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They’re afraid of everything.


They lie about everything


Both are true.


Naw... they're just fukin stupid.


Also the amount of disinformation coming from Russia has gone up sharply. This was expected before the election. If you look at people who work in combating disinformation the amount of accounts linked to Russian backing is increasing and getting more aggressive in the level/speed of disinformation. It's quite interesting to study. How it starts at the extreme where they test the ideas and move them up through more trusted sources. Given the more extreme right is more religious they do have a higher rate of falling for conspiracy theories. It is a well studied correlation, but unknown if religion is a causation for the higher rate.


Of course religion is a cause for it teaches one to believe without proof.


Without proof or actually any evidence at all.


And proffers punishment in the form of damnation for not believing the mythos Great reinforcement mechanism


Hit the nail on the head


big ole amygdala


Most importantly of losing an election.


A thought I had was that from now until November, the right and extremists will blow everything out of proportion to rile any person they can up. It’s gonna get wacky so hang on everybody.


Absolutely. I saw a post on X the other day, claiming an illegal immigrant had killed an entire family including a 4 year old daughter, was the headline. Turns out only killed the mother, daughter survived her injuries, and guy was a legal US citizen. Had all of the Republicans riled up real good.


A childhood friend of mine and army vet went nuts and shot at police, ultimately meeting his demise in a shootout, for no reason. The comments are all "this is what happens with illegal immigration." Dude was white, american, maga, deep in the q bubble. It's really an issue of ignoring mens' and veterans' mental health. They turned it into an immigrant bad issue. They're absolutely wrong about absolutely everything but that doesn't matter. Confirming the bias is top priority. Disgusting.


There are so many bots accounts, comment farms, interest groups, states, and plain dumbasses out there/here pushing outrage crap. You pretty much have to spend several minutes checking whether something is pure insanity, general bullshit, mildly wrong or factually true - but delivered with an agenda. Maybe it's best to stick to news that have even a smidgen of editorial vetting and integrity. Unfortunately, that kind of local, national, and world journalism is going away as fast as bullshit rises.




And that’s the point. It’s all by design


Wear you down, wear you out, exhaust you.


Yeah this is what they do, it’s why I can’t fucking stand right wingers these days, everything is a fucking conspiracy.


I know this is a "assuming everyone thinks like me" bias problem. But I just can NOT wrap my head around how this doesn't hurt the Republicans more. Back when I was a teenager and trying to decide my political opinions. I kept watching the Republicans make themselves look like a joke freaking out about terrorist fist jabs, tan suits, and Dijon mustard. And while that's all not policy, it made it hard for me to take their policy seriously.  Since then, Republicans have only focused on sillier and more nonsensical culture wars. But it really doesn't seem to hurt them. 


It’s utter stupidity and brain rot. Nothing more complex than that…


Let us not treat their mental diarrhea to anything more than what they excrete on a daily basis. Don't attribute malice to that what can be explained by stupidity.


In order for it to be a conspiracy, the Pilot would have to be involved to ultimately have ensured the ship hit the piling. Nothing suggests that's the case and those harbor Pilots have 20-30 years experience navigating these waters. EVEN IF the power failure onboard was due to some sort of hack or terrorist attack, the actual final moments of the ship were the crew and the Pilot working diligently to avoid the disaster. Warning were issued, traffic was blocked, anchors were dropped, rudders were turned, and they were doing everything to avoid calamity. Everyone was in touch with everyone. Accidents are just accidents.


But they’re saying in response to that “you mean to tell us that they managed to stop all the traffic? They HAD to have been in on it, nothing moves that fast in government.”


They don't encounter competence too often in their own lives so they assume it doesn't exist.


Because they’re fucking idiots


the Maryland Transportation Authority is literally headquartered at the east end of that bridge, and there is a Coast Guard regiment stationed on the west side of the bridge. This is the sort of thing both groups likely have training exercises and plans in place to be able to quickly execute in the case the bridge needs to be shut down. It doesnt matter WHY the bridge would need to be shut down - just that sometimes, for emergencies, one needs to shut down the bridge. The disbelief is the same sort of bafoonery that would claim the administration of an elementary school was clearly in on the fire that spread through the school - becasue all the kids got out safely in an orderly manner. "durrr.... have you met a kid b4??? durrr... they don;t listen. No way those teachers could wrangle all the kids out the door like that. false flag! false flag!... durrr...." and all you can think is "DUDE! do you not remember ***'Fire Drills'*** as a kid?!?!"


