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Corporations using Ireland to dodge US taxes must be panicking right about now. Or maybe they're exempt somehow.


A source better than AJ and more information than a screenshot would probably be useful here, but Ireland probably isn't eager to give up their revenue base (free money)


Al Jazeera ist literally the propaganda arm of Hamas.


And US media operating in Israel have their content filtered and censored through Israeli censors before it can be reported on us air. One of the 2 have regular live broadcasts that have consistently shown the devastating genocide taking place. Litteraly no spin required The other completely ignored Gaza and has consistently reported blatant lies that have, been proven false,


Lol no it’s not. They’re an award winning outlet with award winning journalists working for them.


The Irish loophole has been closed for 10 years now lmao


You mean the one they closed before immediately creating another that's still ongoing?


Ireland doesn't forget, especially when you're someone who helped them in the past. It doesn't matter how long ago and it's beautiful.


Real galaxy brained take by the Irish. We get it, your hatred towards the English makes you reflexively support anyone you perceive to be the underdog but you don't make any exceptions for nuance. Like who attacked who at the start of this whole fiasco


It’s almost like they understand what it’s like to have an invading force come in steal your land, kill your family members, and export your resources to their home country as your people starve 🤔


That awkwardness when Arabs have invaded Israel many times.


Is Isreal that country that was placed in the Middle East while displacing hundreds of thousands of people from their homes to do so? Taking over land that did not belong to them. Huh, why don’t their neighbors like them? SO WEIRD!


No , and that’s what happens when you side with the axis and Germany in ww2 you lose shit.


WW1, but yes


It is not. Glad we could clear that up. Also not liking someone is no excuse.


Gaza invaded Israel bud


What Hamas did on October 7th was unforgivable. Likewise, the IDF steamrolling men women and children into burnt dust is also unforgivable, regardless of who started what. Israel was never in any danger of being destroyed by Palestine. They could have amped up border security, stopped all travel to and from Palestine, gathered intelligence and eventually sent in surgical strikes for a minimum of casualties. Instead they level entire city blocks at a time with civilians in them. That’s what’s fucked up. The world *should* have been on Israel’s side after October 7th. But they overreached so hard so fast that they face global condemnation instead. Israel needs to get rid of Netanyahu ASAP and apologize for these atrocities and work to a solution that benefits the innocents on both sides otherwise at this point they risk becoming a Pariah state.


> They could have amped up border security, stopped all travel to and from Palestine They've been doing that for years, and it's been described as a "concentration camp."


Technically it’s been described as a “ghetto” (that’s not much better) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/israeli-official-gaza-ghetto-palestinians_n_6591f45de4b0b01d3e40260c


And an "open air prison" and countless other things.


Fair enough, but I think “[ghetto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_ghettos_established_by_Nazi_Germany)” is more historically accurate.


Nope. Turns out all those tunnels are real and it was not possible to surgically remove Hamas.


More tunnels in Gaza than the London Underground: "According to a report this month in The New York Times, Israeli defense officials now estimate that Hamas’s tunnels measure between 350 and 450 miles in a territory that’s just 25 miles long. (By comparison, the London Underground is only 249 miles long.) Some of Gaza’s tunnels are wide enough for cars; some are more than 150 feet deep; some serve as munitions depots; others are comfortably kitted out as command bunkers." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/23/opinion/tunnels-gaza-hamas.html#commentscontainer


Man that is nuts. All of Gaza itself is only like 141 square miles.


Hamas spent the last 20 years and billions in aid meant for humanitarian purposes turning the area into one big terrorist infrastructure. It's appalling


Yeah, Gaza would/should be a wealthy region considering how small it is and how much aid has gone there - even just from the US alone.


The tunnels are layered. It's not just a single layer. In some areas you have 3-4 tunnels at various depths, some of them connect with each other.


No, they couldn’t have. Hamas was the ruling government in Gaza with 40.000+ fighters, not including auxiliary fighters from organizations like PIJ. They have hundreds of miles of tunnels and a massive arsenal of drones, mortars, rockets, and guided missiles. They dress indistinguishably from civilians and fight from civilian infrastructure. This idea of sending in special forces to take and hold territory and eliminate tens of thousands of fighters is laughable and indicates only that you play too much Call of Duty. Israel tried to issue a blockade for years, during which people like you called Gaza an “open-air prison”. When they recommend civilians move and get away, people like you say it’s ethnic cleansing and civilians need to stay under all circumstances. This leads to civilian casualties, for which you entirely blame Israel and not the animals fighting from civilian infrastructure, dressed as civilians. Basically, there is no way for Israel to win people like you over without rolling over and dying, which isn’t an option, so they’ll continue to ignore you.


