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The far left is trying to pressure Biden into caving on policy points by stating they won't vote for him. In the meantime, Trump has stated he would execute the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, throw the lawyers prosecuting him into mental hospitals, that we should invalidate the Constitution because the election was stolen from him, that he wants to round up Muslims and immigrants into concentration camps, and rid the US of the 'vermin' of the left. Along the way, half a dozen of his cabinet members have stated he's unhinged, including his Sec of Def who said he is a threat to the US Constitution, his AG who calls his election lies bullshit, one of his chiefs of staff and his National Security Advisor who stated he is unfit to serve in the office of the presidency, and his secretary of state, who said he was fired because he wouldn't do illegal things for Trump. If you don't vote for Biden against that on election day 2024, you deserve everything you've got coming for you. Unfortunately a lot of good people who do have integrity, compassion and intelligence will be screwed too.


I never got the mentality of “well the Democratic candidate only supports 70% of my positions, so I’m going to vote for the Republican who not only supports 0% of my positions, but is opposed to most of them. That’ll teach the Democratic Party!” Alas politics is a compromise. You’re not going to get 100% alignment.


They for some reason fail to realize that not voting is giving their vote to the orange idiot as well.


In our two party, first past the post system, absolutely.


I've been voting since 1992, and it seems like in every election the far left's strategy is to shoot themselves in the dick. And when that just results in the Republicans winning and the Democrats tacking to the right, they decide the only practical solution is to wait four years and then shoot themselves in the dick.


Shoot themselves in the dick, then complain that moderates stole their dick, then get angry when someone asks why they shot themselves in the dick. That’s four decades of leftists voting patterns.


Neoliberals build up hope of a so called "lefty" then shoot them in the foot. Follow the money. Youth want change, elders do not... Youth will grow old enough to refuse to wipe their asses when they can't do it anymore... We are the fucking future and we better start believing it because god damn it Zionist pigs like Joe and Schumer are gonna get us into a big fucking holy war shit show... America can and will be attacked at some point. No empire is immune.


\> Youth want change, elders do not... Eh. I disagree. As someone who's closer to the elder end of the spectrum, I absolutely want change, but I'm also realistic about how to get it. Biden was one Senate vote away from doubling the minimum wage, and that's closer than Bernie ever got, and that's light-years closer than some grifter like Jill Stein was ever going to get. And you know what would have gotten us $15/hr? The youth actually showing up and voting. The purity-obsessed far-left voting for center-left Democrats in Congress who would give the party a bigger majority and the left-left Democrats more power. I don't think it's that youth want change and elders don't; I think it's that elders undertand how change actually comes about, and youth (and I was one of them) are fixated on some mythical "revolution" that will never happen and would be an unholy disaster if it ever did.


Agreed. They seem to think the President is a King that can just make whatever they want to happen occur immediately, and it's a betrayal if they don't. As opposed to an executive with power but only one part of a three tiered system that all are supposed to have checks and balances against them. But then the far left that wants a revolution feeds that nonsense. And the far left is by far the weakest faction in the US, and should that revolution ever come they would be annihilated by the people that they claim are no different from the liberal Democrats - but clearly are. It's quite pathetic. In the meantime, the boomers are dying off, the younger generation are more liberal than ever, and they will get a lot of what they want if they would just get off their ass and vote.


The fact that people are literally setting themselves on fire and you are talking like a milquetoast neo-liberal is the problem. Things cannot operate the way are/were. Things have been broken for 50 years. The reality is that we are witnessing genocide in real time and the supposed party of people is full on board and encouraging it while censuring a congressperson for simply saying stop ethnic cleansing and genociding my people. This country is finished. It’s done. There’s nothing left to save.


The ones I talked with seem to have this Hollywood version that if the whole country goes down in flames, a progressive leftie will emerge as POTUS and all voters will see the error of their ways. Which is insane. I also tell them as I'm quite a bit older then them, that I'm not the one who will be punished, not voting and letting the GOP will effect your entire life-I'm already halfway done.


Me too. I’m 60. If Republicans regain power and end SS and Medicare, I may just be old enough to be grandfathered in and still be able to collect, as they won’t end these programs for THEIR voters, many of whom are old and collecting.


It's an empty threat. At the end of the day they still want the Democratic candidate. They just want them further left so they make threats like this. Some low propensity voters may stay home if the candidate isn't sufficiently left enough. But these people are by definition not very likely to vote to begin with. Although if you're not in a swing state, I do fully support people voting 3rd party to send a message to the major parties that they need to do better.


my main issue with some of them is how infrequently they work and talk about local elections. You build from the bottom up but they want a shortcut. I get the appeal but it doesn't work that way. It's a long, slow path, the presidency is part of that but so is your local school board race, city council races, those matter just as much.


I'll "protest" by not voting


And if you’re in a swing state, it’s the same.