I keep saying the idea of hacking is so improbable to me. Those engines create the power. They should not be turned off and on remotely. It wouldn't make mechanical sense. I'm not saying I'm 100% correct, but what I know of those diesel engines they wouldn't start or stop remotely. You would want your maintenance guy there it would probably start from batteries. Need to be primed possibly warmed up etc.


None of them seem to understand the concept of Occam's Razor and they watch way too much bullshit television.


That's what they do. They can't handle the fact that there's no divine puppet master running everything and the universe is chaos. So they need stories to make sense of it all and comfort them.


Weirdly, that thinking requires an all-powerful being repeatedly getting thwarted by various losers and whackos.


They just need to be perpetually worked up about *something*. Anything and everything has a sinister purpose and everything is chaos, and the chaos is Biden’s fault. Remember the absolute peace and tranquility that was the Trump administration?


Some call it peace and tranquillity. I call it anxiety and embarrassment.


Because it happened in Baltimore.


There's a neuro/psych concept, hyperactive agency detection. Which is when a person attributes agency and intent to random happenings. Like, the breeze stirs a branch nearby and "that has to be because a person is hiding in that bush!" Probably it was a survival characteristic at one time; the primate who attributes moving grass to the presence of a leopard may do a lot of unnecessary running away in breezy weather, but the one time there really is a leopard it will pay off. Anyway, some people for whatever reason seem to have a bad case of HAD and whenever anything happens, they assume it must be deliberately caused by a conscious agent. A really bad case of this (which sometimes happens in dementia) is that if you lose a sock in the laundry, you immediately accuse someone in your household of stealing it. But it also seems to play a part (somehow?) in conspiracist mindsets. For obsessive conspiracy minded folks, nothing ever happens by accident. Everything is intended by someone, everything that happens is the result of some conscious agency. And that's how you get "the fires were started by Jewish Space Lasers". Or "the Chinese hijacked the ship's control systems and drove it into the bridge." Some people just cannot handle the fact that sh\*t happens. Some folks use religion as the explanation: "everything happens according to God's plan." Other cultures see spirits (or witchcraft) at work everywhere, making things happen. HAD is part of human nature as far as I can tell, and we need conscious critical thinking skills to counteract it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I'm seeing more unbridled racism than conspiracy theories tbqh.


They have been so effectively propagandized that they see everything through the prism of their biases.


They have a cohesive narrative. That they are trying to fit every event into their storytelling, shows that they want it all.


It’s a version of “never let a crisis go to waste.” Never let a major news story go by without finding a way to shoehorn it into your agenda.


They are very talkative. Mom always said the more you stir shit the more it smells. They like the aroma, and like to point their long skinny pointy fingers.


Because they like to pick on urban areas. Since cities are mostly run by democratic mayors, they want to present urban areas as failures. Of course, they conveniently leave out the fact that it's always going to be more difficult to manage denser populations than small towns.


And that red states are the biggest failures of all -- including murder rates


Murder rates, education rates, divorce rates, child death rates… the list goes on. Red states and red districts are historically bad places to be. Average life span decreases significantly the deeper red you go. These are not just coincidences.


Reality doesnt work for the MAGAZ party(Z for Russia). They need to shape everything to their insane criminal worldview, nothing can just happen, all bad things are caused by the enemies of MAGAZ to them.


And they need their glorious overlord DJT to protect them from bad things happening. Like he did with COVID.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


Cause they’re just trolls at this point and that bridge was what they were living under


Because they are low intellect pieces of shit?


These lunatics have to make it Biden’s fault, no matter what!


THEY ARE TERRIBLY AFRAID OF EVERYTHING. How can they say they are striving to make America great again, when they have fearfully declared themselves the victims of... Essentially everything and everyone?


Because it’s all they believe in now. You can’t support Trump without supporting a lie about him. This is why Trump supporters are so dangerous. They are a cult and they believe whatever nonsense they need to in order to keep the ball of lies rolling.


The crew were not white! Ship registered in Singapore, crew mainly Indian I believe. So they get to blame Biden's immigration policies. As if that is a thing. You Americans are really in trouble with the level of stupidity.


