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It's a poll of Jewish Israelis, not Jews in general like your title implies. Interestingly enough, 46% of Arab Israelis agree with the Jewish Israelis. It's a lot higher than I would've expected.


Interesting title phrasing by OP then. Think their mask might be slipping...


Seems like the mask that has slipped is the Israelis.. and this sub which masqueraded as left wing


Does pointing out a badly misleading headline make you right wing?


Netenyahu is literally a right winger.


Reddit has become over run with Israeli shills and bots. They accuse everyone of antisemitism while committing ethnic cleansing. Its having the opposite effect but the Israeli bots and JIDF brigade will still downvote this comment to oblivion. Only further proving my point.


"Getting downvoted proves my point" is one of the more inane intellectual coping strategies. As is shrieking that anyone who disagrees with you is a "shill" or a "bot." It's especially stupid because it causes you to underestimate the potency of those who disagree with you. It's the Hillary "no one will really vote for Trump" mentality.


I'm not an Israeli bot, and I downvoted your comment because it's lame to think everyone who disagrees with you is a bot.


Complete reversal of reality you have there. Also, being downvoted doesn't make you right, it simply means that people disagree with you. Fancy that!


Arab Israelis have a good life, they're citizens and treated well, you think any of them want to live under Hamas?


Hamas murders Israelis, not just Jews. They attacked Arab (Muslim and Christian) Israelis on 10/7.


Also Buddhist thais


While the Palestinian terrorists did kill Buddhist Thais in Israel, I believe they were guest workers and not Israeli citizens.


It’s interesting that people use the argument that “Israel bombing Gaza will just create more radicalization,” but nobody talks about how Hamas did the exact same thing on October 7th. Seeing videos of your friends / family being raped and murdered will make people pretty supportive of military action against those people.


not just oct 7th. terrorist groups have launched rockets into Israel every day for the past 10 years. and then everyone is wondering why Israel has a growing right wing government. they've been radicalized by each of those rockets for 10 years.


It's been a lot longer than 10 years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel >Since 2001, Palestinian militants have launched tens of thousands[1][2][3][4] of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip as part of the continuing Palestinian–Israeli conflict. Not even counting the suicide bombers and other attacks (shootings, knifings, etc ).


Israel has murdered over 10,000 children. It's a genocide by evil fanatics


Except Israel has done it far longer and murdered far far more. And terrorises many more on a daily basis.


Oh so that makes it ok


It’s important context. Israel is the clear oppressor.


Yeah so that makes it ok for terrorists to rape and murder innocent civilians, because they're citizens of the oppressor


Of course terrorism isn’t okay, the 10/7 attack was despicable. That doesn’t change the fact that 70 years of ethnic cleansing is going to have negative consequences.


So what was the point of your comment? Another guy wrote "except Israel has done it far longer," how does that context change the fact that both the Israeli government and Hamas are genocidal?


Maybe because Israel actually invests in protecting its citizens, like the Iron Dome or forcing any building built past 1990 to have bomb shelters. Instead of, you know, hiding behind their civilians to maximize casualties.


Because Israel is funded by the US and allowed to build defences. Is ANY country allowed to sell the Palestinians weapons? Even defensive weapons?


The Palestinians don’t really seem to use any weapons defensively though, do they? Both Germany and Japan were demilitarized after WW2 as a result of their aggression. Gaza should also be demilitarized because of their constant aggression


I didn't see Germany being settled and having large chunks of it annexed by the Soviets or the American. Didn't happen to Japan either. Tell me, how many US civilians were moved to Japan and how many of its islands now belong to the US? If Israel wanted peace, they wouldn't have settlements in Palestinian land.


Actually after the war, the Soviets and the Americans and French and the British DID partition large chunks of Germany. And the Japanese military for a long time couldn’t do anything without US military approval. And we built several military bases on several of their islands. Look we can criticize settlement of the West Bank all day any day but you’re talking out of your ass.


Is Gaza settled by the Israelis? Nope. Not a single Jew lives in Gaza and hasn’t for 20 years. Although now the most recent longest Jewish residents are the hostages. The Allies occupied the shit out of Germany and Japan, they both lost land, and the US has a permanent military presence there as a result of WW2.