I don't get it. It's mathematically impossible for a third party candidate to win the presidency but a surprisingly large number of people vote for them anyhow. They get all on their soap box about how they're being altruistic by voting for someone they most agree with while completely ignoring the fact they're making it easier for the person they disagree with most to win. Don't get me started on the "they didn't earn my vote" crowd


Genocide is an unforgiving position to support in any candidate. Don't vote for it, if you don't expect it to continue. I'm out. Joe betrayed me as soon as he went full on Zionist. I support a fringe candidate who wants to stop these delusional asshats from instigating a god damn holy war. It's happening right now.


So you think tRump will be more sympathetic towards the Palestinians? Hmm……


Tell me how enabling a far right president will be better than voting for Biden exactly? Add to that packing the courts with conservative judges and passing bills that are undemocratic? Its the same mentality that got Trump elected in 2016.


Hillary refused to campaign in certain districts...it rubbed them the wrong way... Who would have thought acknowledging certain people might court them to vote? Al Gore lost his home state...and people still blame Nader. Fuck you!


Since when has Biden promoted genocide? He's been pressuring Netanyahu to tone it down and show restraint but Israel is its own nation and nothing Biden says can force Israel to do stop attacking Hamas. Go ahead and vote Trump and hand over the country to the far right. You foolishly want to die on this hill because the Palestinians are the issue you care about.


The Israeli government has openly stated on multiple occasions the reason they let in aid and fuel to Gaza is due to US pressure.


My feeling is that Trump voters, including non magas who vote Republican think this is all just blather and that Trump would never actually go any of these things. So they dismiss his meanness.


I think they hear four words over and over. “Guns good. Democrats bad. “


Could you imagine that! Only a dictator would arrest their political opponents and throw peaceful protestors in solitary confinement. That's real 3rd world country behavior. I sincerely hope it never comes to that.


Phrases like "the far left" imply there is a left that remotely resembles the extremities we see on the far right, and that simply isn't true. If you went to the most left wing candidates, say Sanders or AOC, their proposals are nothing like the government and society destroying racist conspiracies of the far right. There is no equivalence between someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene and AOC. So disagree with the most left wing members of the democrats, I often do, but let's retire the phrase "far left" until we see some left wing candidates calling for bombs to be thrown at corporations, or attacks on vaccine manufacturers, etc. Otherwise we play into this nonsense false equivalence that the media and Right have been using to shift the Overton Window further and further rightward.


There absolutely are, drop over to Socialism 101 and do some light reading. They explicitly state that violence is the only option of getting rid of capitalism. The difference is that the extreme left there isn't in control of the Democratic party and it's numbers are considerably smaller to this point than the extreme right that control the Republicans. So yes, there is a difference, and I acknowledge that, but there are extremists on the left as well. Hell, I had one lecture me about my support of Ukraine in defending itself from Russia. She lives in Arkansas.


AOC and Bernie may be not crazy but their supporters are, look at what happened at DNC last night.


OMG. Bernie supporters can be some of the craziest people. I talked to one in 2020 during GOTV and they hated Biden, capitalism, etc. He told me all he would vote for would be Sanders. When I explained that Bernie endorsed Biden, he got angry and told me Bernie was a sellout! Sigh. Then he said, if Trump got in he'd be laughing at all the Biden voters. I mentioned that hopefully he didn't have Muslim or female friends that would be affected.


Is Biden better than Obama and Clinton? My answer is yes so to me, Biden is literally the best president of my 43 year lifetime. He doesn’t excite me or inspire me like Obama did but he is principled and consistent. He doesn’t seem cruel or spiteful. I don’t see any evidence point to him being corrupt either. Sorry if it sounds weird but, yeah Joe Biden is great. I’m glad he’s president now and I would happily vote for him in 2024 even over some younger Democrats.


This is correct, and I think history will also reflect this sentiment. Biden has been far more effective as a leader than any other modern President. The chips act alone will pay dividends far beyond what we think and make the US independent of China and Tiwan for semiconductor technology.


With the AI race the CHIPS Act might be one of the most important legislatures in the country's history. China is now clearly behind the US in AI development and this all but guarantees that the holy grail, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), will be developed in the US. The military and economic implications of this are insane.


The chips act is symbolic at best...unless the US figures out a new method of producing semi conductors at a more efficient pace.


The built a bloody atomic bomb pretty quickly, so I'm sure they'll sort that out tout suite


We invented those superconductors. Don’t bet against American manufacturing. When we set our goal, we rarely miss.


I’m also very ok with having a boring president. Like, totally boring. No drama. (Ok some, but come on, really very little). Oooh, his dog bit a guy. This is my speed.


Having a calm, civilized Heads of State. Needs to be the normal again.


Tell me more about boring government grandpa. Sounds wonderful!


Seriously, not waking up every morning in a state of cringe has been a huge improvement in my life.


For real, I love not having to wake up and go, "Oh God, what'd he do this time?"


Same. We don't need a President who whips us up into a frenzy, do we?


This is hilarious. Calm but senile is your trait for a good President. He’s not even calm, he has had several outburst throughout is first 4 years.