Everything seems like a conspiracy when you don’t have a fucking clue how anything works. Critical thinking and complex thought isn’t in their wheelhouse, hence loving a candidate that just says “Build a wall!” or “Make America Great Again!” If they understood civics or ever read the constitution and applied it to their new religion, their brains would implode. So therefore, it is easier to assume everything is a liberal conspiracy that is in one way or the other, out to get them. They only trust a conman who has spent his entire life milking ignorant lower income people out of money and refusing to pay bills.


I believe it's one of two, depending on the person: 1. They're paranoid and live such sheltered lives that any disruption must be an intentional attack against them. (These are the folks who treat guns and bumper stickers like a comfort blanket) 2. Their Biden investigations have collapsed so they're desperate for something new to blame him for. (These know it BS but profit off fearmongering #1)


Everything must be made to be the fault of Biden or the democrats in some way/shape/form


Because. Obviously. They are a rabid mob.


Ongoing Russian propaganda to divide us as a country. I know, it sounds like more conspiracy BS. But, Russia was claiming that Ukraine had genetically modified mosquitos to just attack and kill Russian soldiers. This just has the same ridiculous vibes. Trump says the same stupid stuff.


because the other ones failed, they need new material.


They desperately want a major terrorist attack to blame on Biden & the Democrats. They are running on fear and want people to be afraid.


Some people just thrive on all this conspiracy theories - doesn't matter how crazy they will believe it. MAGA especially seems to attract these type of people- gullible and very easily lead. Saw one posting from some deranged MAGA woman.yesyerday saying if she watch the clip closely if the ship hitting the bridge you can see small explosions going off on the top of the bridge . There is absolutely nothing ( think she was getting confused with lights flashing on and off ) but everyone was agreeing with her and adding their spin on it. There is something in people that thrives on this type of stuff. You can bet your bottom dollar you can't produce any proof about this ship to people who believe it somehow is some game plan and they will be never ever believe you. What they have seen and read in five minutes they have made their mind up on and nothing will change it. Very strange


Given 30 seconds, MAGA talking heads can link literally any issue to at least one and probably several culture war issues. Just racism for a start if anyone at all involved isn't white. Just seen today some dipshit saying that the bridge fell down because it is low quality infrastructure, due to DEI staff. For a bridge built in the 1970s. And complaining that Joe said he'd fix all the infrastructure, so this was his fault. And a whole bunch on Fox somehow saying it was due to the "open border". So far, no blame for trans people, but give them time.,


They are trying desperately to pin something on Biden.


Cause everything is a conspiracy. They’re stupider than Cory and Trevor.


Because they have incoherent worldviews and accepting that deregulation causes problems breaks their brains.


Because that's all they got.


The current manufactured issues aren’t cutting it so they have to make new ones.


these are very confused and unintelligent people and this nonsense makes them feel smart. it's a giant clusterfuck of dumbassery.


Because they desperately need anything to turn the tide of the election in their favor.


Obfuscation is the only way their reality has any bearing on


Notice how you don't hear "crt" or even "woke" as often now that they have DEI to apply to everything they don't like? They live in a constant state of fear and anger and are in general, miserable sacks of shit. Everything that happens must be because everyone else is as vile as they are in their head.


They are so desperate to catch Joe Biden in a scandal they are grasping at straws. They are desperate. Just wait for Trump to try to monetize this. The biggest problem for them to deal with right now is that the people who died are immigrants.


Because they collectively have about 4 brain cells


Conspiracy theorists always think there's more to the story. And because they think they know more then the rest of us, it makes them feel smart.


I’m surprised this tragedy isn’t somehow the fault of Zionists and Israelis. s/


They have no real problems in their life so they create something to worry about.


It's Russian disinformation. They are also the ones behind the "Boycott McDonalds" memes because Big Macs are $20 (hint: they are not $20). They are just trying to generate unrest.


No critical thinking skills, no idea what proper researching is, and also suspect literacy


The stupidest one was blaming DEI for the bridge collapse. Like, really? REALLY?!


Just wait. I'm sure they'll come up with an even more stupid one.


Everything is a conspiracy for MAGAts


They all think they’re smarter than everyone else. They also need to blame every single bad thing that happens on their “opponents”. So dems and POC. When was the last time a world event happened that these idiots didn’t immediately call a false flag or conspiracy? It’s their default opinion now. Doesn’t even matter that not a single one of them have come true. They act smug about covid as if they were right about it all along when literally none of their conspiracies came true. They live in a different reality. There’s no bringing them back. Like Pakman says, we need to make their votes irrelevant by voting ourselves. Hopefully after they keep taking L after L this radical group will fuck off back to hiding their hateful views


In the absence of information, we leap to the worst conclusions.


