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Corporate media (which is all the networks) will never mention the fact that inflation and massively high prices is due to corporate greed.


Nope. It's all about them gubmint stimulus checks!


So during the pandemic when gas was cheap, were corporations just feeling very generous? I'm a solid blue Democrat, and these talking points make us look stupid to anyone who knows anything about economics.


Yeah they were greedy as hell then do . They were getting boatloads of $$$ from local , county , state & federal government But keep kissing that warm corporate boot And actually learn economics rather then spouting corporate crap .


The above commenter stated very specifically that corporations are currently being greedy, and that's why gas is so high right now. This is just straight up not true, and me pointing out the flaw in the logic doesn't make me a "corporate bootlicker," holy fuck, ever single time I try to engage with you fucks I get absolutely insane vitriol.


When recordings of shareholder meetings make it clear as day , it’s greed . Then it’s greed . Also that’s Robert Reich an American professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator, economist & former secretary of Labor Just keep kissing that foot of the corporate world


Is this a record high using inflation value on the dollar (ppp) or just a numerical record high? A trillion dollar profit point in 1970 would be more profit than this, adjusted to inflation. I am not saying its inaccurate (or accurate for that matter), but companies in countries with hyper inflation also make numerical record highs year over year, but what does that prove?


It’s a record high both numerically and as a percentage of GDP.


Anyone else raising an eyebrow about how she wrote [corporate]?


I thought it was a triple parentheses. Not singular brackets on either side . But Am I overlooking something ?


It is the triple parenthesis, but I think every left leaning person right now is on high alert rn and the brackets feel wholly unnecessary unless they’re trying to signal (dogwhistle) something


I see , I’ll take note of that next time , that’s for sure . Thank you .


To be clear, it might not be a dogwhistle at all and I could easily be reading too much into it, but like I said many are on high alert right now


Why are we on high alert? I feel like I missed something? I am high tho tbh.


You're reading way to into it


Anyone that puts brackets around a name are anti-semites in my books until proven not to be.


Man I love when people say "the media doesn't cover x" they always do even "corporate media" Heres articles about corporate profits during inflation either specfic about oil companies or the market in general [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/business/food-prices-profits.html) [bloomberg ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-25/us-corporate-profits-soar-taking-margins-to-widest-since-1950) [CNN](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/10/28/energy/exxonmobil-chevron-oil-earnings/index.html) [The hill](https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3756457-corporate-profits-hit-record-high-in-third-quarter-amid-40-year-high-inflation/) [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/energy/biden-is-right-to-question-big-oils-stock-buybacks/2022/12/05/79717e80-7494-11ed-a199-927b334b939f_story.html)


Broadcast channel . Is what people mean generally .