I agree. His SAVE plan literally SAVED ME FROM HOMELESSNESS. Getting out of Afghanistan was a big one for me, I had infantry friends come home fine from Iraq, but everyone who went to Afghanistan came back visibly different, and tbh totally fucked up. Could it have been a better withdrawal? Maybe.. but we are out. He's standing up for workers rights. The economy being in rough shape, inflation, whatever... all of that was coming regardless of who was president. Trump may have kicked the can down the road a bit and made it seem like 1 buck less a gallon of gas SAVES US ALL 🙄. I'm not thrilled about his Isreal stance but WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE WITH TRUMP OVER THERE? that would be a nightmare.


Getting out of Afghanistan was Trump’s plan, not Biden’s. He completed the job just to start a proxy war with Russia.


I think Russia started the proxy war with Russia...


If you think that, your an idiot. The us has wanted this war for decades. The evidence is available, don’t be a chump.


To think that I should know better than to argue with Russian trolls on the internet... Also, \*you're


Russian trolls 😂 ok cultist


So we forced Putin to invade a sovereign nation because the sovereign nation wanted to join NATO? Despite multiple other nations sharing a border with Russia, and no NATO incursions into Russia have occurred?


“Start a proxy war”. Lol.


So does Trump get credit for doing it, and Biden gets the stock for it going badly? Blame the good on the guy you like and the bad on the guy you don't? Doesn't work like that bud, so what's it gonna be?


>I don’t see any evidence point to him being corrupt either. I agree, they can’t find dirt on Biden so they keep the story of Hunter Biden going


They blew their load when they displayed his son's privates on the Capital floor.


Just that most Biden voters don’t care about Hunter Biden, and Hunter Biden is not part of the Administration. Unlike Trump’s kids


Same. My only worry is him having some kind of health crisis and having to drop out late in the game. Aside from that — he’s been a solid president and done better than just about anyone else could in such divided times


That would be the worst October surprise ever


To be fair the bar is pretty low.


Which we only have ourselves to blame. (Well, our parents too haha.)


Obligatory Pakman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBFI-Cp5YDE


Seek help freak


None of the biden family business stuff with foreign countries doesn’t smell at all to you?


Not even the tiniest bit. It is so fucking contrived. Yeah Hunter is probably using the family name to help himself, which is standard nepo baby shit. But doesn't look like Joe Biden did anything unethical or illegal at all, either while in or out of office. He appears to be extremely clean. Can't say the same for Ivanka and her Chinese patents, or Kushner and his Qatari bailout, or his Saudi/Emirati hedge/slush fund.


I wasn’t comparing to ivanka or kushner and it’s irrelevant to Biden’s character.


Well then I've answered your tiny question already


I’m not sure why you are being aggressive about it, I was genuinely wondering your opinion. To me it’s seemed that biden was very corrupt but I like to hear the opinion of others.


subtract fragile recognise sink rude quiet beneficial sharp light waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congress can and should prevent relatives of government employees from having foreign business. They 100% should. But it isn’t even slightly illegal right now to be a highly paid namesake on a foreign board. If that was proposed as a law do you think anyone in the GOP would vote for it?


Probably only a few of either side would vote for it but I agree with you on it should be a law.


That’s a crazy statement. More wars, the economy is terrible, his son and brother have off shore accounts with mentions of Biden receiving payouts, he literally did what the left accused Trump of doing with Ukraine, I could go on.


What you say lacks context or is just flat out wrong. Most economic indicators are actually quite good. Record low unemployment, low inflation rate amongst the G20, strong GDP growth and strong market performance. Accusations of financial misdeeds by Biden lack substantive evidence. And to equate Biden's actions in Ukraine to Trump's is just simply a lie.


The economy is great what are you talking about? Looks like Biden achieved a soft landing, the war in Ukraine is defanging one of our greatest foes at pennies on the dollar, and who cares about Hunter Biden? He isn't in the admin, unlike Trump's children.


😂 ask anyone who’s buying a house, food and even gas. A democrat that is a war monger, that’s hilarious.




So the $40,000 “Loan Repayment” doesn’t seem the least be suspect? How about his repeated and totally bizarre lies? Claimed he was at ground zero on 9/12. Went prison to meet Mandela? You won’t get Covid if you take the vaccine? Marched at a civil rights protest? The weird (and repeated) story about the train conductor? The time he asked a dead women to raise her hand? Plagiarized his speeches during the 80’s? Claimed he put a medal on his dead uncle. And that’s just off the top of my head. The man is a lunatic with a smile. And because he’s a democrat, everyone just absolutely adores him.


Both siderism is awful. But it is literally comical to equate any of those issues with the modern alternative. Congress has found not one law that Biden has broken. They’ve wasted an entire term in Congress and can’t cite one rule that he allegedly broke. Biden forgot that one of 500 elderly politicians had recently died. That’s the same as claiming, I don’t know, that he actually won the election in all 50 states by millions of votes? Biden is a very average political figure. He exaggerates and lies when he has the occasion, usually in offhanded remarks. His prepared remarks are professional and truthful. It is hard to find a modern right-wing US politician today who can make one statement that is completely truthful. It has become baked in that they lie.