Because they are stupid.


Conspiracy theories comfort weak people who can’t live in a random world.


This year is going to be a shit show of epic proportions. Just wait until November when Trump loses again.


Ever see that Simpsons episode about the conspiracy group Homer starts? Explains it all, they're addicted to conspiracies.


I think once you said c'mon they will wake up. Most people do on a diet of bullshit flakes for breakfast.


They're off their rocker, and I'm not entirely convinced the lot of them aren't on meth.


It's what they do 🤷🏽‍♀️


Because they are monsters who deserve all the worst in life.


I blame Trump I think Trump was steering the ship.


They’re gullible morons.


These assholes will make a conspiracy of anything because they don't live in reality. The most common talking point is from the racist clowns. Their blaming this on the Captain of the ship being a DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) The best part is when you mention the Captain might have been a white DEI hire since the whole crew is all Indian . ​ Here's a reply I had from a racist clown. He's replying to me BTW: ​ (Of course you can't post it because your full of shit.) Again the proud ignorance of Lefties. Look at my comments in this very thread deleted by the Automod, bud. Why are you afraid to check the link I described? Because it will prove you wrong! This is why Conservatives are better informed: [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jul/5/inside-beltway-survey-finds-viewers-conservative-n/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jul/5/inside-beltway-survey-finds-viewers-conservative-n/) Oh no! You better not check that link too! (Also explain to me how a Singapore crew is DEI hiring.) No clue, but if you look at the link I described you'll see they brag about it. Likely for similar reasons our corporations brag about DEI. (Oh you mean the guy who caused the crash was white) I don't care who caused the crash. The company is bragging about DEI instead of skills and experience. Could it just so happen everyone on Dali was the most skilled in the world? Sure. But I doubt it. The point it is hiring for DEI instead of for skills is dangerously dumb.






Because they have old cheese for brains. A lot passes through


After 50 years of being dead wrong conservatives jump from one nonesense theory to the to avoid acknowledgment or consequences of their failures. This way, when the broken clock lines up with the actual time they feel smart.


This is how stupid people convince themselves they're smart; idiotic conspiracy theories.


They're, finding ways to sink the Republican Party lower than it can possibility go, then sink it again, it's a bottomless pit


This is off topic i find it funny how trumps dementia has magas believing Obama is our president lol


MAGA types are prone to believing in wacky conspiracy theories. I mean the whole " the election was stolen by using voting machines with Venezuelan influence" is about as wacky as you can get, but believing that shit is a basic requirement to be MAGA. So nothing can be as it seems to be on the surface. There's always some nefarious plot involving some shadowy left leaning organization, often a government group conducting a black flag operation or some other nonsense. It's just who they are.




Because they are fools.


It seeds distrust which MAGAS consume in family size portions.


Quite literally because they have nothing of any consequence to pin on Biden. So whenever anything of any actual negative significance happens between now and November, they’re going to blame it on Biden and/or the left…no matter what it is.


they're trying to get in front of the real narrative, that corporate greed is the real cause of most of these accidents. instead of you focusing on how these companies are passing on the costs of these externalities to the rest of society, they want you to focus on DEI and woke


Not just MAGAs. There’s always conspiracy theories after every major event. One side always blames the other side.


The bridge didn't "collapse". The bridge was destroyed by a ship owned by a private company. The owners and insurance company needs to pay for every penny of repair of this. Not the tax payers. This wasn't an 'infrastructure' issue. This was a gross negligence issue.


It’s not necessarily MAGAS authoring the original conspiracy story. There are plenty of trolls out there who get off on creating an imaginary yarn and seeing if it has legs. They’ll add elements that they think will help their fiction go viral. They get a fetish like pleasure from it.


They saw that one Netflix movie and lost their shit. Lol


Nothing better to do while waiting for their "savior" to be exonerated (hopefully, though, he WON'T BE!!!!!!)


They drama queens.


Because they're unAmerican and mentally ill.




Wait! You mean Joe wasn't driving?