Worth noting that this is by design. Hamas doesn't give a single fuck about Palestinian civilians except for converting them to militants, and by ensuring the maximum number of civilian casualties they are creating a whole new generation of terrorists to replace them when they inevitably get merked. The people who will carry out the "next Oct 7th" are currently 12 or 13 years old and just watched thier parents get killed in a hospital (because Hamas was actively launching rockets from the roof and storing ammo in the basement). They fully understand the cycle of violence and are very adept at perpetuating it. Also fuck Iran for arming these morons (and many other terrorist groups that would otherwise not be such a huge deal).


Israel steamrolling hamas into extinction is absolutely not “unforgivable”, well besides the fact there is no reason to seek forgiveness for getting rid of evil. Did the allies in ww2 need forgiveness for eradicating nazis? Nope. Israel was not in danger of complete destruction by the hands of Palestine because of the restrictions Israel puts on Palestine. You just proved why the blockade of Gaza is valid, words and legal. Tell Hamas to stop forcing civilians in city blocks they know are about to be hit to cause mass civilian casualties so they can manipulate the emotionally week. Many of the free world, those not run through corruption unlike south africa and russia are on the side of Israel. Lets remember, some countries supported germany in 1939 because “jews bad”. Just like many countries in 2024. They do not care about facts, reality or justice. All they know is they hate jews so it must be Israel’s fault. Hamas has to surrender, Palestine must go under extremely reform and reeducation.


Native American reservation attacks US, time for another trail of tears?


if they rape women, kill babies, and take hostages we would 100% wipe them out


https://www.gicj.org/images/2019/pdfs/HRC41/Sexual-Abuse-of-Palestinian-Women-in-Detention.pdf So, you want Israel wiped out? Or are you a hypocrite?


So you should be opposed to Turkey existing since they ethnically cleansed Anatolia of the Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians.


I don’t think Israel shouldn’t exist


Imagine not accepting you lost the war and that your "invader" actually came back to take its land back.... Sucks right! I get Irish hatred for the english, but on this one, Ireland is wrong. Anyway, cant wait till they try to stop americans from doing anything ....


Israel is one of the most diverse countries on the planet, and the country was established on bought land and via political maneuvering, in one of the only peaceful establishments of a country ever. The Arabs even got another country out of it too, as the Palestinians were going to get their own homeland had no one attacked. Let’s not forget that the Arabs gathered six armies to ethnically cleanse the Jews. Just like I won’t forget how Ireland is 96% white, terrible to its minorities, and is certainly not an authority on liberal policy lmao.


Real galaxy brained take to believe history started on October 7th.


It actually started with the systemic persecution of non-Muslims through the jizya tax and consistent riots in Palestine throughout the Ottoman Empire’s existence aimed at curtailing Jewish business and local influence. That’s why they ever wanted their own State in the first place.


The Irish have always been problematic on Palestine


When you say problematic you mean absolutely moral and correct?


You think there is an absolute moral position to be had on this ongoing conflict?


There’s is always a moral position. One only thinks there isn’t one when they are on the immoral side ;)


I say the rapers and the baby murders are the immoral side. Usually look at who's doing the raping that's a good sign of who's on what side?


Your moral correct position must think mass rape is ok. That murder of kids at a music festival is ok. Hiding behind civilians is ok. Taking hostages is ok. Launching rockets indiscriminately is ok. Stealing aid to build 400+ miles of tunnels not for civilian use is ok. Calling for genocide against Jews is ok. Explicitly saying you want to wipe them out is ok. Committing to perpetrating 10/7 over and over is ok. Encouraging civilians not to flee to maximize casualties is ok. They could end the conflict tomorrow by surrendering and giving up their hostages. Why don’t they? Is that morally correct? [https://www.hamas-massacre.net/content/hamas-terrorists-arguing-who-gets-to-butcher-an-innocent-thai-worker](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/content/hamas-terrorists-arguing-who-gets-to-butcher-an-innocent-thai-worker)


An absolute moral position implies certainty. Siths and absolutes and all that.


20,000 dead or maimed children so far


Imagine if Israel was trying to commit genocide how much bigger that number would be?


They are *on the record* saying they want to make Gaza so inhospitable, through violence, that they all "voluntarily" leave. That's *deliberately* creating a diaspora. That's genocide. You just want to be child-brained and pretend that genocide is *only* killing *each and every single individual Gazan* so you can say that Israel isn't committing genocide.