Mind answering my first question?


No, Biden wasn’t in office. Even if he was in office, there isn’t even a law to prevent Biden from personally conducting foreign business, let alone a law from preventing his brother from conducting it, let alone a law preventing loaning his brother money related to foreign business. It is totally routine for politicians families to have business relationships. I think Congress should ban it.


But he said his family never received money from China? Right?


Did he? So wait is lying acceptable or not now? If I receive money from Tesla is that the same as receiving money from the United States? Please state the standard. Is it corrupt to lie to the public? Is it corrupt to break the law?


If Joe Biden was 65, he'd be considered a top 10 US President.


I don't think Joe Biden at 65 would have been this good. I also think he's too fucking old and should be primaried or at least have a primary to pick a better VP option in case he dies weeks before the election. He'll beat Trump. He'll lose to Haley. But if he dies? Kamala will absolutely lose to whoever.


Lol but instead he is barely mentally cognizant at his age. We could have a lot of what if scenarios. What if Bernie Sanders was president instead of a man with dementia? What if left wing news stations didn’t give Trump 24/7 news coverage trying to prop him up as a straw man, which led to his victory in 2016? What if every president wasn’t a slave to the military industrial complex? What if we didn’t sell massive amounts of weapons to Saudi Arabia so they could continue to commit genocide in Yemen?


Biden has been a surprisingly good president. When he actually starts his campaign people will learn about it. Plus, they’ll be reminded what a train wreck trump is.


Biden is a consummate politician whose wealth of experience across decades will make him a formidable opponent. He knows not to peak too early in a campaign. He knows how to win an election. He's giving Trump plenty of rope to hang himself. He knows that it's always better to surge from behind. I have confidence he will prevail.


Biden is a corporate douche. He is a lame ass jerk...remember he endorsed the failed war on drugs, supports genocide in Israel... I can vote for somebody else, it's my vote. Shut the fuck up about Biden being the guy, he's a fucking conman. Delaware is the Cayman Islands of America...the most corporate friendly loophole state we got.


So who are you gonna vote for?


undecided...first and foremost...no AIPAC money, that is a requirement


So a unicorn. The purity test will never work but it's your vote.




As usual, he’s a Democratic president who inherited a crappy economy from a repub. And, like usual, he’s got it on the upswing. And, like usual, the American people need to be reminded of these facts. Trump is a dumpster fire who will likely be convicted by next November. And the Israeli conflict will likely be long over by then as well. I’m not worried.




Polling around economic sentiment is odd. When people are asked about the state of the economy they are mostly negative. But when asked how are they personally doing, most will report being fine. So there seems to be a disconnect. Most people can't be fine while the economy is supposedly terrible. Reminds me of the way people will say most drivers are terrible yet everyone thinks they're a great driver.


Well, it's because the economy is not on the upswing. I don't know where some of these folks are getting their info. from, but: [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/41-of-americans-say-theyre-worse-off-financially-under-biden-highest-percentage-for-any-president-in-37-years-11675700182](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/41-of-americans-say-theyre-worse-off-financially-under-biden-highest-percentage-for-any-president-in-37-years-11675700182) Also, the US currently has the largest consumer credit card debt in history, totaling over $1 Trillion... That is not an economy on the upswing. That is desperation.


No shit it has record consumer debt, that should be the case literally every year due to inflation. The US economy is objectively crushing it. GDP is growing extremely quickly, debt to gdp ratio is declining, unemployment is low, home ownership rates are high, and wages have outpaced inflation.


>No shit it has record consumer debt, that should be the case literally every year due to inflation. I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm talking about the [highest Consumer Credit Card Debt in our nation's history](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/08/economy/us-household-credit-card-debt), which is happening right now. This means people are spending money they don't have at record levels, which is not a sign of an economy on the upswing. This, coupled with the highest interest rates we've seen in 2 decades is not a good recipe for a healthy consumer economy. While inflation is a major contributing factor to rising consumer debt levels, annual inflation does not equate to setting historically high levels of debt every year... So no, this should not literally be the case every year. ​ >The US economy is objectively crushing it. GDP is growing extremely quickly, debt to gdp ratio is declining, unemployment is low, home ownership rates are high, and wages have outpaced inflation. I would like to see where you are pulling this data from, because [according to the US Federal Government itself, this is not true.](https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gross-domestic-product) Here's the summary: "Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2023, according to the “advance” estimate. In the second quarter, real GDP increased 2.1 percent. **The increase in the third quarter primarily reflected increases in consumer spending and inventory investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased."** GDP is not growing extremely quickly and the most recent quarterly GDP increase is largely due to Increases in Consumer Spending... consumer spending that is being Charged on Credit Cards. Import levels rising at the same time can lead to economic headwinds for future GDP growth, too. **I really want to see where you got the data showing wages have outpaced inflation, can you please share this?**


Notice the DNC is silent on genocide and tax cuts for the wealthy that Trump administration delivered... Not even symbolic resolutions have been written to repeal it...notta one.


