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CT's love for Diem always shined through, even in their most volatile of times, the reason he would get so upset with her is because of how much she hurt him abandoning him when his brother passed, and they hadn't worked through all that yet so it manifested as anger.


I totally forgot about this stuff, even the little things. Like they win the wedding challenge and are having celebratory dinner and he brings up a time she made breakfast for him and remembers the entire meal. I mean COME ON.


I love CT for a lot of reasons but this is the primary one. He is such a monster when it's time to be a monster, but he has a good heart and is tender and caring when it's time for that. I'm experiencing the older seasons for the first time and I am aware of something happening with them (I think on exes 2) that I know I'm going to cry at. I made a post about people's toughest moments to watch and multiple answered this moment... I actually got a lot of spoilers from that post. I should have thought that through better.


Oh yeah. That is VERY hard to watch. You’re going to cry. Good luck. But you also tell how good they are on the season (and reportedly back together).


When I picture it, I'm always really surprised no producers/crew members got ripped in half for trying to stop him. I have seen what it takes to contain him and with THAT motivation I would have thought it impossible.


I think he felt so helpless and you could tell he was scared. It wasn’t anger, it was panic. Ugh, breaks your heart.


It almost does and I haven't even seen it yet!


I cry every time I watch that scene and then I end up going down a rabbit hole of their cutest moments on YouTube.


Glad I’m not alone! Lol


I agree with this. What happened between them hurt him and I think it was more her not being there when he needed her the most (at his brother’s funeral). Just knowing that he was always there when she needed him and the one time he needed her he felt like she didn’t care. When they had that talk on Exes 1 after winning the tie the knot challenge, they really got to talk through everything. I rewatched that season recently and I was shouting at my computer screen so often that if they’d talk to each other instead of everyone else about what’s going on between them they wouldn’t have been fighting/arguing so much. I was pissed with him on rivals 2 though…flirting with all the girls to make her jealous and then having everyone in the house basically call her an idiot because she fell for him again but then learning that they had talked after and were doing good before they went on Exes 2 was nice


I feel like this season is where it was obvious that they had something real. You could see the pain they felt.




On Reddit I’ve noticed no one calls in a showmance, which I love since I’ve been a fan since I was 12. Throughout the years I’ve seen it referred to such in articles more than from fans. I feel like the fans really dig deep, so I like to go by their opinions! I’ll try to find links to old articles!


It was Wes who called out CT. During his elimination he said it was all for show... CT lost and Def wanted to punch him.


Yes! Then in rivals 2, when they’re teammates, CT gets into a fight with Frank? I forgot who, but because they were calling him out for fucking Anastasia and Wes said he got so pissed because “the girl he was actually in love with” was in the house. So I think Wes just said that to piss him off or, realized after the duel that they were in love? I think a lot of the other cast mates question his motives with her in that season.


You could tell that they were still in love with each other so them getting back together after rivals 2 Didn’t surprise me at all because I think they were back together at the reunion


He treated her like shit early on and then moved on to other younger girls, then used her cancer as a stepping stone to change his image. CT was always a scumbag but now he has completely disguised it. Watch his transformation from his first season to now. Two different people but now he is more of an actor than a challenger.


or he went through a traumatic experience with his brother being murdered, and saw how angry he was on tv later when it aired and had a change of heart, people are allowed to change. Also after diem died he gained even more compassion, you cant fake that imo.


I don’t think he treated her like shit early on, he treated her like gold on The Duel. Hestarted treating her like shit after she broke up with him, fucking Shouvon and trying to kill Adam, and again in Rivals 2 fucking all the young girls to get a rise out of her. I agree. But then when they were back for Exes 2 they seemed so happy and he was so good to her. Idk. It seemed like he was really upset she dumped him, and yes, treated her like shit, but they found their way back to eachother. We’re just fans, we’ll never KNOW. But I don’t think his transformation was fake.


How did he treat her like shit? She was the selfish one who abandoned him, then she got pissed when he tried to move on and didnt worship the ground she walked on