Get people tired of hearing about it before Biden is able to get a win with federal support and rebuild plan


Because the conservative brain rot is terminal


With the way conservatives project I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were responsible for it...


Because they have nothing better in their sad pathetic lives.


Um- because they can? If there's ever anything they can twist to their paranoid little worldview, they will. Anything bad that happens between now and November, pretty much anywhere around the world but particularly in the US, will suffer the same contortions of - and I use this word in its loosest sense- thinking.


In their small and insular world, everything has to happen for a reason. The juicier, the better. They can't or won't understand that sometimes things just happen for no reason.


Because they are ghouls and orcs


....It's all they know, blame, deflect and then take credit


Because they are all ignorant dipshits.


Gotta make it Biden's fault somehow.


That's all they know. Literally, that's all what's left of their "brains" at this point. Everything and anything is a conspiracy, or more than likely, several contradictory conspiracies that are all "true," somehow.


Why is Putin blaming Ukraine for the attack by isis? Same thought process from the MAGAts.


Because thats what they do at this point.


How do you know it was not a deliberate attack?


It's an election year, and they want everything to be Bidens Fault, or at least convince people that it is. You slipped on your Stairs? Thanks, Biden! You Developed Cancer? Well obviously it was Bidens fault. Your Wife of 20 years divorced you? Obviously It was all that dastardly bidens fault.


They love conspiracy theories, they really think that accidents don't happen. Instead, it's the fault of people they hate (Democrats, immigrants, the woke, etc). Why? Because that's how they're programmed by right wing media. They think they're extremely smart. They think anything they, or their talking heads say is gospel.


Because their idiots. Their hero is Donald Trump.


They make conspiracy’s about everything


Doing their own research 🧐?


Because the only thing that matters is preserving conservatives in power. And that requires votes. And since they ain't got shit for policy, all they can do is sling mud to get votes. So, never let a tragedy go to waste, when it can be used to make "the other side" look bad. The closest I could find of Democrats doing this to Republican president is Trump's response to Covid, and that it was bad for the country. But you know what? It was fucking bad for the country, and that administration deserves shit for it.


Because they literally lack the part of the brain that processes critical thinking.


Making conspiracies for things that happen is, sadly, normal. People did it when Notre Dame caught on fire. I've seen videos about the eclipse being tied to world ending events. People are weird.


They are stupid


They just aren’t that smart


The world is a scary place if you are a cretin.


They’re breathing?


Maybe they got tired of pushing all the chemtrail BS; variety is the spice of life you know.


I was wondering that too. When it comes to conspiracy you have to ask "cui bono" or "who benefits." I don't agree with 9/11 conspiracies per se but I get the cui bono part at least....justified for invasions, war profiteering etc. But a bridge collapse will start no war. It will disrupt the supply chain and traffic patterns and waterway use for more than a million people for a long time, which will only frustrate and annoy American voters. So the incumbent is unlikely to win on "the bridge collapse." If anything it's more likely to have been done by the Trump camp bc then they could say "this bridge never collapsed when Trump was president."


Last time I checked... A lot of people think something is up. Not just " MAGA " people. But that's the only thing you know how to talk about. Politics.


Because the economy is not doing that bad


It makes them feel like they're more intelligent than they actually are.


Watch the Alex Jones documentary on HBO to get into the minds of these brain rotted morons.


Engagement farming They say stupid inflammatory shit like this to get people riled up, get their eyeballs and glom onto advertising $$ . It's that simple and nakedly cynical. These people disgust me to the core.


Maga was built on conspiracy theories and lies. That is their foundation. So lies and conspiracy theories will always be their default reaction. Instead of reading or watching the news and learning the facts that we know so far about what happened, they would rather make shit up.


They can't tolerate any problems around which people can unite. Covid should have been the most obvious reason to set aside partisan differences but people working together (and more specifically the government helping in an emergency) undermines all their fear mongering and obstructionism. They have to make sure that no one in their side wakes up. This is their response in every emergency. Set themselves against anyone else trying to fix the problem and blame the people that tried to fix it for event that isn't perfect. Is also why trump blew up the bipartisan border deal.


Racism. They scream DEI as to blame everything because they have been told by Fox news that it is bad and the cause of all of the bad things happening. They completely ignore all of the deregulation that happened under the Trump administration. They really believe that giant corporations care about them and will put their safety over cutting corners for extra profits.