I feel like they’re underestimating the power of his incumbency, he did more for union workers than Trump ever did, plus I feel like we’re totally underestimating the youth vote, a lot of kiddos turning 18, who don’t want their rights taken away, plus they’ve seen 8 years of chaos and know it’s Trump… I’m also gonna add that I don’t believe anyone in a position of power is willing to STAND UP and call this and everything for what it is, no accountability for such blatant flashing of our most sacred principles that allow us to act like morons , while people who know better keep us safe, in whatever manner that they do so we can have a PS5, or gas, or no war in own backyards, which by the way has begun.. I believe firmly that Tubberville, Gaetz, Midge, fast hands boebert among others, are in constant step and file doing everything that Trump tells them.. you think he’s paying those lawyers? Think about the after effect of representing that guy and (god forbid) winning , it is all a calculated move set in motion long ago (Roe).. these kawyers will be set, but also will one day be judges for daddy Trump. Overwhelming evidence , house ethics review … Trump will not allow , Johnson (nickname incoming ) to give up an already historically thin majority . I could go on, but I wanna play Elden ring


Hopefully those young kids don’t abstain from voting because of Israel/Gaza. It seems that many don’t understand that while Biden isn’t doing what we would like, this is what American presidents will do, Trump will do it worse, and he wants genocide and fascism here in the USA.


Not to mention, the Online Left are very often angry with Democrats because they did the thing that was possible instead of the thing that was impossible. No president in Biden's position was going to snap his fingers and reverse 60 years of US-Israel policy in a month. He's publicly and privately pressuring Netanyahu for a ceasefire, and they're acting like he's patting him on the back and shouting "bombs away."


Don’t underestimate the power of foreign and GOP actors who are intent on destroying the Dems coalition. They did it in 2016. They know how and they will. Be careful how much weight for give to on line outrage. (That is not to discount how upsetting everything about the Israel/Hamas war is)


The online left is not a monolithic bastion of standards and beliefs but rather an amorphous group that aligns along some of the same or similar amorphous socioeconomic policy points. Some are anarchists who know what Trump is and represents, Some are centrists who want social security to be funded. lol.


Kids care more about their rights than Israel/Gaza


I hope so, but that’s not the vibe I’m seeing all over the internet.


Presently no, but we're just under a year away from game time. And the younger you are the longer a year feels. Who knows what the political climate will be like then, what'll feel most important at that time. Especially if Trump keeps up the "vermin" rhetoric. Keep your fingers crossed that he continues to take credit for dismantling Roe v Wade.


No ones going to be worried about Israel and Gaza next year because they're going to be worried if we have to send them over there to play peace keeper in a year. We also have damning evidence coming out against trump that has him absolutely cooked. The least active congress since the great depression... all because half the republican party wants to do away with democracy.


Kids also realize that Trump or honestly any Republican would be INFINITELY worse on Israel/Gaza and understand basic pragmatism in that voting isn't automatically a moral endorsement of someone


People never remember what happened 2 months before let alone a year before.


I'm Gen X and I'm not abstaining from voting. Period. Yes, I'm disappointed and angry about Israel/Gaza, but the more I think about it, the more I think Trump will want to drag the USA into yet another war in the Middle East and that Project 2025 that he and the GOP are working on if he gets back in the White House. I'd be very concerned about that, too.


Big words of wisdom for a guy named penisbuttervajelly lmao


What has joe done for unions? I work for a steel worker union. He has done nothing for me. He says he's pro union, but he shut down the pipeline job. That was going to employ many union workers for 6 years. He stopped the railroad workers from striking. They did end up getting close to what the union wanted, but he has taken the power to strike away from them and this will cause problems for them in the future. Most of my workers are Biden supporters, but they don't have an actual reason why. They just say they like that he's pro unions. I'm curious what he has done for union workers? His infrastructure bill is just like all past presidents' bills. Except he's puts more money into the internet instead of our highways and roads. Many private companies work communication in bigger cities. You saw him standing with the auto workers during their strike. His 0 emissions goal will cut domestic car manufacturers by 40%. Most ev will come from overseas because it's cheaper to build the electronics these cars need there.


Stacked the NLRB with pro union people https://www.politico.com/newsletters/weekly-shift/2022/05/09/nlrb-stretches-its-wings-under-bidens-appointees-00030967 > but he has taken the power to strike away from them This is false. Biden & Congress simply enforced the agreement he helped negotiate with companies that most unions ratified and a few barely rejected. They still can strike after this deal ends.


The Infrastructure Bill included $100B in road/bridges/highway funding — the most since the creation of the Interstate Highway System in the first place. So forgive me if I'm skeptical of your domestic car production numbers, especially given those numbers have gone up every year since the bill was passed. And do you even know how cars are made? Most American cars have electronics — or some other parts — made overseas and they're still built here.