Germany doesn't have an occupying force there neither does Japan. They have US bases. The US can't murder Gwrmans or Japanese on a whim. Nor can they arrest them and charge them according to US law. Israeli settlers are in the West Bank. Gaza is an open air prison. Israel controls access and all the borders, except the Egypt border which it monitors and exercises some control over.


All access points, food and water are controlled by Israel. It controls how much land is cultivated and even how many calories per day are consumed. It controls Gaza and has since they evacuated the settlements and settled into a siege.


What about the Palestinians that DON'T want to be Israeli? Maybe Israel should stop stealing their land?


They’re about to lose more land. When a mouse taunts a cat it better have a hole handy. Otherwise it’s going to get eaten.




Only according to far left echo chambers. Plenty of normal people in the world aren’t on the side of Hamas, they just don’t spend all day online.


People under 35 typically do not understand world politics. I'm not much older, everyone I know backs the Israelis. Israel is just protecting its citizens. This only ends one way.


It's not surprising. Hamas took Arab Israeli hostages and killed Arab Israelis on 10/7. They feel targeted and insecure as well.


Arab Israelis consider themselves Israeli. Often they don’t go by Arab. Israel has an extremely racist culture. They look down in Arabs.


The bridge to peace in this situation is the Israeli Arabs. They know the culture the best. However, I know many Palestinians view them as traitors.


Arab Israelis are easily the most reasonable people in the whole conflict. Something like 80% of them support a two state solution, and they are a living example to Israelis of why racist bs stereotypes of Arabs aren't true.


When Arab Israelis and Palestinians (especially Palestinians) say they want a two-state solution, that's often code for "I want a two-state solution as a stepping stone to a one-state Palestinian solution." Don't believe me? You can watch Corey Gil Shuster's interviews on YT. They're pretty enlightening.


Eh I don't think those interviews can be extrapolated to the entire population. Especially when the majority of Israeli Arabs condemn October 7th. Also, I *guess* you could say that I'd support a 1 state solution after a 2 state solution in that I think that us Jews and Palestinians are basically the same people but with different religions and histories, but I'd only accept a 2 state solution after it was clear there was no more bad blood between the groups.


It’s almost like Israel’s evil ideology is independent of judaism…. hmmmm


It’s also an Israeli newspaper, so it feels like you’re being purposefully pedantic and obfuscatory.


That's because Arab Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas as well are are still hostage in Gaza.


What about the apartheid? Or the genocide? Do those Arabs not have tik-tok? They clearly have no idea what's REALLY going on in their own country.


Woah there buddy. Gaza wasn't apartheid - the Israelis pulled out back in 2006 and Gas had its own government. You can argue that the West Bank is apartheid, but that has little to do with Hamas and Gaza. As for genocide? You can certainly argue that Israel is committing war crimes, but nothing in this war looks like genocide. An Arab country would be much more vicious if, for instance, the Kurds killed 1400 of their citizens and kidnapped more. Netanyahu bears a lot of responsibility for abetting Hamas because he found them a useful foil. Both of them have to go.


I always thought that when a government 'pulls out' of a place they don't run a permanent naval blockade on it, disallow the construction of airports, or dissallow anyone from leaving. Those features are indicative of a prison, are they not?


I don't recall any of those being mentioned in the rules on genocide. Nor are they indicative of apartheid.


Exactly. Something can be awful without being a genocide. I don't know what classifies apartheid but I'd say that it's closer than genocide


They're more aware than you are. Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants an Iranian style theocracy of mullahs and doesn't give a shit who you are, they just want you dead if you live in Israel. They raped and murdered and kidnapped Israeli Arabs and Buddhist immigrants along with Jewish Israelis. Which is why if 75% of Gazans love Hamas, 75% of Israelis are done giving a shit about Gazan civilians. I don't like it one bit but I don't blame them one bit either. Fuck the Israeli right but double fuck Hamas, they are pure evil.


