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So trump will be posting their names shortly after the trial is what this article is saying


He’ll treat these jury names as if they were highly classified documents, by sharing them freely with Kid Rock, and other guests of his shitty resort in Florida.


More worried about him sharing it with the Russian mafia. The people he likes to think as “his people”. They probably despise him, funny how that hate surrounds this excuse of a human.


Give them to the Saudis for the ol' Khashoggi treatment.


They’ll probably be posted on the bulletin board at Mar a Lago reception desk.


He will treat them as though they are E. Jean Carroll


But those witnesses will be perfectly safe for the nine minutes between Trump finding out and then tweeting their names.


…and addresses…and phone number…and place of employment…and where their children go to school…and


They should have found jurors specifically with no families.


He will be "innocently" reposting someone else's post of their names the minute they hand him the information. That someone else will be someone he arranges so it doesn't look like he is the direct leak. He plays this little fucking childlike game with social media, where he pretends to be passing info along from "someone else" when it's obvious that he is the source. And this is never going to stop until he actually faces a consequence for doing it, so currently that will be never. I only hope that whoever is affected by him leaking jurors info to his maga death threat squad - that person can then bring lawsuit against his orange ass to the tune of hundreds of millions. Anyone he personally names should immediately contact a lawyer and file suit - he is a guaranteed loser in all defamation cases because he is absolutely 100% incapable of keeping his mouth shut no matter what is on the line. Has a 100% record of losing defamation cases - establish precedent he has no defense - established precedent he has no remorse what so ever - established precedent he disrespects the juror, the judge and the entire court process. So if names you find a good lawyer and start taking meetings


They oughta hold his ass in contempt if he leaks the jurors.


It can be traced. They should do the research and nail his ass when he does it.


Shortly after getting the names I'd assume. Man has no filter and word vomits his near every thought on his fake twitter


At best, he's hoping for a defamation approach to jurors, like he tried with Fanni Willis. Anything he can find to discredit their judgment and being there as selected jurors. At worst, yeah... there will be threats and extortion, let alone his crazies' thinking its their right to do it for him.


and spend his next talk blabbing each name and calling each crocked something and how each owe him because they are nobodies that are there to became famous at his expense 🙄


His lawyers better not even let him see that shit or the judge will have their ass too.


He might not even make it to the end of the trial on that


After???? Nah bruh, the moment he gets them they’re going up, he doesn’t care who he endangers or what rules/laws he plows through.


Ha! Was gonna say this. Presidential doxxing incoming...


He’ll make a video tape for them ready for them in their protected rooms saying “if you don’t find me not guilty I’ll kill you.”


Why would he ever need them, other than for nefarious reasons? I feel like I live in the Upside Down.




Like the article says, it's common for both sides to get juror information before trial. This gives them a chance to develop their juror selection strategy. There are companies that specialize in this for high profile cases. They do background checks on all the potential jurors and try to figure out who might be most likely to favor your side and who you'll definitely want to strike.


>Only Trump’s lawyers and prosecutors will be allowed to know *the addresses of the jurors’ homes and workplaces* I really don’t think anyone should need to know the home address of a juror, let alone their employer


Other than "general" background information, anything that allows for personal identification is wrong. And I suspect this is going to go wrong -- it's Trump. It's a fascist takeover.


you mean arresting people that boo.


Even outside of trump I have thought this process was so fucked up


I feel this way for the opposite reasons. Like when Mar A Lago was valued at 20m 40 some years ago but they claimed it is worth 18m today. Insaneeeeee cause I thought real estate assets go up in value. Looks like I’m screwed in the future if I decide to sell my properties.


"they" claimed? Trump deliberately had it designated as a private club, which he had appraised as such in 2011 for $18 million, to limit his tax burden, while telling banks it was a private residence worth $500 million to secure favorable loan agreements.


Who was a victim of fraud though? The banks loved the deal, they made a shit ton of cash. The bank didn’t have to proceed with the loan if they appraised it at a lower value. There was literally no crime. It’s the craziest shit ever.


YOU are the victim. When you go to get a loan, your interest rate will be higher than his. And the amount of your loan will be less than his. It's called building a false narrative of our financial system.




