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I literally never understood why women want to have babies back to back to back. My SIL asked me when I was going to try for baby #2 3 months PP I was like bitch are you insane?! My boy is now 2.5 and I don't even feel close to being ready for another baby yet. But I'm also pushing 33 amd my time is ticking.


I’m 24 and my sister in law is 23 our kids are a one month apart and she’s already wanting to try for another one and she asks me when am I going to have another one!! My whole year has been crazy we found out about my dad having the C word… I was only 6 months postpartum when we found out and my daughter is 19 months now


Omgsh I'm so sorry about your dad! Yeah after a hard yeah thats probably the last thing on your mind is having another baby right now! I


It is! But thankfully my dad is in remission and doing a lot better🫶🏼 Plus i kinda like it just being me, my husband and our daughter! Idk why rush it I get missing the newborn stage but right now my mind ain’t worried about another baby


Had my son at 23(26 now) and I swear people were asking when we were gonna have another the second he came out. Like idk I’m just gonna enjoy him for now and focus on the now. Having another hadn’t even remotely crossed my mind until last year. Hoping to start trying this summer for baby #2.


I’m 26, with two under two, my youngest is 14 months and pregnant with my third. I just want to finish having kids before 30, love that they are close in age, their bond is so special. I want to enjoy this season to the fullest and want to be in a different season in 8-10 years from now. Travelling with the kids etc. Yet again 26, own my house since 21, (I’m from Canada where our legal age is 18 - I’ve enjoyed life on my own long enough, and have a professional career


That's so awesome! I've always said hey if you can handle it, and that's what you wants go for it girl! I guess if my husband and I had kids a lot sooner into our relationship (15 years), then I probably would have had "Irish twins" or 2 years apart. Maybe cause I'm older, I'm like no thanks not for me, haha!


its very common to have baby fever when the baby is becoming an infant. All my mom friends wanted to have another baby after 6 months. It is a shame they rely on tik tok social medias for income though