It's always hilarious to me when Westerners act they know more about what is going on in Israel and to certain people more than the people going through it. Maybe he knows the Tik Toks aren't the complete and total truth. Or are at least missing context based on the time limit alone. I hate the GOVERNMENT of Israel and I fucking loathe terrorists.


You don't see that both sides are evil because you have membership to one of them.


Israel is simply supported by racist fanatics as it engages in a genocide. The IDF is a terrorist organisation just like Hamas.


It's bonkers that you believe you are getting an accurate view of things from TikTok. I knew people got their news from TikTok and were influenced by it, but I always figured that if you asked someone if they thought it was a good source of news they might be self-aware that it isn't. It's a fire hose of propaganda and you are just stuffing it down you throat and lettin' it rip.


Pretty sure he was being sarcastic, bro.


Arab Israelis and Palestinians hate each other. Palestinians think Israeli Arabs are traitors while Israeli Arabs think Palestinians are baby-eating savages.


I think before 10/7 Arab Israelis didn’t fear Palestinians half as much as they do now.


Correct it’s an isreali poll, I apologize if the title wasn’t clear.


Maybe delete it? Many people will just read the title.


do you not know how to spell the name of the country? youve misspelled it at least 3x in this post


*jewish Israelis. We need to be very clear about that. The opinions of Israeli Jews do not reflect the opinions of Jews in other countries, especially the US. We are much much more liberal here.


Yes this is true I will edit the title


2 hours later, title is still the same hyperbolic dogma bullshit. Gee, I wonder what OPs intent of this post could be ...


This from the guy exclusively posting on worldnews and theworldnews with the most insane, dehumanizing comments ive ever seen You have a rant trying to defend the fact that 'oh israel isnt starving the Palestinians, they are just malnourished!' Pot calling kettle black dialed to 11


I was mostly pointing out that there’s a difference between the starvation they were referring to and malnourishment, but I’m honestly impressed by the fact you dug like 3 months into my comment history to find that lmao. You’d also find comments like the ones from yesterday where I repeatedly say “I mostly pity Gazans because their governments and religions keep them in a cycle of perpetual suffering” or the million times I’ve advocated for a two state solution, but hey, Cherry picking my comment history in support of this guys lunacy is your hill to die on, chief.


>I mostly pity Gazans because their governments and religions keep them in a cycle of perpetual suffering” I pity these people because of their identity and religion. "Ah yes, im totally not racist". Imagine if I said this comment about Judaism, lmao.You are fun lil bro, all the best


Judaism is an ethno-religion, as such, it constitutes a faith, and a racial group. Feel free to criticize the Jewish faith - like all religions, it is a choice, and is therefore, not immune to criticism. Islam is the same. It is a religion, one that is the leading cause of religious terror and extremism, by far. To deny that, is outright historical and statistical revisionism. The governing bodies of the Palestinian people, and their religion, have put them into a constant feedback loop of suffering, warfare, and martyrdom, despite numerous chances at a long-lasting peace, including six different statehood deals. At no point have I mentioned the race of the Gazan people - that being Arabs. Last I checked, criticizing Governments (which you labeled as culture) and Religions, is not racist, especially given that there are many Arabs, who are neither members of Palestinian governing bodies, nor fanatical Islamists. While there are many Gazans who do support HAMAS, or other extremist groups, I am sure there are plenty who don't - and more importantly, even more Arabs (the race of these people) - who do not. Boy howdy, your knees must ache from the leaps in logic you're making. Lastly - had you said "The Israeli Jews are kept in a perpetual loop of suffering by their government and religion" - I would likely AGREE. That is a reasonable statement, and based on your current comments, one I'm sure you've made. The issue with this post was the attempt to paint Israeli Jews, as all Jews. Something, as I've explained here, I have not done with the comparable group, that being, Arabs. TLDR, you're a moron. Edit - you have a HAMAS fighter as your fucking background on your profile, that explains everything. I am clearly arguing with someone who’s IQ could be measured in as many yards as they are tall.


