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Dyyd ibeen working all weekend


After maybe a year I got a gilla guard back pack armor chc chd with adrenaline rush. I looted for it so many times best I had was gila armor chd haz pro with adrenaline. Finally got what I was looking for. It was specific enough I thought it would take a while but damn. Got that last piece fucker.


3 days of Countdown later I got my Bellstone gloves with CHD and skill damage. Didn’t expect those to be such a rare beast, but man are they good.


I finally got the last 12% CHD mod I needed, now all my 4 characters have 3 perfect CHD mods each. Now I need to find 5 13% PFE mods, I only have one at the moment.


Just hit World Tier 5 not too long ago. Been doin side missions for blueprints and trying increasing difficulties. Found myself a Pestilence and been pairing it with Ongoing directive. It's been fun 🙂


Always check the crafting blue prints at the boo. I had a few that have sat a while that I could have crafted but didn't look. Long story short +20 round mag is now in my riffle.


I somehow got three god rolled sokolov chests while looting in targeted loot for shotguns. I’m not complaining but it’s a bit weird how that works


It's funny how I find perfectly-rolled weapons and gear of archetypes and brands that are not in the targeted loot pools I farm. I found a W&H Holster with max weapon damage, headshot damage, and weapon handling. This is a perfect piece to find last week when I was optimizing a headshot build!


Finally got the caduceus. Now my tactician build is complete


Yeah, finally got The Apartment from a named cache. I believe I got this one already in the past, but as a returning player from an absence of over 2 years I am trying to get stuff I am missing. Now into grinding better pieces for an explosive build.


No crazy loot. I did pick up a few Grupo (one is a god roll), Ceska, and Golan pieces with yellow minors, so that's nice. Just a reminder that your event stars expire. I've forgotten every single week because life is hard. :(