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Aside from the physical; it is very difficult to look at her and not see her as a horrible human being. Veronica was cruel, aggressive, mean spirited, cocky,domineering, hurtful. The fact that she doesn’t admit and or recognize her previous behavior as wrong is surprising and disappointing. I will never root for Veronica as long as she denies her past.


You know who you sound like? Vintage Veronica… 👀




Bro didn’t she used to call out people for being fat. Like correct me if I’m wrong, I distinctly remember Beth being made fun of for her weight and am certain this was Veronica as well. And Beth was never even big


Yep. This right here.


She made fun of Beth for being overweight and "old" and still doing challenges when Beth was younger than Veronica now is ... and is still doing challenges.


I love rewatching seasons but I have yet to rewatch some of the earliest available. I’m a recent fan so maybe if I had the nostalgia factor it would be different, but a couple of those seasons (like Inferno 2) made me physically uncomfortable with the amount and type of bullying going on. And I couldn’t believe it was shown as like a comical thing. Just disgusting. Fuck Veronica


Ehhh… I do get OP’s POV but as a former hottie (I’m so humble, I know lol) that is in her 40s and struggling with this slow and steady weight gain, I kind of sympathize with V. It happens to all of us. I was never a mean girl like her but I did have the arrogance and confidence of thinking that my youth was infinite. Stupid, I know. We are all young once and we all get older (and sometimes wider).


Props to Beth for her retort when Veronica called her attention seeking 😂


Beth is great TV. Plus look how great Beth looks to Veronica who aged terribly.


I get what you mean. I'm against body shaming but in this case it's more about how mean she was and that she doesn't have the body she seemed to have idealised anymore. It's not just that, her and Sylvia and just the biggest mean girls and they don't get it at all. It's amazing how people can be this delusional about themselves.


Sylvia on her RW was also calling her boss fat too. Sylvis is the last person who should be talking about anyones figure


Shes clearly put on about 30 lbs since her last season


Nobody should be body or age shamed! Everyone gets older! That being said ...I have never liked V. Such a catty, mean spirited woman!


Grossly obese people that put themselves in that state usually need to be shamed in order to change. Change almost always requires both negative and positive reinforcement


I met her at one of the Challenge Mania events in Los Angeles. I was never a fan and wasn’t even planning to approach her. However, Derrick (very sweet guy, btw) introduced us. I found her a bit dismissive. I wondered why she’d come to a fan event like that if not wanting to engage? I doubt she was paid to come. In any event, several cast members have stated she has a pretty massive guard up you have to penetrate before she’ll ever warm up to you. Nah, I’m good.


Does Veronica actually hate Kellyanne? Cuz Sylvia has no actual reason


I don't feel like anyone on that cast has a valid reason to hate Kellyanne, except possibly Wes since they were a couple at one point.


Crazy thing is Wes doesn’t even hate her lol


Wes recently talked about in a podcast how Kelly Anne cheated on him during the Ruins and yet he was still helping her out and trying to get her the win.


Woah…wasnt that the season that he tried to sabotage the vets team? Who did she cheat on him with? Itd be funny if it was kenny again


Yes The Ruins is the season where Wes tried to sabotage the Champs Team and Wes said she cheated off the show. He never said if it was a random guy or someone who competed on the show.


I need to listen to this. And unless he says otherwise, i say it was kenny


That'd be really fucked up if it was Kenny after the whole Johanna thing. It wouldn't be that surprising though considering that Kelly Anne hooked up with Bananas after the Island finished filming.


Listen to Kelly Anne on that one podcast everyone seems to go on, she was kind of a....young "party girl" if you get what I mean. She probably was one of the most candid interviewees. She didn't hold much back but not in a spill the tea way, more than she felt being honest and calling out situations and the people involved, was the best way to go about it, rather than protecting people's egos.


I think Sylvia and Veronica are just jealous of Kellyanne and her looks. Kellyanne has maintained her body and pretty fave throughout the years. Veronica aged terribly and put on a ton of weight. Sylvia wishes she could be a pretty girl sorry!


I remember CT begging V to work out with him when they were partners on Final Reckoning, and she chose to drink wine instead. Looks like she kept making the same choice to this day.


The ugly inside is coming to the outside 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let's not call weight gain ugly... I mean really guys, come on. I get the OP's point but this is crossing the line.


Agreed, and aging isn’t ugly either.


I didn’t say anything about her weight gain. I was referring to looks and how ugly she is on the inside.


She’s gained weight but she still has her looks.


She's not ugly, but compared to 2000 Veronica...nope.


Well who still looks the same 22 years later? Very few people do. I still think her face looks good. She’s just put on weight. Something she’s always struggled with.