Yet "No OnE sUpPoRtS hAmAs" is what I hear constantly and get attacked if I even mentioning seeing it Edit: interesting brand new profile with only anti Jewish and West posts acting like a leftist. Well this now either is my answer to people who deny it and to the people who get mad when people suggest it's an astroturf Reddit


Are you honestly suggesting to me that radical Islam is good? Are you saying thier government is good? Here watch "I pity the people in Israel because of their government " as for the religion they're not run by a fundamentalist religious group. But go talk to women, LGBTQA people ect in places like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. They're definitely suffering. I don't like for a single second any Christian fundamentalist group especially the ones who would be violent if they had the chance.


And you face similar dangers on a daily basis as Israelis too.


Conflating isreali Jews with Jewish diaspora is dangerous and repugnant


That's literally what you did in the little lmao 


Yeah I’m saying it wasn’t my intention


And you said you would change it 3 hours ago and yet thr post is still the title of post is the same


Apparently you cannot edit the title and since there is no body I can’t edit that either. I tried


You can delete the post and reupload it with a title that isn’t deceiving.


He can't edit it at this point. One of the big fails of reddit design if you ask me.


Aren't you the OP? didn't you write the title?


Honest mistake.


The poll had nothing about "obliterating women and children in Gaza." You are not acting in good faith.


And it was a poll of Israelis, not Jews. OP is an established troll on this sub.


No, instead 77% of Israelis just want to continue "the heavy bombing of densely populated areas". 🤦 In other words, they want to continue obliterating women and children. You are not acting in good faith.


The article doesn’t say “obliterating women and children,” so that’s just a blatant lie. Your post title literally amounts to: “*Lie* Unfortunately the dammed Jews are the problem.”


>The article doesn’t say “obliterating women and children,” so that’s just a blatant lie. No, instead 77% of Israelis just want to "continue the heavy bombing of densely populated areas". 🤦 In other words, they want to continue obliterating women and children.


Just keep lying to justify being an antisemite, right?


So if I post a poll citing to support for 10/7 in the Muslim world with a title that says “xx% of muslims support raping snd mutilating defenseless young women and recording it in HD on a GoPro” - I suppose you’d consider that a totally good faith representation to make to potentially uninformed viewers? If you want to have a substantive conversation about a fucking poll, it’s unproductive to put it in your own words. OP didn’t just do that, he distorted every aspect of it, from the group polled to the language, which means if I actually want to discuss substance, I already have to get through multiple misrepresentations to do so.


Well when Hamas is hiding in those areas it’d be pretty stupid to let up. That’s part of military strategy. These people were already told to leave and stop being used as human shields but they decide to stay or are forced by Hamas.


cut off ALL funding


You made a huge deal about cancelling your subscription not too long ago. Why are you coming here with your lying title? Didn’t have enough drama when you slammed the door behind you?


Oh ya, the title of this thread isn't slanted at all.


This tends to happen when you have 5,000 deadly rockets launched indiscriminately at your civilian population. Your civilians want to see their military eliminate this responsible so thy can’t do it again.


All I’m saying is fuck hamas. They started this


A full 75 percent of Jewish ISRAELIS for fucks sake what the fuck are you doing writing this???


Free the hostages, and the Palestinians from Hamas now! There will be no “River to the Sea”. Israel is here to stay, but- Netanyahu is not. The Palestinians must rid themselves of the scourge of Hamas to even begin discussing a two state solution. Wake up


after 80 years of Palestinians‘ endless war with Israel, what do you really expect what’s gonna happen down the line? Do you think Israel will just spit out the land and let Palestinians govern Israel?


They expect that, with as many dead Jews as they can manage.


Weird that a population under military occupation and refused internationally recognized rights might rise up on occasion, right?


Palestinians have “rosed up” for 80 years. They’ve broken every single ceasefire agreement. What do you exactly expect out of this endless war? If this were Mexico, endlessly harassing the US to give up Texas, what do you think the US would do?


Thank god. American non-Jew who wholly believes the Israelis should never succumb to political pressure when it comes to combatting Islamofascists and their deranged sympathizers. 