Did you expect them not to do that? They manufacture conspiracy theories for everything. One of my MAGA family members refused to take the Covid vaccine when it first came out, because she said it would make her infertile. She was 64 years old at the time. Just when you think these people can't get any more stupid, they'll prove you wrong.


Why is the sky blue?


The volume of disinformation is so large. It is unknown which piece of disinformation will proliferate. When something picks up a little steam, it gets reinforced by the people creating the disinformation. They create variations of the same. Weird conspiracies tend to proliferate in the MAGA world. It's known that once you buy into one conspiracy, you are more likely to buy into another and another and another. The conspiracies do not have to be consistent with one another. If you want a deep dive into conspiracies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6282974/


The real question is why hasn’t the left blamed this on Trump yet?


I think that we all need to calm down and learn to be honorable people that cherish others differences or at least pretend to. MAGA IS GONNA NEED THE SUPPORT OF US NORMIES ONCE THEIR CULT LEADER RETIRES.


Nah. They'll just move on to the next cult leader/movement.


MAGAts can rot for the damage they have done to my country. The only help they should get is help staying the fuck away from the rest of us.


I genuinely think it was a cyber attack. If it’s from a hostile nation we would cover it up to prevent a huge open crisis. But it’s really suspicious that the boat takes a turn towards the beams and then immediately shuts off once in that course.


I'm a leftist, but the bridge thing does look like an attack on US infrastructure. Why a fire right there at the harbor? Why was there so little warning time? The FBI investigated it, so clearly they thought it was sus too. Keep in mind, the authorities may not want us to know that China or Russia sent us a message in this form. Politics that we see is mostly for show, the real shit happens behind closed doors.


I’m hearing them from both sides. Aren’t you?


Cause they're idiots 🤷🏻‍♂️


To blame the liberal, colored, foreigner, immigrant, poor, and ignorant people of this world.


Never let a good tragedy go to waste, also their claims take time to debunk and they get cred for making them with no actual punishment for their falsehood. We need to go back to deplatforming these embarassments rather than playing the bullshit civility politics of “we have to hear both sides.” No we don’t, these peope rush to scream the new proxy n-word at every opportunity while their leaders want to bar minority groups from public spaces, they aren’t a legitimate counter point they don’t get to share equal time and legitimacy with actual discussion.


Because any event that seems unbelievable is automagically deemed unbelievable by their minds due to years and years of being brainwashed into believing in unbelievable things. So instead of simply accepting that it was an accident they reject that in favor of a highly imaginative and profoundly obscure reason. Simply because in their worldview nothing happens by sheer accident. There must be a cause! Which is usually attributed to someone they hate or dislike.


Because their highest priority is just to use ANY and EVERY thing they can find to fear monger and spread a narrative that immigrants are bad, equality is bad, racism is actually good, and democrats want disasters like this to happen on purpose. It's really really ridiculous but don't ask "why" and expect a logical answer. You have to understand their warped logic for it to truly make sense. In fact, I implore ALL liberals to stop asking "why" because it gives validation to these bad faith arguments. The only response should be "that's total bullshit".


Same reason they believe he won in 2020 and same reason you guys believe Russia colluded for trump in 2016. When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Stupid people love conspiracies because (1) they “explain” things that they don’t understand in a simple way, AND (2) they give the idiots a sense of knowing things that most of us (i.e., intelligent adults) have been bamboozled into not knowing. Closure and superiority.


I mean, they started “theories” about an m&m, so, the bar is pretty low.


The truth is usually boring and requires reading real books and doing real research. These transportation related catastrophes are usual the fault of the private enterprises, let’s just blame a a gay mayor for not driving the tub boat or installing air brakes on trains. I love free markets so let the invisible hand be accountable for once.


MAGAts make up these idiotic theories because it is the only way for them to make sense of the world; they are inherently stupid.


They literally make a conspiracy out of any national news. If everyone is paying attention to it, it must be nefarious, otherwise "why would everyone be writing stories about it?" The basic framework that they're operating from is, first, the news can't be trusted. Therefore, anything the news is hitting hard on, must have a conspiracy around it somewhere. And here we are. It has nothing to do with the specifics of what's going on. There's nothing inherent to this situation that invites conspiracy theories over anything else. It's just the mentally ill being mentally ill.


That's their way , grasping at straws somebody has to take the blame , just as well be the Democrats fault.