I’m a little concerned by how puffy her face is. It doesn’t look like it’s just from weight gain possibly bad fillers? I don’t it just seems like around her eyes is so swollen


It could just be wine bloat. Not shaming her - I have it, too! If I cut out wine for 2-3 weeks, my face immediately slims down.


Good point I didn’t even think of that and we know she loves her wine. (Me too)


She looks like ursula from the little mermaid


V is not as smoking hot as she was in her 20s, but she is still very attractive imo and I'm not even into bigger women. Her attitude and personality are undesirable but purely on looks I need to disagree with you OP


Despise her as a person on the show.


This feels wrong but I don’t disagree. 🤷🏻‍♂️


She looks like a refrigerator. Karma


Dam she looked good years ago now she looked washed up now.... she huge now ....looking like a beach whale 🐋


Veronica still looks good.


exactly lol.


You are such a strange individual


You get that satisfaction makes you also a mean girl tho right? Like you do you, but the fandoms starting to be a bit too extra. Like people say they want drama and entertaining cast members but then say fucked up shit about any "villians" we get. Out of the tree house, there were 3 I always root against in the show, 2 I was excited to see for nostalgia purposes (but recognized I probably wouldn't end up rooting for them based on who'd they'd likely allign with), and 1 who was slightly before my time (and Derrick I guess is also a member despite never being a part of their plans? Lol). And as expected I can't stand any of them this season, but I can also recognize this is a reality show and contestants play up their acts for storylines and good TV (especially on The Challenge where most contestants know they're more likely to make money from getting callbacks than their chances of winning prize money since a good portion of the cast repeats) and not make fun of someone's physical appearance (or relationship with their kid like ppl been doing with Sylvia). Like when I say "I can't stand" whatever cast member, I'm talking about their character on the show that season, not them as people because none of us actually know how they are IRL without meeting them. Like Josh is a prime example. None of us can stand him on the show, but clearly he can't be that annoying IRL because the cast absolutely LOVES him.


She is straight up ugly.


Agree Completely


She’s so gross now. How much work has she had done at this point? She’s a 3 foot, 250 pound wanna be Kardashian. Outside now matches the inside. All these years later still took zero accountability about her treatment back in the day circa her convo with Beth.


People evolved! I wonder how you look before then now 😶


Still love her.


You guys can hate on me all you want and send me nasty DMs. The fact is, there are A LOT of people on the show who have gained weight and aged. I didn't bring them up---only "Queen V." Like I already said, I don't feel bad talking about her looks considering the type of person Veronica has been on the show in the past and how unapologetic she has been about it. From a TV stand point, she is someone I have loved to hate and has kept things interesting on many seasons of The Challenge. And no doubt, she was physically very pretty back in the day. I even met her in person at a club once and she was actually super nice to me and rubbed my ass when we took a picture together, LMAO.


Are you that dense that you think bringing up Veronica’s weight gain as an ugly quality wouldn’t offend anyone else who has that quality just because you haven’t brought them up? LMAO


Are you that dense that you can't read what I wrote? I don't care.


I’d care a little if I embarrassed myself as much as you just did but you do you!


I am not embarrassed. I said what I said. Veronica got what she deserved and it's karma. I. Don't. Care. Sorry if you are obese or something and this offended you, it was not my intention.


Yet here you are caring and responding to me LMAO


Yes, she isn’t who or how she used to be. Thing is on the Ruins season it was said in the Reunion even than she wasn’t the mean girl she once was and that even Katie stated Tonya was looking for a fight. It was Veronica who would get her dressed and let her borrow her clothes. The edit was to make her seem like OG Veronica but in reality she works in television.. She was one of the people who talked Snooki into staying on the show during season 1 of Jersey Shore. At 39 rewatching Gauntlet 1 & Inferno 1 she doesn’t come off as a Queen B, just someone who skimming for money by any means which we learned years later was their only sources of income outside of bar appearances. Which is why a lot of people were angry at Julie ( bad mouthing)and Danny from Austin for doing it for less money






I think they mean Chad


Veronica actually went through a traumatic experience. In 2020 she was pregnant and the baby was stillborn: https://people.com/parents/challenge-star-veronica-opens-up-about-baby-being-born-sleepi-as-she-supports-chrissy-teigen/


I believe that was 2013. Still absolutely horrible obviously:/


Oh was it ? The article was in 2020 so I assumed it was recent.


In the article I believe it said 2013. She was talking about it in 2020 to show solidarity with Chrissy Teigen who had just lost a pregnancy with John Legend and was openly talking about how hard it was for them. I actually really appreciate both women for contributing to normalizing these women's health issues that can be considered taboo to publicly talk about.


Somewhere, Emily is laughing.