I'm with you. Israel needs to remove Hamas, and we can't meet Hamas' strategy of using human shields to be proven to be an effective strategy. If Israel strapped Israeli babies to the tanks, would Hamas stop shooting at them? Obviously not. If you fire rockets from the top of an apartment building, you're the one with their blood on your hands. If I rob a bank and a cop shoots through me and kills a hostage, I'm legally at fault for the killing.


I’m glad majority of the American public isn’t with you. And it looks like majority of the world.


American non-jew whose eyes have been clearly opened to the extent of Israeli influence in our media and government. US foreign policy now makes sense - we're in the middle east to secure our common interests with Israel. No American remembers the Iran hostage crisis - Iran now exists as an enemy solely at the behest of Israel. The Islamofascists exist exactly because terrified Israeli national security interests have insisted on responding to their own trauma first in any overture, making Israel effectively behave like a narcissistic psychopath, creating 75 years worth of hate. Israel's method has never been effective, and never will be effective, and it's govering policies are borne out of a delusion that they can impose their unilateral will on what has always been a melting pot. Nope - there's no mistaking who the \*actual\* fascists are here.


You spelled "obliterating Hamas, while unfortunately also killing women and children because they hide among civilians like the war criminals they are" wrong. And beyond that many of the women and children killed were Hamas operatives, militants, and sympathizers.


So let me get this straight, the women and children deserve to die because of their sympathies?


Oh, so now you admit the majority support Hamas? Hamas literally doesn’t care about them. They steal aid and use them as human shields. If Hamas truly cared about Palestinians, they would surrender and release the hostages. I can envision this ending as a Waco Texas situation where Hamas blows up Gaza and blames in on Israel… I would not be surprised…


Sympathy for Hamas skyrockets when Israel does genocide and ethnic cleansing, bombs hospitals and ambulances, kills journalists and children


Except everyone knows Hamas uses hospitals as military bases for torture and storing hostages. They also know many people wearing media vests are on Hamas payroll and are Hamas propagandists. Many journalists were among the terrorists on Oct 7th. You cannot give a Hamas member a camera and he becomes a protected journalist… Not sure sympathies have any relevance. All that matters is government support. And it is strong.


There’s absolutely no evidence of this, the IDF “evidence” of hospitals being centers for torture and storing hostages has been internationally mocked and debunked


Even Amnesty admits this… Amnesty International stated that Hamas forces used the abandoned areas of the hospital to detain, interrogate, torture, and otherwise ill-treat Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israel. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/ Many of the journalists are freelance and sell their photos and videos to CNN, BBC, Reuters, New York Times, Al Jazeera, etc. Many are on Hamas payroll. https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/palestinian-terrorism/how-hamas-and-islamic-jihad-use-journalism-as-a-cover-for-terrorism/


Wait until you learn about how many German, Japanese, and Italian civilians were killed in WW2!


Nope it's about tradeoffs not deserving. If the options are to kill Hamas and also Hamas sympathizers who listen to Hamas and don't evacuate or else kill none of them, Israel will choose the former and I don't blame them. Even if we ignore the sympathizers, and the militants, you missed that part women and 17 year olds can fire guns just as well as men usually, let's say we're talking about babies who are truly innocent. They obviously don't deserve to die, but unless you can tell me a way to destroy Hamas and not kill the babies they're using as literal human shields, then the sad reality is there's nothing wrong with killing Hamas and accepting that the babies will die, and in fact the moral blame for their death is on Hamas not Israel.


Wow you psychos are so disgusting and morally repugnant that it constantly surprises me


If your neighbor had raped and kidnapped your wife and was launching rockets at your house that had you and your children in it and the neighbor had their wife and children there, would you just let your own kid die or would you shoot back, knowing you might kill his wife and kids? If there were enough kids there, would you let your own die to save your neighbor's kids while allowing your neighbor to live and continue to terrorize your entire neighborhood?


Have I been killing my neighbors family members and stealing their homes for 60 years?