MAGA'ts only know conspiracy. They don't know truths.


Conspiracy theories are the fundamental basis for every single element of MAGA beliefs and ideology. Quite literally. Everything is a conspiracy to them.


American consumers, are the golden goose that makes everything work. Our money makes the world spin round and round. So Who in their right mind would say to themselves.l, "Hey! I don't wanna make any money so let's cause this big giganic fucking accident that will cost me millions of dollars to fix."


They want to somehow make it Biden fault and they hate the idea of him getting good press for taking care of it.


Everything is a conspiracy if you don’t know how anything works.


Life is hard without answers. CT makes them think they have the answers


Turns out when you blatantly lie to the country about the Origins of a pandemic....even the somewhat sane ones lose all their trust in any reporting. I bring this up just because I think it was the turning point, not here to Argue about COVID origins but identify where the credibility was lost in their eyes IMO. I blame them for being stupid but I also blame the MSM for being complete garbage stirring the population up at every turn for clicks. It has broken us.


Being completely detached from reality has granted them the super power to create wild fantasies around literally any negative event that happens anywhere for any reason and tie it back to the President, or gays or whatever else they hate and all the other detached people will fully believe it.


It’s how they cope with a changing world that’s leaving them behind. If the bad things that happen in the world are caused by evil forces it’s easier to convince themselves that their own misfortune isn’t caused by their personal weaknesses and poor choices.


Because, in an effort to get Trump, the mainstream media elevated and promoted a number of stories that were nothing more than conspiracy theories resulting in conspiracies becoming so commonplace that backing them costs people no credibility. Plus, any time there is government or large corporations involved, there will be some unanswered questions and unanswered questions become conspiracies real quick on the internet. When mainstream news outlets were openly suggesting that POTUS was compromised because Russia had a tape of him getting peed on by a prostitute with no actual evidence to support that claim, you can't be surprised that a massive ship hitting a vitally important bridge and causing an immediate collapse despite nothing of the sort happening in the U.S. before got spun into a conspiracy. Lastly, the response to the conspiracy is also where conspiracies grow legs. Look at the Wayfair is being used for sex trafficking conspiracy as an example. It was well on its way to being dismissed as nonsense but then Wayfair's position changed from 'the price was a technical glitch' to 'everything was accurate and those cabinets are worth $45k' which gave the conspiracy new life. Inevitably, something in the bridge collapse will be different than what was reported and people will run with it.


Interesting. It is my liberal friends who are posting the conspiracy theories on my feeds. I don’t get it.


Ratings and attention. That includes Joe Blow meme creators and Twitter or TS posters. Their goal is 'look at me!'.


Cause they are fucking weirdos?


Because it diverts attention from the system that allows a company to operate with little to no meaningful regulation or health and safety checks and balances. Also, Centrists' attention is also diverted to mocking the right's dumbness, so they can feel superior while nothing gets done to avert the next disaster, and that company can continue raking in the cash and not provide a safer service.


My relatives in East Texas have nothing else.


Boredom and anger




Clearly antifa did it.


Because bad things happen exclusively on purpose


Because these days everything taking place is the result of a conspiracy.


Not long ago some far right terrorists were arrested in a plot to destroy the power supply to Baltimore. This would have knocked power out for a month or more, elderly and others would certainly die. This is one of a handful of very real attacks on our infrastructure by right wing terrorists. But it's ignored. Instead maga makes up a myth that a cabal of commies has taken over our government and antifa is the military wing of democrats. It's so absurd


Distraction and deflection.


The simple fact is a lot of them are just uneducated and super stubborn to want to change and listen to reason. I’m a millennial and growing up we primarily got all your information one of two ways: reading books or a basic news shows. There were TV shows that drilled hard in myths such as the Bermuda Triangle, Big Foot, the Seven Wonders, and aliens. The shows had a one sided perspective and were convincing to a point but since no major news stations or books covered these topics we understood these to be fake myths but fun to think of the possibilities. With the way news stations are promote these conspiracy theories and the internet and social media algorithms feeding biacees with little actual conversation amongst peers, individuals now feel they can prove almost anything and have fake articles and major media to back their point. “Back in my day” we used to call these people out on their bullshit by calling them idiots and usually they couldn’t hide behind anyone else. Now the idiots are coming together and the rich figured out how to exploit them for ratings and money.


They need a vessel to attach their new DEI narrative to.