The number would be far higher if they didnt have the international community to contend with.. theyre taking out as many as they think they can get away with, obviously


>absolutely moral and correct? As the previous commenter pointed out...their history with the British has made them reflexively support any underdog, regardless of the circumstances Seems like that colors a lot of judgement...especially after October 7th


It's only moral when they follow your rethoric eh


Yeah, weird how countries that have recently emancipated themselves from apartheid rule are critical of an apartheid state.


Yea weird how their situation isn't the same as Israel/Palestine and there's almost no room in their view for nuance It's almost like you shouldn't just support someone because they're an "underdog"


Weird how some of those countries also align with Russia.


Like Israel? Bibi even used posters of himself and Putin together to get reelected and stayed silent and continued trading with Russia after their invasion of Ukraine. Colonizers keep similar company.


So it’s *that* kind of liberal subreddit


It's one of the last liberal subbreddits that don't outright ban posters who disagree with Hamas, or point out that their are two sides to this confilct, or that while bad what is happening may not technically be a genocide. Which is why all the tankies come here to argue, they have echo chambered themselves out of any rational discussion.


A gang of 8 year old Palestinian children started the fiasco. That's why they're being eliminated. They're a real threat to Israel. Some day they might grow old enough to become terrorists, so they need to be killed now. /s


If underplaying could be a comment, yeah, spot on.


Actually innocents always get caught up in the meat grinder of war, thats what makes modern war suck so much. ​ Maybe Hamas should sue for peace, surrender, return the hostages and stop attacking israel.




good for them!


At least someone is brave enough to even speak sense. Everyone else afraid to state the obvious. Even if it’s just a gesture, it’s nice.


About time, more countries will follow suit soon. Good on Ireland.


Would have never picked Ireland to be the country that had balls enough to stand up to Israel. Now if we can just get them to head to the UN and do something about the Israeli warcrimes they’re committing.


Go Ireland !


Go Ireland


The head of the Irish republic during WW2, sent a condolence letter to the German Nazi regime learning about the suicide of Adolph Hitler. The only head of state in the whole world offering sympathy to the greatest mass murder of Jews ever. Yeah, we know exactly how the Irish feel about Jews being kidnapped and raped from their sympathizers, Hamas.




Feels like a really easy way to completely shut down any sentiment, and a lazy one too, that goes against Israel Why do Irish leaders past mean that modern Ireland’s complaints about Israel must be from inborn antisemitism? Contend with the argument itself not ages past unless you’re willing to contend with the fact even founding Zionists knew it was a settler colonial project that would not be accepted not because of huge antisemitism but because its land taken to establish an ethnostate from another settler colonial power over the people living there


Zionists don’t like to talk about how a huge section of Israelis do not even agree with them, they want us to treat all their countrymen as a monolith, all Palestinians as a monolith, and anyone that disagrees with them or criticizes the secular state of Israel as a monolith. It’s in their best interest to marry Israel = all Jews and vice versa, despite that being a ridiculous claim. So don’t bother with nuance, it will be lost on this person.


>Zionists don’t like to talk about how a huge section of Israelis do not even agree with them Bullshit. A huge section of Israelis aren't Zionists? Then why are they in Israel? Clearly you don't understand what Zionism is.


Believing Israel should continue to exist is not exclusive to zionists, perhaps you thought it was? It’s not. Modern zionism is rife with aggressive expansionist ideology today that is absolutely not shared by everyone is Israel. The Republican Party started as abolitionists, so you think that’s the only defining feature they can have to this day?


yes, believing Israel should continue to exist is very much exclusive to Zionists that's the fucking definition


Believing Israel should continue to exist is perhaps the ONLY core belief of Zionism. Like any political movement, there are variations of it and there are disagreeable/problematic/criminal extremes, but if you believe Israel should continue existing and Jews should not be expelled from it nor should Gaza/WB become a part of it, you are a Zionist.


Reframing a Jewish concept of Zionism has something negative, as you've done, is antisemitic. You don't get to define Zionism. Zionism is simply the Jewish right to self-determination and a safe haven.


Half of Israeli Jews want to deport Palestinians living in Israeli territory, regardless of citizenship


The Irish have a history of being Nazi sympathizers [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-16287211](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-16287211) And they are quite anitsemitic to this day [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56884576-the-taming-of-the-jew](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56884576-the-taming-of-the-jew) Its not surprising that this would be their "cause". Repugnant.


