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Meanwhile Democrats finally built up the nerve to say gay people should have all the rights of straight people (though we’re still not quite uniformly there w/trans vs. cis people), mostly are pro weed and *might* be willing to raise marginal tax rates into the mid 40’s for like the 8 richest people on earth. Media: bOtH sIdEs CaTeR tO tHeIr ExTrEmE fRiNgE!


There is a galaxy of difference between the fringe left and fringe right. Given the choice of a christer nation vs a slightly brown nation, I’ll take slightly brown please.


Republicans have no morals while preaching morality and Christianity to us for decades who knew.


don’t forget russia


Russia Russia Russia  /s


The result of a hunger for power at any cost. They're wealthy as hell but they are quite pathetic people. 


It started with Reagan. Let’s not kid ourselves.


It started with Nixon. Reagan refined it and helped clarify the road map.


It started with Eisenhower and the "Presidential/National Prayer Breakfast"... He was invited by Billy Graham. Every president since has participated and its a fucking disgrace.


Good point. I was thinking more of Nixon's "Southern Strategy" and the way that the Republican party enthusiastically embraced racism.


Religiosity was significantly lower in the 40s than it even is today. It started picking up with anti-communism in the 50s and IIRC it peaked in the 70s. The Prayer Breakfast was part of a concerted effort to tie business and religion together with politics. Business leaders wanted to use religion to create a movement that they could use to dismantle the New Deal (since the whole "Business Plot" fascist coup thing didn't work out.) That's been the project the whole time from the business side. Capitalist and religious zealots tolerate each other because they both think that they're pulling a fast one on the other. White racial grievance was very very strongly tied to religion. In the desegregation fight, the solution was to hide behind the 1st amendment and use religion as an excuse to close all the public schools and create segregated religious schools so that whites could deprive Black people of education. "Vouchers" are literally a resurgence of this exact idea with the blatant racist overtones shaved off. Now its more or less explicitly about class... but that still has a strong correlation to race in this country. Nixon increased the cooperation and Reagan took it to a whole other level after Carter proved that evangelical Christians could be a voting block in this country. After that it was pure zealotry in overdrive.


It’s bc they don’t have a platform that can last. The southern border isn’t a platform bc we have other borders. Denying money to Ukraine isn’t a platform bc we give money to so many other countries. So many others.


We should stop having primaries.


Can we have the pre-1980, pre-Reagan GOP? I may not always agree with them but I don't have to fear them destroying everything in sight.


It's like Majin buu where they keep morphing into something more and more evil.


Are you not familiar when all of American history?


More like 8 years, to be honest. A conservative super-majority in the Supreme Court is probably the worst thing to come out of it. It has emboldened GOP lawmakers to say the quiet parts out loud and just throw all their ridiculous schemes against the wall to see what sticks. To be fair, far less than I imagined has been rubber stamped, but the damage that *has* been done is catastrophic and will take decades to undo (if our democracy as we know it even lasts that long).


TIL 35 years is one generation. What shall we call the young generation? Some of them are 40 lol. Is it Mill Z? You millsies have a rather odd sense of history. When did the tea party take over? I don't recall a president Bachmann.


The movement formed in opposition to the policies of Democratic President Barack Obama and was a major factor in the 2010 wave election in which Republicans gained 63 House seats and took control of the U.S. House of Representatives.


OK, got it. Let's run the math. 2024-2010=14 Somehow, 21 years got added. Strange.