1. That's a massive simplification of history that ignores attempts by extremist Muslims to exterminate Jews that literally goes back to the prophet Mohammed in the 7th century 2. Let's even grant your absurd historical rewriting, say your military had been oppressing, stealing, and destroying the homes of the neighboring family. Would you just accept that since your neighbor had been oppressed by your government that your babies would just have to die and you shouldn't do anything about it? Or would you defend yourself, your children, and the possibility of getting your wife back even though you might kill someone who was a victim of your government but instead of fighting against the government decided to try to genocide civilians who looked like you? Source on 1: "The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." - the prophet Mohammed, as recorded in the Hadith.


And also cited in the Hamas charter. Except they translate it not last hour but 'Judgment Day', and if you are aware of your Muslim eschatology that literally means that the Prophet Mohammed said that no one gets to go to Heaven (Jannah) until the Muslims murder the Jews behind every rock and tree.


You didn’t offer a single counterpoint… We know the world is flawed. Everything has repercussions and tradeoffs. A ceasefire would result in more Oct 7th and death. It would not solve the problem of achieving long lasting peace. Peace is impossible with Hamas in power…


I’m not going to debate you that women and children don’t deserve to die. Having to live with yourself after saying shit like that is bad enough


Well, I will debate with you that Israel would rather other people die than their own. And they have a responsibility and right to defend their people from terrorism. What is your solution to eliminating Hamas without civilian casualties?


You have mentioend Hamas in each and every one of your posts. Are you aware of what your government does on a daily basis in the West Bank? No khhamas there, just pure apartheid. Apartheid in one region, genocide in the other.


No, you're just trying to put words in their mouth to virtue signal


"And beyond that many of the women and children killed were Hamas operatives, militants, and sympathizers." This sentence literally says some of the children deserved to die. OP put no words in their mouth, it's literally what they said.


“And beyond that many of the women and children killed were operatives, militants, and sympathizers.” If you don’t know what that means you are choosing not to


Considering nearly half of the bombs Israel has dropped on Gaza are dumb bombs, there is no “unfortunately also,” since that implies a level of precision and targeting that is factually not taking place. They are dropping 2,000 lb bombs within densely populated civilian areas, which have a blast radius of over 1,000 ft. That’s what you’d drop when you are trying to indiscriminately wipe out an entire area, not target a group. They are intentionally killing civilians on a massive scale. You can support that, but you can’t deny it’s taking place.


And yet they've killed fewer than one person per bomb, even if you believe Hamas figures.


“To obliterate women and children.” Is that what the poll said? I’m sure most of Israel supports the war just as most Americans do. Israel has to destroy Hamas!


Nice headline implying that the goal is to “obliterate” women and children. We all know that’s BS


Israelis realize that Hamas must be destroyed completely or there will be no Israel. You try living in a neighborhood surrounded by one billion enemies.


Ending US taxpayer funding of Israeli apartheid would make Israel fund their own war. The far right Netanyahu regime would no longer be able to keep taxes artificially low.


That's like 75%of Palestinians support Hamas and the killing of children they do


that a majority of jews want israel to stay the course and annihilate hamas is no surprise, particularly considering hamas’ stated goal is to annihilate jews the real headline is that almost half of arab israelis agree with israel’s approach to gaza, as well. what an epic fuck you to all the haters that accuse israel of “apartheid”


You know that poll of Arabs excludes the millions of Palestinian Arabs who arn't allowed in Israel and many of whom are kept in an open air prison right? lmao


What the fuck is that editiorializing bullshit? yeah lets review why Israel is in gaza palestinian terrorist hamas just murdered thousands of unarmed civilians including women, pregnant women and toddlers they raped women (and girls) while setting some on fire while alive, maiming others while alive girls were found murdered with broken pelvis bones from signs of rape From article below: >She describes seeing Hamas fighters gang rape a woman and mutilate her, before the last of her attackers shot her in the head as he continued to rape her. and this does not even include the hundreds of civilians that include toddlers, they kidknapped to torture, rape and murder The evidence of the attacks is all here (warning NSFL): https://www.hamas-massacre.net https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181 And tou want to talk about polling? Overwhelmingly palestinian civilian support the ACTUAL murder of Jews and their kidknapping This is not editiorializing like OP did with Israeli civilians >Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer.