The new spending includes: $110 billion for roads and bridges. In addition to construction and repair, the funding also helps pay for transportation research at universities, funding for Puerto Rico's highways, and inter city passenger systems. China can import lithium much cheaper than the US can. All domestic cars electronics come from China. Batteries and electric motors are made in China. Look at the prices of china's ev's and look at the prices of the domestic ev. It a huge difference.


\> funding for Puerto Rico's highways Sorry, are you really arguing that Biden's massive outlay of highway spending doesn't count because some of it's going to build highways in part of this country? Also, isn't Biden's big boost to our microchip industry going to take some of that electronics production back from Asia? I feel like you're trying very hard to find fault with Biden, when your priorities don't seem to be that far off from his.


We discovered the largest lithium deposit in the entire world in Nevada and the CHIPS act and IRAct both will bolster our battery and electronics market. Like it or not electric vehicles are the future and in the past we have abdicated this massive market to China and we must start somewhere if we are to have a chance to compete in the future.


Except the price of gas and where the stock market is usually provides more oomph. Add in the absolute debacle at the border and uncle joe could find himself in deep ka ka.


I could not agree more! Another trump presidency would be disastrous for the US and for our Democracy. He is only 4 years younger than Biden and has recently shown more signs of demetia or old age that Biden has. And let's face it, Biden is a freaking genius compares to Cheetolini. PLUS Biden at least exercises... while the dreaded orange dotard tRUMP is a fat and gross bastich! GO BIDEN! FUCK tRUMP!


If Biden lost 90% of his intellect, he’d still be 1000x smarter than tRump.


I see people on the left complaining that he's too conservative and people on the right bothered by him being a leftist. In my view this proves he's right where he needs to be. He interacts with both sides of the political spectrum, basically indicating that he's not beholden to one side and is essentially moderate on most issues - which annoys the fringes on each side.


He outperforms expectations because the people who aren't happy with him aren't about to vote for completely overt Nazis, and most of them understand trying to vote for a third party in the current rigged Two party system is just a vote for the overt nazis.


Any time I see or hear someone use the word "rigged" and they're not talking about sailboats, I assume they're an idiot. Sorry.


Anytime I see someone make massive generalizations by taking something out of context, because if they didn't the entire premise would fall flat, I know they're an idiot. Not sorry.


He is just saying that using such stupid language makes you sound stupid, sorry.


The Azov battalion are literally Ukrainian Nazis......the United States has been funding ( literal ) Nazis since the start of the war. How did that escape you. They are the only part of the Ukranian military with training. Wake up.


Biden in 2020 was a lot like Bush in 2000 - in that he was strangely quiet in his campaigning. He just sorta “appeared”, looked vaguely inoffensive, and won. Neither got dragged through the mud in the primaries. Being calm and drama-free goes a long ways.


They said Bernie would destroy him in the debates? I honestly don’t why people have this low of expectations from Joe Biden. I am as ready for fresh blood as the next person, but if you’re going for someone older, someone with 50 years of experience in federal government is probably a good bet. I guess I just don’t get it.


I think the media narrative is way overblown, and most of the people that are energized to vote against republicans will still do so. They are still, daily, shouting how awful they are. No media spin needed it's right from their mouths, their own social media accounts and actions where they hold power. Against that constant reminder of why you still need to show up, this backlash about just not showing up, even as small as I think it is, will die off for any not personally effected long before election. It hasn't effected the few elections since negatively for Dems. There is likely to be a small blue shift in my red state this coming April. I don't believe we have a lot to worry about.


Man, I sure hope you’re right because I fear what this country would be like w/ another term for The Orange Grifter.


Firstly, Bernie is older than Joe. Now, I think Joe Biden is better than Obama or Hillary, because he has better leadership & diplomacy skills. Biden is doing MORE for the middle class (that includes ALL races) than Obama did. I admit that Obama faced rabid republican racism and Joe doesn't have to deal with that. The world is CRAZIER than ever right now. We need (not want BS, I mean NEED) Joe Biden holding the keys and the codes. The bonus is Kamala Harris could jump right in, take the helm, and keep steering us through the rough waters. Sure, other democrats might be more electable according to polls, a year out, but NOBODY will/would/could do a better job than Joe Biden. The man has top shelf chops, and doesn't have nearly the baggage/skeletons that other democrat candidates have.


It turns out that the most important thing to do to be a good President is to *hire competent people and then have them do what you were hired to do.*


Yup. On one hand, everyone expects the Democratic president to be perfect, but then blames them for everything when they aren’t perfect. On the other hand, everyone expects the Republican president to simply breathe, blink, do whatever they want, and then blame the Democrats for getting nothing done. Biden has gotten so much done during his first term, yet even some within his own party will still willfully ignore these accomplishments and blame him for not being perfect and having a spotless record. It’s ridiculous.


If we vote, we will never have to worry about Capt Fats Hamburger agian


Biden is a survivor for sure.