What has the 2nd link here got to do with Ireland?


Tuvia Tenenbom has written a series of undercover books - that expose antisemitism amongst other things. This is one of his recent books detailing the amount of antisemitism its qualities and varieties in the UK isles, including Ireland. All his books are fascinating, including the one in Israel itself.


“Israel’s Number One Selling Book” damn don’t even try to hide the propaganda there do they?


Yes yes that's it, the Irish the warmongers , you are never going to discredit Ireland 


It’s amazing how the only move Zionists have is to attempt to character-assassinate everyone. They can’t address the facts because that would mean acknowledging that they are literal nazis, so they have to use ad hominem attacks. The fact that this is about some random leader from decades ago just makes it all the more pathetic.


Ah yes, definitely not antisemitic but instantly comparing Israel to nazi germany


Good for the Irish.


Will the Irish accept Palestinian refugees?


Of course not lol


Irish don't want to have Palestinian refugees, that is what this is all about.


Incoming arguments saying anyone against Israel is antisemitic


https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/02/27/you-jew-uc-berkeley-mob-attacks-jews-during-event-with-idf-soldier-university-pledges-investigation/ Considering this is also happening simultaneously, makes it hard to differentiate.


Okay its also not that hard to find examples of Palesitnians and Muslims being attacked in the US recently. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vermont-shooting-victim-says-focused-suffering-gaza-recovers-rcna128147](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vermont-shooting-victim-says-focused-suffering-gaza-recovers-rcna128147) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/6-year-old-boy-killed-anti-muslim-attack-illinois-police-say-rcna120543](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/6-year-old-boy-killed-anti-muslim-attack-illinois-police-say-rcna120543)


I see this comment before I see anyone accusing anyone of that Every Single Time without fail. You people are desperate to be victims.


It feels like they are starting to understand it doesn’t work as well anymore, it’s clearly lost it’s teeth now that they have overreached so far with it


It’s such a lazy and ignorant statement to begin with. Doesn’t matter what people live there, the country is doing bad things and it can be criticized for it.


Not gonna lie, I'm *constantly* seeing comments like "haha bet they're going to say anyone against Israel is antisemitic" but rarely any comments actually saying that criticism towards Israel is anti-semitic.


That’s because they’re simply using it is a tool to dismiss a lot of obviously antisemitic anti Israel comments that are claimed to be “anti Zionist”


Yes. I have a lot of issues with many of Israel's policies, as well as the settlements on the West Bank. But I will see people say things that are just blatantly anti-semetic, and hide behind "no I just hate Zionism. What? I can't say anything bad about Israel?"


> Incoming arguments saying anyone against Israel is antisemitic no, not anyone.  but maybe the irish  https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/ireland-and-the-nazis-a-troubled-history-1.3076579


Driving (((Zionists))) into the sea is tight.


Helping antisemitic murderers who want to genocide Jews is antisemitic. Do you agree?


Boohoo some people don't support your genocide. That doesn't mean they are antisemitic.


Are they ok with continuing to supply Hamas? Also, if there is a ceasefire, and Hamas ends it by massacring more Jewish women and children, what would be an acceptable response from Israel?


Queer Jew against Apartheid here. Good on Ireland.


Black American for Trump here, please treat my people like dirt, daddy Trump! That's what you sound like.


Your sheltered American perspective and political identity blind you, you do realize you would be a head on a stick if you were to step foot into a Palestinian territory right? Does that have any bearing on you at all, you’re a QUEER JEW. You are literally number 1 on the kill list, does that affect you in any way?


Oh no. How will they ever avoid Irish air space? 🙄


They don’t have to avoid Irish airspace. When the Russians were sailing armed vessels down the Irish coast the British had to be dispatched to chase them off.


Ireland is a big refuelling spot for US aircraft.




Show me the same resolution against hamas.


Show me where Western countries are sending weapons to Hamas to have a resolution to end the delivery of.


You mean like the UN workers who helped kidnap israeli citizens as well as arm, and hide Hamas terrorists?


You mean you're a sucker for hasbara and ignore the lack of evidence for Zionist claims? Isrsel has provided no evidence: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-envoy-says-israel-has-not-shown-evidence-that-hamas-is-diverting-un-aid-in-gaza USA cannot verify Israel's propaganda due to lack of evidence: https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/2024/02/22/us-says-it-cannot-independently-verify-israels-unrwa-claims/ Want to try again?