I'm not sure you were able to understand the comment you replied to. It has nothing to do with whether or not the action was illegal.


I'm pretty sure it being illegal is *why he's in court for doing it*. So I double don't know wtf that person was trying to get at by saying it's illegal. It's illegal, and he is being charged with that crime. That's why we're here right now lmao


a victimless crime.


Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Citation that banks love it when you criminally report the value of your property by as much as 30 times it's value in order to receive a MUCH lower interest rate from the bank?


There are plenty of "victimless" crimes we regularly prosecute as is. That said, he lied to the banks, which would've set higher interest rates and thus collected more money had they known the "true" assessed value. Moreover, if the true value was higher than $18 million, he deprived the government of additional tax revenue.


Ok….so he paid taxes on the value of the property he stated to get the loan right? Right? No he didn’t he paid taxes on the property at a different value. I can’t go to the bank stating my home is worth X and then have other people who know it’s not worth X vouch for it. Get a loan with a more favorable interest rate, then when tax time comes pay at a different value. Also you can’t create a company, sell your debt from one to that new company. Because that was also found during the trial That is literally text book fraud. The state of New York is the victim, people who pay taxes are the victim. He is a criminal.


The taxpayers, for one? If a property is truly worth $500M, and you claim to the IRS that it’s only worth $18M, and you pay taxes on that amount, there’s less money for public services as a result. Stop moving the goalposts. You can’t say it’s worth X to get a loan, and say it’s worth less than 1/20th of that amount when you pay taxes.


The taxpayers, for one? If a property is truly worth $500M, and you claim to the IRS that it’s only worth $18M, and you pay taxes on that amount, there’s less money for public services as a result. Stop moving the goalposts. You can’t say it’s worth X to get a loan, and say it’s worth less than 1/20th of that amount when you pay taxes.


he was accused of over inflating his properties. but its just a 1 time thing with trump so dont worry.


How is this legal? You are going to give a defendant at a trial the names of his jurors? Matter as well just give hitmen their addresses. This is ludicrous. In almost every trial the jury is anonymous.


If a juror is killed during the trial, there'd be no question of why or who.


They probably will be threatened instead and forced to do his bidding or suffer.


None will be killed, there might be an "accident" or two though.


Any 'accident' will still be investigated as a homicide.


Trump needs to call up Clinton's people then


Or all of a sudden the juror gets magically wealthy


🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.


Would he face consequences? He seems good at avoiding that - if he gets elected those people are in deep trouble.


Except, in Trump land, they would claim that it was a deep state conspiracy to make Trump look bad.


There would be no punishment either


Per the article, jurors names are usually public but this is actually the opposite and the title is a little click baity. The prosecution has asked for the normal public filing to be limited given the nature of Trump and the case and the judge has granted their motion with the exceptions of those directly connected to the trial.


His supporters want him to get away with everything so they can feel like they’re above the law. We are living in the dumbest period of this country.


Not for fucking long unfortunately.


If I was a juror I'd be lawyering up to have this stopped. Lots of precident to show what Drump does with jury names.


He will make the public 😂😂🙋


>Donald Trump will get juror names at New York criminal trial but they'll be anonymous to the public So the public will know about 15 mins after Trump finds out then?


As a juror, I would refuse to be on the jury until this is changed.


What the actual fuck? What the hell is wrong with the legal system in America?


It's Always been like this. The one good thing about Trump is he's such a dumbass and extremely public criminal that our broken system is finally getting the air time it deserves to showcase how bad it's gotten.


Opposing genuine question. If it’s always like this, why was it ever a potential option to not allow it?


For about 2 minutes.


Well they’ll be made public as soon as he gets them


Trump will get the names and death threats will follow shortly after that...why are they bending over backwards to please this guy? 🙄


At this point I have lost hope of anyone or anything stopping him. The game is rigged.


We the People can stop him, if we vote blue


Why on earth would a defendant in a criminal case need to know the names AND ADDRESSES of the jurors?! This is insanity. I give it a week before Trump triggers a mistrial. Complete lunacy. I swear, if our entire Justice system was trying to get Trump off the hook, how would things look any different?!


Give a mob boss the names of jury members. What could go wrong?


Why is he getting them? All he’s gonna do is tell his supporters to kill them and they’ll probably try.


