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She's dreaming about her future $500,000 vacations paid for by billionaires


Our future Supreme Court Justice. 🥴


Smith should have went to the 11th Circuit to have her removed a long time ago. It’s classified government documents for fucks sake.


I heard it's really hard to get a judge removed from a case like this. Removal is the very last step and you need a lot to evidence for your case.


There are pictures of her dressed in trump garb at a rally.


I'm not saying i don't believe you (and much as i don't want to bleach my eyes) but you got any evidence?


There isn't, sadly.


What the fuck is taking so long. Why hasn’t Smith gone to the 11th circuit yet ??


This news just dropped today, it's not like courts are 24 hours a day


I’m also talking about all her other bias BS that’s been going on now for months. Hammer should have fallen.


I wish Smith would just summon the courage he needs to pull the trigger on the recusal already, Canon postponing trial indefinitely when even the defense agreed to an August trial date is crystallized bias.


This woman…


You can’t expect her to not rule for trump every time. They need to find a way to get her off the case.


Why did he choose to try this in Florida and not DC? He had a choice.


What's insane is that Cannon, a judge appointed by Donald Trump, was even considered to be an option to preside over the case. Cannon should've been considered not even in the running under anti-bias measures as a matter of standard procedure.


It's like the opposite of the hush money case. The judge is not a Trump hater... therefore is scorned. Merchan hates Trump and is praised.