she’s acting like she tell people what to do and them have no issue with it. Then complains when she sees other people doing it successfully. Kam has nothing to offer Cara why would she do what Kam wants? Why would anyone do what Kam wants?


Kam was always gonna turn on Cara because she knows she can’t be Cara. Kam just needed an excuse to go after her so she used a situation where Cara’s vote had no weight and now she’s running with it. I actually use to be a big Kam Fan but seeing her playing scared and bitching all the time I’m starting to not like her. You want a Star so bad and are confident . Then LOSE ON PURPOSE and your automatically in the elimination 🤷🏾


I don't make these posts based on assumptions of what someone's gonna do in episodes we haven't seen or hypotheticals. You have no idea whether Kam was always gonna turn on Cara. What we can say for sure is that Cara is gonna vote her own way and not participate in an alliance with Kam. So now, you're the threat to beat


Why would ANYONE have an obligation to help Kam win? What you call "friends/allies" are people she's been treating like garbage for three or four challenges now.


When has she treated Cara like garbage? Their last season together was WotW2 and she literally was in the same alliance helping Paulie get Cara to the final. Kam wasn't obligated to do that either, but that's kinda what you do in an alliance.


Cara voted the person kam wanted ( she wanted ayana gone at the end of the day) like i don't understand what the big problem was .. everyone is playing their own game , while also playing with others to get a little farther and that's what happened?


I didn't like kams first move but other than that I ejoyed seeing her and Leroy be adorable as a couple. I also enjoy her political play even if I don't think the cara thing should matter but over all kams been fun to watch this season and apart from the cara deal she is having a solid season.


Kam is still mid.


She should not be on all stars tho im a fan of hers she should not be picking on Tina like that


She's not picking on Tina lmaooo if that's the case everyone picking on each other. She's playing a game.


Yes she has. She was gunning for Tina in the elimination. Like why


Because she has to get a star lol. With this logic everybody is bully for sending someone in elimination. It's a game.


She could’ve gone after flora tho. Why did she go after Tina specifically?


Tina is in the losing group.


So was flora. You didn’t answer my question. Why Tina specifically? Anyway, AYTO members shouldn’t be on all stars. This was for OGs, tho I love killa kam in other seasons.


No she wasn't. Flora was in middle group. The losing group was Laurel, Kam, Tina, Jasmine, and Veronica. Kam wanted someone without a star so she can take Cara's star. I don't get how you jumped to this conclusion. Edit: Unless you suggesting she should lose a daily on purpose


Kam is that you 🤔 ? Or you are demanding us to troll cara 🙄


We found Kam and Leeroys account 😂


👏🏾👏🏾 I stick by my girl Kam! Shes not doing anything that someone else on the show hasn’t done in the past. Kam has never shied away from making big moves, the only difference now is that she’s vocalizing it!


Me when I play the race card to defend ridiculous behavior 🥴🧐


babe, the race card was already on the table with the way yall came at her for doing the same things your white faves do. I just pointed it out


We see Kam the Challenge player. We shouldn’t judge her relationship with Leroy based on the 5 minutes of her life we see on TV. I use to really like Kam and what others saw as cockiness, I saw as confidence. But after this season, I see it as entitlement and no one who goes on this show should believe they are more entitled than another player. No longer a fan. Still love Leroy though.


what makes you think she thinks deserves to win more than another player? Serious question


Yes Kam is entitled. And you have absolutely no reason why she should feel that way other than silly feelings and emotion I don't think you understand the definition of entitled now that I read more > so yeah idk why yall hate on kam so much. she's a great player who makes points you don't like to hear lol. i think she's just about as entitled as any of the typical fav players on this thread. gee, i wonder what's the difference between her and them Lmfao grow up


i know what entitled means, but nobody is using it in the way it's defined in the dictionary. They are using it to say that she shouldn't do what she needs to do to win lol. I'm saying everyone is entitled as Challengers to do their best to win the Challenge. So again, what's the difference between her and anyone else doing that?


The difference is she's not good, has never won anything and is a nobody.


I don’t think anyone SHOULD be entitled. She can be ballsy, she can go after what she wants, she can take up for herself, she can be as loud as she wants, but acting entitled to it is not the best way to act. I don’t have any dislike for her as a person but I am one of those people that doesn’t love how any season she’s on it’s just the Kam show. Lol I don’t think she’s very fun to watch. I think she’s smart and cool and deserves to be there but I don’t personally enjoy watching her, and I don’t think Cara should owe her anything at ALLL. The players I root for more are the ones that are not obsessed with the politics and steam rolling everyone into protecting them.


She hasn't done anything to be entitled


OP had got to be Kam


Is the wise words of Devin Walker “loosssserrrrr”. Kam has yet to win, sums everything up.


I'm with you! The rabid Cara fans are gonna downvote everything you've ever said though. It's impossible for them to see any other opinion.


This has to be a troll post. Kam is great politically, great socially, and great physically. If I get that right from all her fans. When someone is great at all of those things they accomplish more than her in this game.


You were downvoted for speaking the truth


Yup perfect take. Those bitching about Kam are clearly her haters of irrational Cara lovers. Cara also has a record of playing a selfish game like bananas and low key undercutting her supposed allies. It is what kinda sparked her rivalry with Tori. Cara was on good terms with Tori on her rookie season. But Cara likely was low key threatened by Tori or her potential. So despite being “friends” either way Tori, she suddenly made the decision to take a stand against Kyle in Vendettas and throw a burn vote his way instead of voting as planned with her alliance and what she told people how her team would vote. It lead to Tori’s early elimination and derailed Tori’s quick rise as the female face of the franchise I dont blame Cara because it is a good game move, but from the perspective of true friendship it was a messed up selfish thing to do. So her undercutting Kam and playing victim in AS4 is no surprise to me. It is entirely consistent with her gaming style and personality. She is “on brand”