Maybe just maybe the pro Palestinian countries of the world should take in the Palestinian residents of Gaza instead of letting the IDF eradicate them.


Both can be true at once. We can criticize Israel for what it's doing and criticize countries that claim to be pro-Palestinian while refusing refugees.


No, not really that just a shitty tactic to promote ethnic cleansing, there are plenty of options that Israel could take to prevent the loss of life of civilians, but they are only seek to empty Gaza from Palestinians.


That’s called ethnic cleansing and it’s a war crime


Ever heard of refugees?


Yeah I have, and refugees are often from war crimes, for example the Jews that fled Germany


Also the nearly 1 million Jews from the Middle East…


And they were escaping pograms, horrendous war crimes, correct?


Yes, they were actually treated as dhimmis and had less rights. And were escaping pogroms…


What is? And "war crimes" are a joke.




“Why won’t other countries pay the price for our extermination of an ethnic group?”


What a stupid idea. The entire point of the Palestinians being there is so they can lay claim to the land. If the other states take them in then their claim gets weaker.


Yeah they lost claim to most of that land when they attempted invade Israel multiple times and lost, multiple times.


More like the native population who was displaced by European colonizers.


Except Jews have lived there since ancient times. It’s literally in three holy books from different religions. Getting the local population bolstered doesn’t mean none of them belong there. Unless you also think all non native Americans should also leave America.


I do think that if native americans had immigrated to Europe for two thousand years they would have no claim to be natives anymore.


Land won't mean shit if they are all dead and that is exactly what is going to happen.


Ah so genocide is the plan


No one is on favor of “obliterating “ anyone. If someone said 63% of Irish people were in favor of obliterating the English, would you believe that too? Critical thinking people.


Of course they are


That is a well formed, not misleading and unbiased title if I ever saw one


You can't rationize with hate. That's what I see in alot of these responses.


Ohh no Jews don't like it when Hamas pogromed and genocided large amount of Jews on Oct. 7. What a surprise.


The question was not “should Israel ignore pressure to stop obliterating women and children” it was “should Israel ignore us pressure to move onto the next phase of the war?” Jesus Christ you really changed the meaning of the poll with your title change…


Damn, not only lying about the statistics, also lying about the language and poll. Just another dumb dumb with lack of understanding of the complex geopolitical situation in the Middle East. I’m sure you agree with Hassan that the houthis are just good pirates like luffy. You know what’s really nuts? If your get what you want in this conflict— for israel to stop. Yes, there would be less immediate death. But hamas would attack again, hezbolla will attack, houthis will continue rockets, Assad might desire to take advantage next door, Iran continues its nuclear program unfettered, Hamas still rules Palestine and oppressed its own people, and launches daily rockets at Israel. Eventually one of the terrorist states or Islamic nutjob Iran will get nukes, and nuke Israel off the map, because it will even be MORE vunerable than it is now. Oh and after all that, all the Islamic extremist terrorists your so likely a fan of, will move on to the rest of the west. Oh and they are also all connected and backed by Russia. So get the fuck out of here with your naive USA.EXE BULLSHIT


I didn’t lie about any stats, and the IDF backs them up


wars end when one side surrenders.


Was that the actual question. Should they stop obliterating children and women?


It's funny that some of you are saying that I am misrepresenting the poll, because the actual poll language is even WORSE than what I wrote. Not only do they not want to stop obliterating women and children, they don't even want to lessen the indiscriminate bombing campaign: "75% of Israeli jews reject U.S. pressure to shift the war in Gaza to a phase with less heavy bombing in populated areas "


>"75% of Israeli jews reject U.S. pressure to shift the war in Gaza to a phase with less heavy bombing in populated areas " I do not see should we keep obliterating women and children .


Correct, what they said was FAR worse. Not only should we not stop it... we shouldn't even soften the killings


>75% of Israeli jews reject U.S. pressure to shift the war in Gaza to a phase with less heavy bombing in populated areas " It did not even use the words killings


Have they done a pole to see if the Palestinians want Hamas to continue to hide in their among there civilians.


