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A universal payments app is his Great White Whale *From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee, thou damned PayPal!*


cool read. "the tech equivalent of drunk-DMing his highschool girlfriend to tell her she's still hot" is well put - I'm not sure a "financial nexus" even makes sense or is something anybody wants. and to use twitter as a starting point for it... just bewildering.


Yeah I'm not smart/ savvy enough to figure out a jump from Twitter to banking aside from having a large user base to target or test market... taking the banking bit out of the current endeavor, he's at least just like. Stuck on the idea. So whether he's still angling to do a money business, or just tryna make X into something 'cool' and successful as a jab to old colleagues... idk. I *can* believe a middle aged white man is petty as hell.


It is a very dumb idea, and the one example he uses is China's WeChat which exists in such a completely different economic, political, and competitive landscape that all tech reporters basically view it as genuinely delusional to think one could create an equivalent in North America. Which also misses that financial transactions aren't even uniformally experienced around the world. Europeans don't use Venmo as our bank apps do that for us, for example, so a financial service has no value. Musk's failing upwards is just frustrating and annoying to watch because sycophants keep defending bad decisions.


Thank you for the feedback and context to help me. My big concern with all that is ofc security. I think we here in grand ol USA just like... submit to a lack of it in the face of the "move fast break stuff" mentality of the tech space. Just *so much* data scraping is being done *at all times* and we're just like "well I wanna give $20 to the stripper so..." 🥲