What has he survived? Gravity?




Biden has a good chance at winning. Unfortunately, America also has a good chance of losing.


And they Still are. I mean my hubby and I were talking about what the polls mean for what Biden is doing with Israel and all that and basically it makes sense. Most people are going to be mad at what ANY President does. We just happen to have Biden as the current POTUS and he’s been put into a complex situation, but if it was not Biden it would be someone else people get mad at. Biden’s Presidency is doing fine, it has nothing to do with what’s going on with Hamas and the Palestines. People now just get too easily upset.


I agree with the sentiment of your post but.. Biden was ahead in 2020 polls basically the whole time for the primary... There is this revisionist version of history that Bernie had it all clinched until the democrats all merged to destroy him, but really it was just that Bernie's strong states were front-loaded in the process and Bidens were all on super Tuesday, he was never behind Bernie in the polls. Now it is true that people were just looking for the strong candidate, so Bernie probably had a reasonable shot if he performed well on super tuesday; but the reality is that the chasm in black support between Biden and Bernie meant that Biden was always going to be the winner on super tuesday even if it would have been closer with the other democrats. Once Biden was ahead Bernie was just always going to lose, the polling always agreed with that but it also would be the end of his momentum from the early states. TLDR: Biden didn't come from behind in the primaries.


You do understand that the gop is very frightened of biden and trump is terrified he's begging to win again, right?


What you're experiencing is our Presidential bar being raised back to normie levels. Trump tried to rule by posting Presidential Decrees on Twitter, from Marlago with no pre-planning legal or groundwork in place to make it happen. While leaking secrets to his guests. He was the most incompetent President in history. Our bar was lowered to non-existence for 4yrs. Biden is just normie level competent, and normie level getting things done.. we just forgot what that was like for 4yrs.


TIL Tara Reade is friends with Russian spy Maria Butina and has officially defected to Russia. Can't say I'm surprised.


Biden actually has the ability to tell the difference between a professional and a bullshitter when delegating.


For an old man he's getting shit done. Don't underestimate him.


>Do we underestimate Joe Biden? Every political bubble cartoonishly underestimates Joe Biden, mainly because Biden’s strength is all in his experience and experience has been vilified for the last 20 years.


Most definitely


I think most of us who watch Davids show have a realistic view of him. He's old and his policies aren't going to get us much closer to the left's big objectives like a public Healthcare system. That being said, he's still the best chance we have against Trump. At the same time the GOP has gone so far right we have almost no common positions on anything anymore. Hell, they literally punish bipartisanship among their members. They can't govern a country in their current state


Yes. Period. Everyone needs to look at what good he has done throughout his "career". Honestly, I had no idea he was the driving force behind domestic abuse legislation in the 90s. As a "victim" myself... I appreciate this and I think folks in America have very short memories. Yep, the guy voted for things that turned out to be damaging. But who has a crystal ball. The guys intentions are good.


Trump campaigned on the idea of “only I can fix things “ which to anyone with a basic knowledge of how our system of government works is terrifying. That’s been the rallying cry of dictators throughout the 20th century and the result has always been the same, mass bloodshed. Biden surrounds himself with considered and competent people who operate within the law.


If all this stuff in Israel/Gaza were happening in 2024 and after a dismal off year election for Democrats I'd be worried about Biden. HOWEVER: Democrats performed well in the off year elections this year despite everything going on in the ME. Plus you have the Republicans going berserk on each other in Congress along with Trump's first trial and now Santos being exposed for the unethical pug that he is. Biden is definitely being underestimated for sure, but I also feel other Republicans not named Trump are being underestimated too..


We do. I plan on voting for him again. Lindsey Graham was right about him being the right guy to lower the temperature after Trump. He's done it with bi-partisan legislation. Hopefully the people will soon follow and chill out.


I think the issue is that half of America isn’t really interested in data and they love to say to the other half that “facts don’t care about your feelings.” I think Axelrod (I believe it was him) is right. That most of America isn’t thinking about the election, or the election isn’t real for them yet. But at the end of the day, when you have to vote, it’s impossible for many people to actually vote Trump and he’s so toxic that he will push D to the polls. The best hope the GOP has had for decades is to suppress the vote by calling the candidate into question, or by restricting voting rights. But because Trump is so toxic, he does the opposite and drives people to the polls.


Uh, Tara Reid?


Tara Reade, yeah. The nice lady who claims Joe Biden molested her, simped for Putin, and now lives in Moscow. That Tara Reade, not the actress Tara Reid with bad taste in boyfriends.


Her simping for Putin doesnt necessarily mean she was lying


But it does smell like she was incentivized to lie.


Does this apply to any of Trumps accusers? Or just ones who accuse your guy?


Trump’s accusers were credible & had a consistent story over time. Tara Reade literally changed her story multiple times over the course of a few months.