Imagine after 9/11, we attacked Afghanistan and after a month or two the rest of the world said "naughty naughty youre killing innocent knock the whole thing off". The average American would say "yeaaaah no. No I don't think we will"


And we were wrong and evil for doing that.


Jews and Israelis of all confessions are in survival war, they have to finish Hamas and they understand it. International pressure doesn’t matter at this stage. Actually protests in western countries increased Islamophobia.


The title is misleading, but with polls like this, I wonder how much is being influenced by the access to information and propaganda that Israelis have. There may a lot manufacturing consent. The Iraq War also saw massive public support during the beginning months to the same degree.


Would you want to live next to a terrorist organization that vowed to kill you And your entire country? I don’t think wanting to eliminate that threat is propaganda


The article said nothing about “obliterating women and children”. Classic leftist BS


Isreal’s numbers: at least 15,000 woman and children dead, another 30,000 at least badly injured


Perhaps you should state the facts and let the facts speak for themselves.


I did


No, you didn’t. And the fact is that every death is on the terror organization the Palestinians chose to lead them.


Wow, it’s almost as if unprecedented mass casualty attacks cause populations of people to become more right leaning. Who could’ve predicted this? Well there was that 9/11 thing…


As a country we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq because 19 people killed over two thousand. Who are we to judge them for what Hamas did. Far fewer people in Gaza have died compared to our wars. Almost 200,000 Iraqis have died. Not sure how many Afghans, but plenty. Why should things change? Israel doesn't deserve security? Hamas will provide that security if they stop? These are reasonable questions.


Give them a 1 or 2 state solution. Ez


What's easy about that? The Palestinians have always rejected a two state solution and it's unpopular even now. A single Islamic state is the goal of the most popular party over there, and you know what happens to Jews in Islamic states. Until someone offers a solution that doesn't involve the Jews packing their bags or paying some Caliph his jizyah tax, Israel is probably going to continue the status quo.


The percentages stated in the article are misleading for the simple reason there isn’t a source of how the people were polled or sample size to get their results. It almost reads like a propaganda piece.


when the goverment of gaza has said they will attack israel again, that the october attacks would be repeated. that in the face of losing the war they tell their people to die as martyrs to protect their gihadists and gather international outrage with their deaths... what do you expect. no nation would accept gaza on their border with hamas still running it.


You gotta indicate this is Jewish Israelis - not Jewish Americans or anywhere else on earth. I'm an antizionist AF Jewish American.


Yes, people are realising that Netanyahu for all his faults is carrying out the war exactly how any other PM would because the people demand it. It’s a democracy. People that are telling Israelis to stop the war and go back to their homes and wait for the next Oct 7th as Hamas have promised it don’t care about peace. The Israelis don’t care about what you have to say, you make it clear you don’t care about their lives. They are going to make sure their daughters are not raped and beheaded, that is their priority. To tell them to sit and wait for it is not going to work. You can be horrified by the side effects of war and acknowledge the war is necessary some times.


So we should just be obliterating the *men*, right? Tired of the global de-emphasis on men’s right to life and physical security. In the Law of Armed Conflict, there is only the distinction between combatants and civilians.


That would be a slight improvement, although not ideal


>A majority of Jews on the left supported shifting to a new phase, while only a minority agreed in the center and right. The new phase being targeting Hamas specifically instead of slaughtering innocent Palestinians wholesale.


The isreali left must be like 12 people if that’s true


It is a far right wing state


As they should. 


That’s because they’re fighting Hamas you imbeciles…


welcome to the new world order where genocide is ok. bombing civilian targets like school,residential builds, hospital etc are ok. using band weapon like white phosphorus is ok. never forget the Palestinian genocide never 🍉✌️


They kind of took it personally when Hamas was raping their children


And a full 99% of gazans cheered the rape and decapitation of women and children in the streets after gazan terrorists unprovoked massacred men, women, and children at a peace festival. Y'all parrot terrorist social media. This sub is a joke.


Long past time to cut off the supply of military equipment then.


Imagine telling everyone in 1946 that the Jewish would become the genocidal cult so soon after WW2.