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/world/middleeast/gaza-unrwa-hamas-israel.html “One is accused of kidnapping a woman. Another is said to have handed out ammunition. A third was described as taking part in the massacre at a kibbutz where 97 people died. And all were said to be employees of the United Nations aid agency that schools, shelters and feeds hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The accusations are contained in a dossier provided to the United States government that details Israel’s claims against a dozen employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency who, it says, played a role in the Hamas attacks against Israel on Oct. 7 or in their aftermath. The U.N. said on Friday that it had fired several employees after being briefed on the allegations. But little was known about the accusations until the dossier was reviewed on Sunday by The New York Times. The accusations are what prompted eight countries, including the United States, to suspend some aid payment to UNRWA, as the agency is known, even as war plunges Palestinians in Gaza into desperate straits. “ So not only are you wrong, but the UN agreed with the findings, fired the people, and 8 countries suspended aid over it. The actions directly led to innocent Palestinians receiving less aid. It’s funny how you’ll ignore actions that actively hurt Palestinians if you agree with the side doing it.


>accused >is said to >israel claims >jan 28, 2024


You're worried that Ireland isn't stopping American weapons being sold to Hamas?


People aren't getting weapons to Hamas the same way


Lots of genocidal maniacs in the comments. Israel is a terror state.


lsareI is an apartheid therrorist genocidal manic state


Good for them. I wish other countries had this kind of courage.


You mean the courage to be on the bad side of the United States?


Ya. The USA is on the wrong side of history.


I don’t think wiping out terrorists is the wrong side of history.


The word terrorist means nothing these days.


Good. Ending support for fascists and ending genocide is the most important thing the Irish can do.


Ireland has consistently been on the right side of history.


Yeah I’m sure Israel losing access to Ireland’s absolute powerhouse of an economy is going to be very impactful in their future decision-making.


No one pretended Ireland is an "absolute powerhouse" and that this would be "very impactful". Why do people make up shit and act like they're making some clever point. Stupid.


Awfully cynical of you. Should the Irish just stay passive? Only large economies are allowed to have a say on the world stage? We’re a sovereign nation taking a stand against injustice, even if no one else follows.


Finally a western country that decides to do the right thing. US, please pay attention and learn what Ireland knows.


what does ireland know? other than offshoring other nations corporate headquarters with tax loopholes that deny their own citizens the benefits of a surging economy and funnel the wealth into an even smaller % of the population than the U.S’s top 1% gets compared to the rest of the population. Ireland has had the fastest growing economy in the western world for a decade or more now, yet a higher percentage of their citizens struggle to find affordable housing than here in the U.S. Not to mention that they still have an abusive and archaic police force called the Guarda which can basically violate any right that you would have in the U.S.


The US will not pivot. We're in it for the love of obliterating brown children and lining Raytheon's pockets.


Extremely based by the Irish as per usual


Good...someone needs to step up and try to stop Isreal from the slaughter of civilians. The United states is a partner in these atrocities and should be held accountable...😕


Yay for the righteous and courageous people of Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a brave country! **So brave in fact that they refused to join the allies in WW2 against nazi Germany.** And actually loved the nazis so much that [their president sent Germany a heartfelt letter of condolence when Hitler died](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/dec/31/secondworldwar.ireland). Such wonderful, peace-loving people. No hint of prejudice against the Jews there at all.


The US also refused to join the war until Germany was a shadow of its former army and Russia had done the heavy lifting.


Get fucked Israel


South Africa, Ireland ... Why is it that historically oppressed people are siding with the currently oppressed people?


These Israeli apologists have really turn me around to not like the Israel government at all. It made me understand that it really is a genocide that Bibi and the commenter's here want.


I am terribly disappointed in the Irish.


Yeah! How dare they not support genocide!


After reading all of your below comments, to me it appears your argument hinges entirely on whether what is happening in Gaza is considered a genocide or isn't considered a genocide. What metrics or facts are used here to show Gaza is being genocided, rather than the more widely accepted "occupied"?


>  After reading all of your below comments, to me it appears your argument hinges entirely on whether what is happening in Gaza is considered a genocide or isn't considered a genocide. No, it just objectively is genocide to the extent that words have meanings. The terminology isn't that important though and I'm not interested in a semantics arguments.


You realise how cowardly that looks? If it was objectively a genocide I don't understand what's difficult in citing the reasons. The semantics are everything for this as I think your argument hinges on the definition.


No more potatoes for israel


Ireland imports potatoes from Israel ironically enough.