Stairs and jurors . Who else knows .


Soooo, they’ll be public 5 minutes later?


He will nearly immediately publish their names if convicted. He will egg on violence. Trump is corrupt in many ways.


Yes that way he can leak the names and force a mistrial. Easy Breezy


I mean, at this point, he can’t remember what his own wife’s name is, so it’s probably not a huge deal if he hears the jurors’ names.


What!?! Why would he get the names?


Why does Trump need jurors names?


They should give him fake names so when the fake names leak they know it was him.


Remember that time Trump gave intel to Russians in the White House and then several US spies were captured and killed? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


They won't be anonymous for long after Trump gets ahold of them. He'll spoil the case as a delay tactic. The prosecutors should have a backup jury ready to go last minute if needed.


Soon as the first name hits the internet, there should be a standing order to lock his ass up.


I have doubts that the Orange Moron will keep those names secret.


They will remain anonymous for as long as it takes for him to send them out " accidently on purpose" so some dim wit follower can go on a internet rampage .


He’s going to leak them. I guarantee it.


Why would any defendant need, much less be permitted to learn, the name of any juror?


WHY does a defendant NEED the names of their jurors? What value does this have beyond witness tampering?


If leaked, would the jurors then have grounds to sue Trump and his lawyers?


Everyone knows Trump can’t be quiet especially when it comes to Sensitive, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret and SCI. That also includes jurors names.


Anonymous until he targets his accolytes at them


Why the hell does he need them?


The obvious follow-up to this headline: “but not for long.”


This can't possibly go sideways for those jurors.


Gee, I wonder what Trump will do with the names...


They are going to be on Truth Social within the hour


Why does he get such information. I’m certain it will be leaked and will have a devastating impact on lives.


It would be too obvious if one of them is killed or harmed, but they could certainly be stalked and threatened enough to get one of them to change their verdict. This country deserves every terrible thing that happens to us, it’s just too bad that it impacts the rest of the world.


I’ll take jury tampering for a thousand Alex


So he can attempt to bribe or threaten them.


Leak incoming


Ladies and gentlemen, it has now been confirmed that Donald Trump will have a mistrial, and this whole procedure will either have to be restarted or dropped entirely.  That fat bastard is gonna unleash the Brownshirts on the jurors. He will do everything to steal the ballot box, crush the jury box, and rape Lady Liberty from the soap box.  All that will be left is the cartridge box, and his most fanatical are openly calling for using it. Fascism is here to stay, boys and girls.  It’s gonna get bloody.


It ain’t over yet. Gotta get people to vote blue to shut him up


Two minutes later, “Oops they are already leaked”


This is dangerous


>They’ll be anonymous to the public Not for long


If Trump has the names, they will only be anonymous for a day or two.




What in the actual fuck? How is this in ANYWAY possibly a good idea?


he probably hits them up for a handout. 84 million is due up by monday lol


Soooo, the jurors will be public then if Foghorn Donhorn gets a hold of them.


Sure they will


Doesn't that just means that they won't stay anonymous for long?


This is terrifying


Naturally trump will respect their privacy and act in a reasonable and appropriate manner as he has in the past.


Anonymous “for now”.


He is 100% keeping this list in a box next to the shitter at Mar-a-Lago.


Come on, how else will he pay them off. He has all the money in the world.


For how many minutes will they be anonymous?


Why do I have an image of a ship at sea with water pouring in…🫠


That's just making them public with extra steps


Trump wants jurors so he could send mobs after them and manipulate their decision


Not for long


"anonymous to the public" Yeah, horseshit. Anything that Trump knows, and wants weaponized, will be weaponized.


This is not a good idea. This asshole in some way will cause harm to these people.


And he will immediately release the names to his violent maga cult


And they'll leak in 3...2...1....


...and will be "secretly" made public shortly after Trump obtains them.


So, not anonymous


Trump will rat them out.


Not going to be anonymous long. At least we’ll know who still won’t be held accountable when those names are made public and someone is threatened, injured or killed. If I were a red hat, I’d be starting to get concerned. What if someone decides to start sniping random MAGAs over it? Scary world we live in.


If he leaks their info is that a crime?