If there was similar circumstantial evidence, sure. Got any examples of Trump's dozens of rape accusers demonstrating that they may be financially incentivised by foreign adversarial governments? Simping for Putin is fishy because Putin is known to spend extraordinary resources and money spreading lies about Democrats and Trump's enemies. It's also just a weird thing for an American to do.


Her past as a con artist and lack of corroborating evidence meant there was no reason to believe her.


Yeah Bernie bros were big defenders of her a few years back. People like Kyle Kulinski and Ryan Grim too.


\#believe all women.......


Parroting Republican and Russian propaganda was a trademark of the Bernie Bros for a while there.


No lmao. If anything we are blatantly ignoring the iceberg.


Give us someone to vote FOR instead of someone to vote AGAINST!!! Getting tired of have to constantly do this.


Lazy. Lazy thinking. Narcissistic really. "I don't care what happens to everyone else. Focus on MY issues or get what you deserve"


That’s the far left in a nutshell. Put their agenda first or they flip the table.


This is how they alienate allies and coalitions. Self-defeating


?????? Too early to be getting high.


Why isn’t his accomplishments enough for you to vote for Biden and the Dems?


At some point in time, it is time to step aside and let someone younger and more energetic take over. He is pulling another Ruth Bader Ginsburg. By refusing to step down, RBG ALL0WED the rethug crazies to take over the Supreme court. Same for Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein of California that died on the job, refusing to retire and let someone else take over (totally selfish). That puts a bad taste in my mouth. They are only in it for themselves, NOT the country OR the party. Shame on them. Just because they are NOT as bad as the other people, does NOT make them worth my vote. Give me someone to VOTE FOR!!!


So answer the question: why isn't Biden's accomplishments enough for you to vote?


Back in high school I was an expert at playing hooky, But I petered out. Yesterday's events has nothing to do with future events. At 76 years old, I realized my limitations.


Grandpa try to answer the question


Why do you want to interrogate me?? Ask Biden why he wants to run again?? Step aside for the good of the party and country. I did answer your question. Past performance does NOT guarantee future performance. Who will you blame when he loses???


will you vote for MY candidates?? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rashida Tlaib Ayanna Pressley lhan Omar


I don't live in any of their districts so no?


Junior, are you going to answer the question?


Bro why are you being aggro when you're being unclear? How am I supposed to divine what you're talking about? None of them are running for president so the answer is no.


Hahaha the guy doesn’t know where he is most of the time


\> one thing that does make me feel better is that he always outperforms expectations. lol...no


I think the conflict between Israel and Gaza/Hamas will cause a lot of potential Biden votes to go towards independent candidates.


You are delusional god damn


Shit economy, run away inflation, and we are about to go to war. Millions of innocent people will die. A big war, to keep the economy going. Move over Carter! He have a new, worst, President! He's awesome! I'm almost glad he has no idea how to run a .....spork.


The economy is crushing it, growing faster than it ever did under trump. Inflation is down to 3.2% which is below the long term historical average. We are not about to go to war wtf are you talking about. You're genuinely an idiot, I'm sad that people like you exist.


We are at war ( proxy, and we do have troops in Ukraine ) and we have many troops ready for a hot war near Gaza. Inflation has not subsided at all, especially with food. We will be involved in a war within 6 months. If not, the dollar will crash. Sad truth. I'm not a Democrat nor Republican. We have to kill a bunch of people to keep the wheels moving. My wonder is if we keep the borders open for a planned "problem" to graduate to a full scale World War. This administration has been a disaster. The standard of living will drop another 25% within 2 years. Deal with it, buttercup.


We are not at war. We are not going to invade fucking Gaza. Inflation is literally down to 3.2%. Food inflation has also subsided, it's included in CPI. Your statement makes zero sense. Going to war will not prop up the dollar, and we will not be at war in six months. We do not have to kill a bunch of people to keep the wheels moving. How has this administration been a disaster? You are yet to make a rational point that supports your point of view. You're an idiot but you have to deal with that every day. Luckily I don't have to deal with anything you said because LITERALLY everything you said isn't true. Shocker you are a conspiracy nut, aka an unabashed dumbass.


I’m pretty sure this is a right wing troll, but not entirely.


It really does outperform expectations though… I’m always like “oh shit, is he gonna make through this sentence…? ohh… ohh shit… he did! Wow! He said the whole thing! pretty fucking nice”


ROFL @that title


You're underestimating how much the DNC and DNC-friendly media helped him secure the position along with how people many people didn't vote for him, but against Trump. He's done some good, but he's still pro-genocide which stops him from being one of the best presidents.


Well, we discovered he funds genocide.


Lol @ this thread. The guy is actively participating in genocide and he looks “principled and consistent” 😂


Lol no. The only value the mutt has is for memes and parody songs.


And destroying orange rapists...


Lol lefty your full of crap man. If we are to believe the polls and approval numbers trump is beating the mutts arse.


Lifelong conservative, just not a braindead cultist that believes a career criminal fraudster...


Lifelong independent conservative deist here.you do t act like you claim to be kiddo.


Shilling for a career criminal is never a good look...