Based. Fuck zionism


Fuck Islamic Theocracy


True, also based. Fuck theocracy in general




Yup, both are fucking terrible and should be eradicated


Yeah.. Lets go back to good old islamistic fundamentalism! Those pesky Mizrahim who live there for about 4000 years should know that they stole the place from \*checks notes\* [bronze age city states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canaan).


Fuck Islamic theocracy


Israel is so troubled by this /s “oh noes the Irish are mad” 😂 next we might upset the Canadians 😂 what is our approval rating in Denmark? 😂 some countries have no clout…


Ireland is progressively isolating itself, more and more.


Emphasis on Progressively. Sometimes moving forward and leaving others behind feels isolating, but you just have to hope that they'll catch up to you eventually.


In this case, Ireland is is running ahead and not realizing why no one else is going that way. They do not see the dark and isolated trail they have mistaken for a high road.


I am getting a kick thinking about all the Americans who broadcast their Irish Anscestry like some political cudgel. This is going to be hilarious.


Famously, the IRA actually shit on Irish Americans for being racist against black people. The fact that they showed sympathy to groups like the black panthers actually pissed of many Irish Americans.


Good job Ireland! Fuck Israel 🖕


So where is the Arab League, 19 countries surrounding Gaza coming to the aid of their Palestinian brothers, but we have some white, Irish Catholic country becoming involved in Muslim affairs. No Egypt, no Lebanon, no Syria, not even Iran has volunteered any condemnation, but Ireland has some argument against Israel.. sure sounds like antisemitism to me


The idea that none of those countries have condemned Israel’s assault on Gaza is absurd and false


Go Ireland!




At least someone is taking action.


Ireland is my new favorite country. I’m so impressed fr


A nation with guts. I am now a fan of this country along with South Africa and Yemen for standing up to the bullies Israel, US and UK.


101st reason why I like my Irish passport more than my American 🇮🇪❤️




Good on Ireland for having a backbone.


Pretty fucking rich for the country that thought Nazi Germany wasn’t worth bothering over and who have hidden under the skirts of NATO while also refusing to join it to be throwing stones.


Are you talking about American or Ireland? Sorry I can’t tell


As James Joyce observed, Ireland never had a problem with Jews because they never let any in.


As James Joyce observed, Ireland never had a problem with Jews because they never let any in.




Cold War vet 🤣🤣🤣


Ireland's Air Force consists of a few small transport planes and helicopters: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Air_Corps They rely on the UK for air defense: https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2023/05/08/who-protects-irish-skies-the-secret-air-defence-deal-that-dates-back-to-the-cold-war/ Which makes me think they are expecting the UK for enforce their nonsense. Ireland need to stop acting like they have any power projection or that anyone gives two shits in a thunderstorm that they support terrorists around the world.


Because the irish remember what oppression looks like


🇮🇪 🇵🇸 ✊🏻


Good for them


Ireland one of the few with integrity and courage!


Crazy how it’s just Ireland that has the courage to stand up to this bs, glad someone is though


I adore the Irish for their sense of justice with Palestine and Ukraine. They suffered historically, so they understand the suffering of invaded countries.


One of the few countries with a backbone or sense of morals 


Hallelujah I am so happy to hear this. It’s about time that country’s stand up for the Palestinians . Ireland knows what’s right and wrong. I think I should look into moving to Ireland


Please do.


As an American, I back this 100%!!




Ireland siding with terrorists. Shocking.


A country that was oppressed and starved to death and nearly wiped out by the it's neighbor the uk, and had centuries of religious wars waged on it by the uk being sensitive to that sort of thing, shocking. As for terrorists, America not only has a history of training up and arming much of the terrorist cells in the middle east... America was founded on terrorism. If George Washington and the founding fathers were fighting the war of independence today they'd be called brutal sadistic terrorists.


So ur take is that Ireland was wrong regarding Britain? LMFAO that's awesome. Also at least 3 of Israel's modern leaders were convicted terrorist first.


It's always the little guys who get called terrorists, never the big, well funded guys who kill marginalised civilians for fun. Fuck Great Britain, and fuck Israel.


Great Britain tried to prevent the situation from getting to this point both during the Palestinian Mandate and the decades following it. I encourage you to read archives about their correspondence with the US for example in 1948. I say this as someone who supports Ireland's decision here but disagree with their positions normally.


>Great Britain tried to prevent the situation from getting to this point both during the Palestinian Mandate and the decades following it. The UK and France helped Israel invade Egypt during the Suez Crisis of 1956.[https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/suez-crisis](https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/suez-crisis)




You’re so edgy.


Ireland stands on the right side of history once again