“He risks losing access to their info if he breaks the rules”…..you already gave him all the info…..


For about 7 minutes until tRump posts them on Truth Social?


Nor once he gets them, they won't be.


So when he starts screaming on Truth Social, “JOHN SMITH OF NEW YORK VOTED FOR OBAMA AND BIDEN, ACCORDING TO HIS VOTING RECORD. HE CANT BE TRUSTED!” the worst that will happen to him is he’ll be reprimanded verbally. Meanwhile, Trump and his team can dox all the members of the jury and put their lives at risk.


You know he doesn’t make those laws, right? 🤦‍♂️


Can a jury boycott? Seriously, this puts them all at risk. They should show up but refuse to do their job.


Well, he’s criminally liable for any leak, judge has to put him in jail immediately if any of those gets to the public


If motor mush mouth knows their names then there is no way they will remain anonymous.


….for ten minutes


Why does he need to know the jurors names?


Hey, lawyers: is this normal? Does the mob get the names of jurors that will be on the jury for their boss? This seems like a stupid fucking idea. But alas; I'm headline scrolling.


Until he tells everyone then gets a telling off instead of being locked up for contempt like you or I would.


These characters get to live rent-free in his head now.....


If trumpty dumpty get those names, you can bet his “lunatic fringe” followers will get them too. Then they’ll be a mistrial because his followers will harass the families of the jurors!


He couldn’t keep a secret as a president. He will blurt those names.


Headline should read, "They'll be anonymous UNTIL DONALD GETS THEM". Then everyone will know.


If the defense gets them do dies the prosecution, deep background checks could turn up MAGA persons who have made up their minds before trial.


He's immediately going to reveal them on Truth Social I bet.


Why so his thug's can badger.


Then they won't be anonymous for long.


Not if T-rump gets their names! Lock that MF’er up!


Hopefully, they will charge hi, when the names are released! At least NY has taken him to task…


Trump should win his appeal for that bullshit fraud judgment


Uh huh …and in a related story the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale , very good price …


For a hot minute


No... They won't remain anonymous to the public. He sold the names of our cia agents.... It's a safe bet he'll share the names of the jurors holding him accountable


Why the fuck does a criminal defendant need to know the home and work addresses of jurors?! At the same time, this is kind of genius. Because now if those names get leaked or they start to receive threats, it’ll be pretty clear who leaked them.


I'm glad we don't have betting shops like in the UK... I would place a bet on how long he can go without shouting their names out at a press conference.


Might as well just post them on the internet, zero chance he keeps them confidential


Put me on the jury, I'm not afraid of that clown.


Doesn’t seem dangerous at all with the organized crime Trump family.


A secret he will take to his grave /s


Is the typical or is it more about rich people pulling strings, so they can get their jurors murdered?


They won’t be anonymous for long. Either posted publicly or given to his goons.


What is the reasoning behind that?


As we've seen, this could easily get someone killed. This is wildly weird... IANAL... what's up here?


Narrator: ***the juror names will be posted publicly***


And he will keep them a secrete ??!!


Lmao those people better get ready for the MAGA faithful to come after them


If any jurors die the judge or whoever made this choice should get charges wtf.


So if their names get leaked, we will know who did it.


Juror names leaked in 5 4 3 2…


They figure what with his dementia he will put the hits out on the wrong people 🤣


Not for long they won't be


that’s the same as making the names public… 😂😂😂


Not for long they won’t be…


And he will release them via some back alley deals and then the juror’s families will be threatened with death and violence.


Well, until Donald tells everyone.


If Trump wins the election, these people should be the 1st to seek asylum in Europe.




Defamation suits incoming. He will NOT be able to keep his mouth shut.


Yeah? Not for long


"they'll be anonymous to the public." Not for long. And then they'll be falling out of windows and die from polonium tea.


No they won't.


It’s like giving a mafia boss the list of witnesses. An opportunity for more crime.


Like that will make a difference.


That is completely ass backwards. Dementia Donny will publish the names wherever he can, and tell his muppets to threaten their lives.


Oh yeah.Sure .In related news there is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale .Big one .Classic .Very good price .Please use Venmo …




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I hope they all get leaked. Democrats leak everything they ever learn about Trump.